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03-07-2006, 01:17 PM
"The Capitol Punisher". "The Washington Monument". Call him what you will. Just don't call him late for supper. I would like to know what the models were for his later Senators years. Did he use block letter HOWARD all through his career or did he ever sign a contract. Thanks alot guys. You have been great about doing this.

03-07-2006, 01:56 PM

Frank Howard's H & B records are prety consistent in that he stayed with a certain model bat for quite awhile before changing.

In the early part of his career, 1958 through 1961, he used Model S2 bats over 95 % of the time (as far as H & B bats are concerned.) Bats were ordered in 35 1/2, 36, 37, and 38 inch lengths and generally weighed 32 ounces, although he would usually order 2 or 3 bats weighing between 45 and 48 ounces during each season.

In 1963, Model R43 was his bat of choice,which he used exclusively to the end of his career on 9/30/73. His typical R43 was 36 inches / 33 or 34 ounces. Lengths of 36 1/2" were also frequent. A few orders of lengths 35", 37", and 38" also can be found. Again, approximately once a season an order would come through at around 47 or 48 ounces (maybe for those ABs against Hoyt Wilhelm ?)

The rare Howard bats, or models ordered once or only a few times are Models K55 (July 1962 through Feb 1963) and R128 (May 1964.) He was responsible for Model H173 on 4/16/58 when he requested a M110 barrel with an S2 handle.

Call him what you like, I'll just stick with "Hondo."

Good Luck with future collecting.


03-07-2006, 02:05 PM
Regarding Howard's block letter models vs. autograph models: H & B records indicate that the first time an autograph was used instead of block letter name (contract) was In September 1971, which would have carried through just his final order of 2 R43 bats with the Senators (9/15/71) and his time with the Rangers (1972) and Tigers (1972-1973). A second version of Howard's signature model exists during his post-career Coach / Manager years.


03-07-2006, 03:37 PM
Thanks again.