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07-10-2008, 03:22 PM
What is your opinion on sellers charging over and above the shipping cost?

As a seller, I don't. I feel it's part of the selling process and charge what actual postage costs.

For someone to mail something first class (let's say an 8x10), and charge $10, that's just ridiculous.

Seller states cost due to time, gas, etc.

Your thoughts?


07-10-2008, 03:26 PM
Thats a good question. I have to resort to the fact that the seller has the right to charge what they want. It's their item. I understand someone could charge an astronomical rate i.e. $50 for a picture but if you don't like the postage price, don't bid/buy. Simple as that.

07-10-2008, 03:44 PM
i bought a card on ebay it cost .99 and i paid $3.00 for shipping does not make sense

07-10-2008, 03:47 PM
This just happened to me a few weeks ago when I purchased a bat from a lady. She didnt state in the auction how much shipping was, so that means to me it is actual shipping cost($8-$11). I even told her how much it should be. Well, that didnt matter, she charged me $17.95 to ship the bat. I was a bit mad but curious to see what the postage was on the box when I received it. Sure enough, it was $9.30 to ship it to me. So you better believe I emailed her and told her what I thought! She told me it was $9.30 to ship and the rest of it for handling!!! To make a long story short, I told her it doesnt cost that much etc etc and she gave me a $4.00 refund. Though it doesnt sound much, I was annoyed but satisfied that I got anything back.

This is one thing I just cannot stand!---Someone charging more for shipping that what he really costs to ship!

07-10-2008, 03:54 PM
i bought a card on ebay it cost .99 and i paid $3.00 for shipping does not make sense

Well it makes perfect sense but it depends on how the item was shipped.

If the item was shipped in a buble envelope - depending where you buy the bubble envelope from and if you buy just an individual on it can cost $1.00
If the card came in a Hard plastic Card holder
.25 cents
Postage I think is around
.60 to . 70 cents
If they add confirmation
.60 cents

Add all these up
total $2.45 - thats not that bad

07-10-2008, 03:55 PM
it was in just plain white envlope with regular stamp and holder

07-10-2008, 03:56 PM
A seller can charge what they want, as long as they make it clear what the shipping will be. Some sellers have a low starting bid and high shipping to save on fees. Take cell phone accessories for emaple. You can get a charger for .99, but pay 5-6 bucks shipping. Its still cheaper than the stores. I always look at the shipping cost and factor that into my bid.

On the other hand, if shipping is not stated and the seller gives you a high shipping rate, then that is wrong and would make me angry too.

07-10-2008, 04:02 PM
I see your anger. $3.00 for shipping on a card isnt too bad, I've seen worse. Lets say you bought a card for $150, would you still be mad for the $3.00 shipping? :)

it was in just plain white envlope with regular stamp and holder

07-10-2008, 04:13 PM
If the shipping charged on a single bat is $15 or less, I normally wouldn't say anything.

I did, however, have an email correspondence (before I bid) with an eBay seller who had a bat listed with a $25 shipping charge. I very politely suggested that this was about twice the going rate - and, to his credit, he thanked me for the information, said that it was the first bat he'd ever listed (I checked, and this was true), and I bid on (and won) the bat with the understanding that I'd pay $15 for shipping.

As for sellers trying to factor in their time, their gas, their packing materials (kind of hard to buy, when those consist of a free Priority box from the P.O. and a handful of wadded-up newspaper), I'm afraid that I don't buy it. What's really happening, I think, is that sellers want to set their starting bid on an item as low as possible, and so the amount of money, to pay for gas, time, etc, that ought to be built into the bid price is being transferred to the Shipping Cost side, where it doesn't hurt them in listing and final value fees.

I've even had a seller try to justify his padded shipping charges by telling me that he had "employees to pay"...this, from somebody who had maybe twenty or thirty, mostly small, items listed. Maybe he expected his customers to pay for his employees' health insurance, too. :rolleyes:

It's as whatupyos wrote, though...if you don't like their rules, don't play their game.

07-10-2008, 04:16 PM
I see your anger. $3.00 for shipping on a card isnt too bad, I've seen worse. Lets say you bought a card for $150, would you still be mad for the $3.00 shipping? :)
no , i would be mad if he sent it in a regular envelope with a stamp but what could you do thats why i dont buy on ebay to often.

07-10-2008, 04:21 PM
It's as whatupyos wrote, though...if you don't like their rules, don't play their game.[/quote]

Very true, if you dont want to spend $30 for shipping on a bat, dont bid on the bat.

07-10-2008, 04:27 PM
Thats a good question. I have to resort to the fact that the seller has the right to charge what they want. It's their item. I understand someone could charge an astronomical rate i.e. $50 for a picture but if you don't like the postage price, don't bid/buy. Simple as that.

Although I do agree with you, just because some states $15 postage in their auction, doesn't make it right. As far as a seller has the right to charge what they want, I disagree. You should charge what is reasonable. Some go way overboard.

