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01-06-2008, 04:49 PM
please humor me .

reading time is: 1 minute 20 seconds

im just sitting here thinking about years past (and more specifically last year) about the Warm Up (Jan 19,20 and 21).

a couple of things have been swirling around in the empty space that should be occupied by my brain.

looking through the auction list : http://stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com/stl/downloads/y2007/winter_warmup_08.pdf

i couldnt help but think that there seems to be a lack of quality items. to me it looks like a collection of lower end items from sub star players and a bunch of filler left over from previous years. there are a handful of premium GU items that will be availible for the live "stage" auction, but the silent auction doesnt wow me as a fan or a collector.

i somehow remember feeling that in the first several years, that the organization offered much better items and more of it.

who knows, just my two cents

part 2 of ramblefest:

ive been nearly every year. and every year it seems that the GU supply is much lower than it should be considering what other teams offer during their "garage sale" type of events.

last year i arrived a couple of hours early and was still standing in a line that seemed to have a couple of hundred people in front of me. i chalked this up to the World Series excitement and a lot of bandwagon fans trying to be part of the hoopla.

when i finally made my way to the GU store there was little to be had.

i noticed one guy had about 15 jerseys and a handful of other things (hats, bats etc...) and i remember thinking "wow, shouldnt there be a limit of some sort?". of course im being a little selfish and only half joking.

i also have a good friend that was given a dealers pass (from a nationally known dealer) to enter early and he was able to get into the store . hardly seems fair to allow dealers to pick through everything before hand.

my question is, to anyone that can shed some light on this, is do they allow dealers and other pre-opening admissions to go through the GU section?

i will be there again, as always, trying to add to my ever growing collection.
however its getting harder and harder to shell out the cash for the over inflated stuff the team is hocking in the name of charity.

some of the prices have simply gotten out of hand.

01-06-2008, 05:45 PM
I hear ya Don.

Even if you go to the Cards authentics store in the stadium, you will be astounded at the prices of gear - especially what they get for commons. Heck, a Skip Schumaker jersey was selling for $500 and I saw a Preston Wilson BP jersey at $500.

The Warmup is a place for the real fans to meet up and hang out for a few days (see you there, call me.) It is also a place for those with LARGE pocketbooks and wallets to shell out a fortune for Cardinals Care...what the event is really about. Honestly, I don't think there are that many high end items in the silent auction because Cards brass wants to appeal to the guy with a family too. That's me in a nutshell.

See, I am interested in a bat from Aaron Miles or Ryan Ludwick...or a hat from Anthony Reyes. If I see something like that, I'll pay $50 for it and feel pretty good that I got something. A few others that attend will not feel satisfied without parading around with a hammered Colby Rasmus or Pujols bat in tow. Those guys can sit at the live auction and have a little fun.

I think the Cards are trying to lure some of the newer collectors into the hobby with some entry level items - and possibly get them to shell out some duckets during the season for the Cesar Izturis opening day jersey that will go for close to $1,000 in late May.

You collect Lankford - and fortunately you are in a good place. His items are mid to low range and you got many of them very cheap probably. If Ray Ray was playing in 2008 with 1998 numbers...you might be collecting Aaron Miles or Ryan Ludwick. See - you got me ranting Donnie.


01-06-2008, 07:03 PM
yeah, im not a high end guy either (maybe in spirit but not with the check book) i only bring a few hundred dollars with me and hope that its enough to land an item im interested in.

i dont have to have an Edmonds jersey to feel like i scored something but at the same time i generally wont waste my money on a Braden Looper sunday cap. id like ,like you said, maybe a Reyes cap or a Duncan bat (which, i think, they are offering). doesnt have to be a $2,000 Pujols bat or whatever.

i enjoy the middle of the road items (as im sure most collectors do) because of cost and player popularity. semi star players that are affordable. again, im sure most legit collectors fall into this catagory.

id just like to see more BP jerseys , common bats, pants, etc..(past and present). surely the team has a ton of these items that dont make it out of the clubhouse (by the player or taken to other charity events). i may be assuming too much however.

you are correct about Rays items. i am fortunate in amny regards that his items have stayed "relatively cheap" for him being an above average player. he, along with several others, are often overlooked and are affordable star type players.

i totally get it when it comes to the hobby and teams/ memorabillia powerhouses try to get every last cent they can for a certain item, however, what i dont get is when "XYZ" item is normally $50 in the open market and you demand 6X that amount. it doesnt add up.....but someone with a large amount of disposable income will come along and justify it. .......thats all a different story for another thread.

all in all i really enjoy the WWU and look forward to it each year.

Dave i will definately get in touch and see you there.

i encourage anyone else with WWU stories to chime in. it doesnt have to be a soapbox stand like mine. im just very passionate about the hobby. sorry.

01-06-2008, 07:44 PM
Past WWU scores and outbids:

Bobby Bonilla GU bat - $50
Matt Morris signed GU Road hat 0 $50?
Brian Jordan GU bat - $110

Edmonds GU bat - outbid at $400...I think it went for $1300 - Nutty, right?

1982 WS signed ball - outbid at $200

a few other minor stars, most were traded or sold long ago....


