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View Full Version : Help!!what Canadian Phillies player signed this vintage baseball?

03-22-2006, 10:47 AM
Hi Group

I recently bought this baseball online. I know it was signed for Mr. Georges Maranda (who is Canadian) who played for San Fran in 1960 and Minn. in 1962. but for the life of me I can figure out who signed the baseball. I think part of it is in french. The sellers information is wrong (as far as I can tell) Please help!!! Here is the link


03-23-2006, 10:22 AM
Why would you think Lucie's information is wrong? They sell extensively in the sports memorabilia area.

I would guess Monsieur Duval was a minor league pitcher in the Phillies' organization and never made it to the major leagues. The ball is inscribed in French "to my friend" Maranada.

I'll see if I can find reference to Duval in any of the material I have on Quebec/Canadian players.


03-23-2006, 11:10 AM

Thanks for all your help, I just can't see the Duval in the signature. Any other help would greatly be appricated. Thank you
