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05-09-2008, 10:21 AM
does anyone know if / when Ritenour High will be having their "show" this year?

i havent heard anything about it, although i have rarely heard anything about any of the past shows. they dont advertise this thing very well. a high quality gig for how small it is. its generally not very well attended.

the great thing about this show is the amount of game used items they have. lots of good stuff in the silent and live auctions. usually have a handful of current players on hand as well.

i was able to meet Darryl Kile at this event and pick up manyof the items i still have in my collection.

05-09-2008, 10:26 AM
I have heard nothing Donny - but call me when the time comes...I'll drive this time.


05-09-2008, 11:14 AM
Nobody tells anyone when the Ritenour show is because they don't want the bidder competition!

Seriously, I haven't heard myself. Last year, the organizer almost sounded like that show might be the last one. I know it's MUCH tougher for them to get good items from the team since the team tries to keep everything and sell it at the stadium.

In years past, you could always guess the date -- it was held in June on a Saturday when the team was home and playing at night. This year, the Cards have one Saturday home game in June, and it's a day game. Their two July Saturday home games also are day games. So, my best guess (assuming they're having the show at all) would be May 31 since that's the only Saturday night game this month.

In exchange for this information, of course, you now are not allowed to bid against me on anything I really want!

05-09-2008, 11:31 AM
I guess that is almost true for all of the local collector shows Jeff - regarding the lack of quality GU items.

It's funny, because the last time I got a decent piece of equipment it was from YOU.:D

Not that there are no items, but the items available are either things nobody is in need of (unless you are Kid4Hof3 and need a Ron Gant bat) - or things that are simply priced too high...like some Pujols bats I have come across.

The only time I ever go to the Dave Jackson shows in STL are the three-day jobs on Friday evening or early Saturday morning. Cards collectors are a vicious breed - and Donny will tell you that there are more popping up almost daily.

05-09-2008, 11:43 AM
In exchange for this information, of course, you now are not allowed to bid against me on anything I really want!

its a deal.

....as long as youre not bidding on any Lankford items. :)

05-09-2008, 11:57 AM
If the show goes down...there is a 15% finders fee for a Spiezio bat! :D

05-09-2008, 12:26 PM
Joe -

No need for the 15% finders fee if I get to one first. I think we have a floating credit between us (and I have to include Donny in this too) - as I found him a Lankford bat last week.

Just keep your eyes peeled for a 1994 Gregg Jefferies Cards bat.:D

05-09-2008, 02:41 PM
its a deal.

....as long as youre not bidding on any Lankford items. :)

Who is this "Lankford" of which you speak? Never heard of him.

05-09-2008, 02:54 PM
Come on Jeff -

You know Ray Ray...he was our center/left fielder...hit 280 homers, 20/20 five times...and oh yeah, THIS:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.kmov.com/localnews/stories/M_IMAGE.ffe081d56a.93.88.fa.7c.2896880b.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.kmov.com/localnews/stories/kmov_localnews_041105_cardslankfordsued.2886a5e3.h tml&h=180&w=160&sz=7&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=TZxfw2zbrlPR1M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dray%2Blankford%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26s a%3DN

We'll not even discuss the night on the town with Orlando Pace.

STILL one of the best athletes I ever saw. The second most under-appreciated Cardinal right behind Juan Encarnacion.


05-09-2008, 07:03 PM
Who is this "Lankford" of which you speak? Never heard of him.

a guy that use to play pro ball. no one special.

his stuff goes for next to nothin'. its all junk really

so, i'll take everything anyone has on him off their hands for a "fair" price and everyone will be happy.

05-26-2008, 01:25 PM
this was in Bernies Bits (St Louis Post Dispatch) this weekend:

"The Ritenour High School athletic department is sponsoring a sports auction and card show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the school gym on May 31. Several Cardinals players will be there in the morning to sign autographs. All proceeds benefit Ritenour athletics.

i am very much looking forward to it.

05-26-2008, 01:38 PM
Where this place located. I would like to meet up with you guys.


05-26-2008, 01:47 PM
if i agree to tell you, you have to promise NOT to out bid me on anything =)

....between Woodson Rd and 170 on St Charles Rock Road.

05-26-2008, 05:01 PM
This is right down the street from my house. Can't wait to check it out.

Any guesses who will be there signing?

05-26-2008, 06:30 PM
anyone know what players will be there i am very intrested in this show...... any insight would be nice thanks kj

05-26-2008, 08:43 PM
Yo Donny - get a hold of me. We need to arrange a car-pooling.

05-26-2008, 09:15 PM
Yo Donny - get a hold of me. We need to arrange a car-pooling.

email sent.

....i just like saying that.

05-26-2008, 09:25 PM
if i agree to tell you, you have to promise NOT to out bid me on anything =)

....between Woodson Rd and 170 on St Charles Rock Road.

No worries, I'm broke. Just thinking about going and having a looksy.

05-26-2008, 09:27 PM
Costilow Fieldhouse,
Ritenour High School,
9100 St. Charles Rock Road,
St. Louis, Mo., 63114

05-26-2008, 09:39 PM
No worries, I'm broke. Just thinking about going and having a looksy.

im kidding of course.

my wife has me on a short financial leash.

we have a 15 day vacation coming up next month and she has warned me about spending the cash on GU stuff .

