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View Full Version : Questions about a Circa 1930's Rawlings Bat

02-10-2008, 06:15 PM
I recently purchased this bat for just a few dollars, and am wondering what exactly it is. It was made by Rawlings and appears to be from the 1930's. The barrel says it is an "Official Indoor Hickory." The bat is approx. 33 1/2 inches long with a skinny barrel. There are lots of paint transfers and small nicks on the bat, but overall its in pretty nice shape.

Anyone know if there's a market for this kind of item?

Thanks -- Anthony

02-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Not an expert, but I do have a few Indoor baseball bats and ball, and have seen these type of smaller, lighter bats advertised in period Reach or Spadlding guides. Indoor baseball was played in the winter months of the colder regions etc. Guessing at the value....perhaps $30? chris

02-10-2008, 10:18 PM
Thanks, Chris.... Your item was shipped with Priority Mail on Friday, by the way.