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View Full Version : Are there player bat lists out there>

01-27-2009, 07:23 AM
Does anyone know if there's a way to get a list of all of the models of bat a particular player has used?

Just curious. Might make tracking things down a little easier if I know that I am looking for.


01-27-2009, 09:04 AM
maybe BMH can help you the Louisville Slugger models he has used???

01-27-2009, 10:39 AM
It is very hard to do that to narrow down a list to one person.

Because a player can use so many bats during his time and with so many bat options.

You would have to just about watch and track down almost every at bat of what the player used. Not to mention his ordering records from bat companies.

A member here goes by HOF (Abe) actually was able to help me with a list for Darryl Strawberry. I knew a good majority of the bats Strawberry used but thankfully Abe was also a fan and was able to track down into detail every bat through his career including colors, variations and such.

I would say your best bet to go through the photos on Getyy,Uspresswire, and other photo resources and try to pinpoint possible years of manufacturers used, colors, and such
Try to list them into a time frame.