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View Full Version : I've never seen this tag before - need help

10-17-2008, 10:10 PM
This is the tagging from a 1991 Crawford Ker Denver Broncos jersey I won on Ebay earlier this week. I received it today and was looking it over when I noticed something I've never seen on a jersey before. Under the size 52 flag tag, there is another flag tag with the letters "DX". Does anyone know what that means? Does anyone have another one like it?

10-17-2008, 10:24 PM
they're wilson factory codes to denote when the jersey was manufactured. while code format is the same for wilson baseball and football jerseys, the values are different. ie: "FX" would be a different date on a wilson football jersey than it would be on a wilson baseball jersey. make sure you're interpreting the correct values for the respective sport/jersey. see here for more info and for the value tables:




10-17-2008, 10:29 PM
That is the Wilson date of manufacture, 1991/October in this case.
The dates are as follows:
First letter Second letter
Year Month
A=1988 O=January
B=1989 P=February
C=1990 Q=March
D=1991 R=April
E=1992 S=May
F=1993 T=June
G=1994 U=July
H=1995 V=August
J=1996 W=September
H=1997 X=October
K=1998 Y=November
L=1999 Z=December

Hope this helps,

10-17-2008, 10:38 PM
I knew I could count on you guys! It's interesting that Mears made no mention of the tag anywhere on their worksheet.