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View Full Version : Autographs vs No Autographs

01-14-2008, 11:47 PM
First post here, just found this place and it's awesome.

Here's my question (Mostly talking about football helmets and jerseys here...not cards or balls): Am I the only one who would rather have an item without an autograph on it? I've never been a big fan of autos anyway...maybe if I was the one who actually got the autograph, but even then I would never hand over a game used helmet, no matter who the player, to be autographed. Unless it was inside the helmet and not so obvious. I HATE huge autographs.

To me, most autographs look scribble from 5 year old anyway. I have plenty of that on my furniture and walls right now.

Anyway, I was just curious. Seems like that's all some people care about and I've always thought to myself "Who cares?"

01-14-2008, 11:50 PM
Im with you. I really dont like autographs either. I prefer things to look as close to game condition as possible. But thats just my opinion.


01-15-2008, 12:15 AM
I love autographs on my game used items. Actually I prefer it. I have personally gone in collecting phases I started off with cards than moved on to Starting Lineup Figures than autographs now I am in the game used collecting mode but I love when I can combine both game used and autographed into one item. It is the best of both worlds for me.

While I know their are forgeries out there and fake game used items if an item is autographd I feel a little more comfortable with its authenticity. I would say I am fairly good when it comes to identifying fake autographs so when I see a game used item and the players autograph on their it gives me two chances to figure out if the item is legit or not. If I feel the autograph is real I am more likley to feel the item itself is real and game used. While obviously both can be faked and people I am sure have gotten fake game used items signed by players not knowing it was fake. I tend to shy away from the more high end dollar game used items for authenticity reasons.

01-15-2008, 12:38 AM
I have mixed feelings on this, I started out only collecting autographs and now my collection is a little out of control. With all the fake stuff out there my plan is to only rely on autographs I get myself. But on game used items I think it depends on what the item is. Jerseys and items like that tend to look a little better without a big signature, but that is just my thoughts. When it comes to items like bats I don't mind getting that signature on there.

01-15-2008, 01:20 AM
For me, it all depends upon the item. I tend to like bats autographed, but when it comes to things like cleats and batting gloves, I like them just showing the wear. I think Batting gloves and cleats can both be signed tastefully, but I hate those disgusting inscriptions on the toe that say:

Lance Berkman

Why would we need this much information, on the toe of the shoe in such huge letters? I mean, it ruins the aesthetic appeal of the item for me at least.