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View Full Version : Has anyone else encountered problems with BRICOL

10-02-2008, 02:56 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone else has encountered problems like I have recently with Bricol Sports Auctions. Unfortunately, I consigned a collection of items with them last March. Most of them sold in their next auction yet here I am 5-6 months later with no payment. They won't respond to my emails and when I've called, if they answered, I was lied to on two occasions with "check's in the mail" like statements. Today I called again and got the answering machine. I'm thinking I'm going to have to file some kind of legal action to get them to pay me. Have anyone else encountered this kind of thing with them? Are they still in business? --Steve

10-02-2008, 08:04 PM
Well, their next auction is set to run Nov. 13th, so I think they are very much still in business. Sounds like you're getting screwed around. Sorry to hear that.

10-02-2008, 08:37 PM
Wow. This is interesting. I was at lunch last Thursday and I got a phone call from Brian on my cell phone. He asked me if I had anything to consign in an upcoming auction for Bricol. First of all, I don't remember giving a cell number to them, but I may have. Second, I was surprised they wouldn't just call my home phone and leave a message. I told him I really hadn't thought about consigning anything at this time. He told me he would email me some information and contact info. if I ever decided to. I never received the email. I just thought I'd share this as we now know how they do business.


10-02-2008, 10:51 PM
I had one guy email me through ebay asking me to consign with BRICOL about 1 month ago. He left a number to call as well. I forwarded to ebay as spam.

10-03-2008, 08:14 AM
I don't trust Brian Collard or his auction service at all.

In 2001 he had an auction and I was the high bidder on a 1954 Wilson Franks Ted Williams card, a Hideo Nomo Autographed Japanese League jersey and a "vintage" Joe Jackson bat. I ended up getting the Williams card for $309, which was a phenominal price since the card was worth at least 7-8 times that.

I received my invoice from them and called them the same day as I wanted to have the items shipped overnight so I could get them quicker. Well, it turns out that they just happened to have misplaced the Williams card as it could not be found anywhere. Brian got on the phone and said sorry there was nothing that could be done and if they were to find it they would contact me. Well, do you really think they found the card? He or the consigner just didn't like the price that the card sold for so it just happen to come up missing.

Well, I got the other items and the "vintage" Joe Jackson bat turned out to be a commemorative bat that was issued about two years prior to the auction. The Nomo jersey had a huge red stain all over the front. It looked like a cool-aid stain but nothing of the sort was ever mentioned in the auction ad.

Brian Collard is a thief in my book and I would love for him to come on here and try to explain what happened since he supposedly reads these threads.

Chris or the moderators, if you need more facts, it was Bricol Sports Auction #23, and my invoice was # 4426 so everything I am saying is pure fact and no speculation.

Todd Evans

10-03-2008, 09:58 AM
I've just about always been happy with what I've bought from them, but about a year ago I won a "Sadaharu Oh signed ball." In the scan, it looked like any other baseball, but I assumed it was unofficial since nowhere in the description did it say ONL or OAL. When I got it, it turned out to be a squishy foam rubber ball, like you'd give to an infant. I immediately called and asked to return it, and I was berated by the office manager for 20 minutes for not being happy about it, and was told that it was worth far more than I paid for it, and I shouldn't assume it was even a baseball! I eventually got my money back, but Brian refuses to acknowledge the situation, which really bothers me.


10-03-2008, 01:36 PM
I have also had a bad experience with them and will never do business with them again.


10-03-2008, 03:13 PM
I wonder how a company can run it's business like this and STILL actually be in business. Bloody rediculous.

10-03-2008, 07:39 PM
I had an issue with Bricol a few years ago and I've never placed another bid nor have I ever consigned an item to them ever again.

The way it went for me was, they have a 10 minute rule. So, during my last auction, I had my eye on 2 items. I stayed up late and in the early AM hours, I placed a bid on one of the items I wanted. The computer took my bid and I was advised that I was the high bidder.

I then moved on to the 2nd item. In the short time it took me to get to the 2nd item, when I tried to place a bid, my bid WAS NOT accepted because the auction was over. I thought I had did something wrong so I tried to bid again and again, my bid was not accepted because the auction was over.

I immediately called BRICOL and as I was leaving a message on their machine, BRIAN got on the phone and tried to explain how their procedures worked. He refused to accept my phone bid and I lost the item.

The bottom line was/is, they had a 10-minute rule and they did not abide by their own rules. The way I saw it then is the same way I see it now - it's their loss not mine. I no longer consign to them nor will I ever bid with them again. Quite frankly, Brian probably feels that he doesn't need my business anyway so it's all good.