07-10-2008, 04:27 PM
It is a fine line for both a buyer and a seller and it gets really messy with larger items (framed, etc) as it gets expensive fast for the seller especially buying boxes and with "oversized" items such as framed jerseys.

As a buyer, I have no problem with some reasonable shipping, even if it is a little more than I would charge. However, it drives me crazy when people put huge numbers on shipping ($10 for a cheap 8x10 uninsured) or $30 to ship a jersey (that costs $100). While the shipping charge is there on the auction, it seems dishonest to obviously gouge people on the shipping and gives the impression that the seller is trying to slip something past his buyers and betting that not every buyer will check the shipping cost.

For me it makes me take a second look at the item, if the seller is going to lie about the shipping I tend to question the item a little more.

07-10-2008, 04:28 PM
when i ship a bat i usually carge $10 i go to ups store buy a shipping tube go to the postoffice ship it cheapest way possible sometimes i lose money shipping sometimes i make some but $10 i think is fair for shipping a bat.

07-10-2008, 04:32 PM
If you go to www.usps.com (http://www.usps.com) and open up a free account, you can get free boxes to ship your bats in, with free shipping as well. I go ahead and get them, as well as other boxes they give for free, for storage. Hey, its free, why not!?!

when i ship a bat i usually carge $10 i go to ups store buy a shipping tube go to the postoffice ship it cheapest way possible sometimes i lose money shipping sometimes i make some but $10 i think is fair for shipping a bat.

07-10-2008, 05:08 PM
If I charge for postage, say $8.00, and the item ended up actually costing me $6.00. I send the $2 back to the seller.

Goes a long way with buyers. It's the right thing to do.

I use to have a problem with sellers charging so much, because they want to include time, packaging, gas, etc., however, I feel they do have the right to do that if they desire, even though I don't.

07-10-2008, 05:09 PM
Well it makes perfect sense but it depends on how the item was shipped.

If the item was shipped in a buble envelope - depending where you buy the bubble envelope from and if you buy just an individual on it can cost $1.00
If the card came in a Hard plastic Card holder
.25 cents
Postage I think is around
.60 to . 70 cents
If they add confirmation
.60 cents

Add all these up

total $2.45 - thats not that bad

Great example. I agree!

07-10-2008, 05:38 PM
Whenever I sell an item, bat or whatever, I try to make shipping cost as close to actual as I can. However, I have shipped bats in the same style box and everything and it has been as cheap as $6 and as high as $14. For one bat in the same style box via Priority Mail at the same post office. I usually try to price my shipping on bats at $12. I dont try to make on it, but I dont want it to cost me either.

If you want to talk about something rediculous, lets talk paypal fees. WOW


07-10-2008, 06:12 PM
Not to stray for too long from the subject of game-used, but since cards and their shipping costs have come up frequently in this thread...

As a recent convert to Sportlots.com, I am amazed at the deals on shipping that I am getting there, compared with what I've been paying on eBay for so many years. Each seller on Sportlots sets his or her own shipping prices, but those prices - particularly when muliple cards are involved in the order - are, for the most part, just ridiculously low.

As an example, I recently bought 174 cards from one seller, and they arrived, each in a penny sleeve, packaged securely in a brand new card storage box, inside a slightly larger box, with padding to protect the inner box, for which I paid $5.50 for shipping.

07-10-2008, 06:17 PM
Godwulf, I agree. I have not bought any cards on eBay since I discovered Sportslot.com awhile back. Their selection and shipping make it hard to beat.

On the subject of seller over charging for shipping, I had one eBay seller tell me they factored in PayPal fees into their shipping rates. Don't agree with this at all but unfortunately I had to pay to play.

07-10-2008, 06:19 PM
As long as its stated clearly in the auction description, I have no problem with the fees charged by sellers. I tend to charge slightly more than the actual "shipping" fee to make up for time/materials/fees/etc... During the paypal checkout, it states under the shipping fees "includes any handling fees"

07-10-2008, 07:11 PM
What is this Sportslots.com you speak of? I am starting to search it now for the first time.

07-10-2008, 07:12 PM
Well with ebay and there crazy charges and the fact that items really dont get what you would expect them to sell for i do see why people charge what they do with shipping.

But as a buyer if you wanted to be a punk with the feedback system the way it is you could hold it over there head and threaten neg feedback after you win the item haha. There are these neon signs on ebay that tend to sell for .99 cents obviously not a 99 cent item but they charge 30 for shipping. Thats obviously how they are making there money and screwing over ebay. Is it wrong? I dunno its all about playing the game!

07-10-2008, 07:15 PM
Although I do agree with you, just because some states $15 postage in their auction, doesn't make it right. As far as a seller has the right to charge what they want, I disagree. You should charge what is reasonable. Some go way overboard.