...so instead i'll be blowing it on Mickey Mouse and Shamu.

05-26-2008, 10:16 PM
when will they say what cards will be there does anyone know......

05-26-2008, 10:35 PM
im kidding of course.

my wife has me on a short financial leash.

we have a 15 day vacation coming up next month and she has warned me about spending the cash on GU stuff .

...so instead i'll be blowing it on Mickey Mouse and Shamu.


05-26-2008, 10:50 PM
when will they say what cards will be there does anyone know......

Cardinals players tentatively scheduled to appear include: Rick Ankiel, Brian Barton, Ryan Ludwick, Kyle McClellan and Skip Schumaker.

hey KJ

Please send me an email


05-28-2008, 09:19 AM
I just called and the only names mentioned were Ludwig, McClellan and Schumaker. Ankiel and Barton may have bailed because they're doing a private signing with STL Sports Collectors in July (along with Wainwright). Or, maybe they're just not completely nailed down. If Rick and Brian are out, I'm guessing they'll add someone else. They almost always have 5-6 signers for this show.

BTW, my "most wanted" items at this show would be GU X-Bats from Schumaker and Molina. Can't wait to see what they have.

05-28-2008, 11:19 AM
for the first time (probably ever) im not looking for a particular player or item.

obviously several years ago, i could pick a Lankford item or two ,and more recently, i searched for Larry Walker or Will Clark.

however, i havent really honed in on a "favorite" per se. if i see a nice item and its within my heh, um........."budget", i may go after it.

look forward to seeing everyone there.

05-28-2008, 07:42 PM
Here is the show link:



05-28-2008, 07:49 PM
stlbats you have mail.............

05-28-2008, 10:03 PM
I'm also looking for an Anthony Reyes bat.

Called the show hotline again tonight... still the same three players being named. It's typical for the "scheduled" guests to change several times up until the day of the show. My advice is, if you have something you want to get signed by a current player, bring it along. You never know who will show up. I wouldn't bet on Albert being there, but just about anyone else is fair game.

05-31-2008, 09:38 PM
I think everyone who attened would agree that the show was a bust.

Game used items of interest:

Rick Ankiel game issued (unused) signed MAX bat - went for $210
Adam Wainwright used (looked brand new) signed WS hat
Braden Looper signed GU road hat
Scott Rolen home batting gloves...PAIR unsigned...and a single, signed glove
Rick Ankiel batting gloves (each was sold as a single item) both signed
Adam Wainwright 2008 home GU jersey
Red Schoendienst locker plate
Scott Rolen GU C271 LS (signed and uncracked)
Mike Shannon St. Patrick's day hat (advertised as GU, but how I have no idea...wasn't he in the booth?

Plenty of signed baseballs, etc. and some knick-nacks.

Got my Ludwick Gamer signed...the first thing he said was:

"Is this cracked"? I told him that it had been repaired, and he was very courteous after that, even telling me that he still tapes his bats the way mine is taped. He also put a REALLY nice sig on it. He aksed me if I got it at the team store...I told him no, and for some reason I was vague about where I bought it (Ball Park Heroes) - still not sure why.

Both he and Schumaker were both very nice and cordial - and only stayed for about an hour at most.

I saw Ken Reitz signing some stuff (free?)

Kyle McClellan was supposed to be there, but was not as far as I could tell.

They were the only guys scheduled. No Barton or Ankiel.

The only other game used item I saw was another Ludwick bat that I sold on eBay a few weeks ago to another collector getting it signed.

I went with Don the Legend, who picked up a really nice Pujols UD sig for a sweet price.

Also ran into Jeff Scott and his son, they drove quite a long way for not much...

Overall, it was your basic card show with a few interesting items. Not like it used to be apparently.

The important thing is that it was for charity, and there was a good turnout.

05-31-2008, 11:58 PM
I agree not much at all as far as game used, but a good turn out and for a good cause.

Mclellan showed up around 11:00 not sure how long he stayed though.

06-01-2008, 12:03 PM
bigtruck i saw you with your ryan bat, didn't know that was you or i would of said hello..... i thought the show was HORRIBLE, and i drove from glen carbon illnois, bout 50 minutes or so, all for nothing........

06-01-2008, 08:23 PM
bigtruck i saw you with your ryan bat, didn't know that was you or i would of said hello..... i thought the show was HORRIBLE, and i drove from glen carbon illnois, bout 50 minutes or so, all for nothing........

Funny you say that -

There was another guy with a Ryan gamer that was chunked. I acutally used to own that one.

I was wearing a powder blue cards jersey and cargo shorts. I was with Donny who is just a bit smaller than I (about 6 inches and 60 pounds:D )

If that was me, you know what I look like now - stop over an say hi. I'm pretty cordial.

06-01-2008, 09:18 PM
I believe I saw you there that morning. I was about 10 people or so in front of you two while waiting in line to by autograph tickets. I had on a black shirt and hat.