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View Full Version : Roberto Alomar- sad story if it's true...

02-11-2009, 09:08 AM
Didn't expect to read this first thing this morning...


02-11-2009, 09:22 AM
I hope it's not true but if it is, I pray for him. Sports and life are two entirely different things. He was and still is one of my favorite players ever.

02-11-2009, 09:31 AM
What a terrible sad story...I am speechless. I hope for everyone involved that it is not true but my guess is that at a minimum he tested positive or else this woman will probably have a massive libel lawsuit on her hands. It would be hard to make up a story more bizzare than this.

02-11-2009, 09:41 AM
Shocking as much as it is sad.

02-11-2009, 10:42 AM
I, too, sure hope the story isn't true.

Alomar was with the DBacks for a year, back in '04, and I remember in what esteem his teammates always seemed to hold him. Somebody told me that after the last game of the season, all the other players lined up at Robby's locker for autographs and souvenirs - that's rare.

02-11-2009, 11:33 AM
I can't image what that umpire who Roberto spit on awhile ago is thinking about now.

02-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Denial means deferred treatment. Not good. Look at how well Magic Johnson has handled it for decades now. Hope Robby gets the same breaks.

02-11-2009, 12:26 PM
maybe i'm wrong but there are so many loopholes in this story.

- the article implies it occurred after he was raped by 2 men when he was 17. so he contracted it at 17 then and was eventually signed by the padres, blue jays, orioles, indians, mets, white sox, and diamondbacks. all of those contracts would've included medical tests. magic johnson found out he had HIV in late 1991. what happened? his career immediately ended. he "retired" but i can't imagine what team would've signed him. i also don't believe the NBA would've allowed him to play. what did alomar apparently do though? went on to play for 16 more seasons! for 16 years, no team medical, no league medical ever caught the fact the had "full blown AIDS". wow. he suffered from "fatigue". that's news to anyone who ever watched him play throughout the entire 90s. 12x all-star, 10x gold gloves, 4x silver sluggers, '92 ALCS MVP, etc all while suffering from fatigue and full-blown AIDS. incredible. full-blown AIDS since he was 17 and the guy managed to play like an absolute monster for 10 yrs after.

- he contracted it at 17. he's now 41. here's alomar in 2008 at a blue jays ceremony:


not bad for a guy who suffers from "cough, fatigue, shingles, purple skin, a foaming mouth, has full-blown AIDS, cold sores, thrush, a yeast infection, a blood disorder, persistant cough, and is bed-ridden". i look worse on a sunday morning and i don't suffer from any of those things.

- "They broke up last October. She is demanding at least $15 million in punitive damages, claiming Alomar caused her emotional distress and exposed her children to the virus." they had unprotected sex, she later tested negative and she wants $15 million for "emotional distress". and she decided to go public with the lawsuit. how did he manage to expose her children to the virus? was he sharing needles with them? was he having sex with them? or did he just leave his cooties all over the place?


02-11-2009, 12:45 PM
maybe i'm wrong but there are so many loopholes in this story.

- the article implies it occurred after he was raped by 2 men when he was 17. so he contracted it at 17 then and was eventually signed by the padres, blue jays, orioles, indians, mets, white sox, and diamondbacks. all of those contracts would've included medical tests. magic johnson found out he had HIV in late 1991. what happened? his career immediately ended. he "retired" but i can't imagine what team would've signed him. i also don't believe the NBA would've allowed him to play. what did alomar apparently do though? went on to play for 16 more seasons! for 16 years, no team medical, no league medical ever caught the fact the had "full blown AIDS". wow. he suffered from "fatigue". that's news to anyone who ever watched him play throughout the entire 90s. 12x all-star, 10x gold gloves, 4x silver sluggers, '92 ALCS MVP, etc all while suffering from fatigue and full-blown AIDS. incredible. full-blown AIDS since he was 17 and the guy managed to play like an absolute monster for 10 yrs after.

- he contracted it at 17. he's now 41. here's alomar in 2008 at a blue jays ceremony:


not bad for a guy who suffers from "cough, fatigue, shingles, purple skin, a foaming mouth, has full-blown AIDS, cold sores, thrush, a yeast infection, a blood disorder, persistant cough, and is bed-ridden". i look worse on a sunday morning and i don't suffer from any of those things.

- "They broke up last October. She is demanding at least $15 million in punitive damages, claiming Alomar caused her emotional distress and exposed her children to the virus." they had unprotected sex, she later tested negative and she wants $15 million for "emotional distress". and she decided to go public with the lawsuit. how did he manage to expose her children to the virus? was he sharing needles with them? was he having sex with them? or did he just leave his cooties all over the place?


You're making the assumption that he contracted it at 17. That's not what the article said. It didn't say he contracted it right after getting raped by two men, it merely stated he was raped by two men.

He could have contacted HIV at any time. There have been many rumors over the years that he is homosexual but at the very least bi-sexual. There were rumors that he had an affair with a Indian teammate and there were rumors about him and Brady Anderson in Baltimore. If these rumors are true...he could have contracted it from any number of partners (male or female) throughout the years.

To the best of my knowledge you have to be specifically tested for HIV. No random team medical test do. He could have very well been HIV positive from 2005 to recent ...and his HIV turned to full blown AIDS.

We don't know the entire story...even if there is one....everything right now is speculation based off of his ex's claims.

I'd like to hear a response from him or his attorney.

02-11-2009, 01:10 PM
I don't believe team medical tests include HIV testing in any professional sports. If I remember correctly, Magic was diagnosed as part of his testing for his life insurance not a team required test. If Alomar was advised to get one in the 90's but continued to refuse them, it is theoretical that he could not have known.

I'd agree with the earlier comment that if this wasn't at least a partially true story, both the NY Daily News (who open the article with "Baseball great Roberto Alomar has full-blown AIDS...") and the woman suing him would be facing huge libel suits. Since he can't sue for libel if it's the truth , we'll need to see if this happens...

02-11-2009, 01:15 PM
Shocking allegations and very sad if true.

I met Roberto in 1994 and saw him almost everyday that he was not on the road in Toronto for the next two seasons. He lived in a 3-suite "apartment" in the SkyDome Hotel, where I worked as Room Service Manager and then Concierge. Interestingly, Roger Clemens took over the suite in 1997 and 1998 when he too lived in the Hotel, in season.

Robbie was always a great guy to speak to. Treated staff very well and has a great personality and sense of humour. He lived the eligible bachelor life. Parties, groupees, hangers-on were common. Nothing unusual there, considering the money and fame etc.

I won't comment on things speculated but wish him the best.


02-11-2009, 01:30 PM
ok so the article just mentioned the rape but didn't intend for it to actually have anything to do with the story. my mistake. i guess they decided to be efficient and just wrap 2 unrelated stories into 1: alomar got raped once and oh yeah, he's got aids. but we don't mean to imply there's any correlation between the two stories.

