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View Full Version : Another Questionable Arod from Zanebats

06-15-2008, 01:06 PM
Here is another bat that zanebats is misrepresenting. Everyone knows he only uses these in batting practice.

06-15-2008, 01:09 PM
Here is another bat that zanebats is misrepresenting. Everyone knows he only uses these in batting practice.
Sorry I forgot the link.

Rob L
06-15-2008, 01:46 PM
He mentions that it is either game or batting practice used. It doesn't seem to questionable.

06-15-2008, 04:07 PM
MLB standards account for the term game used to include BP bats.

People need to get off Zane's back.

06-15-2008, 07:20 PM
He knows it's a batting practice bat. Reputable people don't need to play word games. Why mislead people into thinking it's a game used bat?

06-15-2008, 08:02 PM
He clearly says that its either a game used or BP bat.

You said "he knows its a batting practice bat" - how can you judge what he knows? Are you inside his head? Privy to his private thoughts?

How do YOU know that it absolutely was not used in a major league game by Arod? Do you have video footage of every single Arod at bat? Isnt it somewhat possible that Arod could have used it in bp AND/OR a game?

In 2007, Willie Harris went 6 for 6 in a game for the Braves. For 3 of those hits, he used a souvenir bat that he got from the clubhouse man. If someone put up a game used "souvenir bat" on ebay and said that Willie Harris used it, would you have proof that he didnt? The point is, no one knows every single bat used in every official at bat by a particular player, no matter how much you follow him. You go with the player's general traits and hope for the best.

MLB rules consider a bp bat to be game used. Zane could have only called it a game used bat and would have been well within the guidelines of what MLB does. He went above and beyond and said that it also could be a bp bat. Kudos to Zane.

Like I said, people need to get off his back.

06-15-2008, 08:56 PM
would you spend that kind of money on a bat that didnt show arods characteristics. zane may be a good guy, but this isnt the first time hes listed bats with game use that showed none if very little. im not a fan of the yankees but from what ive seen discussed on this board arod uses black bats in the games. bat rack streaks dont mean it was used in a game

06-15-2008, 09:05 PM
Another beauty from Zane... Griffey Jr. bat with the 125 underlined

Ebay #190228926263

Why do people stick up for this guy?

06-15-2008, 09:29 PM
He has to know that he is misleading people on some of his items he sells. If he wants to keep his good name then why would you do this. Doesn't he know that we as a group are starting to catch onto his little game. You would think he would stop before he does do to much damage to his name. I think the money is all he cares about and nothing else. WHAT A SHAME!!

06-16-2008, 02:44 PM
You seem to be the expert. Show me one picture of Arod using a blonde G174 in a game within the last year and I will print out a copy of this thread and eat it. This question was raised repeatedly last season and no one could find anything other than Arod using anything other than a black C271 or P72 last season. You obviously don't know what you are talking about or maybe you are one of Zane's aliases.

06-16-2008, 06:01 PM
You seem to be the expert. Show me one picture of Arod using a blonde G174 in a game within the last year and I will print out a copy of this thread and eat it. This question was raised repeatedly last season and no one could find anything other than Arod using anything other than a black C271 or P72 last season. You obviously don't know what you are talking about or maybe you are one of Zane's aliases.

I will assume that you are refering to me in this statement, so I will address it:

1) I never claimed to be an expert, just giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who has done right by me in bat deals and who is one of the most widely known dealers of game used bats.

2) While the idea of watching you digest crumpled balls of recycled paper tickles me to no end, I have neither the inclination or desire to spend my evening searching through photos to placate your intent on bashing Zane.

3) For someone with a mighty 31 posts under your belt, you have alot of nerve bashing Zane and then accusing me of not knowning what I'm talking about and/or hiding behind a Zane alias. I'm well aware of Arod's bat traits as is any veteran member of this forum. What I have tried to do is to explain to you that players do not do things exactly the same way every time and will alter their bat habits occassionally. You have zero proof to discredit Zane's statement that it could be a game used bat or just a bp bat. I have also explained to you that MLB standards include bp bats as "game used" and while we may not like that designation, we know and accept it.

