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View Full Version : Gil Hodges jersey on ebay

11-02-2007, 07:00 PM
WOW!! This is one incredible jersey. I have photos from a couple 51 home Dodger jerseys and this one matches pretty well. The big boys will be lining up to buy this one for their auctions. I'm guessing it's a $20,000.00 jersey. Any thoughts?


http://cgi.ebay.com/1951-Brooklyn-Dodgers-Gil-Hodges-Game-Worn-Jersey_W0QQitemZ150177745057QQihZ005QQcategoryZ605 97QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

11-02-2007, 08:22 PM
Yeah, I saw it too...it does have some condition problems, small moth holes and stains, but it is what it is and will fetch a pretty penny....

11-03-2007, 01:55 AM
The number "14",is that the way it actually looks? It appears to have been stitched from a home sewing machine.

11-04-2007, 10:18 PM
the other question as with all dodgers unis is the issue of Wilson as MFR. Rawlings seems dominant mfr. Also, note the 1 on the back and it is hard to find a photo match of that stye of 1.
But, on the other side, there are some good things. Tagging looks right. Patch location look right.

11-05-2007, 09:41 AM
Here is a 1951 Dodgers home jersey that Leland's sold at auction manufactured by Rawlings:


11-05-2007, 10:18 AM
I'm certainly no expert on Flannel Dodgers Jersey's, but what looks right to me is the short (shorter) sleeves that was a trademark for Gil.

I too have to wonder about the numbering on the back, but again things were different back then and teams were much more frugal and that may also explain why it's entirely plausable that the Brooklyn Dodgers may have ordered their Jersey's from 2 different suppliers (assuming that they did).

On something like that, it would be prudent to have the right of refusal if it didn't pass the mustard upon authentication by someone other than LL.

Frankly, you would think that the seller would have already done that, i.e., spend a little time and money to get it authenticated by one of the trusted names in the industry.

11-05-2007, 10:23 AM
Here's a 1951 Team Photo and it does show Gil with short sleeves and in fact he appears to be the only one with said sleeves:


11-05-2007, 10:23 AM
On something like that, it would be prudent to have the right of refusal if it didn't pass the mustard upon authentication by someone other than LL.

pass the mustard?

11-05-2007, 10:56 AM
pass the mustard?

Maybe I should have phrased it Pass Mustard....

11-05-2007, 09:38 PM
Maybe I should have phrased it Pass Mustard....

or maybe you were wanting to use the phrase -"pass muster"?

11-05-2007, 10:23 PM
I prefer ketchup........or is that catsup?

11-05-2007, 10:37 PM
Man, what a tough audience....I will be playing twice nightly in the lounge:)

11-05-2007, 10:40 PM
Follow the link:


11-05-2007, 10:51 PM
"Pass muster" or "cut the mustard" would both be appropriate.

11-06-2007, 06:14 AM
I had one, not from 1951 but close. Here are some pics if it helps.

11-08-2007, 11:56 AM
So far I've been able to locate 5 1951 Dodgers home jerseys and all ahve beeen manufactured by Rawlings. Is it possible that some were manufactured by Wilson? Does nayone have any photo proof of this?


11-08-2007, 12:58 PM
Welcome to the mess of dodger jerseys of the 40's and 50's. I am looking at a collection right now of dodger shirts from late 40's and 50's with 4 different mfrs. I have spent a lot of time researching, and looking for photo matching. What i now believe, and this may be incredible but i think MEARS would say same thing, is that Dodgers actually purchased jerseys from different mfrs, even within a season. This would make them a unique team, but there is a lot of photo evidence of this.
On this jersey, there have been 2 other 51 Wilson home jerseys to surface. I have spent oodles of time looking to see if i can match some of the uniqueness of the jersey against photos, and not had any luck. The story told on the web site that the jerseys were put in a trunk and given to jersey teams is possible, but i find dubious because one of the other Wilson 51 jerseys to surface was a Branca. But it had a number change from 13 to 12. Branca only made that change in spring training the next year for the 52 season.
On a less grand scale, there are similar issues with some other dodger jerseys that have been or will be up for auction. Rawlings, Spalding, Wilson, Macgregor-Goldsmith. Even common player jerseys are all over the map.
The final challenge with the Wilson jerseys for 51 is that the only 3 to surface have all been stars. I think the Rawlings include star and common players.
What i would kill for if anyone has it is a dodger 51 road jersey. i have never seen one of these.