"He could have very well been HIV positive from 2005 to recent ...and his HIV turned to full blown AIDS."

according to the story, the couple's relationship began in 2002. "..she lived with the ex-Met for three years and watched in horror as his health worsened... Alomar's skin had turned purple, he was foaming at the mouth and a spinal tap "showed he had full-blown AIDS," the suit says... In 2004, Dall says she noticed cold sores in his mouth. In 2005, after a physical exam ordered by the Tampa Bay Rays, he was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia purpura, a blood disorder sometimes linked to HIV, she claims..It goes on to say that around the same time Alomar developed a persistent cough and was bedridden with extreme fatigue. He developed thrush, a yeast infection.."

from the article, she "watched in horror as his health worsened", from 2002-2005, during the 3 years she lived with him. clearly these symptoms are alleged to have occurred before 2005. so they started a relationship in 2002 and she watched in horror as he turned into some version of the elephant man complete with purple skin and foaming mouth. here are 4 photos from that time period. 1 from 2002, 1 from 2003, 1 from 2004, and 1 from 2005. this is a man whose health his girlfriend was watching deteriorate "in horror" during these years:


"To the best of my knowledge you have to be specifically tested for HIV. No random team medical test do."

teams don't simply issue "random" medical tests. in signing a player, medical tests are a stipulation. you're about to pay millions and millions of dollars for a player (alomar made over $76mm in his career. in 2003 alone, the mets paid him $8mm), you're going to ensure that you're getting a healthy player. you don't pay $8mm a season and cross your fingers and say "we hope he's ok! maybe sometime down the season, we'll give him a random medical test". you're going to make the contract contingent on a complete physical. apparently, alomar passed all the physicals.

secondly, all of these players are insured. when they go on the DL and cost the team millions, for example, the teams file a disability insurance claim with the insurer. ever wonder why player contracts are filled with "dangerous activities" clauses? because if the player engages in certain activities, then they can't get insured. these are incredibly valuable investments on behalf of the team and they're insured to high heaven. you don't think an insurance company, in insuring a player for millions, is going require a full range of tests first? how did magic johnson actually discover he had HIV? "Johnson discovered his condition when he tried to obtain life insurance and tested positive on the compulsory HIV test conducted by Lakers team doctor Dr. Michael Mellman". so the Lakers had a compulsory HIV test in 1991, but the white sox, indians, mets never had anything of the sort in 2002-2005, right? after the magic johnson incident, most teams probably didn't get on board with mandatory HIV testing, right? after all, these are multi-million dollar investments, who often incur cuts or abrasions, and often sharing close quarters. why bother with HIV testing right?

"Early in the evening of October 25, as I walked into the offices of Dr. Michael Mellman, a Los Angeles Laker team physician and one of my personal doctors, I was more curious than worried. I had been rejected for a life-insurance policy that the Lakers had tried to purchase.."

you're saying a $76 million dollar athlete, who played consecutively for 16 seasons, as recently as 2004, for 7 different teams, was never subjected to a mandatory HIV/AIDS test from either the team or the insurance company and that such results never revealed themselves in any testing from the team and/or insurance company? this guy, reportedly during his playing years, was turning into a purple-skinned, foamy-mouthed, fatigued creature and yet in 2002, managed to hang in for 590 ABs and in 2003 516 ABs, all while managing to keep his apparently visible and grotesque condition a complete secret from the insurance companies and the teams. as i said, it could be true but a lot of things don't seem to add up.


02-11-2009, 01:36 PM
I don't believe team medical tests include HIV testing in any professional sports. If I remember correctly, Magic was diagnosed as part of his testing for his life insurance not a team required test.

from Sports Illustrated:

"Early in the evening of October 25, as I walked into the offices of Dr. Michael Mellman, a Los Angeles Laker team physician and one of my personal doctors, I was more curious than worried. I had been rejected for a life-insurance policy that the Lakers had tried to purchase ..."

it was a test required by the insurance company for a policy that the team had tried to purchase for johnson.


02-11-2009, 01:38 PM
You know as much as I do right now Jammy....nothing more than what the article says...and all from her perspective.

We'll all have to sit and wait to see how this unfolds. And see what Alomar's response is...if and when he makes one either personally or through his attorney.

Until then all the pictures in the world and all the assumptions and or speculation don't make anything more or less factual.

02-11-2009, 02:03 PM

If you have the desire to Google past what I just did, feel free. But I found this from 1996 (4? years after Magic)...

"Most major sports organizations in this country - including professional basketball, baseball, football and hockey, the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the U.S. Olympic Committee - have policies concerning HIV and AIDS awareness and infection-control standards. However, none plans to institute mandatory testing because it might be challenged on civil-libertarian grounds. National Football League players do not have to leave the field if they are bleeding, but professional basketball and hockey players do."

I didn't elaborate but as said above it is a privacy issue for HIV testing. Magic was probably an exception to the rule in that he got tested by the Lakers. I'm still relatively certain that no sport has a mandatory test. Baseball isn't a contact sport and the players have a very strong union, so I'm sure MLB has even interest to fight for testing (and we've seen how slow to test for other things they've been) than the NFL. This means if Alomar didn't want to be tested- he would not be tested. The article says he only found out because he fell very ill and needed a spinal tap. They allege to have determined he had HIV as a result of that.

I took the comment about him being raped basically as a tactic used in the lawsuit to humiliate him and make a comment regarding his sexual disfunction (and possibly his sexual orientation). Either way, it was low class to include that in the suit...

The pics you posted mean nothing as to his health status.

02-11-2009, 02:10 PM
Incredibly bad news.

But one has to wonder about his personal life......his sexual orientation is at question now, obviously.

Don't start throwing the ignorance card at me. I'm fully aware there are a zillion ways to obtain this desease that's not involving sex of any kind. I'm not the one questioning it, just stating that it WILL be questioned.

It's just too weird that he would have said what he said to his girlfriend if there wasn't some other kind of sexual connection with men. Being "raped" by "two Mexican men" is not something you just openly tell someone. He's obviously covering up something else. I guess maybe in time it will come out.....or not. Whatever the reality is, any time you hear something like this, it's really sad.

I remember (umpire) Hirschback telling a few sources at the spitting incident that Alomar had said to him "You're just bitter because your kid is dead" (referring to the fact that Hirschback has lost a child at an early age)......a brutal thing to say to anyone under ANY circumstances.

If that is true, then I guess karma is what they say it is......truly a bitch.

02-11-2009, 03:00 PM
i remember a few years back when the story about mike piazza being gay was going around,which obviously was false.but there was also a story going around at the same time that there was a player on the east coast who played in the majors that was gay. alot of people were mentioning robbie alomars name.like i said there is no way to ever verify that but i find it interesting that this lawsuit comes out now and is said to have happen around when that story was making it's rounds back then.

02-11-2009, 03:16 PM
My neighbors best friend used to date Roberto Alomar when he played for the Orioles in 96 & 97. I think they dated for about 2 years. She never indicated anything off but who knows.

02-11-2009, 03:33 PM
My neighbors best friend used to date Roberto Alomar when he played for the Orioles in 96 & 97. I think they dated for about 2 years. She never indicated anything off but who knows.

I can only imagine how she'll feel when she finally gets word and reads this news.....