01-06-2008, 08:11 PM

Dealers don't get to go into the store before the show, but they are allowed to line up outside the store before it opens. In the old days, dealers got to go through the store on set-up day (Friday night). In recent years, they haven't been allowed in until 9 a.m. Saturday. In fact, they will let the fans into the store and keep the dealers at bay a few seconds. So, they do have some advantage over the people at the back of the line... but it's not like they're picking over everything before the show begins. If you're one of the first 20 people in line, you'll likely get into the store before the waiting dealers.

01-06-2008, 08:14 PM
prime example of what is sort'a a turn off , for me at least, at this event.

$1300 for a Jim Edmonds GU bat. awsome piece to have, but not for my house payment.

its very discouraging to place a bid that you feel is a damn good bid, only to have Joe crazy fan blow you straight out of the damn water with an absurd number.

again, for those (and not to say that anyone has or will) that say its for charity. yes, i understand that, but there are those dealers and collectors that use those figures and try to apply them to the hobby as a general rule.

i had a guy try to sell me (on Monday) a Brian Jordan bat he purchased/ won (via silent auction) on saturday. the wierd thing was, i had actually bid on this and knew what the final bid was. he claimed that "all" of BJ's bats were going for (what he was asking for) and that it was a bargin.

....i declained and told him he was crazy. im generally only as friendly/ honest as the dealer is to me. many, i find, are quite brash and arrogant.

Dave, are you going all three days? Just Saturday? Sunday? im definately up for meeting for lunch or something. if anyone else is interested, please feel free to invite yourself.

01-06-2008, 08:21 PM

Dealers don't get to go into the store before the show, but they are allowed to line up outside the store before it opens. In the old days, dealers got to go through the store on set-up day (Friday night). In recent years, they haven't been allowed in until 9 a.m. Saturday. In fact, they will let the fans into the store and keep the dealers at bay a few seconds. So, they do have some advantage over the people at the back of the line... but it's not like they're picking over everything before the show begins. If you're one of the first 20 people in line, you'll likely get into the store before the waiting dealers.

thanks for the info Jeff.

i kind of had you in mind when i was asking that question and hoped that you'd respond.

i seriously may camp out this year just to see what it brings me (if the hotel will allow it). ...they'll probably have nothing more than a Dave McKay road jersey. i'll take my chances i suppose.

01-06-2008, 08:25 PM
I'll probably go on Saturday. My blood pressure is not up for 3 full days bandwagon fans and overpriced memorabilia. I would like to see the LaRussa/Mozeliak Q& A session...and maybe get in line to have a few bats signed.

Call me anytime Don. You have my email addy too. I'll get my number to you before the Warmup.

Oh - and the Edmonds bat? Split in two pieces. I'll bet Jeff Remembers it - I think it was 2003. I know that a Rolen bat went for $1200 too. Like I said, it's not about the value or collectability of an item...it is the thrill some people get out of spending a big chunk of cash on something that not many people can afford on the spot.

I think I am taking $200 and leaving the credit cards at home.

Might be a good idea to leave the wife home too!


01-06-2008, 08:28 PM
Oh - and I just sold a Brian Jordan bat to a forum member for $50...and it was a nice one. He was a great player, really uderrated in STL, and his stuff should go for more, but there is no market here. Most of the game used people here now want 2004-now stuff, not guys like Lankford, Gant, Jordan, Deshields or Pagnozzi. That's fine - I'll take 'em!

01-06-2008, 08:43 PM
Like I said, it's not about the value or collectability of an item...it is the thrill some people get out of spending a big chunk of cash on something that not many people can afford on the spot.

Might be a good idea to leave the wife home too!


i personally do not subscribe to this brand of excitement :)

my wife doesnt attend many...or any shows or auctions anymore. she'd rather watch paint dry (she claims).

she use to go (about 10-15 years ago, we were in our early twenties). Tom Urbani and and Jeff Parrett had her cornered at the Ritnour High charity deal one time and i thought id never see her again. she also had a huge crush on a young Matt Morris and Mark Sweeney. again, i thought Morris was going to abduct her. in hind sight, i couldve scored a ton of Lankford stuff from the whole deal.


01-06-2008, 09:15 PM

Please bring at least $200... to buy my bats! :)

I don't remember the last auction I won at the Warmup. Never won a live auction and it's been a long time since I scored at the silent auction. The bidding does get crazy. What really gets me are the people who will get outbid on a Rolen bat at $1,100 and then walk right past the Rolen bat on my rack for $500 -- purchased from the team with a team LOA. I know they can deduct part of the price as a charitable donation if they win an auction, but c'mon. Makes me wonder if hey really want the bat or just want to win the bidding.

When I talked to the Cardinals Care volunteers at the stadium auction near season's end, I got the impression the store would have lots of jerseys this year but hardly any bats.

01-06-2008, 11:04 PM
Hey Guys,
I will be at the WWU all 3 days this year, as every other year. Everything you all have said is true about the memorabilia. I usually just use the weekend to get a few autographs and mainly get some "baseball time" in the middle of the long winter. I hope this years crowd will be down some, but for some reason I doubt it will. See you there.


01-08-2008, 10:50 AM
i was just browsing the team website and they still do not have any autograph info.

dont they normally have it available by now?

in years past the "early bird" auto sales were held the Saturday before (the event weekend) and you had a couple of days to decide on what or who you wanted to stand in line all morning for.

just curious if its me who is lost.

01-08-2008, 11:14 AM
Is this the event where Pujols does a signing for $?

01-08-2008, 12:02 PM
Last year, Albert signed ONLY 8x10's and baseballs for $150...I think he left early for a flight - the really lucky ones got one.


