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View Full Version : The crying and complaining has got to end!

08-03-2008, 08:25 PM
For 2 days now, all I've seen here is crying and whining about this and that. Why did this person get banned, when is the "for sale" forum coming back, blah blah blah.

For people who dont pay a damn dime to partake in all of this wonderful information that is exchanged here on a daily basis, there sure seems to be some folks who feel that they are entitled to some say in how its run.

I enjoy the benefit of all this free information and I dont piss and moan every other day about things here. I have stuff that I'd love to sell too. When and if the forum comes back, it comes back. If it never comes back, so be it. If they want to charge ebay style fees to use the site, so be it. It costs money to run a website. I know this first hand. I have a forum on my business site and if I make the decision to boot someone, its my decision. If you dont want to pay the fees, start your own website and stick to your "everything is free" platform and see how long that lasts. The comments I've read here lately blasting the owners of this site and calling them greedy and everything else is assinine. I have read things from folks on this site that I would never have known about game used memoribilia. The knowledge that is here is amazing. People should be happy for anything that they have gotten here for free in the past. Be grateful for what you have already been given and stop looking for someone to spoon feed you on their dime for the rest of your lives

If you dont agree with me, fine. Dont bother posting some long winded reply to try to bait me into an argument because I wont respond. I said my peace.

08-03-2008, 08:35 PM
The comments I've read here lately blasting the owners of this site and calling them greedy and everything else is assinine.

Before you rip on a majority of GUU members, I would suggest that you pick up a dictionary and learn how to spell. You are making yourself look quite ridiculous, or should I say, asinine.

08-03-2008, 08:44 PM
I have a boxing forum on my STL boxing website that is absolutely free, and though it is a niche site, I have a good amount of viewership in St. Louis. Forums depend on people with knowledge to post good information.

I LOVE this site, and have met plenty of good people here. However, I am not a yes man in real life, and will not be one here either...that defeats the purpose of this site.

Nodding yes to everything is Lampsonizing GUU - and I'm sure that is not what the creators of this site envisioned.

A good message was sent by some members in good standing who were concerned with a harsh term - BANNING.

I would suggest you guys (Chris, Eric, Rob) revise the wording of the discipline to suspended. Might make this kind of thing easier next time.

Not sure if this is categorized as crying and complaining.

08-03-2008, 08:45 PM
For 2 days now, all I've seen here is crying and whining about this and that. Why did this person get banned, when is the "for sale" forum coming back, blah blah blah.

For people who dont pay a damn dime to partake in all of this wonderful information that is exchanged here on a daily basis, there sure seems to be some folks who feel that they are entitled to some say in how its run.

I enjoy the benefit of all this free information and I dont piss and moan every other day about things here [sic]. I have stuff that I'd love to sell too. When and if the forum comes back, it comes back. If it never comes back, so be it. If they want to charge ebay style fees to use the site, so be it. It costs money to run a website. I know this first hand. I have a forum on my business site and if I make the decision to boot someone, its my decision. If you dont want to pay the fees, start your own website and stick to your "everything is free" platform and see how long that lasts. The comments I've read here lately blasting the owners of this site and calling them greedy and everything else is assinine. I have read things from folks on this site that I would never have known about game used memoribilia. The knowledge that is here is amazing. People should be happy for anything that they have gotten here for free in the past. Be grateful for what you have already been given and stop looking for someone to spoon feed you on their dime for the rest of your lives

If you dont agree with me, fine. Dont bother posting some long winded reply to try to bait me into an argument because I wont respond. I said my peace.

So let me understand this: everyone else can't cry and complain, except for you?

The members are entitled to suggest how this site should be run. After all, we are the primary reason why this site is successful. I don't care what kind of business you run. Any elementary understanding of ethics would tell you that just because Chris can do what ever he wants, it doesn't mean that he ought to trample over the will of forum members. I am getting sick and tired of people on this forum saying that because they run x business that that means that they can do whatever they want. No they can't. Businesses are not impervious to ethics and common sense. That's why the government can regulate business, has regulated business, and ought to continue to do as such. You can respond if you want; honestly, I don't care. But to attack those of us who want AWA85 back is simply disgusting.