02-11-2009, 03:43 PM
I'm still relatively certain that no sport has a mandatory test. Baseball isn't a contact sport and the players have a very strong union, so I'm sure MLB has even interest to fight for testing (and we've seen how slow to test for other things they've been) than the NFL. This means if Alomar didn't want to be tested- he would not be tested...
The pics you posted mean nothing as to his health status.

whether or not the MLB or team tested, there's still the issue of the insurance company testing. magic got tested as a requirement for life insurance. alomar had no insurance taken out on him by any team?

anyway, i think it's interesting that she's suing for $15 million for "AIDS phobia". she didn't contract anything yet simply the emotional distress of "AIDS phobia" is worth $15 million. the lawsuit says she learned of it in early february 2006. she filed the suit in late january 2009, almost 3 years after she suffered such a traumatic experience.

as for anyone who brings up the hirschbeck incident, i'll assume that you know what hirschbeck said to alomar first to provoke that reaction. there are some widely accepted ideas and alomar only confirmed it to be a "racial slur". if the lip-readers out there are right then hirschbeck got the least of it. i'll also assume that you're over the age of 12 and have progressed enough as a human being to understand that AIDS isn't "karma" for spitting on someone 10 years prior.


02-11-2009, 03:51 PM
I can only imagine how she'll feel when she finally gets word and reads this news.....

yes i can only imagine what'll be like to learn that she may have contracted HIV/AIDS 13 years ago and lived with it ever since without any symptoms. "what? you mean for the past 13 years i've had AIDS and didn't know it?". brilliant. sort of like snapping your leg in two pieces and only realizing it 10 yrs afterwards huh?

right up there with having a guy sued by a woman who said they had sex numerous times and wondering about his sexual orientation.

and before i read yet another inane thing about hirschbeck and spit:

from the CDC:

"Saliva, Tears, and Sweat
HIV has been found in saliva and tears in very low quantities from some AIDS patients. It is important to understand that finding a small amount of HIV in a body fluid does not necessarily mean that HIV can be transmitted by that body fluid. HIV has not been recovered from the sweat of HIV-infected persons. Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV."


02-11-2009, 04:46 PM
yes i can only imagine what'll be like to learn that she may have contracted HIV/AIDS 13 years ago and lived with it ever since without any symptoms. "what? you mean for the past 13 years i've had AIDS and didn't know it?". brilliant. sort of like snapping your leg in two pieces and only realizing it 10 yrs afterwards huh?

right up there with having a guy sued by a woman who said they had sex numerous times and wondering about his sexual orientation.

and before i read yet another inane thing about hirschbeck and spit:

from the CDC:

"Saliva, Tears, and Sweat
HIV has been found in saliva and tears in very low quantities from some AIDS patients. It is important to understand that finding a small amount of HIV in a body fluid does not necessarily mean that HIV can be transmitted by that body fluid. HIV has not been recovered from the sweat of HIV-infected persons. Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV."


Not my point, rudy.

She had a relationship with the guy. She will no doubt feel badly for him, and at the same time gratefull that she hadn't dated him in more recent years. Sad, shocked, even horrified, yet relieved and fortunate, rudy.

He must have contracted it sometime within the last 9-10 years is my guess (from everything I've read about the desease). It may have started to "manifest" in the early to middle 2000's, hense his "health" difficulties.

That said, I believe he must have strongly suspected himself, knew it, but just wouldn't accept it. Only he knows the full extent of his "personal life" and the possible ramifications of it.....which is why I think he was living in denial. Then, the day came where he had no choice but be forced to find out. Truly irresponsible deeds to himself, family, and friends who care about him. Just a sad sitch.

02-11-2009, 04:46 PM
i remember a few years back when the story about mike piazza being gay was going around,which obviously was false.but there was also a story going around at the same time that there was a player on the east coast who played in the majors that was gay. alot of people were mentioning robbie alomars name.like i said there is no way to ever verify that but i find it interesting that this lawsuit comes out now and is said to have happen around when that story was making it's rounds back then.

I remember this all too well. It was started by Bobby Valentine proclaiming that "baseball is probably ready for an openly gay athlete." What then transpired was a media circus, where everyone and their grandmother thought he was speaking about Piazza. I have no idea how they got this ridiculous idea... Piazza had a reputation of being quite the ladies man by this time. Anyhow, I digress.
The way I interpreted this statement was that he was probably referring to Roberto Alomar, as he was with the team too. The Hirschbeck incident is what put this idea in my head. As it was obvious that the comment that led to the spitting was nothing racial at all. Anyone who saw the events unfold with the slightest ability to read lips knew what was going on. Apparently the media had their own agenda. As usual.

02-11-2009, 04:59 PM
whether or not the MLB or team tested, there's still the issue of the insurance company testing. magic got tested as a requirement for life insurance. alomar had no insurance taken out on him by any team?

anyway, i think it's interesting that she's suing for $15 million for "AIDS phobia". she didn't contract anything yet simply the emotional distress of "AIDS phobia" is worth $15 million. the lawsuit says she learned of it in early february 2006. she filed the suit in late january 2009, almost 3 years after she suffered such a traumatic experience.

as for anyone who brings up the hirschbeck incident, i'll assume that you know what hirschbeck said to alomar first to provoke that reaction. there are some widely accepted ideas and alomar only confirmed it to be a "racial slur". if the lip-readers out there are right then hirschbeck got the least of it. i'll also assume that you're over the age of 12 and have progressed enough as a human being to understand that AIDS isn't "karma" for spitting on someone 10 years prior.


Wow.....rudy's right up there with Mr.3000 in "eloquence of posting".

Hirschbeck got "the least of it"???

WHAT, rudy, POSSIBLE racial slur could be WORSE than going after the parent, FACE TO FACE, of a dead child?

PLEASE......I'm all ears.....

I don't give ONE CRAPOLA what Hirschbeck said to Alomar......Going after someone who lost a child and stating that to his FACE is grounds for instant death in my book.

I know there's a lot to be said about maintaining one's composure......and Hirshbeck get's the prize, because if I was that umpire, and that piece of garbage has said that to ME, no matter WHAT NAME I had called him......there would have been one ugly scene of ALL-TIME in sports history in regards to a fight on the field. There is NO excuse for going after a parents DEAD CHILD. It would have taken about 9 grown men to remove my clamped hands from his dead crushed throat.

But that's just me.

02-11-2009, 05:07 PM
Here's some perspective on Alomar v. Hirschbeck


02-11-2009, 05:08 PM
I remember this all too well. It was started by Bobby Valentine proclaiming that "baseball is probably ready for an openly gay athlete." What then transpired was a media circus, where everyone and their grandmother thought he was speaking about Piazza. I have no idea how they got this ridiculous idea... Piazza had a reputation of being quite the ladies man by this time. Anyhow, I digress.
The way I interpreted this statement was that he was probably referring to Roberto Alomar, as he was with the team too. The Hirschbeck incident is what put this idea in my head. As it was obvious that the comment that led to the spitting was nothing racial at all. Anyone who saw the events unfold with the slightest ability to read lips knew what was going on. Apparently the media had their own agenda. As usual.

TNT.......I am without knowledge of the "lip reading" consensus.

Are you saying that Hirschbeck called him something that started with an "f" and ended with a "got"?

THAT is what I would have quessed, but never knew. If that is the case, I stand by what I said. Alomar is lucky I wasn't the umpire that day.

And based on Alomar's reaction to it in saying what he said, I would suggest Hirschbeck hit a nerve (or hit the nail) "right on the head".

02-11-2009, 05:10 PM
This is Sad to me because Alomar is one of my all time Favorite Players.