11-08-2007, 03:11 PM
Since I started this thread, I'll share what I know tonight when I get home.

If you have Mastro and Grey Flannel catalogs going back ten years you'll be able to find at least two Wilson 51 jerseys that match the Hodges. I know one was Duke Snider and I'm not sure of the other.

I've also seen other 51 Rawlings jerseys from the Dodgers as a lot of other members are stating. I don't believe I've seen any Rawlings with the National League patch on the shoulder, but I haven't been really looking.

I'll follow up tonight.


11-08-2007, 09:15 PM
thanks, yes other jersey was the Branca i was alluding to which has been in at least 3 auctions including Halpers. So 3 Wilson jerseys to surface are: Hodges, Snider and Branca and no commons.
In addition, Gray Flannel has Robinson from 51 with provenance and the jersey is rawlings. Which means that there now common and star 51 jerseys with rawlings.
Finally, to complicate things, Philip Weiss has a Hodges Spalding jersey for sale.
There are some distinguishing things in the 51 wilson vs 51 rawlings. Have been able to photo match Rawlings but not yet Wilson.
Mears has not written letters on any of the 51 Wilson jerseys.
Who knows, and i may yet bid, but it certainly says i would not stake my life that this jersey was for certain the ones worn in 51.
Great discussion!

11-08-2007, 09:40 PM
Here's the 51 Wilson Dodger jerseys I've seen:

Grey Flannel June 2000 Auction - Lot #7 Preacher Roe
Grey Flannel November 1999 Auction - Lot 499 Duke Snider

Both jerseys are exactly the same as the Hodges jersey. I also noticed a 51 road in a previous Mastro auction that had MacGregor tags.

I'm only stating what I've seen and have no clue what is accepted as the correct company for 51 Dodger jerseys.


11-11-2007, 08:35 PM
Jersey just sold for $13,100.09 to.............MEARS.


11-11-2007, 10:35 PM
This may hit twice! As one of the bidders, here was my thinking. I spent hours looking at photos. The tell tale mark on the jersey was the one on the back. I found over 30 photos of the 51 home dodgers that were clear. I did not find any with Hodges with that style 1 on the back, and the best i did was find one ambiguous photo of Reese that may have had that style 1.
After doing more research, it was also clear that the Wilson 51 homes had not done as well at auction as the Rawlings 51 homes meaning that perhaps the market too had some reason to be nervous around these jerseys. I decided it was worth something, but just not worth a bet the farm situation. I have spent a lot of time looking at 51 jerseys and i can say that the Grey Flannel Robinson i would bet a lot of $$ is authentic and perhaps photo matchable. That jersey is Rawlings.
I have a lot of respect for Mears, and i know in part they will have proof that the dodgers did jersey mix, and they are right. They will have proof that there are some odd things in photos from 51, and they will be right. But they will not have proof that these are the main jerseys worn.
They have been aggressive sometimes. They have said somethings about jerseys which i dont agree with (on a 52 Westrum being a 51 WS jersey). But I really think they are the best and generally a class act. I think that on this one, we will see how it is marketed and to which auction house.
If any of you any find a ROAD 51 Dodgers, that would be my collecting dream.
Thanks, and I am always willing to share my knowledge of older jerseys.

11-12-2007, 06:11 PM
so, one last on this. I have been looking at a dodger collection which includes 40's and 50's jerseys, mostly commons. Sure enough manufacturing labels are all over the map. It is really an impossible situation to find out what the Dodgers really doing with uniforms for a large part of this period. The only good news is that there are a ton of photos which can help match.
On the Gil Hodges jersey, for the record, i do think it will turn out to be worn, but i think that it will not turn out to be the jersey they wore most of the season. Based on the number style, my bet is that is rawlings for home.
Thanks for all the comments.

11-26-2007, 09:18 PM

Dave Grob posted his evaluation of the Hodges jersey on the MEARS website. It is very detailed and worth reading.