08-03-2008, 09:10 PM
Before you rip on a majority of GUU members, I would suggest that you pick up a dictionary and learn how to spell. You are making yourself look quite ridiculous, or should I say, asinine.
I think your in for reel trouble, if you ateempt to be the grammer police. In my humbel opinin, Vintage Debuty was calling most of the bleeding hearts club, "asses", hence the misspelling of asinine.
Your a passionate dude with a lot of passion about the evils of this world. That's cool. Theirs alot more to complain about than simple spelling eras.

Why is a piece loving dude like yourself trying to start a fight with Vintage Debuty?

08-03-2008, 09:14 PM
I think your in for reel trouble, if you ateempt to be the grammer police. In my humbel opinin, Vintage Debuty was calling most of the bleeding hearts club, "asses", hence the misspelling of asinine.
Your a passionate dude with a lot of passion about the evils of this world. That's cool. Theirs alot more to complain about than simple spelling eras.

Why is a piece loving dude like yourself trying to start a fight with Vintage Debuty?

Thanks for the humor. :p I just have an issue with poor grammar. You should see my face as I read what you just wrote.

08-03-2008, 09:29 PM
For 2 days now, all I've seen here is crying and whining about this and that. Why did this person get banned, when is the "for sale" forum coming back, blah blah blah.

For people who dont pay a damn dime to partake in all of this wonderful information that is exchanged here on a daily basis, there sure seems to be some folks who feel that they are entitled to some say in how its run.

I enjoy the benefit of all this free information and I dont piss and moan every other day about things here. I have stuff that I'd love to sell too. When and if the forum comes back, it comes back. If it never comes back, so be it. If they want to charge ebay style fees to use the site, so be it. It costs money to run a website. I know this first hand. I have a forum on my business site and if I make the decision to boot someone, its my decision. If you dont want to pay the fees, start your own website and stick to your "everything is free" platform and see how long that lasts. The comments I've read here lately blasting the owners of this site and calling them greedy and everything else is assinine. I have read things from folks on this site that I would never have known about game used memoribilia. The knowledge that is here is amazing. People should be happy for anything that they have gotten here for free in the past. Be grateful for what you have already been given and stop looking for someone to spoon feed you on their dime for the rest of your lives

If you dont agree with me, fine. Dont bother posting some long winded reply to try to bait me into an argument because I wont respond. I said my peace.
Vintage could not have put it better. I have made many a friend here and have learned alot, assisted others. There is nothing in life that is free. It costs money to run this site. The owners can and shall do whatever they like, it is their priviledge.

08-03-2008, 09:37 PM
BTPH - you are quite astute in your observation. I'm glad that someone caught that......and thanks for the laugh. I dont think that I could have misspelled that many words on purpose if I tried. You are very creative!

08-03-2008, 09:39 PM
Does that mean you're not going to cry and whine about Lou Lampson
anymore? Also do you by any chance know when the "For Sale" forum is coming back? Thanks, I hope this wasn't too long winded for you.

P.S. You spelled memorabilia incorrectly also.


08-03-2008, 09:42 PM
Vintage could not have put it better. I have made many a friend here and have learned alot, assisted others. There is nothing in life that is free. It costs money to run this site. The owners can and shall do whatever they like, it is their priviledge.

Thank you Sky King. I hoped that someone would agree with me. This site is much more fun without all of the name calling accusations against the site owners. If you dont like the way something is handled here, leave.

08-03-2008, 09:44 PM
the amount of money that is made by guu from its members for their auction should make up for what ever cost could be attributed to the for sale section. they use this forum to give the authentic guarantee so essentially they are making money off of us. i imagine what ever cost which are associated with the forum are more than made up for by the knowledgeabl members of this board.

08-03-2008, 09:54 PM
Hey crying and complaining is what people do. It make's the world go round (lol). If there wasn't any crying or complaining we wouldn't have anything to talk about. I guess we all should embrace change(like my boss say's)
Thanks for hearing me cry & complain

08-03-2008, 10:06 PM

08-03-2008, 10:36 PM
Before you rip on a majority of GUU members, I would suggest that you pick up a dictionary and learn how to spell. You are making yourself look quite ridiculous, or should I say, asinine.