02-11-2009, 05:12 PM
I would suggest Hirschbeck hit a nerve

That's what I would suggest too. I am certainly not condoning either guy's behavior back in '96!!!

However, I see they have come a long way together and that article I posted is very pleasant and positive conclusion to their saga...

02-11-2009, 05:15 PM
Wow.....rudy's right up there with Mr.3000 in "eloquence of posting".

Hirschbeck got "the least of it"???

WHAT, rudy, POSSIBLE racial slur could be WORSE than going after the parent, FACE TO FACE, of a dead child?

PLEASE......I'm all ears.....

I don't give ONE CRAPOLA what Hirschbeck said to Alomar......Going after someone who lost a child and stating that to his FACE is grounds for instant death in my book.

I know there's a lot to be said about maintaining one's composure......and Hirshbeck get's the prize, because if I was that umpire, and that piece of garbage has said that to ME, no matter WHAT NAME I had called him......there would have been one ugly scene of ALL-TIME in sports history in regards to a fight on the field. There is NO excuse for going after a parents DEAD CHILD. It would have taken about 9 grown men to remove my clamped hands from his dead crushed throat.

But that's just me.

Do me...and yourself a favor....leave my name out of your topics. You and I apparently do not get along....let's agree to leave it at that. No need to be a complete ass and keep bringing up my name. You go your way, I'll go mine and we can both coincide on this board peacefully. It would be in both our best interests.

Thank you,

02-11-2009, 05:18 PM
That's what I would suggest too. I am certainly not condoning either guy's behavior back in '96!!!

However, I see they have come a long way together and that article I posted is very pleasant and positive conclusion to their saga...

Just read it.

Amen to that. Glad that Hirschbeck made an effort to clear the air and move on.

and geoff, I couldn't agree with you more.

It makes one take a step back, take a deep breath, and clearly see that life is not all about MONEY and FAME. Some things transcend all of that.

Without the basics, like health......it's all meaningless.

02-11-2009, 05:49 PM
I know there's a lot to be said about maintaining one's composure......and Hirshbeck get's the prize, because if I was that umpire, and that piece of garbage has said that to ME..

you've completely lost the plot. do you understand what went down?

1) alomar struck out. he disagreed with the call. so far no problems.
2) hirschbeck unleashed a completely unacceptable slur. oh oh, problems.
3) alomar spat.

do you see how #2 came before #3? you seem to think alomar made the comment about hirschbeck's kid before hirschbeck slandered him. he didn't. alomar hadn't said a word about hirschbeck's kid until way after hirschbeck had already become abusive. before alomar even said a word about the kid, hirschbeck had already lost it. hirschbeck uttered a disgusting slur simply because alomar argued a call. so yes, hirschbeck got the least of it. secondly, you seem to think alomar taunted or made fun of the kid. he didn't. he simply said he thought hirschbeck was stressed out from his kid's medical situation. seems like a pretty obvious conclusion to me. anyway, i enjoyed your analysis of alomar's medical condition right down to when he contracted it and when it began manifesting itself. right up there with your analysis of the alomar/hirschbeck incident which you made without a clue as to what hirschbeck even said or how it all went down. excellent!


02-11-2009, 06:34 PM
Hey Everyone. I have been having a problem with my laptop so haven't been accessing the site as frequently as usual. I just had the chance to read through this thread and noticed a few posts that appeared to be getting a bit heated. While everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions, please make sure all posts are consistent with the forum rules. Among other things, please note the following:

No Personal Attacks. Do not harass, belittle, threaten or “flame” another member. Do not call other members names, even in jest. You may dispute opinions and facts, but do so with facts and not by taking it to a personal level. This forum is intended to operate in a positive environment. Please help us achieve that goal.

Thank you in advance for your compliance.

02-11-2009, 07:30 PM
IIRC, back in the day it was said that Hirschbeck had hit the Latin No-No Button twice (and contradicted himself, besides) calling Alomar a mother fornicating British slang for cigarette.Alomar walked away without saying a word a little over a year later when Hirschbeck called him out on a pitch off the plate to end the 1997 ALCS.

02-11-2009, 07:57 PM
Wow.....rudy's right up there with Mr.3000 in "eloquence of posting".

Hirschbeck got "the least of it"???

WHAT, rudy, POSSIBLE racial slur could be WORSE than going after the parent, FACE TO FACE, of a dead child?

PLEASE......I'm all ears.....

I don't give ONE CRAPOLA what Hirschbeck said to Alomar......Going after someone who lost a child and stating that to his FACE is grounds for instant death in my book.

I know there's a lot to be said about maintaining one's composure......and Hirshbeck get's the prize, because if I was that umpire, and that piece of garbage has said that to ME, no matter WHAT NAME I had called him......there would have been one ugly scene of ALL-TIME in sports history in regards to a fight on the field. There is NO excuse for going after a parents DEAD CHILD. It would have taken about 9 grown men to remove my clamped hands from his dead crushed throat.

But that's just me.

Just to clarify, Roberto said out loud to a reporter after the game what other players had said previously about Hirschbeck in lockerrooms - that he had become bitter since the death of his son. Inappropriate? maybe but even Jose Canseco (who seems to be credible these days) wrote in his book that there was much more to the Alomar/Hirschbeck story than people realized. Hirschbeck was the aggressor during that argument. Robbie made a poor emotional decision and spat. But, they both gained their composure and eventually became friends.

02-11-2009, 10:12 PM
apparently, alomar had been questioning hirschbeck's calls throughout that game. big deal. hirschbeck then ejects alomar. alomar comes flying out of the dugout and at that point it turns into a he-said/she-said with alomar saying he spat after hirschbeck let loose with the derogatory terms and hirschbeck saying he let loose after alomar spat.

alomar's words about hirschbeck's kid came after the game and hirschbeck didn't even learn about them until the next day. secondly, they weren't even about his kid. here are his infamous words:

''I used to respect him a lot. He had a problem with his family when his son died -- I know that's something real tough in life -- but after that he just changed, personality-wise. He just got real bitter"

wow. what vitriol. real vulgar stuff there. alomar never "went after hirschbeck's kid" like some here seem to think; the implication that alomar was taunting or mocking. the biggest insult in there is alomar calling hirschbeck "bitter". compare those words to what hirschbeck was said to first have called alomar which i hear ranged from f*ggot to motherf*cker to spic and something thrown in about alomar's mother. alomar gets called those names and hirschbeck gets called "bitter". so yeah, hirschbeck got the least of it. the kicker? alomar got a 5 day suspension and hirschbeck got nothing because apparently umpires can say absolutely anything to a player with complete impunity. hirschbeck wasn't even fined. again, he got the least of it.

what's really amusing is how this nothing incident is still remembered so vividly to this day, in an age when you've got one of the biggest players in baseball history admitting he defrauded baseball for 3 consecutive years. i can only imagine what ty cobb did to umpires. if the worst thing alomar did was spit at an umpire who insulted his mother or be bisexual, then he's a saint in a sport with the likes of barry bonds, clemens, a-fraud, canseco, darryl strawberry, and a host of other genuine miscreants.

it's my personal opinion that a $15 million lawsuit launched 3 years after the fact, on the sole basis that his girlfriend developed "AIDS phobia" seems like little more than a shakedown. she didn't contract anything from him but still feels like suing anyway? she's claiming "permanent emotional distress" (apparently from the shock of testing negative) and needs $15 mill to recover.