I hear your point. But when you say it doesnt make it right, who's to say what right is? Its up for interpretation. I know some do go overboard, but its their right. Like someone stated, they might be trying to make up for ebay fees or other charges. I know you disagree with regard to the seller has the right to charge what they want, but they do. There is no law I'm aware of on ebay that says you should charge what you say is fair. Again, if you don't like it, dont buy it. If I don't like my service at a restaurant, I'm not going to go there again. They have the right to treat me how they want, I have the right not to eat their food. Its America, and we have rights. In theroy you should charge what is fair, I totally agree, but people don't. I have bought cards for cheap and paid twice as much for shipping in a plain white envelope, but I'm cool with that. If I want the card or item bad enough, I'll buy it.

Same with people selling game used on here. I might disagree with an items value, but if I want it bad enough, I'll buy it.

07-10-2008, 07:29 PM
I read everything carefully, don't care how it adds up as long it meets what I am willing to pay.......

07-10-2008, 08:03 PM
Heres a perfect example of too much shipping!!

http://cgi.ebay.com/Baseball-1955-Red-Sox-Autographed_W0QQitemZ250266802067QQihZ015QQcategor yZ27260QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

07-11-2008, 12:02 AM
Duly note that I am both a buyer and a seller, so I know both sides of the coin. I have been overcharged for flimsy packaging, and I know the time it takes to package and ship and the rate of gas (My saying is the day a USPS Priority Mail box costs the seller only $3.80 is the day the USPS invents a box that packages itself and walks to the PO).

My problem with buyers who complain about being overcharged-- and these posts come of regularly-- is that as a seller I about never had a buyer offer to pay me back, or even bring up the issue, when I've undercharged. In the last three years, there has been one eBay bidder who has offered to pay for an undercharge in shipping-- and he was an Englishman bidding from London! For most bidders, a discrepancy between charge and cost only matters when they are the ones out the difference.

I think the shipping should be stated and that it should be packaged reasonably.

07-11-2008, 08:37 AM
I recently won an eBay jersey auction where the shipping was listed as $15. I emailed the seller with an estimate of the actual shipping (in a BOX) from her (FL) to me (VA) including tracking and insurance (just over $10) and offered $12 for shipping, which she accepted.
She then proceeds to throw the jersey into a Tyvek bag and send it to me without tracking or insurance, and pocket the $6 difference between the estimated and actual shipping. :eek: :mad: :rolleyes:
I was sorely tempted to be a Schrutebag and tell her it didn't arrive...

07-11-2008, 10:29 AM
Well with ebay and there crazy charges and the fact that items really dont get what you would expect them to sell for i do see why people charge what they do with shipping.

Just as whether or not to buy on eBay is a choice, so is selling. Without trying to make excuses for eBay's "crazy charges", they are providing to you, for that money, access to what is probably the biggest customer base in the universe. The guy who runs your local monthly sports card show (assuming there is one) might only charge you 35 bucks a day to rent a table in the food court of the mall or the church multi-purpose room...but he's not going to be able to do much to hook you up with potential buyers throughout the known world, is he?

As for items not selling for "what you would expect them to", on those rare occasions when I'm actually able to force myself to part with something and sell it, I make it a point (and this seems like such a simple idea, really) to start the bidding at the lowest amount for which I'd be willing to sell the item. Period.

Several years ago, I was the only bidder on a bobblehead, which I got for $4.99. Listed shipping charges were something like $9. The seller owned a large sports card and memorabilia store in a nearby town, maybe 20 or so miles away, and I'd picked up other, pricier things from him before, without a problem...so I emailed him that I would be picking it up on Saturday.

When I went to get the item, he told me that I owed him $10...that he was giving me a "break" by only charging me that amount. His exact words were, "You didn't really expect to come in here and get this bobblehead for five dollars, did you?" I asked him why, if he was unwilling to sell it for that amount, he'd started the bidding at five dollars, and he said, "Oh come on, you know how it works!" This guy tried every passive-aggressive trick in the book, ranging from refusing to sell it to me at all to giving it to me for nothing (I should have gone with that one, in retrospect), and I finally got it for $5 + local sales tax.

07-11-2008, 11:21 AM
This just happened to me a few weeks ago when I purchased a bat from a lady. She didnt state in the auction how much shipping was, so that means to me it is actual shipping cost($8-$11). I even told her how much it should be. Well, that didnt matter, she charged me $17.95 to ship the bat. I was a bit mad but curious to see what the postage was on the box when I received it. Sure enough, it was $9.30 to ship it to me. So you better believe I emailed her and told her what I thought! She told me it was $9.30 to ship and the rest of it for handling!!! To make a long story short, I told her it doesnt cost that much etc etc and she gave me a $4.00 refund. Though it doesnt sound much, I was annoyed but satisfied that I got anything back.

This is one thing I just cannot stand!---Someone charging more for shipping that what he really costs to ship!

