Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

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  • 3arod13
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2006
    • 3092

    Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance


    I realize this isn't a GU question, but I'm sure many of you play sports and may have had a knee scope in the past.

    Last Wednesday I had a knee scope on my right knee (first time) Doc gave me 21 days convalescent leave. Boss thinks I should be back to work in 3 days.

    Knee is doing better, however, still have some pain and difficult to bend my knee. I am able to walk on my own.

    Can anyone give me an idea what the average time is to take off before going back to work? Don't want to push my knee and reinjure it.

    Thanks, Tony
    Regards, Tony


    ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~
  • EurekaDave
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2005
    • 656

    Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

    Hard to say, not knowing the work you do, how soon you should return. And healing time is different for everyone. If you can work elevating your leg (desk job), I think a week is fair. Otherwise, the doctor knows best. Go with his recommendation. Bosses are thinking bottom-line but the knee is a special device. It's a miracle they can do scoping at all, so don't push it, and monitor pain and swelling very closely. Your own body is the best guide.


    • 3arod13
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2006
      • 3092

      Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

      Originally posted by EurekaDave
      Hard to say, not knowing the work you do, how soon you should return. And healing time is different for everyone. If you can work elevating your leg (desk job), I think a week is fair. Otherwise, the doctor knows best. Go with his recommendation. Bosses are thinking bottom-line but the knee is a special device. It's a miracle they can do scoping at all, so don't push it, and monitor pain and swelling very closely. Your own body is the best guide.
      Great advice, thanks!

      Walking up stairs and trying to bend my knee, pain is there. I can walk on it normal, but still have to be careful and aware of how I have my feet planted, when turning my body. Definately feel pain then.

      Some bosses are about people and some strickly about work. My boss emailed me while I was in surgery and said I should be good to go in a few days, so hobble into work as soon as I can. Couldn't believe it.

      Again, thanks!
      Regards, Tony


      ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


      • eGameUsed
        • Jan 2006
        • 1256

        Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance


        My wife has had 4 such surgeries, 3 on the left knee and 1 on the right. Former soccer player and current Triathlete. Her recover times have been al over the place. Here most recent surgery this past December had a very short recovery. She was walking 48 hours okay, but a week or so in she had a very strange pain and significant swelling in the back of the knee. I think she pushed herself too much. That said, be careful for jumping back in to your routine. My wife was doing great until we made a 160 mile bike ride 3 weeks ago. Here doctor cleared her for the ride, but she only made 92 miles before significant swelling.

        Personally, I would wait until you feel pretty good, then add a week before doing significant walking, steps, etc.



        • 3arod13
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2006
          • 3092

          Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

          Originally posted by eGameUsed

          My wife has had 4 such surgeries, 3 on the left knee and 1 on the right. Former soccer player and current Triathlete. Her recover times have been al over the place. Here most recent surgery this past December had a very short recovery. She was walking 48 hours okay, but a week or so in she had a very strange pain and significant swelling in the back of the knee. I think she pushed herself too much. That said, be careful for jumping back in to your routine. My wife was doing great until we made a 160 mile bike ride 3 weeks ago. Here doctor cleared her for the ride, but she only made 92 miles before significant swelling.

          Personally, I would wait until you feel pretty good, then add a week before doing significant walking, steps, etc.

          Chris, OUCH! Sorry to hear about your wife and hope she recovers quickly. It's definately a frustrating situation.

          I feel 100% mentally. Knowing I could be doing some things around the house over the weekend, but couldn't, was very frustrating.

          My knee is getting better, but I do feel a burning sensation and some pain at times. I'm definatley not going to push myself. It's only been 5 days since the procedure.

          Thanks for taking time to answer. Great advice. Tony
          Regards, Tony


          ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


          • Fnazxc0114
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2007
            • 1252

            Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

            arod arent you in the navy? i just got out in januarary and i spent a good part of last year getting stuff fixed that i put off for ten years. they gave me two weeks for the surgery. i was fine after a few days and pretty much just relaxed the rest of the time i was off. i was in no hurry to go back to recruiting duty lol
            Baseball do what it do
            -Ron Washington


            • 3arod13
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2006
              • 3092

              Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

              Originally posted by Fnazxc0114
              arod arent you in the navy? i just got out in januarary and i spent a good part of last year getting stuff fixed that i put off for ten years. they gave me two weeks for the surgery. i was fine after a few days and pretty much just relaxed the rest of the time i was off. i was in no hurry to go back to recruiting duty lol
              Yes. Retire this October with 30 years of service. I do feel ok, other than my knee still having a little pain. Every so often, I'll feel it hurt, depending how I stand or move. But I do realize it still needs to heal inside, even though at times it feels ok. So, even though I feel good mentally, I know I have to be careful.