02-11-2009, 10:29 PM
according to the story, his gf found out that he tested positive in feb 2006. at that point she suffered "extreme distress". oddly enough, she remained his girlfriend until 2008. apparently she didn't feel like suing until after they broke up.


02-11-2009, 11:00 PM
Alomar issued a statement to ESPN, take it as you will. As I commented before it's a pretty sad story...

"This is a very private, personal matter and I greatly appreciate all the support I have received in the past few days from my family, friends and colleagues in baseball," the former All-Star second baseman said in a statement. "I am in very good health and I ask that you respect my privacy during this time."

02-11-2009, 11:06 PM
the rest of alomar's statement and the recent espn article:

"As for the lawsuit, it is filled with lies and I am deeply saddened that someone I cared for would make such terrible accusations and try to hurt me in this way," Alomar said in his statement.

Earlier Wednesday, his father told ESPN that Roberto is not ill.

"The only thing that I can tell you is that this is news to us," Sandy Alomar Sr. said. "When a person is sick like that, wouldn't he have to be in the hospital? I haven't seen my son sick like that. I am confident that he is fine."

"We are a family. We are very close, a family that is united. I am sure my son is fine. Other than that, we are going to let the lawyers handle it." Alomar Sr. said he saw his son on Monday when Roberto ended a visit with the family.

"He was well. He wasn't sick," Alomar Sr. told ESPN.

Alomar was honored before the Toronto Blue Jays home opener in April and showed no obvious signs of health problems.

Alomar lawyer Charles Bach told the New York Daily News the allegations are "frivolous and baseless."


02-12-2009, 12:32 AM
Rudy - I usually agree with most of what you say here...but....

You are really going extreme in defending Robbie. If he has AIDS so be it, but if he in fact did expose his partner to it - bad stuff. I hope he's telling the truth...but I also hoped Clemens was truthful too.

My guess is that there will be a book about it someday, and everything will come to the forefront.

02-12-2009, 12:40 AM
From reading the article, whether or not he exposed her to it isn't actually the Legal interest. Morally is another story. But, if she did indeed wait two years after this happened, it's obviously a scheme to try and get money. It's really pathetic, and I'm sure the judge will see it this way as well, this isn't something that you wait two years and then try and pursue, conveniently after the two parted ways. Just my realistic and judicial view on the matter, socially and morally, you could look at it another way.

02-12-2009, 12:49 AM
You are really going extreme in defending Robbie. If he has AIDS so be it, but if he in fact did expose his partner to it - bad stuff.

what extremes? i'm just pointing out some of the very odd loopholes in the lawsuit. you think it's extreme to say it's bizarre that a woman files a suit, 3 years after not contracting HIV, for $15 mill? she knew in 2006 yet the "emotional distress" didn't reveal itself until now?

anyway, i agree with you in that if alomar has AIDS then so be it and it's very sad. the thing is, unlike many here, i'm not saying he has it or that he doesn't have it. suicide_squeeze has apparently already seen alomar's medical records and not only determined when he contracted HIV but also when it began manifesting into AIDS. many posters are chiming in saying "oh, very sad" as if it's it's already a fact. all i'm trying to point out, other than the oddities in the lawsuit, is that noone knows either way except for robbie. it's "extreme" for me to say that none of us knows whether robbie actually has AIDS or not?

if alomar does indeed have AIDS, if he knew it, and if he intentionally exposed his partner to it, then obviously it's very bad. at this point, noone knows if he has it, noone knows if he knew it, and noone knows if he intentionally exposed his partner to it. despite that lack of knowledge, there seem to many posters practically asking where to send their condolensces. yet i'm extreme? as for the hirschbeck vs alomar debate, obviously i believe alomar's side of the story over hirschbecks'. i'm not the only one.


02-12-2009, 12:58 AM
From reading the article, whether or not he exposed her to it isn't actually the Legal interest. Morally is another story. But, if she did indeed wait two years after this happened, it's obviously a scheme to try and get money. It's really pathetic, and I'm sure the judge will see it this way as well, this isn't something that you wait two years and then try and pursue, conveniently after the two parted ways. Just my realistic and judicial view on the matter, socially and morally, you could look at it another way.

agreed. she endured this immense emotional distress in feb 2006. so she doesn't file suit in 2006. doesn't file suit in 2007. doesn't file suit in 2008. oh dear, looks like 2009 hit, the economy tanked big time and someone needs money so they dig up something that occurred 3 years ago. only what actually occurred given that she tested negative? oh that's right..she was stressed out! 3 yrs ago! and now its time to collect $15 mill for terrible stress that she endured all the way back then. but hey maybe i'm being extreme and most people typically wait 3 years after a non-offense has occurred to sue.

if it turns out that robbie has AIDS then with the current advances in AIDS medicines, hopefully he can continue to live a long, productive life like magic johnson has. if it turns out he doesn't have AIDS, then i hope he countersues until she's left with just enough to spend the rest of her days in some gutter. until then, i'm not going to presume to know the full story.


02-12-2009, 01:39 AM
as for the hirschbeck vs alomar debate, obviously i believe alomar's side of the story over hirschbecks'. i'm not the only one.

hirschbeck vs alomar smacks of chrsitian vs hudson...

02-12-2009, 01:45 AM
Looking at this from a completely game used perspective I can see one reason for Rudy's strong reaction to this story. He just got a '92 Alomar Jays jersey which was a grail item and this whole Alomar/Aids story I would guess puts a bit of a damper on the enjoyment in getting the jersey.

It would to me if I received say a Willie Stargell jersey and the next week I found out he infected someone with Aids. The fact that he is one of your favorite players and then he is accused of something so bad it would take a lot of joy out of it whether he was guilty or not.

I could be completely off base with this observation but since this is a game used forum this is the first thing I thought of when reading through this thread.

02-12-2009, 02:04 AM
Looking at this from a completely game used perspective I can see one reason for Rudy's strong reaction to this story. He just got a '92 Alomar Jays jersey which was a grail item and this whole Alomar/Aids story I would guess puts a bit of a damper on the enjoyment in getting the jersey.

hey dewey

nah not really. it's still a killer shirt. IF alomar does have AIDS, then i think it's sad but it doesn't reflect on what he did in the 90s as a player. it's not like finding out he juiced it all those years. if he has AIDS, then i guess he just made some bad choices in his personal life and obviously he's bearing the full brunt of it. honestly, the enjoyment of the shirt hasn't diminished at all. obviously i'm a fan of alomars'. the shirt, from every aspect, is phenomenal. i guess i'm just a little perplexed at everyone wholeheartedly believing the lawsuit immediately upon reading it. i was just pointing out some of the oddities and reserving my final judgement. i'd do the same for any other player. if frank thomas or robin yount or whoever was hit with the same lawsuit, i'd be making the same posts.

anyway, it's not like magic's announcement in '91 diminished anything for his fans or even dinged the value of his items. magic made his announcement in '91 and you look at how active and involved he is today and it doesn't seem like HIV had any impact on him. as i said, if alomar has it, then hopefully he can live a long, productive life and enjoy his HOF enshrinement next year. the '92 and '93 jays and all of their accomplishments still stand untainted, regardless of whether alomar acquired AIDS after he retired or not. regarding his sexual orientation, i couldn't care less. straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, whatever. none of it pertains to his on-field performance or even his character. mickey mantle was still mickey mantle despite his life turning out less than ideal at the very end.