Your story is fine, but what I do not understand is when people complain in this discussion about pre-set shipping. I charge $15.00 to ship baseball bats, which I put in a Priority Mail box and insure. I use PayPal USPS shipping, so Delivery Confirmation is included. I figured $15.00 as I found that to ship a bat across the street is reasonable, say $7.00 - $8.00 with insurance, but to ship across the country runs $15.00 - $17.00. The shipping price is firm, I do not negotiate shipping and handling fees.

For instance, when I sell 8x10s (I had about 60 or more end yesterday) I charge $5.00 for the first and $1.00 for each extra with no limit. My starting bid is .99-cents. Sometimes a person complains when they buy 10 photos for .99-cents each plus $1.00 each extra. I make it very clear in my description this combined shipping is set before they bid. The $1.00 extra fee covers any shipping, handling and other fees we may incur so we do not scan, list and ship and item for a total loss.

If you do not like people making money on shipping, don't forget they often are covering fees for boxes, shipping supplies, eBay and PayPal fees, etc. If they are reasonable fees, a small profit is normal and accepted from the eBay community.

Heres a perfect example of too much shipping!!

http://cgi.ebay.com/Baseball-1955-Red-Sox-Autographed_W0QQitemZ250266802067QQihZ015QQcategor yZ27260QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Seller is a new seller to eBay, and they are offering $65.00 for overnight shipping which for all shipping companies offers $100.00 insurance built in. I believe to ship a baseball (1 or two pounds if you have a case with it or not) overnight will run between $16.00 and $25.00 or so based on what company you use and where you ship.

So, yes, this is excessive shipping which may be interpreted as circumventing eBay fees and it should be reported to eBay. The problem is eBay often doesn't do anything, but they have a place where you can report excessive shipping charges.

Several years ago, I was the only bidder on a bobblehead, which I got for $4.99. Listed shipping charges were something like $9. The seller owned a large sports card and memorabilia store in a nearby town, maybe 20 or so miles away, and I'd picked up other, pricier things from him before, without a problem...so I emailed him that I would be picking it up on Saturday.

When I went to get the item, he told me that I owed him $10...that he was giving me a "break" by only charging me that amount. His exact words were, "You didn't really expect to come in here and get this bobblehead for five dollars, did you?" I asked him why, if he was unwilling to sell it for that amount, he'd started the bidding at five dollars, and he said, "Oh come on, you know how it works!" This guy tried every passive-aggressive trick in the book, ranging from refusing to sell it to me at all to giving it to me for nothing (I should have gone with that one, in retrospect), and I finally got it for $5 + local sales tax.

Funny story. I do not have a retail shop anymore (I am looking for new locations) but I have always had a policy, no matter what the situation, anyone can pick up an item at my store for their high bid price, no questions. Why insult a customer who may buy something else.

Now, the seller does have a right to tell you "No local pickup" and then you are responsible for their terms.


Now, to make other points clear. As a buyer and seller on eBay, I look at what the set shipping and handling price is before I determine my high bid price. I recently found out that eBay policy doesn't require a seller to combine shipping, so look at the description for this or ask first before expecting combined shipping.

Reasonable shipping, for say one card is $3.00. This is what I charge, unless I am including insurance then I charge $5.00. Generally it is 50-cents or $1.00 extra per card ordered. I use a bubble envelope (say 25-cents) and to ship a 3 ounce package with PayPal required delivery confirmation runs about $1.65 or so via PayPal USPS shipping.

I just do not understand, if a seller sets REASONABLE shipping and handling fees, say $3.00 for a baseball card or $15.00 for a baseball bat - When you bid, bid accordingly.

Now, when a seller sets $10.00 shipping for a $12.00 card, as I saw a seller do on free listing day, this is an abuse of avoiding eBay fees. They still have to pay the PayPal fees for the final value price only, but eBay doesn't take a percentage of shipping and handling fees.

I receive a lot of complaints about high shipping for international orders. Generally, I ship everything to foregin countries via US Prioirty Mail International, which includes built-in tracking and insurance. PayPal requires tracking for all orders, so I use this service (sometimes I will ship a card first class mail if it is a low dollar item, but I am then taking a risk if the buyer disputes the charge). They don't like the price, but I make it clear, ask first and bid accordingly if you do not like the pre-set shipping price. If you think an item is worth $200.00 and shipping is $25.00, bid $175.00!

In closing, ask questions prior to bidding and check out their policies if they are not stated in the listing. Sellers who drop stuff off at the post office and do not use tracking will learn the hard way, even if they require extra for insurance, they are responsible to be sure the package is delivered - As PayPal protects buyers to be sure tracking numbers are used or the seller will lose as they have no recourse.

Funny how many sellers have emailed me in the past when I ask where my item is that they didn't track it because I didn't buy the extra insurance. In the rare case the item never showed up, they found out the hard way that they are still responsible to use tracking or insurance or not, they are liable.

