Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)

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  • dcgreg25
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 1416

    Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)

    Has anybody ever dealt with ebay user gamewornuniforms? I was looking around and found two jerseys I was interested in. One is a Tim Grunhard jersey from the Chiefs.

    In looking at the listing there is a huge red flag to start wtih as the jersey is listed as Game Used in 2001 but in the auction description it states that Grunhard played from 1990-2000. Grunhard, in fact did retire April 29, 2001 so he didnt even play in any preseason games and it appears unlikely that this was even game issued.

    Anybody dealt with this seller before? It looks like they sell a bunch of stuff. I emailed the seller but did not hear anything back.
  • mvandor
    • Apr 2007
    • 1032

    Re: Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)

    I've bought several pairs of GU pants from him and they aren't something people knock off, so they did appear legit to me.

    I'd simply ask him about the discrepancy in years and ask for pics of tags because I do not see one in the neckline. If no year tags don't see how he could determine it was 2001.


    • beavisrules
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2006
      • 159

      Re: Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)


      Let me put in my two cents since I know which two jerseys you are interested in (since I was as well - can't imagine why - ha ha).

      I have bought from this seller before, and would say that everything I have ever bought from him has been legit in my opinion. He has sold a lot of Chiefs jerseys over the years.

      The Gurnhard - I believe the year tag is off the front lower tag (with the helmet on it) if you look carefully. My suspicion is this was made up with the anticipation that Grunhard was going to come back from retirement, but never did - that is a wild guess of course. I emailed the seller asking if there was any wear to it, but no response.

      The Lake Dawson (if this is the other you are interested in) - I also asked if there was wear on this one and got no response. The pictures make it look like their isn't too much wear to it, but it is really hard to tell. I happen to have an identical Dawson already - same year, same tagging, same size - I compared the specs of mine to his, and his looks good to me to the best I can tell. I suspect this jersey was either the second of the home 1997 set, or his back-up team issued jersey. My Dawson jersey features fairly decent wear - about that amount expected for a back-up wide receiver.

      Anyway, I am going to pass on the Grunhard because of the year descrepancy, and pass on the Dawson since I already have a gamer of his from that exact year with obvious game use on it. So if you bid on them, I won't be bidding against you on them. Had I not owned a 1997 Dawson already, I would have probably gone ahead and bid on the Dawson FWIW.

      Hope this helps.


      Always looking for Notre Dame memorabilia
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      • dcgreg25
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2008
        • 1416

        Re: Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)

        Mike, thanks for your two cents. Guilty as charged on my interest in Grunhard and Dawson. it is kind of transparant as to my interest. I suspected that the Grunhard might have been team issued but he announced his retirement in April which seems aweful early.

        I will probably pass on the Grunhard and may consider the Dawson depending on how the price shakes out. Anyway, on with my search!!! Not sure if you saw but they put another Zbikowski jersey (and a bunch of others) on the nd.com auction site. Happy hunting!


        • beavisrules
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2006
          • 159

          Re: Ebay Auction for NLF Game Used Jerseys (gamewornuniforms)


          I did see the Zibby - I am debating whether I will put a bid in on it. One thing I don't like about those ND auctions is you can tell about zero from their pictures - my concern is if this jersey saw a lot of action or was more of a back-up jersey - given the current bid, I don't want the back-up jersey. But, I really like the lack of buyer's premium, so I can't complain too much.

          Be careful with the Notre Dame gamers on ebay - lately, there have been a lot of questionable, misrepresented, or clearly doctored jerseys on there (especially in the past month) - not sure why all of the sudden.


          Always looking for Notre Dame memorabilia
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