in fact, i just made an inquiry today towards getting more alomar items :)


02-12-2009, 02:11 AM
hey dewey

nah not really. it's still a killer shirt. IF alomar does have AIDS, then i think it's sad but it doesn't reflect on what he did in the 90s as a player. it's not like finding out he juiced it all those years. if he has AIDS, then i guess he just made some bad choices in his personal life and obviously he's bearing the full brunt of it. honestly, the enjoyment of the shirt hasn't diminished at all. obviously i'm a fan of alomars'. the shirt, from every aspect, is phenomenal. i guess i'm just a little perplexed at everyone wholeheartedly believing the lawsuit immediately upon reading it. i was just pointing out some of the oddities and reserving my final judgement. i'd do the same for any other player. if frank thomas or robin yount or whoever was hit with the same lawsuit, i'd be making the same posts.

anyway, it's not like magic's announcement in '91 diminished anything for his fans or even dinged the value of his items. magic made his announcement in '91 and you look at how active and involved he is today and it doesn't seem like HIV had any impact on him. as i said, if alomar has it, then hopefully he can live a long, productive life and enjoy his HOF enshrinement next year. the '92 and '93 jays and all of their accomplishments still stand untainted, regardless of whether alomar acquired AIDS after he retired or not. regarding his sexual orientation, i couldn't care less. straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, whatever. none of it pertains to his on-field performance or even his character. mickey mantle was still mickey mantle despite his life turning out less than ideal at the very end.

in fact, i just made an inquiry today towards getting more alomar items :)


Rudy, that's great to hear that it hasn't taken any of the enjoyment out of the Alomar jersey. That's a sweet jersey you got there and your right nothing can take away what he did on the field regardless of what's going on now.

With that said let's put this thread to bed and good luck in getting more Alomar stuff for the collection!


02-12-2009, 02:35 AM
just read this on the nytimes today:


"As the case develops, it could highlight the issue of H.I.V. testing in baseball, which is sometimes a part of the annual physicals that all players have...H.I.V. testing has been a part of any insured contract in baseball for at least a decade."


02-12-2009, 09:15 AM
anyway, i agree with you in that if alomar has AIDS then so be it and it's very sad. the thing is, unlike many here, i'm not saying he has it or that he doesn't have it. suicide_squeeze has apparently already seen alomar's medical records and not only determined when he contracted HIV but also when it began manifesting into AIDS. many posters are chiming in saying "oh, very sad" as if it's it's already a fact. all i'm trying to point out, other than the oddities in the lawsuit, is that noone knows either way except for robbie. it's "extreme" for me to say that none of us knows whether robbie actually has AIDS or not?

if alomar does indeed have AIDS, if he knew it, and if he intentionally exposed his partner to it, then obviously it's very bad. at this point, noone knows if he has it, noone knows if he knew it, and noone knows if he intentionally exposed his partner to it. despite that lack of knowledge, there seem to many posters practically asking where to send their condolensces. yet i'm extreme? as for the hirschbeck vs alomar debate, obviously i believe alomar's side of the story over hirschbecks'. i'm not the only one.


You are coming off quite strong in your posts... I agree with your thoughts basically on the lawsuit, it seems like this is a money grab. What shocked and saddened me is the possibility that Alomar has HIV. It's a pretty easy assumption to make that he probably does have it. Why? Because every single response from him or his family or lawyer doesn't deny that charge. Like I said at the beginning, if it was a libel case it probably would have been followed by "I don't have HIV and I'm going to sue her into oblivion", not "This is a difficult isssue and Alomar wants to keep his health status private".

It's none of our business either way- BUT as a fan, it's a sad possibility. I enjoyed watching Alomar play, considered myself a fan and he probably will be in the HOF at some point. I actually read a newspaper commentary that was calling for baseball writers to elect him on first ballot if he is indeed ill.

02-12-2009, 09:39 AM
I have ignored this thread because I have grown tired of the off-topic, character threads that seem to flood the board as of recent. Enough with the Arod, steriod, Tejada, Alomar threads. Is this GUU or TMZ?

But since I am posting I will say I agree with Rudy 100%. The lawsuit is a joke. Someone realized her gravy train ended and now needs some cash.

What really annoys me the most is that she said Alomar put her kids in danger. As a parent it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to remove your child from a situation you perceive as dangerous. She failed to act. So either she 1) really didn't believe Alomar to be a danger since she stuck around with him for long after his alleged HIV positive test was revealed, 2) she believed he was a danger but he paid the bills so the risk was worth it or 3) she is an absolute, irresponsible moron for not removing her children immediately from a situation she believed to be dangerous. Any way you look at it, the lawsuit is frivolous.

02-12-2009, 09:49 AM
I agree Roberto Alomar's health is his own business and no one else's unless he decides to share it. In today's world HIV is a reality. Just one poor decision can affect you for the rest of your life. Let's face it, being single in your 20's, living the life of a rock star with a bachelor pad and groupies (including at least one female stalker) must have been difficult to pass on the temptations that that particular lifestyle brings.
I just hope he is ok and can live his life the way he chooses without the whispered rumors from the ignorant people in our society.

02-12-2009, 09:51 AM
I have ignored this thread because I have grown tired of the off-topic, character threads that seem to flood the board as of recent. Enough with the Arod, steriod, Tejada, Alomar threads. Is this GUU or TMZ?

Thank you. I for one would love to see things back on track, back to discussing game used items. All these "off topic" threads do is lead to bickering and arguing.

That's said, let's enjoy the hobby! :D

02-12-2009, 09:53 AM
I have ignored this thread because I have grown tired of the off-topic, character threads that seem to flood the board as of recent. Enough with the Arod, steriod, Tejada, Alomar threads. Is this GUU or TMZ?

Not a big fan of those type of threads either, but the topics do affect the game used market. Steroids or anything negative involved with a player affects the collectablilty and value of that players items.


02-12-2009, 10:25 AM
Not to belabor the point, but, as Chris says, this topic is relevant to the gameused industry. First, if anyone recalls (or cares) Rock Hudson's ex-boyfriend sued him and won a substantial amount of money for knowningly exposing him the the "threat" of HIV/AID's even though the ex never contracted the HIV/AID's.

Second, perhaps Alomar isn't gay, but contracted HIV/AID's by way of needles, which were very prevelant during this steriods eara. If that's the case, I bet everyone of those players on "the list" (or not) is getting an AID's test, including Barry Bonds, A-Rod, etc.

02-12-2009, 11:26 AM
Not a big fan of those type of threads either, but the topics do affect the game used market. Steroids or anything negative involved with a player affects the collectablilty and value of that players items.


Yes that it true but not once in this thread has a discussion been brought up on his this will affect the collectibility of Alomar's game used gear. Rather it has been just speculation into his personal life and/or past actions.