It seems that as of late, we have some people (count yourself in this one) who are members of this site for all of 10 minutes and who want nothing more than to stir up trouble. This site provides a wealth of knowledge to collectors and brings together those who share a common interest and love of the memoribilia. If you wish nothing more than lighting spot fires, please take it to the Beckett or PSA boards where it will be welcomed.

06-16-2008, 06:11 PM
I found this from a previous thread regarding Arod's use of blonde bats during games..


06-16-2008, 06:18 PM
I found this from a previous thread regarding Arod's use of blonde bats during games..


Nice work David!

He's also wearing a Posada wrist band, but I guess broome1000 will say that he never did that either.

06-16-2008, 06:19 PM
If you are so confident that it could be a gamer it should be a breeze to come up with some photo proof of Arod using a blond bat over the past year. I have seen people here photo proof an item in 5 minutes or less. Getty is full of photos. The fact is just because you have over 1500 posts doesn't make you right. I have seen every ebay scam and Zane's wording is intentionally deceptive. Why doesn't the bat say game used or come with a C.O.A.? Everyone knows it's an Arod batting practice model bat. For all anyone know's Zane could have bought it new and used it in his own back yard.

06-16-2008, 06:19 PM
You can't tell what company bat he is has there. So it might be another bat company and not a L.S. Gi74 like the one he is selling so this picture doesn't do any good on this subject. It just shows he used a blond bat and you don't even know if this is a regular game or spring training?

06-16-2008, 06:21 PM
If you are so confident that it could be a gamer it should be a breeze to come up with some photo proof of Arod using a blond bat over the past year. I have seen people here photo proof an item in 5 minutes or less. Getty is full of photos.

If its so easy, YOU find the photo. You are the one intent on discrediting Zane, not me.

06-16-2008, 06:26 PM
Regarding the photo that was posted. I see a lot of pine tar on that bat and none on zane's bat. Here is a photo from this year of Arod getting ready to take batting practice. Notice there is no pine tar on the batting practice bat also. End of story. This forum used to be about helping people. Now it seems people could care less about who gets hurt as long as their buddy Zane isn't tarnished.
Here is the link.

06-16-2008, 06:38 PM
I just posted the photo for reference. Would I buy the G174 Zane has on ebay. Probably not because it's not typically the model or color of the bat that Arod uses the majority of the time in games. Did he use blonde bats during games? The photo and corresponding thread demonstrates he did or may in the future. Could it have been an Old Hickory and not a HB? Yes. The thread even has a photo of him using a Rawlings bat.

Because of the photographic evidence i don't think Zane was being deceptive. However everyone has the right to their opinions and intepretations.


Did anyone even reach out to Zane before posting on this thread to question the bat?


R. C. Walker
06-16-2008, 07:18 PM
People who think Game Used Collecting is an exact science have a lot to learn.

Looking through Getty’s for absolute evidence is ridiculous.

They have gaps of up to and over 7 days - Yes, even the Yankees. Images from their site are not daily nor do they cover an entire series. It is also common to have erroneous dates. Most sequences only cover ONE at bat of a player. What happens if a player uses a purple bat within a weeks period Getty has no images? DISASTER!

Now, back to the regularly scheduled bickering . . .

06-16-2008, 07:39 PM
People who think Game Used Collecting is an exact science have a lot to learn.

Looking through Getty’s for absolute evidence is ridiculous.

They have gaps of up to and over 7 days - Yes, even the Yankees. Images from their site are not daily nor do they cover an entire series. It is also common to have erroneous dates. Most sequences only cover ONE at bat of a player. What happens if a player uses a purple bat within a weeks period Getty has no images? DISASTER!

Now, back to the regularly scheduled bickering . . .

Couldn't have said it better myself.

06-16-2008, 07:45 PM
Since when is someone's knowledge or right to question based on how many posts they have here on this forum? There are guys here with 100's of posts, many of which are completely useless. Haven't you met people in life with no brains that do an awful lot of talking? Someone thinks Zane's bats are good and someone thinks they are not, both parties bring up valid points. Me personally, I've purchased several items from Zane that I'm very happy with. But I wouldn't disregard someone's displeasure or questioning because he hasn't posted a thousand times here.

06-16-2008, 08:46 PM
MLB standards account for the term game used to include BP bats.

