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View Full Version : Does this seem a little high for a Canseco Gamer

11-20-2008, 08:35 AM

This just seemed a little high to me as a Canseco Game Used helmet that really is not a significant helmet. No records were broken in it and it wasn't used in any playoff games. It is about $3,000 more than what I paid for the helmet he wore to hit his 300th HR and he wore in the 1995 playoffs and it still has today to go.


11-20-2008, 01:10 PM

it's not a "little high". it's grossly overinflated if you consider that the nicest canseco helmet i ever saw was recently sold the last GUF auction for $950:


1) the GUF helmet comes from terry steinbach. in my personal opinion, that's at least as good if not better than the provenance on the AMI helmet.

2) the GUF helmet is from canseco's prime, glory years before he started disintegrating around 1993/94. as a canseco collector, you know the good stuff is from 1988-1991. in '91, canseco hit 44 HR and 122 RBI and was considered one of the league's premier hitters. the GUF helmet also has the beautiful and rare Desert Storm flag on the back and shows fantastic use. you really couldn't improve upon the GUF helmet as far as canseco helmets go. in 1997, canseco was well into his decline and was no longer considered a premier player. he hit 24 HR with 74 RBI and started his journey of bouncing around to whatever team would have him. as a canseco collector, if you want to remember his glory years, the 1991 helmet is the way to go.

the fact that the AMI helmet is already at almost $3500 while the gorgeous GUF 1991 piece sold for $950 is very odd to say the least especially given that the GUF piece had provenance that is as strong, if not stronger, than the AMI piece.


11-20-2008, 01:48 PM
Its almost as good of provenance than getting a letter from Rollie Fingers!

11-20-2008, 03:40 PM
Is the guy selling the Canseco gamer the same guy who has a Randy Johnson jersey listed for $60,000.00? Just curious...


11-20-2008, 10:18 PM
The provenance of the AMI Canseco helmet is as good as gold. South Florida Sports Council was the company which represented Jose at the time and his agent was fellow forum member Juan Iglesias.

However I completely agree the price is oddly high.


11-21-2008, 10:18 AM
I agree the provenance is good, but I am having a hard time finding a photo of Canseco wearing a helmet with the A's logo that small. All of the pics I have seen so far show Canseco wearing helmets with a larger A's. I would never have paid almost $3500 for a Canseco helmet, and definitely not this one!