02-12-2009, 12:00 PM
Yes that it true but not once in this thread has a discussion been brought up on his this will affect the collectibility of Alomar's game used gear. Rather it has been just speculation into his personal life and/or past actions.

a good place to point the thread. to that end, here are my thoughts: i don't entirely agree with chris that "anything negative" affects value. baseball, and all professional sports, are filled with flawed legends whose items still fetch a hefty premium. i don't see mantle jerseys taking a hit because he was a drunk and an adulterer or magic johnson items going down because he has HIV. i think the litmus test for collectors is whether the issues pertain to on-field performance, HOF eligibility, and/or whether the issues are truly egregious such as child molestation or murder (eg oj simpson). when you look at the players whose items have really dropped in value (bonds, clemens, palmeiro, sosa) it's all a result of perceived on-field performance and HOF eligibility issues. bonds was always a surly jerk ever since his days in pittsburgh yet his items were highly valued and highly desireable right up to the point when the steroid rumors really began to gain credibility. he may not have had many fans but being a surly jerk and an adulterer didn't affect his prices much. back before all the steroid issues came to light, ripken and puckett were far more popular players than bonds yet bonds' items were more monetarily valuable. collectors seem to base most of their perception of monetary value purely on on-field performance and HOF chances.

as it pertains to alomar, obviously whether he has AIDS or not doesn't pertain in any way to his on-field performance or HOF eligibility. same for whether or not he's bisexual. none of these issues are going to result in an asterisk beside any of his accomplishments. the thing is, from the sounds of it, it's unlikely anyone will know the full truth behind this entire matter. the case will be tried and my personal feeling is that it'll be tossed. noone's going to get $15 million simply for being stressed out 3 years ago. that said, obviously it's not going to answer the question of whether alomar has AIDS or not and i imagine that information, one way or another, will be kept private. this is unprecedented territory for the most part in terms of seeing how a possible AIDS diagnosis would affect the value of a player's items and the closest comparable seems to be magic johnson's situation. came out with HIV in 1991, stated it was due to promiscuity, noone felt it had anything to do with his on-court performance or HOF eligibility, he was elected to the HOF in 2002 as he should've been and he seems to lead a pretty normal life to this day. his popularity, legacy, and value don't seem to have taken a hit.


02-12-2009, 01:23 PM
you've completely lost the plot. do you understand what went down?

1) alomar struck out. he disagreed with the call. so far no problems.
2) hirschbeck unleashed a completely unacceptable slur. oh oh, problems.
3) alomar spat.

do you see how #2 came before #3? you seem to think alomar made the comment about hirschbeck's kid before hirschbeck slandered him. he didn't. alomar hadn't said a word about hirschbeck's kid until way after hirschbeck had already become abusive. before alomar even said a word about the kid, hirschbeck had already lost it. hirschbeck uttered a disgusting slur simply because alomar argued a call. so yes, hirschbeck got the least of it. secondly, you seem to think alomar taunted or made fun of the kid. he didn't. he simply said he thought hirschbeck was stressed out from his kid's medical situation. seems like a pretty obvious conclusion to me. anyway, i enjoyed your analysis of alomar's medical condition right down to when he contracted it and when it began manifesting itself. right up there with your analysis of the alomar/hirschbeck incident which you made without a clue as to what hirschbeck even said or how it all went down. excellent!



It is very likely I may have the facts completely wrong regarding the spitting incident. Sounds like Alomar didn't say that to his face. I was unaware of that, so thanks to all that have clarified that.

All I was saying was if Hirschbeck got "hissy" because a player was arguing a call, and he called him a nasty name loaded with adjectives, well, that happens sometimes in the heat of the moment. But that is where my understanding was misplaced. I know that Hirschbeck was the aggressor, and he said a no-no, but he obviously hit a nerve (maybe because of truth behind the comment (?), minus the adjectives of course, and I guess now from hearing from the other posts explaining the facts that the comment about his child happened at a later time. THAT is the part I was unaware of.

In any case, spitting in someone's face is nasty. However, reading the article about how they got together and made a positive out of the whole event is a feel-good human interest story.

I'm sure John feels pretty badly right now for Roberto. I know I do, it's sad.

Sorry if I upset you for my misunderstanding of the complete chain of events in that incident.

02-12-2009, 01:55 PM
agreed. she endured this immense emotional distress in feb 2006. so she doesn't file suit in 2006. doesn't file suit in 2007. doesn't file suit in 2008. oh dear, looks like 2009 hit, the economy tanked big time and someone needs money so they dig up something that occurred 3 years ago. only what actually occurred given that she tested negative? oh that's right..she was stressed out! 3 yrs ago! and now its time to collect $15 mill for terrible stress that she endured all the way back then. but hey maybe i'm being extreme and most people typically wait 3 years after a non-offense has occurred to sue.

if it turns out that robbie has AIDS then with the current advances in AIDS medicines, hopefully he can continue to live a long, productive life like magic johnson has. if it turns out he doesn't have AIDS, then i hope he countersues until she's left with just enough to spend the rest of her days in some gutter. until then, i'm not going to presume to know the full story.



With all due respect, you are intitled to your opinion. And it's obviously a very passionate one against Robbie's ex.

But you have to understand.....you're stepping on the line over a lot of complex issues here.

Relationships are very involved. I'm not sure, but I would bet you are not a licensed shink. Please consider some of the things you are arguing adamantly about here....

His girfeiens asked him for YEARS to be tested.....he keep refusing saying he wasn't sick. She stayed with him. Do you think maybe she LOVED him? Or in your mind, just NO way! It was always all about the fame and bucks?

When he did finally succumb to taking the test, she says he tested positive, needing a "spinal tap" which apparently was the determining factor in taking the test. There was mention of a wheelchair to get through an airport. I mean.....how does one "fabricate" all of this when there are obviously medical records and witnesses?

Why in the world would anyone file a suit saying "so-and-so, whom I've been having unprotected sex with for a few years, tested positive for HIV, which now has manafested into full blown AIDS" if there wasn't some truth to it? Are you kidding me??? SHe lied about something like that?? JUst FABRICATED it out of thin air?

You keep stessing the timeline and timing of her suit filed. You say she stayed with him for two years AFTER he tested positive (O.K., supposedly) for HIV, then they split. Then, a year later or there-abouts, she filed her suit.

Why does that instantly make her a money grubber? A bad person? Do you have ANY idea what she went through with him in their relationship? Maybe, rudy, she stuck by his side because she LOVED HIM, but, like he showed in previous years, she just couldn't trust him. Maybe he continued to show absolutely blatant disregard for her health, and she just couldn't take it anymore.

Maybe, after being seperated from an extremely stressful condition she was living aroung, her head cleared while talking to friends and family, and they heped to persuade her to file this suit.

I don't know or claim to know the details. However, I think it's apparent that Robbie lived a dangerous risky life, he obviously didn't care enough about himself to get tested so, if found to be positive, he could have seeked the all-so-important medical care needed when first being diagnosed with this desease. We all hope this "suit" is incorrect in regards to his health condition, but I think that's a bit of a stretch.

In fact, I absolutely believe it to be true. And as this story unfolds, we'll see. Robbie obviously hasn't addressed it fully......other than to state this is a "private matter".......that should tell you something.