07-11-2008, 11:26 AM
i bought a card on ebay it cost .99 and i paid $3.00 for shipping does not make sense

Oops, I forgot to comment on this one.

When you bid .99-cents, you knew shipping was $3.00 so you basically accepted that you were buying a $4.00 card. If you only felt the card was worth $1.00, then you should have not bid, right?

I have a friend who used to charge $1.00 to ship a card, and then with new fees he raised it to $2.00. He doesn't use tracking for lower priced orders, but he found $1.00 for a .99-cents card he was losing money on the whole transaction.

07-11-2008, 11:40 AM
If I am shipping a pair of game worn cleats, the box for shipping is going to run me approximatley $4.00 - $5.00. I need packing tape, and perhaps bubble wrap as well which all told will run another $5.00 probably for supplies. Depending on where I am shipping that runs anywhere from $5.00 to $10.00. I agree that flats and items like that should not cost $15.00 however it appears that not everyone is taking into account all the cost of supplies to actually shp the item.

07-11-2008, 12:08 PM
I have made a conscious effort to save boxes still in good condition and bubble wrap and other shipping related items that have come with stuff that I have purchased. That way I don't have to waste my time running to the store to buy shipping related items. When I'm selling an item I just reuse the boxes or bat tubes and bubble wrap, etc. I don't sell a ton of stuff but this is one way to keep shipping costs reasonable and recycle at the same time.

07-11-2008, 12:26 PM
With the deals that can be found on Ebay, I can't believe people complain about shipping charges?? If its not a deal after the stated shipping charge, then dont bid. Also, shipping is expensive, especially across country, no matter what method you use. Its a lot easier to have a flat shipping rate instead of a chart that confuses people. And, if you dont like the US post office, then you have to buy a box, tape and packaging material. Plus the time it takes to package up something and go mail it adds up.

Recently, I bought a printer on Ebay for 29.99 and free shipping. I paid via Paypal and when the package came, shipping was $23:eek: After Paypal and Ebay fees, what could this person have made on the printer, 2-3 bucks? I felt bad. I'm sure theyre not going to be offering free shipping anymore :eek:

07-11-2008, 01:17 PM
A practical problem for me as a seller is I often sell things that require custom packaging to to irregular size. I literally don't know the shipping cost until the person at the PO desk tells me what is the charge.

A guy from Germany asked what is the shipping cost of an item to Munich. I honestly said, "I have no idea."

07-11-2008, 01:29 PM
Though all of you comments are fine, I dont see why a seller would want more for shipping than what it actually costs to ship! You can get free boxes at usps, with free shipping, and just about everyone I know gets the newspaper or have some sort of paper lying around. The handling for that is completely free. So overpaying due to shipping charges I feel is a bit silly. Or just a lack of what free supplies are available, which is not the buyers fault. Do your homework sellers!

07-11-2008, 01:38 PM
As a veteran eBay seller, if you deliver the item them expect, package the item appropriately and don't have obviously outrageous overcharges, the vast majority of buyers won't complain if the charge versus package price is off a bit. Most buyers do understanding that packaging/shipping takes some time and materials, so a $4 charge on $3 shipping is no big deal.

For most buyers, shipping complaints happen when they complaints are legitimate. Ala terrible packaging or $9 charge for 37 stamp envelope. If a buyer complains for a $1 charge on 95 cent cost, then they're being cheap and, as I mentioned in an earlier posts, I would say I sure hope they are also reimbursing the seller when they're undercharged for shipping (Of course they aren't, because being cheap usually means being selfish).

07-11-2008, 01:51 PM
Though all of you comments are fine, I dont see why a seller would want more for shipping than what it actually costs to ship! You can get free boxes at usps, with free shipping, and just about everyone I know gets the newspaper or have some sort of paper lying around. The handling for that is completely free. So overpaying due to shipping charges I feel is a bit silly. Or just a lack of what free supplies are available, which is not the buyers fault. Do your homework sellers!

Unfortunately, I don't get the newspaper and if and when I am shipping items that cost $3000.00 or more, I feel that the over packaged protection that I tend to use such as heavy bubble wrap, etc. is warrented but then again, I have never ever had anyone complain about shipping charges. I think it all depends what you are shipping and this tends to be on a case by case basis. Where can you get free shipping???

07-11-2008, 01:56 PM
ndevlin sounds like the comments from someone who doesn't sell. Of course buyers think sellers time and effort is worth nothing. However, when the buyers become sellers, their tune inevitably changes.

I've yet to find someone who will package in my basement two hours a day for free, so I know the going market for handling packages isn't free. My sister once helped me with packaging twice a week, and I paid her by the hour. In other words, whether or not the cost should be passed onto the customer is a legitimate question, but there's no question that there is a cost to packaging and handling. When I'm not packaging, I could be doing something else work-wise (something I'll have to do later). To do that something else work-wise I'll have to pay someone to package. There's no way around that there's a cost to me to package.