01-08-2008, 08:41 PM
is the team going to have that little store with $75 jerseys, $100+Jackets, and bats and hats?

01-08-2008, 11:37 PM
i was just browsing the team website and they still do not have any autograph info.

dont they normally have it available by now?

in years past the "early bird" auto sales were held the Saturday before (the event weekend) and you had a couple of days to decide on what or who you wanted to stand in line all morning for.

just curious if its me who is lost.

Seems like last year it was Thursday night or maybe even Friday sometime before they posted the autograph prices. They always wait until the last minute.


01-10-2008, 04:05 PM
List of signers and prices is posted:


Pujols is $175 this year.

01-10-2008, 05:44 PM

gouging in the name of charity.

Yadier Molina is $90.........$90!!!! OUCH!!

WTF is Cardinals Care thinking?? sad thing is, a bunch of psycho housewives are going to pay it.

LaRussa is $30 and a good value. even Pujols @ $175 isnt that horrible considering how much his stuff is going for, but damn.

bench/ platoon players are going for $50 +.

i bitch about it every year and every year it seems to get more out of hand.

i may see what i can get at the auction or buy a couple of bats from Jeff. at least i know i wont get taken for every cent i have in the bank.

01-10-2008, 05:52 PM
Man, some of those guys are cheap too...Brendan Ryan is only $10. Not bad.

Then again, Yadier Molina is $90 and Chris Carpenter is still $75

Also, note that Pujols will only sign balls and 8x10's. He is really doing the hobby a favor by limiting the amount of stuff he signs. I can't say I blame him. He is also signing from 12-2pm Monday, so prepare to take the day off work or take the kids out of school if you want to see him.+

One more note: Colby Rasmus is only charging $30, and after the end of this season, that may be a HUGE bargain.


01-10-2008, 08:14 PM
Man, some of those guys are cheap too...Brendan Ryan is only $10. Not bad.

Then again, Yadier Molina is $90 and Chris Carpenter is still $75

Also, note that Pujols will only sign balls and 8x10's. He is really doing the hobby a favor by limiting the amount of stuff he signs. I can't say I blame him. He is also signing from 12-2pm Monday, so prepare to take the day off work or take the kids out of school if you want to see him.+

One more note: Colby Rasmus is only charging $30, and after the end of this season, that may be a HUGE bargain.


i was kind of in a hurry during my last post, but Dave i agree about Pujols. balls and photos are fine. i guess you'll have to shell out a couple of bucks if you want a jersey or bat from the Pujols foundation.

as crazy as it sounds (at least to my wife) i would pay $175 for Pujols before i paid for most anyone else. i have a couple of days to think about it.

i would really like to have Molina, but not for that. sorry.

i actually said to a guy the other day that Rasmus would not be free. he said no way. should have put some cash on it.

i know with all of the crazy hype (especially since Edmonds was traded) the organization would try to cash in on that.

...sure enough , he's $30.

ive spent a ton of money on guys who i thought for sure would be huge, or at least good players. i have a couple of boxes full of signed balls (of players) that are worth very little (financially and otherwise)

where the hell is Ray?? i was thinking the other day that it would be incredible (to me at least) if Ray, Jordan, Gant and somebody like Eric Davis would come to this event.

wishful thinking.

01-10-2008, 09:04 PM
I have to say I am very disappointed in the pricing this year. After a bad season and so far grim offseason, the prices are record high. As posted earlier, $90 for Molina is rediculous, and most bench players. Charity is great, but this is getting out of hand. Almost all other teams that have fanfests charge very little to get in and autographs are free. Oh well, I am done ranting and I am sure I will be spending with everyone else.


01-10-2008, 09:04 PM
and so far........NO Rolen on the list.


01-10-2008, 09:23 PM
The problem is that Cardinals fans are nuts. We love our team and they can do nothing wrong. Im as guilty as the rest but honestly this is out of hand. Brendan Ryan $50.00, is ridiculous. This guy is Mike Gallego 10 years later, a utility infielder. I guess its all for a good cause but I wont be getting autographs. I do look forward to seeing everyone there though.


01-10-2008, 09:35 PM
The problem is that Cardinals fans are nuts. We love our team and they can do nothing wrong. Im as guilty as the rest but honestly this is out of hand. Brendan Ryan $50.00, is ridiculous. This guy is Mike Gallego 10 years later, a utility infielder. I guess its all for a good cause but I wont be getting autographs. I do look forward to seeing everyone there though.


Hey Billy,
Brendan Ryan is only $10 but most are out of hand, like you said.

Anyone going to the early bird sale?

01-10-2008, 09:44 PM
That's funny Donnie. I think Ray still has a home here...but something tells me his absence is related to Larussa - as is Gant and probably Jordan...and ROLEN.

I give Tony all the credit for not backing down an inch to players who make 5 times what he does. He is one of only a handful of managers that could have put that tattered lineup on the field against a GREAT Detroit team to win in '06.

I always look for Ray at signings - I have some bats for him...but none - ever. His appearances are as rare as his All Star clothing/bats.

I really don't go to the WW for the stuff anyway. I go because I am a baseball junkie and the warmup is like a spike full of black tar heroin that will get me going until pitchers and catchers report.

To anyone who is going, email me bigtruck260@centurytel.net
I want to meet as many of you as possible. Looks like I am making the trip by myself this year...sad, but most of my friends are actually more broke than I am.:o


01-10-2008, 10:00 PM
Hey guys, I wish I could make the trip to the warm up, maybe one of these years.

