Lou Lampson at PCCE

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  • whirl
    • Aug 2005
    • 61

    Lou Lampson at PCCE

    I am starting a new thread here, because the last one got off the point. I was at the PCCE Forum with Lampson. For a while I thought I might be the only one to show up. I think that there were no more than 20 people who came in. Initially I was surprised at two things: Lou Lampson appeared older than the photos I had seen; second, he did not have horns or cloven hooves as I had been led to believe. I do not blame the moderator for asking the questions he did. Nobody should be expected to appear on a panel if he is going to be ambushed. The floor was opened up to questions, so those in attendance could take a shot. One question posed by the moderator was whether there was an item each of the panel members had examined which they wished they had another shot at examining because of a mistake made. I was disappointed in Mr. Lampson's response. He did not address any one item. He spoke about examining many articles and not being able to spend the time he may have needed on them, but "time is money." Rex
  • lund6771
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2006
    • 805

    Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

    Rex...I hope he's in chicago his summer...I would love ask him one question...

    #1. What do you think your accuracy rate is?

    The entire conversation can evolve from that solo question...i'm sure he'd say that he doesn't have a lot of time to properly research an item when he only has a couple of days to inspect hundreds of lots...who's fault is that?...HIS OWN!!!!...

    He gets ZERO sympathy from me...he's costing a lot of people their hard earned money by rubber stamping garbage...has he ever thought about this?...has he no conscience?

    nobody is stupid enough to keep on authenticating Elway and Favre throwbacks without a light bulb going off.."Geez haven't I seen a bunch of these before?"...."hmmm...my data base shows that I've written multiple letters on these items?"..."oh well, Vintage Authentics has a another one...no harm in saying that another one is real"...except for the poor, misgiuided sole, who just spent a couple of grand when he doesn't know any better

    that's what probably gets me more pissed off than anything else...he blind guy that gets screwed...

    Don't kid yourself...Lampson knows exactly what he's doing and the money that he's costing people, and he obviously doesn't give a shit...that's why, in my book, he's a criminal...

    his day is coming, and I bet he must have gotten that uneasy feeling that something is going to be going down..why else would he suddenly change is LOA format to a "opinion" letter?


    • whirl
      • Aug 2005
      • 61

      Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

      I want to make sure that my point is not lost or misunderstood. I was astonished that he would say in an open forum that he may rush items he is authenticating because he wants to turn them over quickly and move on to the next one. The "time is money" comment did not sit well with me. Rex


      • aeneas01
        Senior Member
        • May 2007
        • 1128

        Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

        Originally posted by whirl
        I want to make sure that my point is not lost or misunderstood. I was astonished that he would say in an open forum that he may rush items he is authenticating because he wants to turn them over quickly and move on to the next one. The "time is money" comment did not sit well with me. Rex
        i agree rex, lampson's comments are unsettling - and i think they speak volumes. clearly the practice of rifling through enormous numbers of lots in a short period of time is such common practice among authenticators and auction houses that inadvertently admitting to it in casual conversation is bound to happen.


        • SSB15
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 166

          Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

          I think his comments confirm what we have all know for a very long period of time...STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING HE HAS AUTHENTICATED THAT YOU CANNOT VERIFY YOURSELF.........

          What else does this guy do for a living where he cannot spend more time on items? I am sure that most of us work 50 to 60 hours per week. So can Lou...



          • JETEFAN
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2005
            • 528

            Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

            Originally posted by SSB15
            I think his comments confirm what we have all know for a very long period of time...STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING HE HAS AUTHENTICATED THAT YOU CANNOT VERIFY YOURSELF.........

            What else does this guy do for a living where he cannot spend more time on items? I am sure that most of us work 50 to 60 hours per week. So can Lou...

            Scott, you hit the nail on the head, verify yourself!! There are qualified authenticators out there but in my 30 years plus in the hobby, I can tell you that not one of them has been without a suspect authentication at one time or another. DO YOUR HOMEWORK !! If you specialize on any one player, you probably know more about the item than most.



            • aeneas01
              Senior Member
              • May 2007
              • 1128

              Re: Lou Lampson at PCCE

              "The quality of that authentication is also an issue; Burns says records indicate a three-man team that included Rullo spent 16 hours over two days poring through the 56,000 items offered in the 2004 auction. That's just a few seconds per item, the attorney says. "That's not enough time to move the photos from one stack to another, never mind compare the signatures to exemplars or review the quality of the photos," he says."


