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11-09-2008, 09:01 AM

Why didn't they just dismantle the structure around the current Yankee stadium and build the new stadium around that "hallowed ground":rolleyes:


11-09-2008, 03:05 PM

Why didn't they just dismantle the structure around the current Yankee stadium and build the new stadium around that "hallowed ground":rolleyes:


Ah, another bitter Mets fan.

11-09-2008, 03:17 PM
It's so funny. On the outside,it says YANKEE STADIUM twice. Once in cement(which looks great) and then again on top in lights, for the Circle Line passengers to see I guess. Then once inside,in case you don't know where you are,again in GIGANTIC letters ,posed to jump off the left field roof,another set of letters stating YANKEE STADIUM. We get it,its Yankee Stadium.

11-09-2008, 06:07 PM
Ah, another bitter Mets fan.

ouch! (you may be right:D )

Seriously when is the wreaking ball coming in and when can we start buying pieces of Yankee Stadium?

It's amazing to see the stark contrast between the Mets and Yankees in the way they are handling the decomission and inevitable demolition of their old stadiums. It's almost like the Wilpons were glad the team didn't make it into the post season so they could get rid of Shea faster.

11-09-2008, 08:17 PM
I'm outside New Yankee Stadium. Let's see how many upperdeck seats they have for the common man.
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/miller2.jpg?t=1226279069 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)
You got to be kidding me. You left the greatest Stadium in the world
for this? Where's the upper deck?
What happen to the other levels?

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/miller.jpg?t=1226279365 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)Let me show you
what a Stadium suppose to look like. Now this is an upper deck. More seats for the common man and less luxury la dee da boxes. Now that's a scoreboard.
You know what you did. You just lost your ticket to the highlife.
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/miller3.jpg?t=1226279797 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)

11-09-2008, 08:36 PM
It takes time to take apart a piece of baseball/american history, unlike the dump they called SHEA STADIUM.

11-09-2008, 10:51 PM
Top 10 reasons why Yankee Stadium has not been demolished yet.

10. Extra Stadium tours thru Nov will help pay for that large Manny contract.
9. Carl Pavano nowhere to be found and security has been scouring Yankee stadium since end of the season.
8. Nobody told George the Yankees have not made the postseason and knocking down the stadium would ruin the charade.
7. Still waiting for the Pope's Last Pray concert.
6. Hey it takes along time to tag and authenticate over priced pieces of Stadium memorabilia.
5. Feds suspect Jimmy Hoffa is buried under the left field bleachers.
4. Still figuring out where to put that giant Babe Ruth HB bat.
3. City not ready to start building the high rise low income housing complex on the site yet.
2. Breeze only has the manpower to knock down one stadium at a time.

And the number one reason why Yankee Stadium has not been demolished yet...

1. George has decided to buy the Tampa Bay Rays who will play in the new stadium instead.

My apologies to Eric who does this for a living:D


11-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Not a single piece of old Yankee $tadium will be thrown away.
Not a single piece of old Yankee $tadium will be recycled.
It will be taken apart, brick-by-brick...and sold.

When the Yankee$ meet an unshared revenue stream they leave untapped, be sure and call me.

And the first person who is shocked when the Yankee$ payroll tops $300MM next season, please call...I have some oceanfront real estate to sell you in Montana!

Our only hope is that Hank $teinbrenner is the raving idiot his public pronouncements make him out to be.

11-10-2008, 10:25 PM
If the Yankees needed a new stadium that's one thing. But when you try to virtually copy what's perfect your asking for trouble. Especially if your goal is to cater to wealthy people at the expense of a more loyal middle class. What will surprise you next year at New Yankee Stadium, with each seating level greatly reduced and the numerous glass enclosed luxury boxes, is how quiet important moments will sound. The Mets will face some of that also, but at least they went in a different direction,giving the City a totally new look Ballpark with ongoing plans for its immediate area.
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/citi2.jpg?t=1226373819 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/citi3.jpg?t=1226373855 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)

11-11-2008, 07:44 AM
Got this from the yankees website.

11-11-2008, 08:32 AM
Those three levels of blue seats at New Yankee Stadium,are all thats available to the average fan along with the bleachers. And those who chose to make those blue seated sections their season ticket areas,and there are many,all the more difficult for an average guy to buy tickets mid-season. Those blue areas,which is the whole section,used to be the front "reserved portion"(row A,B,etc) of the old type stadiums,with its remaining larger seating behind it(row AA,BB etc)now gone. To get a ticket to either team the next couple of years but to Yankee Stadium in particular will be as easy as getting a ticket to the world series. If you went to 10 games a year you hope to be able to go to 3-4 now.
CitiField has a reduced ,but at least a healthy sized Upper deck which wraps around to the outfield fair territorys.
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/redmills/miller3.jpg?t=1226279797 (http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);)
NYS:"You just lost your ticket to the High Life is what you did."

New Yankee Stadium traffic jam:

11-11-2008, 08:38 AM
I could never afford the seats right up by the dugout anyway. On stubhub i can buy tickets in the same area that i always sit and they are around the same price from last year.

11-11-2008, 01:54 PM
Got this from the yankees website.
People are and were pissed when Comerica opened. Email me and I'll send pics of what Tiger Stadium looks like now. Sad. Stadiums are like people though in a sense. We get old and die eventually and our children live on... it's that way with ballparks. That is what memories are for.

**That said, my 7 year old daughter made out 12 items on her Christmas List the other day...most of it was webkinz, whatever the latest tv show craze is, a million dollars, and there in the middle was "bring grandma back." Memories...priceless. I still remember taking my infant son in the dugout at Tiger Stadium. Months later he pulled the film outta the camera and exposed it. I have the memory though...

R. Koppel