If any of the dealers have any Gant stuff please let me know. I was able to get a great bat thanks to Jeff and Dave a couple months ago, would love to add some more!


01-10-2008, 10:01 PM
Sorry about that guys I guess i read it wrong.

What is the early bird thing? Do they sell gameused items.

Are all game used item auctioned off or are some of them actually for sale? If so what kind of items are they?

Ive never been to the winter warm up and im fairly new to the game used world so sorry if my questions seem dumb.

01-10-2008, 10:18 PM
Sorry about that guys I guess i read it wrong.

What is the early bird thing? Do they sell gameused items.

Are all game used item auctioned off or are some of them actually for sale? If so what kind of items are they?

Ive never been to the winter warm up and im fairly new to the game used world so sorry if my questions seem dumb.

Hey Billy,
the early bird sale is Saturday morning and only for admission/autograph tickets for next weekend. At the WWU there is usually some GU stuff for sale (usually common/former players, bats, hats, few jerseys) and some usually more popular players stuff for silent and live auctions. In the years past there has been a HUGE HUGE crowd, you can hardly walk in most areas. stlcardinals.com has details


01-11-2008, 11:50 AM
Just a few random observations about the auto guests and prices...
Cardinals Care lost three of their "money tickets" this year. Eckstein ($125 last year), Edmonds and Rolen (both $90 last year) will not be at this year's event. Considering those guys all sold out last year, that's a ton of money CC won't be getting this year.
Last year, they sold scratch-off raffle tickets (2 for $1) for an Edmonds, Carpenter or Rolen autograph chance. Not selling any such thing this year, so that's a loss of income. Still selling $1 scratch-offs to win a Pujols.
Molina was not at last year's WWU. Seems they're trying to compensate for the loss of Edmonds by charging his price for Yadi. For the record, I've seen Yadi at one show since the '06WS, and his price was pretty much the same. It's high, but people will pay it.
Ankiel and Isringhausen weren't at the show last year, so their $55/40 fees will make up for Rolen's absence. Given Ankiel's popularity, I'm shocked they're not charging $90 for him.
Guys who went up in price: Duncan (30 to 40), LaRussa (25 to 30), Looper (10 to 25), Pujols (150 to 175), Rasmus (free to 30), Ryan (0 to 10) Schoendienst (55 to 60), Schumaker (free to 5), Wainwright (50 to 80).
Guys who went down in price: Tyler Johnson (10 to 5), Kinney (10 to 5), Reyes (30 to 10), Carpenter (90 to 75).
Guys who are the same: Flores (10), Herzog (50), Miles (15), Spiezio (50), Thompson (10). Miles and Spiezio didn't show last year because of the weather.
There are 26 "for fee" autographs and 45 freebies this year. Last year, there were 25 "for fee" autographs and 39 freebies.
If you bought one ticket for each guest this year, you'd spend $955. Last year, you'd have spent $1,115.I agree some of the individual prices are just stupid. But, overall, you could make the argument that costs are actually lower and there are more free guests. Granted, there are fewer "stars" at this year's show, but the $300+ people spent on Edmonds, Rolen and Eckstein autographs last year can be used for other things this year.

If I could make one change, I'd eliminate the free autographs and charge less for the stars. Here's my thinking. If you've ever tried to get a free signature, you know the lines are LONG and often get cut off before you can even get in line. Very frustrating. If CC charged just $5 for these guys instead of nothing, the lines would be more manageable and everyone who bought a ticket would be guaranteed an autograph. With the income raised by the nominal $5 fees, you could afford to lower the cost of other autograph fees. For example, if this year's 45 freebies were $5 each and CC sold just 100 tickets for each guy on average, that would generate $22,500.

With $22,500 to work with, assuming your stars can sell 300 tickets each, CC could reduce six players' fees $10 each and one player $15 and come out even. These lower ticket costs could lead to even more income for CC because many people who, for example, won't pay $90 for Molina might pay $75. That's $75 more than CC would have received had they not lowered the price.

I know CC likes to have free autographs because it looks like good PR. What they don't seem to consider is the poor PR they get from overcharging on other guys, as well as the poor PR created by angry fans who can't get the free autographs or are forced to stand in line two hours to get Tom Lawless.

If you ran the WWU, what would you do differently?

01-11-2008, 01:44 PM
Jeff -

That was an awesome breakdown. You should have taught a business class at Webster when I was there.

I think I would have the the clubhouse attendants keep aside several good player bats during the season - or at least make sure the players put a few more used items aside for the warmup. There will be no shortage of folks bidding on these items. Maybe by offering more in the way of GU itmes, the prices on bats, jerseys, hats and spikes could spread out a little more and entice more people to bid. I am NOT placing a bid on a Duncan bat that is higher than $200. It's just not worth it for me...though the Cards Authentics Store was selling a busted one for $400 last year.

Limit the amount of dealers. This is the highest traffic area - or at least spread them out a little. I understand that this is a money maker...it is also what makes my blood pressure boil. Too many card dealers offering the same product - and most of them jack up prices for the event.Not to mention some of the dealers are the same ones that sell nothing at local shows...and they can be very agressive (not in a good way). They are not all kid-friendly and DO NOT mention eBay.:eek:

The guy with all the bats is a good guy - his pricing is fair.;)

Change the venue. Why does it have to be at the Millenium? If it was at a larger facility, much more could be done - including exhibits and clinics, etc. The store could be expanded, etc. What about the Dome?