07-11-2008, 02:04 PM
ndevlin sounds like the comments from someone who doesn't sell. Of course buyers think sellers time and effort is worth nothing. However, when the buyers become sellers, their tune inevitably changes.

I've yet to find someone who will package in my basement two hours a day for free, so I know the going market for handling packages isn't free. My sister once helped me with packaging twice a week, and I paid her by the hour. In other words, whether or not the cost should be passed onto the customer is a legitimate question, but there's no question that there is a cost to packaging and handling. When I'm not packaging, I could be doing something else work-wise (something I'll have to do later). To do that something else work-wise I'll have to pay someone to package. There's no way around that there's a cost to me to package.

Come on now guys, dont hate on someone elses opinion. You dont know me, so dont suspect that I am not a seller, or anything else for that matter.

Sorry Brett, let me clarify that. When I said free shipping, I meant when you get free boxes from usps, they send it to you free of charge, as in, no shipping costs.

07-11-2008, 02:07 PM
I remember when someone complained that one of the big auctions shipping charge was more than their cost. He meant the PO shipping price on the sticker on the box. I explained that, unless they are using slave labor, the auction house is paying people at least minimum wage to package, so their shipping/handling cost is at least that much more than the number on the package stickers.

07-11-2008, 02:10 PM
Oops, I forgot to comment on this one.

When you bid .99-cents, you knew shipping was $3.00 so you basically accepted that you were buying a $4.00 card. If you only felt the card was worth $1.00, then you should have not bid, right?

I have a friend who used to charge $1.00 to ship a card, and then with new fees he raised it to $2.00. He doesn't use tracking for lower priced orders, but he found $1.00 for a .99-cents card he was losing money on the whole transaction.
i'm not concerned it's over i was just stating the facts whats a stamp now 42 cents im not sure but to charge $3.00 it's only $3.00 but thats almost a gallon of gas for a 22 year old kid who goes to ocean city all the time

07-11-2008, 02:10 PM
Heres a perfect example of too much shipping!!

http://cgi.ebay.com/Baseball-1955-Red-Sox-Autographed_W0QQitemZ250266802067QQihZ015QQcategor yZ27260QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Ndevlin actually I looked into just out of curiosity to see what the actual costs would be on this item.
If you pay attention to the sellers shipping preference he is using UPS Next Day Air.
Which I checked out and roughly estimates on this item from $33.00 to $52.00 depending if on the specific day you choose.
He has it listed for $65 shipping.
So as he still may be gouging his actual balance he will make for himself would be between $13.00 to $32.00
Judging by this seller also doesnt seem like he is a big seller and probably is just trying to make an educated guess and get the item to you as quick and safe as possible.

For the item he is selling thats really not that bad (if the item is exactly what he says it is) I think it is actually worth it.

07-11-2008, 02:12 PM
Come on now guys, dont hate on someone elses opinion. You dont know me, so dont suspect that I am not a seller, or anything else for that matter.

Sorry Brett, let me clarify that. When I said free shipping, I meant when you get free boxes from usps, they send it to you free of charge, as in, no shipping costs.

Thanks for the update, do you know if they have all one size shipping boxes or do they have different sizes? My wife picked up some boxes free for me before however they were too small to ship virtually anything that I have sold over the past year or two.


07-11-2008, 02:13 PM
Ndevlin actually I looked into just out of curiosity to see what the actual costs would be on this item.
If you pay attention to the sellers shipping preference he is using UPS Next Day Air.
Which I checked out and roughly estimates on this item from $33.00 to $52.00 depending if on the specific day you choose.
He has it listed for $65 shipping.
So as he still may be gouging his actual balance he will make for himself would be between $13.00 to $32.00
Judging by this seller also doesnt seem like he is a big seller and probably is just trying to make an educated guess and get the item to you as quick and safe as possible.

For the item he is selling thats really not that bad (if the item is exactly what he says it is) I think it is actually worth it.

Hi Suave,

Yeah, I didnt see that it was next day shipping when I posted. Even though, I wouldnt want next day shipping anyways. I'd be ok with $10 3-5 day:)

07-11-2008, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the update, do you know if they have all one size shipping boxes or do they have different sizes? My wife picked up some boxes free for me before however they were too small to ship virtually anything that I have sold over the past year or two.


Yeah, I know they have a couple different sizes. For example, the boxes you ship bats in, I know those are free, as well as the ones that are a little bit shorter, but same sort of box. And I believe boxes that you can put baseballs in. Here, I'll drop a link and hopefully it will work. Under each item, it will either say No Charge, or the price for the item. Also note there are 6+ pages of boxes and supplies. Let me know if this does not work and would be more than happy to send you an email.