              Regards, Tony


              ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


              • worldchamps
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2005
                • 759

                Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                I think Lou Lampson might be an expert in this field


                • David
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2024
                  • 1433

                  Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                  The doctor knows most about your knee, and it you might have longer term problems if you didn't follow his advice. I don't know what you do, but perhaps you can recuperate your knee at work.

                  I ruptured my achilles tendon and was in boot and crutches for a while. Luckily, I was a computer programmer so whether I was at home or sitting in a chair at work made no difference to my tendon. The positive thing was I had a handicapped tag for six weeks and could park anywhere I wanted it.


                  • David
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2024
                    • 1433

                    Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                    No doubt the recovery time varies from patient to patient, and some might genuinely get better sooner. However, there is a vast difference between 3 and 21 days. Especially when your knee still hurts and you have limited mobility, the doctor appears to know best.

                    One thing to remember is that it may take 2-3 weeks for the tissue or tendon or whatever to fully heal, no matter how you feel. Even if you feel Terrell Owens on day 7 doesn't mean you should go do wind sprints in your back yard.


                    • David
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2024
                      • 1433

                      Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                      Was supposed to be ".. feel like Terrell Owens.. "

                      I know this is a family web site ... Not there's anything wrong with that.


                      • 10thMan
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 429

                        Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                        I`ve had 2 on my R. Knee. I would monitor the swelling (use Ice & elevation) & work closely w/ your Dr. ALL Surgeries/recoveries have variables, extent of Injury, people recover at different levels. Be careful for the first 2-6 weeks & pay close attention to the Swelling/Pain level.
                        Good Luck with your Recovery!


                        • 10thMan
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 429

                          Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                          Forgot to mention...
                          The first Knee Surgery I had, I didnt take it easy, I`m one of those guys that doesn`t like to stop etc..
                          My Knee Swelled up (literally) almost twice regular size, It was actually pretty scary, A Family member made me ICE it & ELEVATE it all evening. I learned the second time to take it REALLY easy, & use Ice. Don`t be afraid if it swells up, Just stop & Ice/Elevate it.


                          • bigtime59
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 1020

                            Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                            Two points, one already made:
                            1) Your doctor knows better than your boss how long you need to have a complete recovery.
                            2) The most important part of this whole deal is post-surgical rehab. I hope you and your doctor have a program set up for this. This is where the ball got dropped after my 'scope in 2000.



                            • 3arod13
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 3092

                              Re: Anyone have a knee scope done? Need assistance

                              Originally posted by bigtime59
                              Two points, one already made:
                              1) Your doctor knows better than your boss how long you need to have a complete recovery.
                              2) The most important part of this whole deal is post-surgical rehab. I hope you and your doctor have a program set up for this. This is where the ball got dropped after my 'scope in 2000.

                              Had my scope done last Wednesday. Haven't had any swelling at all. No redness around the stitches area. Still soreness around the stitches (3 different areas). I'm able to walk somewhat normal, however, I do still experience some pain, so I'm careful. Still icing and elevating my leg. After 6 days from the procedure, I'm still not pain free.

                              My wife tells me to just ignore my boss. Last year, my wife had a mini stroke and then got a serious infection on her leg (we beleive from when she was first hospitalized from the mini stroke) that actually was eating a hole through her skin. She was hospitalized twice in a month period. Not once did my boss ever show any compasion or concern. Even the second time my wife was hospitalized, when I called by boss to explain what had happened, his first words were "I guess you need to take time off." Yes, that pissed me off.

                              Now I have my knee scoped, and while I'm in surgery, he sends me this email: "Tony, Are they scoping your knee or doing invasive surgery? Had mine scoped several years ago and was up and walking normally and pain free in a couple of days. They gave me three weeks convalescence leave too. They do that in case you need it, not because you need it. I'm betting you are up and around pretty quick unless they are doing an old fashioned hack job on your knee. Feel free to hobble on in work when you are able."

                              Unbelieveable! Not one "Tony, I hope your procedure goes well" or even a "take it easy and we wish you a healthy and quick recovery."

                              My wife said people like this, you just have to ignore them.

                              Regards, Tony


                              ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~