Otherwise, I'm there Saturday.


01-11-2008, 03:17 PM
Wife just called - Her Grandmother is not doing so good...say prayers if you feel like it. Next weekend for me will depend on how this situation pans out...it stinks, but some things have priority. I enjoy sleeping in my own bed.


01-11-2008, 07:08 PM
That bat guy is a pretty good guy:D . His prices are more than fair and has a great product. I just wish he would have read my mind and kept that Colby Rasmus bat I wanted to buy but didnt pull the trigger on. Ive heard of Buyers and sellers remorse but darn the I should have bought it remorse hurts the most. A great seller but a horrible mind reader:)

01-12-2008, 08:29 PM
Anyone go to the early auto ticket sale today?


01-13-2008, 12:12 AM
I was in line a little before 6:00 a.m. What do you want to know?


01-13-2008, 04:19 PM
I was just wondering if anyone else went. I was in line at 8:45 Friday night.

Stlstuff- were you able to get any tickets you wanted?


01-13-2008, 09:30 PM
I am probably back in the game. Donny - I will stay in touch.
See everyone else there if you are going to be in on Saturday. I might even have my little guy with me if he can behave.


01-14-2008, 10:46 PM
Hey Guys

I'm new around here, and a huge Cardinals fan. I'll be flying in from California. I attended in 2006 but couldn't get there last year. Too bad because I have an Edmonds item I would have loved to get him to sign. Looking forward to the whole thing, big crowds and all......

01-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Anyone checking out the Cardinals Caravans, I think I'll be making it to one of them. It says autographs for children, hoping they open it up to everyone after awhile though, little worried.

01-14-2008, 11:19 PM
i am seriously thinking about getting in line around 2 - 3am.

im trying to psyche myself up . i havent done the semi camp out thing in a few years.

i really, really want to get into the team store before everything disappears.

01-15-2008, 12:05 AM
2-3 am? Is it going to be that bad that in order to try and get games used stuff I have to stay up all night? Im not so sure about this!

01-15-2008, 11:36 AM
i am seriously thinking about getting in line around 2 - 3am.

im trying to psyche myself up . i havent done the semi camp out thing in a few years.

i really, really want to get into the team store before everything disappears.

I am getting there after a good breakfast and then to the leftovers. I am really interested in snagging something from Juan Encarnacion. The most underrated player in Cards recent history.

Donnie - there is going to be snow on the ground man. Bring a habachi.


01-15-2008, 11:44 AM
with what ive seen over the last couple of years, the decent stuff flies out of the store very, very quickly.

if you're not the first couple dozen folks in line, you have little hope of getting some of the better items (in my opinion)

i was able to find some nice GU hats with , say, DK57 or the flag. i also saw a couple if GU Izzy hats left. however, at least for me, not alot of what i wanted.

i did see somebody walk out with a Larry Walker GU bat while i was in line. and another guy who was loaded down with GU jerseys, bats, hats......you name it. and thats what im trying to avoid this time around.

you can still pick up some stuff from lower tier players, relief pitchers and former obscure guys well after the initial rush.

after about 30 minutes to an hour, the place looks like a tornado rolled through it, so you really have to dig and force your way into certain areas.

the place isnt that big to start with.

good luck!!

01-15-2008, 12:07 PM
I am getting there after a good breakfast and then to the leftovers. I am really interested in snagging something from Juan Encarnacion. The most underrated player in Cards recent history.

Donnie - there is going to be snow on the ground man. Bring a habachi.


funny that you say that.

the friday night/ saturday morning of the WWU last year we had that huge ice storm. i was without electric for the whole weekend and felt bad about leaving the wife and kids at home. hope we have better luck this year.

if i see something, i'll call to see if youre interested in it. that way i can scoop it up if you'd like.

im certain that i'll be disappointed with what the store has and i'll be getting down there, sitting on my dead ass for nothing. thats just my luck.

i am looking forward to meeting you and Jeff, so all will not be lost.

01-15-2008, 01:04 PM
As a die hard CUBS fan living in STL, I was considering going this weekend to check out was kind of GU items would be on hand. I have gained a lot of respect for many of the CARDS players over the years, but I don't think it's going to be worth it form me.

01-15-2008, 01:13 PM
If anyone sees a Brendan Ryan hat for under $50, please grab it for me!!! It will go nice with my gu home jersey I just got


01-16-2008, 08:13 PM
hae read all the post to the winter warm up.... i understand and hear all.... i will be there all three days and only looking to get 2 brendan ryan (bat and game used bat signed) and a joel pinerio ball signed and a matt clement ball signed and a troy glaus ball signed... then there are 6 freebies wanting to get
jason laure
byran anderson (future catcher for the cards)
brian bradon
brian brendon
kerry robinson
thats all
last year i won the jason marquise signed game used bat and larry walker mlb game used bat.......... i am gonna try and see what baseballs the cardinals care/game used store might have.... there are actually a lot of silent auction items i will be looking to add to my collection........ hope to see all there i will have a black computer type bag around my shoulder all weekend with a metal tag on with my business card in it feel free to say hello.................. GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF i can help anyone out with anything feel free to ask and i have a juan game used sam bat for the person who said they wanted something from him let me know if we can work out a trade or i will sell it to you for what i paid..........