07-11-2008, 02:33 PM
Actually, from a personal standpoint, I hate packaging. Some people may enjoy it, but I don't. The primary reason for cutting back my sales, is I don't want to package the items. It's often easier not to sell, especially when they're a good chance you'll los money on eBay. Packaging is indeed more palatable on a profit than a loss, but there are many losses on eBay these days.

I don't charge buyers from my packaging and handling, but that's not because I think my time is worthless or that packaging is fun. As I mentioned earlier I can't find anyone who wants to package for me for free or cut boxes as a pastime, so I assume I am not the only one with this sentiment.

07-11-2008, 02:42 PM
Actually, from a personal standpoint, I hate packaging. Some people may enjoy it, but I don't. The primary reason for cutting back my sales, is I don't want to package the items. It's often easier not to sell, especially when they're a good chance you'll los money on eBay. Packaging is indeed more palatable on a profit than a loss, but there are many losses on eBay these days.

I don't charge buyers from my packaging and handling, but that's not because I think my time is worthless or that packaging is fun. As I mentioned earlier I can't find anyone who wants to package for me for free or cut boxes as a pastime, so I assume I am not the only one with this sentiment.

07-11-2008, 02:46 PM

Agreed, that is what I generally like to do as well. Since I am at work 75 hours a week and spend another ten to fifteen hours commuting to and from, I really don't often have time to play with packaging tape, boxes etc.

07-11-2008, 03:31 PM
i'm not concerned it's over i was just stating the facts whats a stamp now 42 cents im not sure but to charge $3.00 it's only $3.00 but thats almost a gallon of gas for a 22 year old kid who goes to ocean city all the time

Two things:

1. If a seller charges $3.00 shipping and puts the item in a 42-cents envelope there is an issue as they are avoiding packaging, protection and PayPal required tracking. They are poor sellers taking advantage of the system.

2. If you have to debate weather to buy $3.99 baseball cards or spend it on gas to get to the Ocean - You need to find a better job. Then again, I always love to tell the story how while in high school Dad used to tell me he wanted to see me pay bills with my baseball cards. Then about 12 years later, Dad asked to borrow $17,000.00 to have enough for a down payment on his house. As I sent him the money, I told him to remember that this was, "Baseball Card Money".

Though all of you comments are fine, I dont see why a seller would want more for shipping than what it actually costs to ship! You can get free boxes at usps, with free shipping, and just about everyone I know gets the newspaper or have some sort of paper lying around. The handling for that is completely free. So overpaying due to shipping charges I feel is a bit silly. Or just a lack of what free supplies are available, which is not the buyers fault. Do your homework sellers!

I think what you are missing is many sellers use the shipping fees to cover other costs, such as PayPal fees or eBay fees or maybe just the fees involved with running an eBay business. Instead of worrying that someone is making money on shipping and handling, make sure you understand that when you bid you know what they are charging and bid accordingly.

There is also the issue, that may cost or save you that a seller is charging a flat fee. So, if you buy and you live 100 miles or 3000 miles from the seller, you are paying the same price even though the seller may be charging more or less than actual cost. Sellers often do not have time to calculate each order, so they use a flat rate and it all evens out to them. I have found that even though eBay offers a calculated button, it often doesn't work right and it just often scares away bids - So like most all sellers I use a standard flat rate.

Once again, you see the shipping and handling fees prior to placing a bid, so bid accordingly and then there are no surprises since you have figured the eBay final bid price into your calculation by deducting shipping from your bid.

Ndevlin actually I looked into just out of curiosity to see what the actual costs would be on this item.
If you pay attention to the sellers shipping preference he is using UPS Next Day Air.
Which I checked out and roughly estimates on this item from $33.00 to $52.00 depending if on the specific day you choose.
He has it listed for $65 shipping.
So as he still may be gouging his actual balance he will make for himself would be between $13.00 to $32.00
Judging by this seller also doesnt seem like he is a big seller and probably is just trying to make an educated guess and get the item to you as quick and safe as possible.

For the item he is selling thats really not that bad (if the item is exactly what he says it is) I think it is actually worth it.

Wow, I have not used UPS Overnight in years since the USPS Overnight is so much cheaper (and less reliable). You are right, for a 2-pound box it is insane that this seller would pay $52.00 to UPS to ship it overnight from NH to me in IL.

Here is the thing - This baseball is not worth much more than the $65.00 shipping they are charging. Maybe I am wrong, but the ball is faded and dirty. Ok, it is worth more than the $65.00 shipping, but I don't think this ball will end over $200.00. In fact, with $65.00 shipping it shouldn't end too high at all.

Now we have to monitor it.

07-11-2008, 03:55 PM
thats what he did 42 cent stamp on plain white envelope thats why i was mad and then he did not leave feedback that is another thing i did not like you take your time to leave feedback and then they dont leave it for you.
sorry to go off topic

07-11-2008, 04:06 PM
thats what he did 42 cent stamp on plain white envelope thats why i was mad and then he did not leave feedback that is another thing i did not like you take your time to leave feedback and then they dont leave it for you.
sorry to go off topic

Ok start a new topic because I still use the policy when I buy I leave feedback upon receipt of merchandise and when I sell I always return the feedback once I am sure the buyer is satisfied (generally when the buyer leaves me feedback).