If you click on the Spelling tab found when posting messages, it downloads a program found at www.iespell.com (http://www.iespell.com) and it then goes into your web browser so you can check spelling on any site.

I use it regularly and would recommend anyone who can't spell, like me, download this software.

08-03-2008, 10:47 PM
Vintage Deputy:

I just read your post and I agree with you as well. There are times I start to make a post ripping on people who in my opinion are just making stupid remarks and then have to not submit it because I'll be banned, suspended whatever for speaking my mind. I think this site is a wealth of info and I loved your play on words as I knew what you were getting at. Basically in my opinion, the ones who complain about no for sale section are the liberals who want everything free in life and feel entitled to whatever they want because they are who they are. Like someone said, nothing in life is free.

08-03-2008, 11:10 PM
Basically in my opinion, the ones who complain about no for sale section are the liberals who want everything free in life and feel entitled to whatever they want because they are who they are. Like someone said, nothing in life is free.

So anyone who wants a free "for sale" site is a Leftist who wants something for nothing? Are you serious? So you are telling everybody who wants a free "For Sale" section is a Green party registered Sierra Club card-carrying commie? Come on. First of all, that is a straw man argument. Liberals don't want something for nothing; they just recognize that certain people cannot afford what others have the money to pay for. As I said via email, I only want to list one item one the "For Sale" section.

Why should I pay the same amount of money for that privilege as does Elite Sports Marketing? Yes - certain people deserve things for free because they are who they are. Like the mentally ill who are often forced to go out on the streets because insurance companies discriminate against them for not having a "physical" ailment. That's right, nothing in life is free, which is why we should support paying money to help people get health care. Likewise, if the For Sale section is going to cost something, dealers should pay far more than those of us who don't make any money because we do not have or cannot get a job.

08-03-2008, 11:41 PM
Likewise, if the For Sale section is going to cost something, dealers should pay far more than those of us who don't make any money because we do not have or cannot get a job.

That is just plain silly. Should someone who makes $100K a year pay more for a gallon of gas than someone making minimum wage? If you dont have, or cannot get a job, that is irrelavant to whatever listing fee may be charged for listing an item. Should we have listing fees based on income brackets?

08-03-2008, 11:47 PM
As I said via email, I only want to list one item one the "For Sale" section.

By the way, I'll be happy to lend you my dictionary when I'm finished correcting all of my spelling errors....looks like you need it too.

08-03-2008, 11:53 PM
For those who are saying "If you don't like the way things are here , just move on", I have to tell you -- that's exactly what's going to happen. You've already heard several longtime members say exactly that. Do they WANT to move on? No, not really.... Which is why they are posting their opinions and concerns.

It's not easy for a website to stay at the top. There's always someone else willing to try their luck at building a bigger and better site, which ultimately takes slices of pie from the sites that already exist. I have seen this firsthand, as I moderate www.xmfan.com (http://www.xmfan.com), the largest satellite radio forum on the web (I'm "commando" over there, too). We are pushing 60,000 registered members, and you'll find anywhere from 200 to 700 visitors with us at any given time. We are always thinking of ways to make the site more appealing, and feedback from registered members is the cornerstone of running a successful site.

Believe me, I understand what its like to sift through the endless bitching and moaning posts -- I really do. But hearing concerns that address the most popular feature of this site is a different story, in my humble opinion.

08-03-2008, 11:57 PM
For those who are saying "If you don't like the way things are here , just move on", I have to tell you -- that's exactly what's going to happen. You've already heard several longtime members say exactly that. Do they WANT to move on? No, not really.... Which is why they are posting their opinions and concerns.

It's not easy for a website to stay at the top. There's always someone else willing to try their luck at building a bigger and better site, which ultimately takes slices of pie from the sites that already exist. I have seen this firsthand, as I moderate www.xmfan.com (http://www.xmfan.com), the largest satellite radio forum on the web (I'm "commando" over there, too). We are pushing 60,000 registered members, and you'll find anywhere from 200 to 700 visitors with us at any given time. We are always thinking of ways to make the site more appealing, and feedback from registered members is the cornerstone of running a successful site.

Believe me, I understand what its like to sift through the endless bitching and moaning posts -- I really do. But hearing concerns that address the most popular feature of this site is a different story, in my humble opinion.