01-16-2008, 09:40 PM
I think Yadi will be the Cards catcher for a while...

He will proably never be a big hitter, and that will keep his price range affordable. He is too young, a fan favorite and a stud behind the plate.


01-16-2008, 09:42 PM
By the way, I was looking for a Juan bat, but you never sent me the photos...a Blonde SAM?


01-17-2008, 10:47 AM
just thought id give everyone a heads up.


im starting to get a little more excited with each passing day.

not really looking forward to getting there early, but that goes with the territory.

01-17-2008, 10:50 AM
sorry, something i forgot.

the above link is for the WWu schedule.

looks like Troy Glaus will be there Saturday.

and Colby Rasmus isnt signing until 3pm on Sunday.

01-18-2008, 12:19 AM
yes the juan bat is blone i can bring it to the winter warm up if you like let me know asap i will be there all three days just let mw know email me at

01-18-2008, 12:56 PM
Hey all!

It looks like I will be there Saturday after all. Thanks for the pep-talk Jeff.
If anyone is interested in meeting/having some Pepsi/food, etc.
email me at the following addys:


And I will give you my Cell number.
Look forward to meeing you guys.


01-19-2008, 06:10 PM
I was there from 1 to 3 and it was a pretty normal warm up I thought.

I picked up a Preston Wilson Game Used BP Jersey, Jose Oquendo Game Used Sunday Hat, and Juan Encarnacion Game Used Home Hat

01-19-2008, 07:15 PM
I saw you - I think. I had that Wilson jersey in my hand for a second, actually. Are you a bearded person?

It was not NEARLY as bad as I thought. Though, I did not get in line for the autographs - but I saw Jeff running around like a madman in there. He is a hard worker!

I got there about 10:30 and stayed until 2:30. Most of the big names were gone from the store, but I got a few things:

Juan Encarnacion - Home FLAG hat
Anthony Reyes - Alternate hat
Josh Hancock - Alternate hat

HOME left handed helmet
AWAY right handed helmet

Chris Duncan Issued/signed bat.

All told, I spent $250

And I met a few of you guys. A pretty fun day, and GREAT to see the response STL gave to our newest Bird - Troy Glaus. Seems like a real nice kid.


01-19-2008, 07:32 PM
I think I saw the same guy with the Wilson jersey. I saw him with it when I was in line outside, and I thought he was going to buy it, but he put it back. There were quite a few Gary Bennett, Dave Duncan, and bullpen catcher Jeff Murphy hats, and maybe 4 Mark DeJohn jerseys which was interesting to see. It seemed like all of the better jerseys were being sold at a Cardinals booth for somewhere in between 200-500 dollars.

Do you think they are going to restock the store, or at least the jerseys for Sunday and Monday?

01-19-2008, 07:36 PM
I saw you - I think. I had that Wilson jersey in my hand for a second, actually. Are you a bearded person?

It was not NEARLY as bad as I thought. Though, I did not get in line for the autographs - but I saw Jeff running around like a madman in there. He is a hard worker!

I got there about 10:30 and stayed until 2:30. Most of the big names were gone from the store, but I got a few things:

Juan Encarnacion - Home FLAG hat
Anthony Reyes - Alternate hat
Josh Hancock - Alternate hat

HOME left handed helmet
AWAY right handed helmet

Chris Duncan Issued/signed bat.

All told, I spent $250

And I met a few of you guys. A pretty fun day, and GREAT to see the response STL gave to our newest Bird - Troy Glaus. Seems like a real nice kid.


How much were the hats they had?

01-19-2008, 07:58 PM
75:without patches
100: Civil Rights
125: with patches (either Annagural Busch Stadium or Josh Hancock)

01-19-2008, 08:02 PM
They don't restock the store. The inventory tomorrow will be whatever was left at the end of the day today.

Sorry we couldn't visit longer, Dave. It was a crazy day. Can't believe you didn't buy that Lankford WS jersey. You know Donnie's going to beat you to it now.

01-19-2008, 08:21 PM
Ok now Im really mad I didnt go. I over slept and woke up at 740 and figured the would be nothing left and no reason to go.

A Lankford WS jersey???????? I thought it was just stuff from the past year?

Who got the all the good stuff?

01-19-2008, 09:06 PM
wow, $20 for helmets. did they have any numbers on the backs? or tell you what player they are from?

01-19-2008, 09:17 PM
when I was there, I only saw one with a number, Kelly Stinnett I believe, and it was a catcher's helmet (the old kind)

most of the helmets were catchers types or flapless. some had one flap, but the majority of those didnt have a logo.

01-19-2008, 10:13 PM
The Lankford WS jersey was at a dealer's booth, not in the store. The store had a couple jerseys that dated back as far as 2001, but most of the items were from the past season or two.

Sorry you missed it, Billy.

01-19-2008, 10:19 PM
Great stuff guys! It's fun to see how everyone is doing at the team sale's.

Did any of the dealers have any Ron Gant stuff?


01-19-2008, 10:50 PM
Abe, I didn't see any Gant items. Sorry.

01-20-2008, 02:04 AM
Jeff -

Funny you mention Donnie. I didn't get to tell you that we talked several times throughout the day. I know he is a Lankford - only stocker...so I told him he would have dibs on it. I can respect that. He alerted me to it first - so as far as I was concered, he marked it. I we weren't friends - I might have snatched it up.

