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View Full Version : Can you really remove an autograph from a jersey?

11-18-2005, 02:39 AM
Can you really remove an autograph from a jersey?

November 16 2005 at 4:15 PM Jim (jreed65844@aol.com) (Login jdr3 (http://www.network54.com/Profile/jdr3))

This ad is on the drop the gloves web site. Has anyone heard of this process?

Drop The Gloves has developed a proven system to remove those unwanted autographs, personalizations or stray markings from your game worn jerseys. Our system is safe and will not harm the jersey. Please be aware that this system only works for autographs or markings on the jersey material itself and does not work on twill numbers or logos.

http://www.dropthegloves.com/Services.htm (http://www.dropthegloves.com/Services.htm)


http://www.network54.com/PersonalPhotos/1124389793.JPG both-teams-played-hard (b-t-p-h@earthlink.net)
(Login both-teams-played-hard (http://www.network54.com/Profile/both-teams-played-hard))
Re: Can you really remove an autograph from a jersey?

November 16 2005, 4:32 PM
This has always been a popular topic on gameworn.net (hockey). Here is a link to their archives on the subject:
http://www.gameworn.net/cgi-bin/GW/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=do_search;search_in=ALL;search_ forum=ALL;search_words=removing%20autographs;match _all=yes;search_date=ALL;search_user=;File=temp-2453691-115916-6r2t.cgi;Total=;StartAt=12 (http://www.gameworn.net/cgi-bin/GW/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=do_search;search_in=ALL;search_ forum=ALL;search_words=removing%20autographs;match _all=yes;search_date=ALL;search_user=;File=temp-2453691-115916-6r2t.cgi;Total=;StartAt=12)

I've never tried this and it does seem risky...

G. Todd (biggamebird@yahoo.com)
(Login 33bird (http://www.network54.com/Profile/33bird))
I've done it..

November 16 2005, 5:55 PM
Adrian Dantley signed my jersey at a game and it looked terrible. I used rubbing alcohol and fingenail polish remover and 4 washings to remove it. You could faintly see where it use to be, but, yea it worked.