Commando - that was very intelligently stated, I appreciate your views. I also love my XM Radio, by the way.

08-03-2008, 11:58 PM
By the way, I'll be happy to lend you my dictionary when I'm finished correcting all of my spelling errors....looks like you need it too.

Mine was a typo. It's pretty obvious that I know the difference between "on" and "one". Any person with a normal comprehension of the English language understands that. However, you are botching multiple syllable words, like "memorabilia" and "asinine". Your spelling errors reflect your lack of knowledge about the spellings of the particular words; mine are merely typographical.

08-04-2008, 12:09 AM
Commando - that was very intelligently stated, I appreciate your views. I also love my XM Radio, by the way.

I appreciate your views as well... The last thing any of us wants to see here is a petty split between the members of this great forum. I'm personally not going anywhere and hope that everyone gives the admin here a chance to do what they feel is best for the site. It looks like several members are getting frustrated over the amount of time that has lapsed since the For Sale section was taken down, but I hope that we can give Eric and the crew a chance to address this issue before anyone jumps ship.

It doesn't benefit any one of us if our knowledge is split among five or six different sites.

08-04-2008, 12:16 AM
So anyone who wants a free "for sale" site is a Leftist who wants something for nothing? Are you serious? So you are telling everybody who wants a free "For Sale" section is a Green party registered Sierra Club card-carrying commie? Come on. First of all, that is a straw man argument. Liberals don't want something for nothing; they just recognize that certain people cannot afford what others have the money to pay for. As I said via email, I only want to list one item one the "For Sale" section.

Why should I pay the same amount of money for that privilege as does Elite Sports Marketing? Yes - certain people deserve things for free because they are who they are. Like the mentally ill who are often forced to go out on the streets because insurance companies discriminate against them for not having a "physical" ailment. That's right, nothing in life is free, which is why we should support paying money to help people get health care. Likewise, if the For Sale section is going to cost something, dealers should pay far more than those of us who don't make any money because we do not have or cannot get a job.
Two questions. Do you have an acoustic guitar and are you a protest singer? Your post that I quoted could make an excellent folk song.
I happen to be a closet subversive, radical. Seriously. My heroes are the ones who give the man the middle finger. I can't come out of the closet, because I have bills to pay. I am against war, but I am proud of the soldiers who fight for my right to burn the flag. I think you live in Texas, so please do your part, because that could become a crucial swing state.

08-04-2008, 12:17 AM
Mine was a typo. It's pretty obvious that I know the difference between "on" and "one". Any person with a normal comprehension of the English language understands that. However, you are botching multiple syllable words, like "memorabilia" and "asinine". Your spelling errors reflect your lack of knowledge about the spellings of the particular words; mine are merely typographical.

Ohhh, so you really meant to say "....I only want to list one item on the "For Sale" section. Don't you think that the correct choice of words should be "...I only want to list one item in the "For Sale" section" ? I'm only asking since you seem to be the expert here.

While we're at it, "any person with a normal comprehension" of how a message board operates understands that the message is much more important than any spelling errors that may be committed in delivering that message. To attack a spelling mistake rather than offering an intelligent counter argument only shows how weak your argument really is.

08-04-2008, 12:19 AM
I appreciate your views as well... The last thing any of us wants to see here is a petty split between the members of this great forum. I'm personally not going anywhere and hope that everyone gives the admin here a chance to do what they feel is best for the site. It looks like several members are getting frustrated over the amount of time that has lapsed since the For Sale section was taken down, but I hope that we can give Eric and the crew a chance to address this issue before anyone jumps ship.

It doesn't benefit any one of us if our knowledge is split among five or six different sites.

Again, well said. Kudos.

08-04-2008, 01:14 AM
Two questions. Do you have an acoustic guitar and are you a protest singer? Your post that I quoted could make an excellent folk song.
I happen to be a closet subversive, radical. Seriously. My heroes are the ones who give the man the middle finger. I can't come out of the closet, because I have bills to pay. I am against war, but I am proud of the soldiers who fight for my right to burn the flag. I think you live in Texas, so please do your part, because that could become a crucial swing state.

You must be messing with me. No - I don't take to the guitar, and I have no voice for singing. Rather, I think the best method of protest is to promote freedom of speech and thought, in the form of educating people on various issues.