The bats in the "store" were rubbish for $25. When I got there, there were 3. An FP Santangelo (which I am certain I saw in 2003) and two others with damage so bad that the only befefit would be an exspensive tomato stake. Most of the jerseys were issued and unworn. I nearly bought the Benes brothers set for $150 - but laid off...

Now - the auctions had some nice stuff. However, the bats (again) were totally wrecked. I saw a Duncan that was nearly split in two, and I actually bid on an Encarnacion bat - and afterward noticed that it was shattered beyond any repair job. Thankfully, someone else outbid me with less than 15 minutes remaining. The Pujols bat for the live auction was also shattered terribly.

The Authentics store moved from the stadium - and of course, premium jerseys and bats were available for serious $$. Encarnacion bat = $200 and Duncan = $400. There were some jerseys, bases and balls avaiable - but if you can't afford them, why look...right?

Larussa had two booths for his ARF stuff, which is really nice. Plenty of team-signed lineup cards (including Pujols) for $475-$500 - and signed only by Tony for $75.

Someone mentioned the helmets. Mine are both oldies from 1992. One is lefty and one righty...and I think I got the last righty helmet they had. Both have logos and I am using them as bookends. No shortage of fringe player/bench coach stuff as far as hats and pants, etc.

The Warmup is what you make it. I am a people watcher - and I spent some time in line with some real goofballs (but nice). I was afraid that one of them might have been a forum member - so I was not my usual self...I stayed reserved and laughed when they weren't looking.

Ran into Barry Weinberg (trainer) while looking at the Birdbats setup, and almost bumped into Larussa. Otherwise, the celebrities of the event were kept away from the bustle of red.

My two bit review. Prices were OK, selection slim (unless, of course $) and not too crowded. I am satisfied. On a scale from 1-10, it was a solid 6.


01-20-2008, 08:24 AM
Getting ready to go back to the warm up today. Yesterday won the Ryan Ludwick "Brian Ludwig" signed bat that was in the late day silent auction. Looking at getting a few items today. Paid more for the Ludwick then I wanted but its for a good cause. I also bought a helmet from the Authentics store for 50 before I seen them in the Cardinals store for 20 :rolleyes:. I need a Hector Luna bat but ofcourse the only 2 I seen were used by Pujols and were 350 and 600 a piece. Got about 7 autos to get today so its gonna be busy. Had my Aaron Miles gamer signed yesterday and when the lady sitting next to him asked him if it was a game used or a bp bat he said you cant chuck a piece of the bat off like that in bp. This is definatly a gamer. I thought that was pretty cool. Only bat I have left to get signed is my Ankiel tomorrow.

01-20-2008, 08:30 AM
Speaking of "bumping" into LaRussa. He came barging through behind us yesterday with a camera man that felt the need to slam me in the back of my head with his camera. :mad: lol

01-20-2008, 05:19 PM
this years WWU seemed , to me at least, like a carbon copy of the the last few years. very predictable, which in many ways was is a good thing, but it lacked the "of my gosh" type of stuff (from a GU collectors standpoint) that ive seen at earlier events.

i was over joyed to have met a few forum members (bigtruck260, Birdbats, STLStuff). it was an absolute pleasure talking with these folks and having a name and a face to put with their respective posts.

i arrived at 1:45am Saturday morning. there were approximately 15-18 people in front of me and i made myself an area on the floor in the doorway of the "Clubhouse Presentation Room". i was soon joined in line by a couple of gentlemen shortly there after. it later turned out they were forum members.

i thought that was pretty awsome and we talked about various topics throughout the morning hoping to pass the time. at that point we had 7 hours to trudge through until the doors opened.

the wait proved to be worth it (again at least to me). the store was full of jerseys, hats and batting helmets. however, the jerseys werent overwhelming. some throwbacks and game issues and no name type stuff.

i truley believe that had "the powers that be" left the numbers on the helmets (home and road) they wouldve been flying from the shelves. as luck would have it, they did not and for the most part went untouched while i was in the store.

i was able to pick up some very nice GU hats

Jim Edmonds -Sunday/ alt
Chris Carpenter -Road w/ incredible use
So Taguchi -Sunday/ alt
Chris Duncan -Sunday/ alt

in light of new found items, i will probably place some or all of these up for sale to raise money for another purchase.

in hind sight i shouldve picked up a few more caps. they had a number of them, but i didnt want to spend every last penny in there when i hadnt even been to the dealer area.

i bought a nice Lankford Mizuno (black) from Jeff Scott and was nearly floored when he presented me with a 2004 Lankford road jersey w/ World Series patch (from another dealer). im hoping (meaning i will) to pick that baby up this week.

again, i truly enjoyed meeting with and talking to Dave, Jeff Scott, John, Jeff and Mark throughout the day. i feel this forum is fortunate to have members such as them around. they are great folks.

didnt get to make it today. i may go back tomorrow. if not, it was still a nice time and i was able to pick up some great items and make some new friends.

what else can a collector ask for?

01-20-2008, 07:09 PM
Don, what kind of jerseys did they have at the opening? I was pleasantly surpised to see the Preston Wilson when I got there at 1:00 . I ended up picking up a Brendan Ryan batting practice today and that was it.

01-20-2008, 08:31 PM
And again, I was faced with the dilemma of buying an "issued" bat of a player I need in my collection - rather than overpaying for a used model.
I bought the Chris Duncan bat from a dealer for $150 and the Cards were selling the used bat for $400.