Jim is 100% correct on the definition of Game Used. The great thing about the Forum is that ARod's bats blonde/black LS have been discussed so many times.

That blonde LS you refer to that is listed by Zane looks like a great bat. I have owned blonde and black LS of ARod's and if given the same game use would pay much more for a black LS, but that is just me.

Jim "Vintagedeputy" is among many that give his time and expertise on this Forum free of charge. I know Jim and he is fair. He has his opinions and I think if we all give our opinions and keep an open mind we will get more accomplished as RC Walker has pointed out with "exact science". So true.

With all that said, there are plenty of Posts about Zane in the past years and I for one wish he would respond to them, but he is free to do whatever he wants I guess.

This old Post I bring to light and no pun intended about the word "LIGHT" shows very questionable bats in the past.


This was a direct quote from that Post from Dan Derleth
As a Ripken collector I KNOW that Cal NEVER used a 33" bat. When I questioned Burns on the legitimacy of the bat, ie. specifically is this a game used Ripken bat or a game bat used by Cal Ripken, he skirted the question and basically said, you make your own judgment.

I did not think this was a professional attitude. Thoughts from other members?????

From Soxwin
Zane, is the selling of Mizuno bats which are claimed to be " from the rack" for players as Bernie Williams ( you ever see him swing anything ofther than Rawlings) Glaus, Ichiro Piazza and others. I would not touch a Mizuno bat for anything. Rob from Authentic Gamers has mentions bad Mizuno Puljos bats in his Water Cooler Section.

06-16-2008, 09:50 PM
Back to the blonde bats of Arod. I was just reminded by another thread in here that Arod used to order blonde bats from us besides the G174. His own model the R228. I'm seeing him in a week or two so I'll put this to rest by asking if he's used any of his blonde bats in a game. Will that work for everybody?

06-16-2008, 10:17 PM
Back to the blonde bats of Arod. I was just reminded by another thread in here that Arod used to order blonde bats from us besides the G174. His own model the R228. I'm seeing him in a week or two so I'll put this to rest by asking if he's used any of his blonde bats in a game. Will that work for everybody?

BMH - that is a good idea, thank you. There is always the possibility though that he may or not recall exactly. We know sometimes the players dont always remember the details....but I say, it cant hurt.

ps- I have a question for you that I'll send in a pm, if you dont mind.


06-17-2008, 04:24 AM
Here is a picture of a blonde LS game used bat singed by Arod as game used

06-17-2008, 01:13 PM
With all that said, there are plenty of Posts about Zane in the past years and I for one wish he would respond to them, but he is free to do whatever he wants I guess.

I got off the phone with Zane Burns about an hour ago. He left me a message and I called him back.

I applaud him for calling me to discuss my Post, and he told me he appreciated that I am a "real" person who doesn't hide behind the internet which seems to be a recurring theme in the world of the internet and the anonymous nature of it.

The conversation lasted almost 32 minutes so we had time to discuss an old issue of Pujols Mizuno bats which he said he would buy back from me which is as genuine an offer as someone can make in this business and I appreciate that.

He told me a lot about what he does in the business and I told him I went over his current eBay inventory and like I said in my Post about his ARod bats they looked good to me and I told him he had many nice bats in his eBay inventory.

Lastly, I strongly suggested that he should Post on the Forum mainly to share his vast knowledge of Game Used Bats. Hopefully he will!

06-22-2008, 10:14 PM
I have purchased a lot of bats from Zane. I have always found him to be honest. I do not have a problem buying bats from him and plan to do so in the future.

With regards to price of the bat, that is a personal issue.


06-28-2008, 11:31 AM
Zane has relisted this AROD bat again. But this time he say's it's from spring training and it was obtained from a batboy. Now it doesn't mention being used in batting practice or in a game. How many times can he change the discription of this bat. What do you guys think of this situation. The bat is listed on ebay again here is the listing number(#320268504679). Look at this listing and look at the second post on here with a link to the first time it was listed.

06-28-2008, 12:08 PM
MLB has stated that game used can be used in BP or in a game. I believe Spring Training is also considered game used.

I applaud Zane for amending the description with the additional info to the auction so potential bidders have the whole story.