Contrary to the Bush administration, I believe in allowing those with opposite views to go into press conferences and not forcing people to ask me softball questions. I find that hosting a speaker's series and donating to book drives (i.e., books to prisoners) go a long way toward accomplishing these goals.

Likewise, my commitment to freedom of speech is the reason why I am so mad about AWA85's banning. Adam was only promoting an alternate view, and that is the true reason for his being removed from this site. That is simply disgusting, and I believe that the administrators' silence on the issue speaks volumes.

Finally, I have never - thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster - lived in Texas and don't plan on it in the near or distant future. I visited last year for the Bagwell jersey retirement, and people's sole concern seemed to be law and order, not kindness and leniency. Luckily, I have resided in Washington State, Oregon, and Massachusetts - three proudly blue states. I shall one day move back to Boston, where gay people are actually treated as human beings.

Is there some reason why this board is so predominantly Republican?

08-04-2008, 01:47 AM
i promise i will take back everything bad that i ever said if this thread would go away. the reason why it seems this board is conservative is due to the fact we work hard for our money and dont want it to go to freeloaders through universal healthcare. one key component of the blue states is the use of govt money to spread equality. why should i give my money to a freeloader when i can buy another g/u bat or jersey. lol.

08-04-2008, 02:21 AM
i promise i will take back everything bad that i ever said if this thread would go away. the reason why it seems this board is conservative is due to the fact we work hard for our money and dont want it to go to freeloaders through universal healthcare. one key component of the blue states is the use of govt money to spread equality. why should i give my money to a freeloader when i can buy another g/u bat or jersey. lol.

The people that need universal healthcare are not freeloaders; many are discriminated by insurance companies. Let's take for example the mentally ill. Many insurance companies will not cover mental illnesses as physical illnesses. Drugs treating psychiatric illnesses are extremely expensive, and many of the sufferers are unable to work a full-time job. What should happen to these people? They are hardly freeloaders.

Should the mentally ill just rot away on the streets, with hallucinations and delusions, while the unenlightened laugh at their "eccentric behavior"? Luckily, Democrats have wisened up and are forcing insurance companies to cover mental illnesses as physical illnesses. This is the case in Washington State, where governor Chris Gregoire signed a mental health parity bill into law a couple of years ago. If only other states would take our lead.

And to the bolded statement, that is simply disgusting. I guess you have never been in the position of having to take in a person who would otherwise have to go into a homeless shelter. Do you know that for the price of a game used jersey you could probably pay for a poor person's rent for an entire year? The people who don't work aren't lazy. Rather, they have different life's circumstances than you do. If the government doesn't exist to spread equality, then what ought it to do?

08-04-2008, 03:22 AM
Is there some reason why this board is so predominantly Republican?

I make it clear where I stand.

08-04-2008, 03:55 AM
Frik why are you always trying to get into something on here?

This site is for the discussion of Game Used Memorabilia

Nothing More, Nothing Less

I like Adam and have communicated with him via email dozens of times over the past few months but I don't feel anyone on here, including you, has the right to question any decision made by a moderator when it comes to there rules and the running of there site.

I would think a newer member such as yourself would want to stay behind the scenes for a while as opposed to confronting the adminstration team like you have.

And please don't try twist this post into something it isn't like you have done with other posts in this thread.

What is written is what is meant.
Nothing More, Nothing Less

Thank You and Im Out


GO REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-04-2008, 05:48 AM
Frik why are you always trying to get into something on here?

This site is for the discussion of Game Used Memorabilia

Nothing More, Nothing Less

I like Adam and have communicated with him via email dozens of times over the past few months but I don't feel anyone on here, including you, has the right to question any decision made by a moderator when it comes to there rules and the running of there site.

I would think a newer member such as yourself would want to stay behind the scenes for a while as opposed to confronting the adminstration team like you have.

And please don't try twist this post into something it isn't like you have done with other posts in this thread.

What is written is what is meant.
Nothing More, Nothing Less

Thank You and Im Out

"This site is for the discussion of Game Used Memorabilia - Nothing More, Nothing Less:

Not true. There are many discussions outside Game Used Memorabilia in this forum.

