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View Full Version : Did Canseco have a huge Steroid head? Like Bonds?

03-29-2008, 05:51 PM
We all know Bond's head got huge on Roids, but how big was Canseco's head? Anybody know his hat size? Also, I just finished Canseco's book Vindicated. He passed polygraph tests from the best in the business with flying colors that Arod used steroids, or at the very least, that Canseco hooked him up with a guy to train and supply him with Roids. I believe it.

03-29-2008, 07:14 PM
FYI...Steroids does not increase head size, HGH (GROWTH hormone)increases head size.


03-31-2008, 03:05 PM
The fact that Canseco "passed" a polygraph is of marginal consequence. First, he could not have "passed" a test on whether ARod used steroids because of his own admission he doesn't know personally. Second, whether a test is valid or not depends on both the skill of the examiner and facts about the person to whom the test is administered, either or all of which can determined the outcome which is one reason the results are almost never allowed in court. A lying sociopath can pass a polygraph "with flying colors." And regardless of the size of Canseco's head, I'm sure his brain would fit in it like a BB in a railroad boxcar.

03-31-2008, 04:06 PM
I don't know about his melon, but I do recall his ex mentioning his raisin nuts. Maybe in Playboy?