With eBay's new policy, should I be leaving feedback upon receipt of payment?

07-11-2008, 06:50 PM
Hey Joel,

Was that you that asked the seller of the Red Sox ball if the shipping price was neg? Haha, he wasnt having it, was he? I also liked how he said "If a succesful bid is in the thousands of dollars, then the ball will be insured to that amount to protect the bidder buyer in the event of loss in transit." as well as "This baseball is irreplaceable" I wouldnt even bid, especially when you can barely see the ball in the pics. Hmm, who knows.

07-12-2008, 09:21 AM
Hey Joel,

Was that you that asked the seller of the Red Sox ball if the shipping price was neg? Haha, he wasnt having it, was he? I also liked how he said "If a succesful bid is in the thousands of dollars, then the ball will be insured to that amount to protect the bidder buyer in the event of loss in transit." as well as "This baseball is irreplaceable" I wouldnt even bid, especially when you can barely see the ball in the pics. Hmm, who knows.

Yes, you caught me:

Q: Will you offer any more reasonable shipping option for this baseball, say UPS Ground (which runs $10.00 from NH to IL) or USPS Priority Mail (which for a baseball runs $4.75 plus insurance)?


A: The ball will be insured to the amount of the succesful bidder.This baseball is irreplaceable. Whatever the cost to ship plus insurance in the amount of the bid is reasonable. So, yes, it could be less than $65.00. If a succesful bid is in the thousands of dollars, then the ball will be insured to that amount to protect the bidder buyer in the event of loss in transit.

...and my fair reply:

Ok, I don't think this ball is going to sell in the "thousands of dollars" due to a poor condition, as even single signed Ted Williams balls in mint condition are only selling for $300 - $600.00 these days.

I'll watch the auction.

I assume the $65.00 posted shipping has scared away bids, but I'll stand that this ball shouldn't sell for more than $200.00. My best guess would be this ball, with the posted shipping, would sell for say $65.00.

07-13-2008, 01:30 PM
As a longtime seller, my experience is that the vast majority of buyers are reasonable in their expectations and have common sense. If you do a good job shipping (including speed), are reasonable in shipping charge and the item is as advertised, the vast majority of buyers will happy and would recommend you to other collectors.

07-17-2008, 07:57 PM
This is sort of off the topic but still eBay related. What's a fair amount of time to wait before filing an "Unpaid Item Report"? It's been two weeks since the seller agreed to buy the item and they haven't responed to two e-mails reminding them of payment due. This is the first time I've had to deal with this type of thing so I'm kind of unsure. Thanks!

07-18-2008, 07:39 AM
This is sort of off the topic but still eBay related. What's a fair amount of time to wait before filing an "Unpaid Item Report"? It's been two weeks since the seller agreed to buy the item and they haven't responed to two e-mails reminding them of payment due. This is the first time I've had to deal with this type of thing so I'm kind of unsure. Thanks!

Heck, I just filed two this morning for $3.00 and $2.50 items from a week ago Tuesday. I am listing 50-300 items a week and I cannot baby people to pay. I send invoices every 2-3 days and then after 10 days I file the NPB report and wait eight days to see if they pay.

I have no problem if a buyer emails me they need time or are mailing a check over PayPal, but if they do not respond to 3-4 invoices, I move on to the next step. It just takes too much time to email these buyers and wait and wait and wait while managing other sales.

07-18-2008, 07:40 AM
Here is the thing - This baseball is not worth much more than the $65.00 shipping they are charging. Maybe I am wrong, but the ball is faded and dirty. Ok, it is worth more than the $65.00 shipping, but I don't think this ball will end over $200.00. In fact, with $65.00 shipping it shouldn't end too high at all.

Now we have to monitor it.

Did I win a prize? I predected the price not to reach $200.00, and the ball ended around $180.00 or so.

07-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Did I win a prize? I predected the price not to reach $200.00, and the ball ended around $180.00 or so.

The winning bidder must have received some better quality photo's to base his bid on, because I would not have bid on that just based on those in the auction. The buyer overpaid.

07-18-2008, 11:35 AM
The winning bidder must have received some better quality photo's to base his bid on, because I would not have bid on that just based on those in the auction. The buyer overpaid.

Yes, and the seller must feel taken advantage of since he though the ball was worth "thousands".

07-18-2008, 02:17 PM
Although I do agree with you, just because some states $15 postage in their auction, doesn't make it right. As far as a seller has the right to charge what they want, I disagree. You should charge what is reasonable. Some go way overboard.

I just wondered if anyone, with a similar complaint, ever pays back the seller if they charged too little. I should work both ways if you believe this. Just my 2 cents.