"but I don't feel anyone on here, including you, has the right to question any decision made by a moderator when it comes to there rules and the running of there site."

Are you serious? Many rules, regulations, and laws have been changed because people have voiced their thoughts and opinions.

There are always exceptions to the rules. I believe everyone is coming to Adams defense, including myself, because this was an individual who made a mistake, but had good intentions. I believe a warning, for a first time offense, would have been enough.

I will say, state your case in arguing the rule, but do it without getting personal and attacking others.

As a Legal Officer, if I looked at every violation and/or offense, without taking many things into consideration, everyone would be found guilty and punished.

08-04-2008, 06:00 AM
This is my last post on this subject and then I'm going back to to reading only posts about game used topics and start learning and adding value again.

While I appreciated Adam reaching out and telling me about the other site rules are rules and he had to pay for the infraction. That should have been the end of it and while some folks view this as the owners of GUU being communist, etc you need to look at the other side and view your reactions. Attacking the folks who provide to you free of charge a vehicle in which you can learn, not be ripped off, and in the end save YOUR hard earn dollars is wrong. If GUU wanted to take your money they would have charge you a membership fee just for posting a long time ago.

Remember also we have a much broader audience here than the regular posters and it not looking pretty. Think about others who have just found this site and truly just want to educate themselves and are their first introduction to the site is all this bickering.

If you don't agree with the rules go to the other site and stop complaining as Jim and others have suggested.


08-04-2008, 06:30 AM
This is my last post on this subject also:

What a society we live it. Take it for what it's worth.

08-04-2008, 06:31 AM
This is my last post on this subject also:

What a society we live it. Take it for what it's worth.

"Live in"

08-04-2008, 06:40 AM
Hello Everyone,

I just got back from the National and am nearly exhausted. I posted yesterday morning that I wouldn't be able to post until after I got back and there appear to have been numerous posts that have piled on prior to my chance to reply. I honestly read some of them from my Blackberry at the airport but haven't read all of them. I will make a view observations from what I have read and will post again after I have had the chance to sleep some more. I just thought it would be important to provide some thoughts right away given what has been posted.

1) Regarding the ban/suspension. While a number of people here seem to think what the sender of the email did was nothing more than information sharing, I beg to differ. What the person did was take names off this website and try to solicit business. Those names belong to GUU and those people registered on this site of their own volition. We have privacy policies which assures people those names will not be shared to others for marketing purposes, etc. If someone posted their contact information for a specific offering that is their choosing. However, that does not mean people can take those names and try to use them for undesired purposes.

While I am guessing most people on this board don’t own businesses, I will ask you a question. What do you think would happen if you took the names of the customers of a business for which you worked and tried to sell those people other similar products without the company’s consent? Do you think the company would do nothing about it and do you think there is nothing wrong with doing so? In addition to it being wrong, those type of emails may also prevent people from posting there information on this site and impede on the benefits they can gain on GUU.

I also noticed the analogy of Eric’s initial email about his site. With all due respect, I think that misses the point. I am sure Eric’s email went to people who had given him their email address already. I don’t think Eric pulled names belonging to another company to try to generate people for his own site without the company’s consent. While his email was unsolicited, it didn’t violate the privacy rights of another entity.

Bottom line, we think what was done was ethically wrong and it is not something will allow on our site. In fact, if any member here receives any unsolicited emails from anyone whose name was taken from this site (and it can be proven), please contact us and the sending party will be either suspended or more likely banned. We believe it is wrong and not something we will tolerate or subject our members to. That is our right as the site owners.

2) Regarding the length of the ban/suspension. I posted yesterday morning that I didn't know how the action was executed but that the member could be reinstated if deemed appropriate. I also mentioned that the sender's email apologizing for what he did was certainly meaningful and that we would look into it further. Just wanted to make sure that is clear because there seem to be more posts about that subject.

3) The ‘For Sale’ section. I mentioned the following in a separate thread, “While we have been working on getting the platform ready, we have been discussing the issue of allowing any and all items to be posted on the site without our review and the potential implications of doing so. For example, we have recently been accused of allowing someone to be "ripped off" by a GUU forum member when the ‘For Sale’ section was available. The person said the items he purchased were not good and asked us to get his money back. While we mentioned that we never even saw the merchandise and that the transaction was between him and the buyer, he decided to make public posts accusing us of allowing bad items to be sold on the site.

