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View Full Version : Josh Hamilton gift bat

08-20-2008, 01:04 PM
A Couple of weeks ago a friend of mine told me about getting autographs at the Ballpark and Josh Hamilton came up from the batting cage carrying some bats and started to sign autographs and a little kid asked Hamilton if he would give him a bat. Hamilton said he would give him one if the kid could recite two Bible verses. The kid didn't know any. Hamilton told him to come back three times and recite two Bible verses and he would give him a bat. Last week I was at the Ballpark and saw Hamilton walk up to a little kid about 8 years old and his mother. Hamilton spoke to the kid and then gave him one of his game bats. I tired to take a picture but wasn't quick enough. I asked about it and found out it was the Bible verse kid. I think this is a nice story and wanted to share it.
I hope some folks don't make an issue out of the Bible verses. I'm a firm believer in church and state separation and don't want people to impose their religious views on me. But this was voluntary. The kid didn't have to memorize the verses and it does no one harm to know some verses no matter what their religion or if they have no religious beliefs at all. The story here is Hamilton being nice to a kid and not just signing an autograph but giving him a bat which he didn't have to do.

08-20-2008, 01:32 PM
I think that is a very noble story.

With all of Josh's past struggles - it is nice to hear that he is keeping something that he finds positive close to him. There are far worse problems with baseball than Bible verses. That kid has a story to pass on to the next generation...

Jags Fan Dan
08-20-2008, 01:46 PM
Whatever gave Josh the strength to make the recovery he made, I'm glad he made it.

08-20-2008, 02:22 PM
ive heard about josh giving equipment away to fans. thats a good story about him.

08-20-2008, 04:08 PM
I hope some folks don't make an issue out of the Bible verses. I'm a firm believer in church and state separation and don't want people to impose their religious views on me. But this was voluntary. The kid didn't have to memorize the verses and it does no one harm to know some verses no matter what their religion or if they have no religious beliefs at all. The story here is Hamilton being nice to a kid and not just signing an autograph but giving him a bat which he didn't have to do.

It's hard not to make an issue of the Bible verses. I am a fan of Josh Hamilton; if religion has given him strength, then that is great. However,
would you guys feel the same way about the story if it were about a Muslim player asking a kid to recite verses from the Koran? As an atheist myself, I would be upset if reciting Bible verses were a prerequisite to getting a game-used bat. My first question would be "Why can't Josh Hamilton respect my love of baseball and toss me a bat, no matter what I believe about religion?" I commend Hamilton for wanting to be kind, but his generosity should extend to kids of all creeds, religious or non-religious.

08-20-2008, 04:28 PM
It is his stuff and he can do what he wants with it. If he wants kids to learn part of the bible for a bat than he can do that. It would be nice if more players cared about the up bringing of children as much as hamilton appears to.

08-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Yeah its his stuff but he should give it to the kid out of the kindest of his heart not because the kid knows some bible verses. Now that hes asking kids bible verses people are going to call him god, first hes a hero(which he is no where near), bible verses don't belong on the diamond.

08-20-2008, 05:10 PM
With all due respect, I think some may be looking in the wrong direction here. If I understand what happened correctly, the kid asked Josh Hamilton for his bat. Hamilton could have declined but offered to give him the bat if he could quote two Bible verses. Personally, I kind of see it as a way of Hamilton saying I will give you something of mine but I also want you to know something more about me before I do. As the original poster stated, I don't think Hamilton asked the child to convert to his belief before giving him the bat. It appears he only made it a requisite for the child to know something more about him before giving him something that belonged to him. If Hamilton had previously been an actor on Broadway, I don't think anyone would be offended if he told the child to name two characters from Les Miserables before granting the request. Not to mention the fact that Hamilton could have denied the request altogether.

In any event, I think it's an interesting story, as is Hamilton's story in general. In fact, I have spoken with a number of people who go to stadiums to meet players and, from what I hear, it seems Hamilton is someone genuinely interested in people, very friendly and filled with gratitude. If that is correct, I think it's a pretty nice combination for someone who is in the public eye as he is.

08-20-2008, 07:34 PM
time to delete this thread cuz it's starting to spin

08-20-2008, 07:41 PM
I never post on "argument" threads, but this is ridiculous. This is to me a great story about Josh Hamilton. If you dont agree with it, or dont like it, fine, but please dont feel like to have to make a post on it. Just read it and go on. PLEASE.


08-20-2008, 08:33 PM
I never post on "argument" threads, but this is ridiculous. This is to me a great story about Josh Hamilton. If you dont agree with it, or dont like it, fine, but please dont feel like to have to make a post on it. Just read it and go on. PLEASE.

So a ballplayer discriminates in giving out game used equipment, I am a member of the group Hamilton's prejudiced against (an atheist from a Jewish family), and I should say nothing? I can guarantee you that he wouldn't give a bat to someone like me who would tell him point-blank that I don't believe in his god. I could probably quote a couple of Bible verses, though I would tell him I don't believe them for a second.

I just don't understand your logic. America is a free country, and when a ballplayer does something controversial, he better be ready to face the consequences, which in this case, means people voicing their displeasure. You have as much right to say how great it is, as I have to inveigh against his intolerance of those who believe differently than he does. I just don't understand what a child's faith (or lack thereof) has to do with his/her love of baseball.

08-20-2008, 09:15 PM
Leslie, with all due respect it's absurd and pretty frightening to suggest that Hamilton or anyone else should be obligated to follow some BS politically correct code of equally when it comes to giving away their own property--never mind some dirty piece of used wood. Hate to break it to you, but life aint fair, nor will it ever be, nor should it be. You're in for a disappointing life if you think it's gonna happen that way. Good for Josh for A) not telling the kid to stick it (especially considering the number of times he hears "Hey Hamilton, give me your bat!" every time he steps out of the dugout) and B) asking the kid to do something for him. Getting a bat from Hamilton presumably means something to the kid. Likewise, hearing a bible verse recited in return for the bat obviously meant something equally important to Josh. How often do people actually offer something in exchange for an autograph or a bat, etc.? Almost never. But damn that insensitive bible-thumper for politely asking for something back.

If you don't believe in God, hooray for you. You could pray to a pile of wooden ducks every morning for all I care. But this whole notion of fairness irks the crap out of me. If you believe Hamilton's a schmuck for what he did, I can't help but think that you might have a little too much time on your hands. Stop worrying about the rest of the world, quit willing to be offended over insignificant garbage, throw away the victim card, and starting focusing all that energy on putting the clowns over at Coach's Commode out of business. You'll have practically the entire hobby on your side then.

08-20-2008, 09:40 PM
perhaps you should move out of your mommy and daddies house and get out on your own, then you would see how childish and idiotic your rants are. perhaps it is time for you to go away.

08-20-2008, 09:47 PM
It seems this thread is turning into something much too personal. As such, this thread is being locked.