10-07-2008, 07:39 PM
I was the winning bidder in one of Bricol's auctions. Mailed in payment of $600+ after receiving an invoice. Heard nothing for the longest time. Contacted Bricol's office via phone, and had a very difficult time getting Brian on the line. He did eventually speak to me with a profanity laden stream of words. Told me I was not the winning bidder. To this day, I have never received the jersey or a refund.

11-15-2008, 08:19 AM
I am currently having major issues with Bricol and there non payment to there consignors, anyone else having issues?

11-15-2008, 09:42 AM
Currently am also having major issues with "Check in the mail" email pertaining to consignment checks.

No return calls nor answers to 9 emails after the original check in the mail email.

They also havent returned consignments which received no bids.

They also listed a game worn consignment lot wrong and even after several emails and voice mails advisng them they listed the item wrong, it still stayed in the auction and sold last auction.

Funny, I bid on some items and got an invoice the following morning.

As a retired law enforcement officer who helped provide information for Operation Bull Pen that led to an individual getting 4 years in the Federal pen, I know my next step.

11-15-2008, 09:53 AM
I'm in the same boat as others........

Over a two week time fram, I've sent 8 emails-no reply.

5 phone messages to their office and also a phone message to Brian and his wife's Shannon's home phone-no reply.

If no response from Bricol by next Friday, I plan to contact the Florida Attorney General and learn what avenues I should take to get my consignment payment.

Has anyone spoken with Brian or shannon, or for that matter, does anyone have any insight about this?

Howard Wolf

11-15-2008, 04:45 PM
Brian will not contact me, I have left over 50 emails and messages. I didn't know Shannon was his wife, as to the few times I have spoken to her she has pretty much put the blame on Brian. WE need to all contact the attorney general. YSMS, with your police background can you start the ball rolling on putting this crook out of Buisness?? hblakewolf, I would love the home number for mr collard, so I can start bugging him at home. please email at nolanryanseller34@yahoo.com thanks

11-15-2008, 09:04 PM
sounds like a ponzi scheme type of operation - consignors don't get paid until revenues are received from the following auction because current auction receipts are used to pay past consignors...


11-18-2008, 04:49 PM
I just got off the phone with the attorney general of Florida. She stated we all need to go on there website and fill out the on line complaint form, so they can start to investigate BRICOL SPORTS. If you have any questions feel free to email me at nolanryanseller34@yahoo.com THANKS CORY

11-25-2008, 10:53 AM
How did things work out for you guys?

I received my consignment check yesterday after a two and a half month wait. Hopefully it won't bounce. I think Robert was right about them waiting to receive payments from the recent auction to pay off the previous auction. That problem can't be good for their future.

11-25-2008, 09:14 PM
MIKE, Where there alot of un explained charges with your payment?? Like very high authentication fees?? thanks cory

11-25-2008, 10:46 PM
They charged me $15 for GU Authentication and a 20% consignment fee. I should have negotiated a lower consignment fee since 20% is way too high. I find it amazing that they are passing on Lampson's authenication fee to the consigner. I've never run into that yet and I hope it's not something other auction house might be trying. I'm just cashing the check and moving on.

12-01-2008, 06:35 PM
Wow. I haven't checked the Forum for a while and am quite interested to see how many other consignors have been stiffed by Bricol. At least it sounds like one of you got paid. I consigned A LOT of items with Brian and Sharon in person back in March. Most of the items were sold in May and I still have not received any payment. Like most of you, I've called and emailed many, many times. I have been waiting to file a civil action, and I intend to do so soon. I have a question for you: did any of you have written consignment agreements with Bricol or were you operating under oral contracts? Also, has anyone gotten any traction with the Florida AG's office yet? I am quite willing to participate in that process as well. Thanks. --Steve

12-02-2008, 10:56 AM
Wow. I haven't checked the Forum for a while and am quite interested to see how many other consignors have been stiffed by Bricol. At least it sounds like one of you got paid. I consigned A LOT of items with Brian and Sharon in person back in March. Most of the items were sold in May and I still have not received any payment. Like most of you, I've called and emailed many, many times. I have been waiting to file a civil action, and I intend to do so soon. I have a question for you: did any of you have written consignment agreements with Bricol or were you operating under oral contracts? Also, has anyone gotten any traction with the Florida AG's office yet? I am quite willing to participate in that process as well. Thanks. --Steve

As follow-up to my previous post on this thread, I contacted Detective Cangemi with the Pinellas County Crimes Unit. He noted that he visited Shannon Bricol at her residence, explained my issues with lack of payment, and he was assured my check had already been mailed. One week later, my payment was received in full.

Detective Cangemi informed me that he is no longer handeling issues related to Bricol, and said that a new detective is handeling all issues/complaints. Detective Anderson can be contacted at 727-464-7988.