The GUU name in the hobby is gaining enormous credibility and it is not something we are willing to risk by allowing potentially suspect items to be posted on the site over which we would have no control. To be very honest, we are still trying to figure out if there is a way to make things work in way that doesn't jeopardize the GUU brand or its name. I know some will say if someone sells an item to someone else through the site that will be between the buyer and the seller. However, we know empirically that is not true since we have already been publicly accused of allowing someone to be "ripped off" in a transaction for which we had no part.”

Again, I think there is a difference in opinion given the fact that the concern we have for the GUU name we have created in the hobby regarding the type of items we sell is not really a consideration for the people wanting to buy and sell on the site. We heard over and over again at the National that people know the items offered on GUU are legitimate and that is something they value. We have a concern in opening up the site to allow all kinds of merchandise to be offered over which we have no control. On the other hand, we have heard the requests of the members and are looking for a way to accommodate both. Again, I understand those wanting to buy and sell aren’t concerned about the GUU brand but we must consider those implications because it affects our livelihood. I will provide an update on this shortly.

4) Feedback. I will personally go through the posts made over the last few days and we will try to come up with a solution regarding the ‘For Sale’ section that meets everyone’s needs. I 100% agree with the person’s posts that stated you need to listen to your members and meet there needs as best as you possibly can. This we will absolutely do and we will be seeking more feedback as we move things forward.

I will share some other thoughts after I get some sleep. I just wanted to share these initial thoughts to help clarify a few things to this point.

08-04-2008, 10:05 AM
For the record!

I was not complaining at all!

What I do have an issue with is the lack of communication.....

For this is a forum which relies on what?


If the owners of the site cannot be courteous enough to communicate openly and effectively to its members?

What do you call that?

Hypocritical? or what???

For had the owners been forthright, open and honest with its members about whats going on, I doubt you would've had to start this thread (right Jim?)????

Then again, keeping people in the dark is just par for the course when it comes to Corporate America!

Isn't it?

Also, I received Adam's email and it did not bother me. Re-Instate the man!

I already knew about the other forums and have joined both.

I have received many a emails from members. Whether it was a question about Devil Rays stuff or an offer to buy or sell something.

The rule for that needs to go.

If you don't want to receive emails , don't put you email address up on the site....

08-04-2008, 11:27 AM
Chris is a bright guy, what the extreme reaction to Adam's banning (temporary or otherwise) shows is a gathering undercurrent of uneasiness with GUU's transition from (at least the appearance of) a non-profit for collectors by collectors site, to another for-profit business, albeit with a more collector friendly business model than presently exists elsewhere.

I think it's apparent there is concern and a wait and see attitude as to how this affects these forums. If the modding gets too business interest driven, I guarantee you members will start jumping ship as if this was the Titanic and other for collector by collector forums will pick up steam to fill the void.

It is indeed a tight rope Chris and the boys are walking here these days, it'll be a very difficult balancing act to maintain as the interests of a business are all too often at odds with the interests of the consumers.

08-04-2008, 11:58 AM
Thought I would just add my input to the "For Sale" section topic. I understand that there is some concern regarding potential "fake" items being sold on the forum, and the resulting problems that would ensue between buyer and seller. A solution would be to post a set or rules/criteria for selling items, such as inspection periods and return policies, and suspend or ban any member who does not adhere to the policies.

I have been a member of the Wehrmacht Awards forum for some time, and they have a full set of rules as to buying/selling. They do charge a small membership fee, however, the benfits of the forum far outweigh the small (and I stress small) fee that one must pay.

To conclude, by all means please charge a membership fee if one wishes to sell, with clear rules as to how business should be conducted. Is it just me or has the level of trust amoung forum members dropped somewhat since the "for sale" crisis began.

Just my thoughts.

08-04-2008, 12:34 PM
First of all, thanks to everyone for the feedback.

Based on the feedback from members I will be making a post shortly to explain some next steps. I just wanted to let everyone know I will be posting on this shortly (it will take me a little time to put the post together) and appreciate your patience while the post is being put together.