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View Full Version : Time for the flannels again!

Rob L
01-20-2009, 11:38 AM
Sitting here at my office, watching the inauguration and it looks cold. Time to break out the flannels again. Show them if you've got them!!

1962 Angels, 1969 Angels and 1971 Angels:

01-20-2009, 01:13 PM
Rochester Red Wings

Larry Pelliccioni
01-20-2009, 03:07 PM
Boston Red Soxnnob - Ken Harrellson
Chicago White Soxnnob - Herrmann - loa
Cleveland Indiansnnob- Romano
Detroit Tigersnnob - Yost
Detroit Tigersnnob - Tuttle
Detroit Tigersnnob - Al Kaline
Detroit Tigersnnob - Radatz
Detroit Tigersnnob - Reibe
Detroit Tigersnnob - Gromek
Detroit TigersScherman
Detroit Tigersnnob - Olson
Los Angeles Angelsnnob - Duren
Los Angeles Angelsnnob - Grba
Minnesota Twinsnnob - Allison
Minnesota Twinsnnob - Battey
New York Yankeesnnob - Grim
Seattle Pilotsnnob - Mincher
St. Louis Cardinalsnnob - Pepper Martin
Washington Nationalsnnob - Stone
Washington Senatorsnnob - Hannon
Washington Senatorsnnob - French
Houston Astrosnnob - Menke

01-20-2009, 04:58 PM
Roy Johnson's 1929 Detroit Tigers road jersey:


Larry Pelliccioni
01-21-2009, 02:26 PM
In listing my flannels above I want to be clear on two counts.
First, they are not for sale.
Second, I am willing to share any information relative to tagging or what have you with others looking to verify their items or increase their knowledge base. My computer skills are limited hence no photos posted but I have no problem trying to help by taking some photos and emailing them to requests I can accomodate.
Please understand, a hectic schedule and the burning desire to travel may delay me in getting back to you but I will try my best.
Thanks for the read.
Larry Pelliccioni

Rob L
01-21-2009, 02:29 PM
Hi Larry,

Are the LA Angels jerseys the home or away? If home jerseys, are they the gray flannel or white flannel? Thanks.

Larry Pelliccioni
01-21-2009, 04:00 PM
The Duren is a home white, the Grba a road gray.
Larry Pelliccioni

Rob L
01-21-2009, 04:24 PM
Roy Johnson's 1929 Detroit Tigers road jersey:


Wow. where did you score that jersey? Very nice.

01-22-2009, 02:18 AM
1972 Chris Speier S.F. Giants road flannel

01-25-2009, 05:20 PM
1961 Kansas City Athletics Ozzie Virgil and 1966 Angels Dean Chance.