Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

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  • sammy
    • Nov 2005
    • 732

    Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

    Dang, lost my eBay PowerSeller status.

    It appears morons are truly in charge of eBay.

    You judge based on the following.

    Ebay PowerSeller Requirements for past 12 months:

    Sales: 12000.00
    Minimum items sold: 24

    My level:

    Sales: 26000.00
    Minimum items sold: 20

    I lost my status because I didn't sell a minimum of 24 items, even though I more then doubled the amount of sales required.

    Just plain stupid to count the items sold, instead of the amount of vig eBay received.

    Really wasn't worth the "benefits" or pressure from eBay.

  • TFig27
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2006
    • 1214

    Re: Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

    I'll buy 4 things for a penny each if you want.
    TFig27 - NY Yankees Collector
    A. Boone - R. Cano - N. Swisher - T. Martinez - P. O'Neill - E. Hinske
    J. Damon - R. Brogna - D. Bragg - W. Upshaw - K. Farnsworth


    • suicide_squeeze
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 1442

      Re: Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

      I had, and lost, my power sellers status too.

      Couldn't care less.

      Ebay has transgressed itself into a s#!thole establishment to do business with, for MANY reasons.

      I have had two of the most inCREDIBLY frustrating experienced with paypal (owned and operated by ebay) and I have warned them if they don't change their ways, I will refuse to allow their services on my auctions.....which I have minimized to maybe 6 a year now anyway. Yeah, I know, a waist of my breath.

      Listen to this fiasco.....

      To sell an item on ebay, then have the winner partially pay for it when your auction CLEARLY states "payment due within 10 days", only to wait another month for complete payment which I don't have yet, is one thing. But to then realize the schmuck who won the item has emailed you, saying "I have sent you (this much) now, and will send the other amount after I can raise the rest with some of my own auctions I have listed".......well, that's another. So I'm now victim to HIS rules of MY auction???? You guys all know, you can't leave negative feedback for buyers anymore unless they slam you first (NICE touch, ebay!!)......and this piece of work obviously is well aware of it too.

      THEN, couple that with the fact that you, as the seller who has been NOTIFIED by the winner of your item that he has sent you 75% payment....have no "Payment made by Paypal" notification at the top of my auction page, or by ebay email. So, the logical assumption is that he mailed it to me. The loser didn't TELL ME how he "sent payment", just that he had. I was getting home from work and checking the mail every day. Then I started asking the wife to check as the mail was delivered..... nothing. So, after a week, I log back onto ebay to send the guy a "Where is the money you supposedly sent me???" message......and what DOES pop up on "my ebay"'s page is a message that this chump loser has opened up a "dispute claim" of "item received not as described or not received".

      I was dumbfounded.

      I tried diligently to get help from ebay so I could tell them this loser hadn't even PAID me in full for the item.....so of COURSE I hadn't mailed it to him yet! Their response was to deal with Paypal, since I now had A FREEZE ON MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT! WHAT??

      It turns out this loser had arbitrarily "sent" me funds to my PayPal account via my personal email for approximately 75% of the item (which was sold for over $2,000.00). Let that be a lesson to you ebayers......ALWAYS block your email address when dealing with other ebayers, unless you use your personal email address AS YOUR EBAY email contact too. He picked my personal email address to send funds to my PayPal account which is fine, but my paypal account (which can have multiple email addresses connected to it) is set up on my EBAY email address with my EBAY AUCTIONS, so there is NO connection! And....Since you can't make "partial payments" on an auction via paypal and have it show up as "Item paid via Paypal" because it won't register as being paid unless you pay the entire amount, even if he had made the payment to the correct email address, there wouldn't have been a notification emailed to me from any link on the auction....therefore leaving me to believe he had MAILED me a check.

      So after he makes this "sent payment" electronically via paypal with no link or notification to my auction, he emails me three days in a row, asking me "Did you get my payment?, and since I'm looking in the MAIL for the freaking PAYMENT, I tell him "No, not yet, but I'm sure it will show up tomorrow"....you know, trying to give the TOOL the benefit of the doubt that he even mailed it in the first place.....here is what he does....

      Instead of asking me if I checked my PayPal account, he contacts PayPal and tells them he thinks he's being scammed, and wants to cancel his payment! SO, PayPal tells him the only way he can do that is to file an "Item not received as described, or not received (at all)." So he does, and PayPal instantly locks up the funds he had sent me, and freezes my account.

      Keep in mind I've been a member of ebay since 1999, and have 100% positive feedback. This guy has done EVERYTHING wrong to this point, and has absolutely NO REASON to think there is funny biz going on here on my part.

      So NOW, I'm unable to use my PayPal account because of a totally BOGUS CLAIM that PayPal themselves suggested this guy file!!!! WHILE HE IS IN THE WRONG.

      I called PayPal, finally was able to get a warm body on the phone, and I lit into this poor lady like she was the anti-Christ! THEN, after I was done explaining the whole mess to her, she says...."I'm really sorry you are having trouble sir, but I have to send you to the correct person in "Dispute claims" that can help you.

      I told her that was fine, because I still had a lot of RAGE to share with the next victim they stuck on the phone with me! So this time, I get another lady, and I went through the whole explanation again, and she tells me "I'm sorry, but the only way you can use your PayPal account for any further payments is to deposit the funds into it until this claim has been resolved".



      So, you all see how rediculous this is??? THEY (PayPal) have taken a NON-PAYING bidder....who has IMPROPERLY notified me of his PARTIAL PAYMENT which we NEVER AGREED TO, and taught HIM how to screw up my whole PayPal account while he holds up his payment to ME for his own reasons.......making up HIS rules while he "f's" me! The irony is so thick...

      I had to deposit money into my PayPal account to pay for another item I had just recently won, because my account had been frozen by this chump.

      Anyway, I then emailed him (I think three times in a row, because I was livid) asking him WHY he told me he "SENT PAYMENT" instead of informing me he paid me via PayPal. I explained to him there was no way for me to know unless by pure chance I just happened to log into my PayPal and see in my activity that a payment had been made, partial at that. He did apologize, and told me he thought I was trying to pull a fast one and run off with his money when I was telling him the money hadn't shown up yet. I angrilly asked him why he could even entertain that thought, as he couldn't possibly expect the seller to mail him the item until it was FULLY paid for, so his story made no sense whatsoever. In any case, to this second, I am still waiting for his final payment.

      At least, eventually, I got this guy to end his bogus claim, and PayPal reinstated my account as "open".

      Point in all of this?.................

      How can we ebay users who use PayPal have ANY respect for the way they handle business affairs? They are extremely biased towards the buyers, to the point it's completely unfair and one-sided.

      I used to enjoy ebay.....I absolutely have no enjoyment out of it anymore....hidden bidders names so you never know if you're getting shill bid to hell, recently changed our home pages (it's such a horrible display now, I almost never even log into it anymore and just put off listing what I want to sell), and Paypal........eesch.

      So.....losing my "Power Seller" status was laughable to me. They can keep it for the nickle and dime ebayers who probably will end up taking years off their lives due to the frustration they will suffer through for the volumn of ebay/PayPal problems arising with their high volume of auctions.

      NO THANKS!!!!


      • suicide_squeeze
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 1442

        Re: Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

        I didn't go into the other problem.......it was too much for one post. But if anyone wants to hear it, ask.



        • yanks12025
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2006
          • 3118

          Re: Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

          It would ahve been bad if the guy sent the partical money to another person. i would not sell him the item.


          • BaseballGM
            • Jan 2006
            • 235

            Re: Dang, Lost My Powerseller Status

            Cheer up dude, things could be worse.
            Attached Files