Howard Wolf

12-22-2008, 11:13 PM
I consigned some jerseys for the Nov. auction and have not been paid yet. I did not have an oral contract, I signed a contract and sent it with the jerseys. I'm going to call Det. Anderson in the next couple days and see what I can do about this situation. I sent him more jerseys for the Jan. Auction and I just got an E-mail saying the auction is live...

01-18-2009, 11:06 AM
Just checking to see how everyone's ordeal has worked out.

02-19-2009, 03:29 PM
Over 30 days since the last auction ended, and no paymant has been received. Several emails and phone calls made to Brian and his wife Shannon, with no reply. If payment is not received within another 7 days, I'll have to resort to conatcting the legal authorities in Florida, as I previously did, in order to collect my $$$.

Howard Wolf

02-24-2009, 01:50 PM
For those of you seeking to file a complaint:

Send all supporting information and a detailed description of your issues to the following address:
Pinellas County Justice and Consumer Services
15251 Roosevelt Blvd., Suite 209
Clearwater, FL 33760

Howard Wolf

07-22-2010, 02:15 PM
I see the other threads are earlier, but feel I am in the process of being ripped of by Bricol Sports Auctions also. In February, 2010 I sent my autographed collection of sports and entertainment pictures and cards to Brian Collard to be auctioned by his Company. Most sold in an auction in March, 2010 and what didn't sell there went in the next auction and continuing again.

But as of today I have not received payment for the March, 2010 auction or any others since then. The emails I sent are getting bounced back to me as undeliverable and where as a week ago my phone call at least went to an answering machine, now the phone just rings and rings.

I'm very worried and concerned that they are ripping me off. I've dealt with Brian for years without much of a problem, but now it seems he's ready to fly the coup if he hasn't already. Next big concern is that he has an auction ongoing currently to end August 5, 2010. How many consignors will be ripped off here also!


07-23-2010, 08:12 AM
There have been warning signs related to Bricol for at least a year. Non payment, payments coming months late when they come at all. No replies to emails or phone calls. Bricol used to be decent but when the day to day operations were turned over to his wife Shannon it all deteriorated fast. I used to consign to them frequently but I ran into all of the same problems that others have reported so I discontinued using them Shannon Collard has a Facebook page, go to it and leave her a message on it as to why you have not received payment. Bricol Auctions also has a Facebook page as well, do the same thing. Shannon also works part time at a Real Estate agency. I used to have that number and used it to contact her there. If I can find it I will post the number. Right now, Bricol Sports Auction lists a lot of low end items from Wayne Otto and that appears to be all that is holding them together. If no one consigns or bids then they will disappear just like Elite Sports Marketing. Remember them?

07-23-2010, 08:16 AM
I also know that calling the Pinella's County Sheriff and having them pay her a visit is VERY helpful in getting paid. Shannon does not like the Sheriff visiting her and she will let you know that but she will also pay you within a week after their visit. It has worked for me and others. Call them and file a complaint. The address that Bricol uses as a business address is in a strip mall and all the items are accepted by a common front desk that all the merchants in the strip mall use. You can go to Zaba search and get their home address so the Sheriff can personally pay her a visit at home.

07-23-2010, 04:48 PM
Right now, Bricol Sports Auction lists a lot of low end items from Wayne Otto and that appears to be all that is holding them together. If no one consigns or bids then they will disappear just like Elite Sports Marketing. Remember them?

Aside from the creditors, I doubt that there would be much sorrow in the hobby.

Dave Miedema

08-11-2010, 11:00 AM
bricol auction is the the worst auction house around,,i consigned many items to them last year ,,,,they owe me 3,ooo and they keep on making excuses and lies ,,,please dont consign anything to them,,you will end up like me.....brian how do you sleep at night knowing what you are doing to people

08-11-2010, 11:15 AM
bricol auction is the the worst auction house around,,i consigned many items to them last year ,,,,they owe me 3,ooo and they keep on making excuses and lies ,,,please dont consign anything to them,,you will end up like me.....brian how do you sleep at night knowing what you are doing to people

I had problems with them too. Definitely contact the Department of Justice and Consumer Services, and let Bricol know you did so. Here's my thread about it:


08-11-2010, 01:38 PM
I'm also owed some money by them dating from two auctions ago. Reading this thread, I guess I'm not alone...wish I knew that before consigning some items.

08-12-2010, 04:30 PM

01-17-2011, 10:24 AM
So is there a contact phone number to Bricol directly? I have sent several emails regarding getting LOA's that were supposed to be included from Lampson for several game used jersey's I won. So far I have not heard back. Looking for a phone number at this point.

thanks for the help,

01-17-2011, 02:17 PM
Brian Collard
334 East Lake Road
Palm Harbor, FL 34685
727-787-9577 (Phone & Fax)