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View Full Version : game issued Bo Jackson jersey

02-17-2006, 08:37 AM
This seller irks me. He states in his title "Bo Jackson 1989 Game Issued Used Worn Jersey. First, how can a jersey that is only game issued also be game worn. Below in the questions someone asked if there was wear and he had the nerve to answer "...it is only team issued. In the description it does not say that he used or wore this jersey." Yet in his title he has the words Bo Jackson, used, worn. So is he inferring that it was issued to Bo but worn by himself?


02-17-2006, 08:58 AM
Many sellers do that. They put stuff like issued/worn or un used/worn to get people to look at their item. The important thing to do is read the description and ask any questions you may have.

02-17-2006, 12:08 PM
The title is deceiving, is should read "Game Issued Non-Used Jersey" and there would be no issues. The seller would get all the hits for people searching "Game Used" in their searches then.

02-17-2006, 01:08 PM
How many 1989 "game issued" set 2 Bo Jackson jerseys does this guy have?

He just sold one on Feb 9th:



02-17-2006, 01:13 PM
KingJammy well maybe, Bo had a couple and this guy happend to buy them both? Who knows?

02-17-2006, 02:08 PM
Throw another two "1989 Set 2 Bo Jackson" jerseys into the pile:




02-17-2006, 02:23 PM
KingJammy now that is weird!!! what do you think?

02-17-2006, 02:38 PM
So, according to everything, there were at least four Bo Jackson Set 2 1989 jerseys made, because two game used have been found on the marketplace and two team issued.

I wonder how many were made in total.

02-17-2006, 02:54 PM
Hello Trsent it is possible. In 1999 Darryl Strawberry had 3 home jerseys. 2 were game used and 1 is game issued. I own 2 of them Darryl has the other.

02-17-2006, 04:35 PM
I did my homework and made some phone calls.

It is believed these jerseys were originally released by The Scoreboard in mass quantities. This doesn't mean any of the jerseys in question were not team issued or game used, but it appears the same exact tagged jersey were once released en-mass by The Scoreboard.

02-17-2006, 04:53 PM
The issue is not 'what's possible'. Technically, anything is possible. It's "possible" that Bo Jackson went through 4 jerseys a game in 1989, thus using 540 jerseys total that year. It's possible that Roger Clemens pitched a game in 1988 wearing ballet slippers. This hobby is not about what's possible but about what's likely.

If you see a pair of ballet slippers on Ebay being sold as "game-worn by Roger Clemens", would you bid on them? Why not? "It's possible". You wouldn't bid on them because it's highly unlikely. It's also highly unlikely that Bo Jackson used 540 jerseys in 1989.

Secondly, differentiate between the total number of jerseys given and the total from a single SET. Strawberry received 3 home jerseys in *total*. Jackson seems to have received 4 from SET 2 alone. What about Set 1? Another 4 in Set 1 would make 8 home jerseys for 1989. (We're completely assuming that there are no other Set 2's out there other than these 4, which is probably unlikely).
So how likely is it that Bo was genuinely issued 8 home jerseys from a single manufacturer in 1989? (Keep in mind, this was before the era of players like Arod and Manny ordering 20 jerseys a season in order to sell them off). To my knowledge, Bo wasn't flooding the market like Griffey.

How is it that 4 Set 2's all made it to the market and yet I've never seen a single 1989 Set 1 from either his home or road? How is it that the four 1989 Set 2 jerseys that made it to the market were all home jerseys? What about his 1989 Set 2 road jerseys? Again, "it's possible", but possibility is irrelevant. Ask yourself about the likelihood.

Reminds me of all of the 1990 Jose Canseco "Set 2" home jerseys out there. I've seen about 20 of them over the years. All home, all signed, all missing a flag tag, and each one of them strip-tagged "2 90". Did Jose really get issued 20 "set 2" home jerseys in 1990? Or is this just old stock from Scoreboard?

Who knows. I do know I would personally avoid 1989 Set 2 Jacksons altogether. Maybe it means I'll miss out on a legit '89 Jackson, but I feel the odds are overwhelmingly against me in this case. I'm sure there is a legit '89 Set 2 Jackson out there but if so many exist and they're all identical, the odds of finding "the good one" are too slim for my liking.

It seems that when some sellers are confronted by oddities in their item, many always fall back on saying "it's possible!". Well anything is possible, so while I can't argue something never existed, I'll just as soon let another buyer take a chance on an "unlikelihood" and save my money for items free of such issues.

I also know that if I were looking for a real 1989 Royals gamer (which I am) I would look for a nice Kevin Seitzer or Pat Tabler.


02-17-2006, 05:03 PM
Joel: Scoreboard again! Actually when I saw these Jackson jerseys, I did think of Scoreboard but decided against it because I didn't think Bo had done anything with them back in the day?

Here's what's interesting about each of these 4 Jackson jerseys. They're all tagged as 1989 yet they all seem to bear Rawlings tagging from 1990.
(Key indicator being the absense of the "Made in USA" text). I wonder if that has anything to do with how and when they were made up for Scoreboard?


02-17-2006, 05:20 PM
Rudy, I worded my post accordingly because it is real simple:

Two jerseys we have been alerted to were sold as game issued (for quite a nice price one of them sold for) and two as game used.

I cannot be judge in the case of any of these jerseys, just pretty amazing that three have been autographed in the same location. I wonder if the fourth that doesn't have an autograph was washed quite a few times.

02-17-2006, 08:53 PM
KingJammy i find it interesting that you would be interested in a Kevin Seitzer jersey or a Pat Tabler jersey over a Jackson since your logo pic next to your name is Bo jackson body with a dog head on it lol lol:D

02-18-2006, 07:03 PM
I never looked closely to see his photo is not that of Bo.

He should get a photo of Kevin Seitzer with a picture of a cat on his head.

I think the point he was making is doesn't buy a player where there is so many issues with the numerous game used and game issued jerseys out there because it is less likely that someone has reproduced Kevin Seitzer jerseys.

02-18-2006, 11:57 PM
Trsent you are truly an inspiration to human kind, I don't think any of us would know what to do with out you. Thank god I remembered when I woke up this morning to breathe. Otherwise I would have had to email you and ask you what to do? I guess with all your wisdom you don't know what "lol" and a laughing face means. Usually it's regarding laughter like your making a joke or your laughing at someone elses joke. So just so you know almighty one I think it was pretty easy to see that everyone knew with the exception of you. That I knew exactly what he meant.

02-19-2006, 02:20 PM
Ok, I missed that one.

I guess I am too naive.