Donnie - I did see your Lankford jersey...what a find.

I am not naming any names here, but did anyone else see the dealer with a case full of fake stuff? I thought that was kind of bold considering he was selling a team signed Cardinals item in which every autograph was a forgery. I just proves that even in a well-controlled environment, the "expert" dealers are willing to risk reputation and prosecution for the almighty ducket.


01-20-2008, 08:45 PM
Did anyone come away with any Yadi Game Used? I was able to snag what was supposed to be the only GU item the Cardinals Authentics store had in a 2007 Game Used Away jersey, but then found out today that the came across the Home jersey back at the stadium later in the day (unaccounted for in their inventory at the WWU). Unfortunately, I was too late to get that one. I'd definitely be very interested in that one if anyone picked it up, as well as any other Yadi Game Used.

- Ed

01-20-2008, 10:39 PM
Don, what kind of jerseys did they have at the opening? I was pleasantly surpised to see the Preston Wilson when I got there at 1:00 . I ended up picking up a Brendan Ryan batting practice today and that was it.

Would love to see pics of this and would be very interested if you ever wanted to move it.


01-20-2008, 10:52 PM
Would love to see pics of this and would be very interested if you ever wanted to move it.


oops I omitted the word hat. I got a Brendan Ryan hat today. I believe that there was a Brendan Ryan jersey at the authentics booth, but in the 200 dollar range at least.

01-20-2008, 11:01 PM
Anybody see or pick up any Carmen Cali stuff?

01-21-2008, 12:08 AM
And again, I was faced with the dilemma of buying an "issued" bat of a player I need in my collection - rather than overpaying for a used model.
I bought the Chris Duncan bat from a dealer for $150 and the Cards were selling the used bat for $400.

Donnie - I did see your Lankford jersey...what a find.

I am not naming any names here, but did anyone else see the dealer with a case full of fake stuff? I thought that was kind of bold considering he was selling a team signed Cardinals item in which every autograph was a forgery. I just proves that even in a well-controlled environment, the "expert" dealers are willing to risk reputation and prosecution for the almighty ducket.


Dave , the Duncan is still a very nice bat. and yes, $400 for the GU version was obscene.

i ended up looking at the "fake" crap you told me about. its too bad that it goes on at an event like this (or even at all). i just hope some poor fan didnt buy anything from those guys. chances are, though, a few folks did.... DOLLA DOLLA BILL YALL!!

Dave, i woke up this morning think that i was only dreaming about the Lankfor 04 jersey. im stoked that its not a dream.

01-21-2008, 12:16 AM
Anybody see or pick up any Carmen Cali stuff?

i did see a couple of Cali jerseys at the team store. i'd be willing to bet my next pay check that they are still there.

i know there was a home, for sure, and possibly a road.

here are a few pics of my pick ups from the weekend.

the caps are from the team store and the bat, again, came from Jeff.





01-21-2008, 12:23 AM
a couple more :



Carpenter ; tons of use. possibly from 2006????


01-21-2008, 12:37 AM
Nice Edmonds cap. I read in a previous post that you maybe selling some of these. If you decide to sell the Edmonds im interested.

Im so mad I didnt go!


01-21-2008, 01:11 AM
Nice Edmonds cap. I read in a previous post that you maybe selling some of these. If you decide to sell the Edmonds im interested.

Im so mad I didnt go!


you shouldve made the trip up. at then, you wouldnt be kicking yourself in the ass right now.

this year was much better than last year, but still not as good as it can be.

01-21-2008, 02:18 AM
spotted walking thru the area of dealers and on the winter warm up floor was jack clark... he signed when asked very nice guy.........i won the pair of adam wainwright auto game used mlb hologramed shoes in the auction they were very nice.... i have a rick ankiel games used bat to get autographed on monday...... i will be in line hope to see anyone in the fourm there..................

01-21-2008, 02:19 AM
any idea on prices for the Cali stuff?

01-21-2008, 02:25 AM
any idea on prices for the Cali stuff?

dont quote me on this but.....

$75 , maybe $100.

someone posted team store pricing earlier in this thread. you may wanna roll back through.

01-21-2008, 02:28 AM
do they discount stuff on the last day?

I would love a Carmen Cali jersey but have no way to get there

01-21-2008, 10:46 AM
Donnie -

I am interested in the Duncan hat - and the Taguchi.
Get in touch with me please.


01-21-2008, 09:28 PM
Back from the WWU tonight. Had a pretty good weekend. I picked up a batting cage John Rodriguez bat and a 2007 road Eckstein game worn jersey. Got several autographs. The crowd was down some from last year I thought.


02-02-2008, 01:57 AM
This year's winter warm up was good to me. 194 autographs.

02-02-2008, 09:48 PM
My Cards 1992 road helmet was a good pick up...Mark Whiten is coming into town in a couple of weeks and I am going to have him sign and inscribe it. Mark might not be classified as a great Cardinal - but he certainly peaked when he got here...

He had the best throwing arm in the majors at the time, and I saw it first hand on numerous occasions. I was not sure what I was going to do with the helmets - but now I think I will start having some of may favorite 1 year wonders put thier sigs on it....nxt up - Gregg Jeffries, then Mark Grudzilaniek.


PS- Donny - the signing is Saturday at 2pm - I'll drive.