02-12-2009, 03:02 PM
i'll be very brief as i concur with others that this thread has run it's course.

she was so insistant on him being tested because she was very concerned from what she saw. she noticed him turning into a purple-skinned, foamy-mouthed, bed-ridden monster who needed a wheelchair. she thought he had AIDS and kept imploring him to get tested but he refused. despite all of this, she chose to continue having unprotected sex with him. makes sense. certainly seems like the behavior of someone who's concerned for her own life. she says he "insisted" on unprotected sex. well there you have it. how can you turn down someone insisting? if you genuinely have a serious suspicion that someone has "full-blown AIDS" and they insist you have unprotected sex with them what sort of mind-numbing idiot would you have to be to agree? sorry but even love isn't going to make someone have unprotected sex with someone they feel has "full-blown AIDS".

as for lies and fabrications, i've certainly seen worse. here's a neat little case i remember where one savvy little golddigger faked a paternity test in order to get a sizeable settlement: http://articles.latimes.com/2002/sep/14/local/me-kerkorian14
wow, look at that..DNA and everything. all faked. imagine that. she went all the way to court, tried to sue the pants off the guy, and the entire time she knew she was lying.

she's not a moneygrubber because they split or she filed suit 3 yrs after. she's a moneygrubber because she's asking for $15 million for literally nothing more than "stress". i remember when wade boggs' mistress margo adams sued wade for $12mm for "emotional distress". (read: the affair is over and now i gotta get what i can). the result? "In February 1989, an appeals court threw out $11.5 million of the initial lawsuit, ruling that Adams could not seek compensation for emotional distress". it's tough being a golddigger.

anyway, this thread is done. noone's going to know what's truly going on with alomar and any suggestion that they do is nothing more than conjecture.


02-12-2009, 06:12 PM
This news has made me terribly sad, but I would bet he does have HIV or AIDS and this gold digger is exploiting that. She says there are doctors' records, etc. That will be easy to prove or disprove. If he doesn't have anything, he will go to court and counter-sue. If he does have it, everything would come out in court, so he would likely settle out of court...which is what I'm sure she is banking on. It's basically buying her silence to keep more details from leaking out. How he handles the law suit will say everything.

02-12-2009, 08:51 PM
My Alomar gamer is from 2002 and the bat is from 2003 which coincides with this alledged incident.

Does it make these items less desirable and worth less now is this story is true?

I like Rudy don't hold less sentimental value of these items as it represents Alomar's accomplishments in baseball and not the mistakes he may have made in life.

02-12-2009, 09:27 PM
Does it make these items less desirable and worth less now is this story is true?


i can't see how it would. to be honest, with so many of baseball's biggest stars falling in the steroids scandal (which is entirely about on-field performance, stats, and HOF eligibility), i think the entire debacle actually places a bigger premium on guys who didn't juice it like alomar. look who's fallen so far: mcgwire, sosa, palmeiro, clemens, bonds, arod. it's a who's who of former HOF locks. the whole thing makes rare guys like alomar and griffey, ripken, gwynn, henderson, etc look even better than they did previously. in a worst case scenario, if alomar does have HIV or AIDS then it's unfortunate but it's far from an immediate death sentence. for pete's sake, here's a recent pic of alomar with his new girlfriend:


an update:
Roberto Alomar's new squeeze Wednesday denounced a claim by his ex-lover that the baseball great insisted on having unprotected sex while he was HIV-positive.
"A vile lie," voluptuous model Maripily Rivera told a Puerto Rico TV station, the newspaper Primera Hora reported. "It's not true. It's a very delicate case." Rivera, who has been dating Alomar for six months, lashed out at Ilya Dall, the Queens woman who has filed a $15 million suit against the former Met. She claimed that when Dall broke up with Alomar in October, she told him: "I will destroy you."
His new girlfriend said she's standing by him. "When you're on the side of truth, you have nothing to hide," the dark-haired bombshell said. "I support him and I love him more than ever."
She said Alomar, who played for the Mets in 2002 and 2003, betrayed no sign of illness. "He has never gotten sick on me. We train together. And he has those beautiful, well-defined arms," she said.
Dall declined to comment at her home in Whitestone, Queens - a $5 million mansion bought by a trust set up by Alomar...
The suit does not say what treatment Alomar sought, but medical experts say retroviral drugs can work miracles with even advanced cases of AIDS. "Within months, you can drop the levels of virus in bloodstream to undetectable levels," said Dr. Antonio Urbina, medical director of the HIV/AIDS Education and Training Center at the city's St. Vincent Catholic Medical Centers."

chris: it seems everything dall wanted to come out already has, which i imagine is why this thing was made public. at this point, it seems a little late for hush money from alomar. even though the court tossed out the adams/boggs lawsuit, boggs still paid adams some chump change at the very end to send her back under the rock from which she crawled. whatever happens in that courtroom will likely not be disclosed to the public anyway. i imagine that sealing the details will be a part of it all.


02-12-2009, 09:59 PM
Thanks for your input Rudy.

Wow Robbie looks really great for a person who has full blown aids.

I read in a story where his own Dad current Mets coach Sandy Alomar Sr. indicated he was surprised regarding this story and if Robbie had aids he kept it well hidden from his own family.

02-13-2009, 03:56 PM


why sue over something that's so easily proven or disproven? maybe it was a game of chicken with dall making threats to go public unless he paid some hush money and alomar calling her bluff.


02-13-2009, 04:15 PM
Rudy, there will be doctors' records from these appointments she claims they went to together, as well as records from all the testing that was supposedly done. That doctor or doctors would also likely testify in court to either corroborate or disprove her claims. That will be easy to prove or disprove. What she has said so far is just a teaser of what she could say in court, including sexual history, sexual preference, financial history, among a million other things. If she is a complete liar, Alomar will go to court and prove to everyone she is a liar. If he settles, it is because there is something he is trying to bury.

02-14-2009, 12:51 AM
Can anyone in the know comment on the medical privacy issues related to this lawsuit? After all, leaking any sort of medical information is taken pretty seriously and it seems that filing suit and making these allegations is a quick way to skirt that.

05-05-2009, 09:00 AM
Looks like the lawsuit is withdrawn - according to an article out today.

http://www.primerahora.com/diario/noticia/otras_panorama/noticias/ex_novia_de_roberto_alomar_no_tenia_pruebas/294861 (http://www.primerahora.com/diario/noticia/otras_panorama/noticias/ex_novia_de_roberto_alomar_no_tenia_pruebas/294861)

Here's the translation:

The model and businesswoman Maripily in an exclusive interview with Primera Hora, confirmed that the application requesting $ 15 million brought by Ilya Dall against her boyfriend, former major league baseball player Roberto Alomar, had been withdrawn.
On January 30, Dall Alomar sued because he allegedly asked her to have sex without condoms when they supposedly had the symptoms of immunodeficiency virus HIV.
"It's the best gift of my mother, Robert is very quiet and happy. We knew that this was a lie from beginning to end and with faith in God is only expected when the lie came to public light. All this was a lie. Robert took the test went well and she had no proof, why since the beginning of the lawyer Robert said it was a frivolous claim.
However, the family Alomar went through moments of sadness, tension and anxiety, a family that never before had been involved in public scandals.
"Now that everything has finished, we are more united than ever. I always trusted him and knew that telling the truth. In the coming weeks we undertake. The ring I purchased is valued at $ 300,000. The godparents of the wedding are Sandy Alomar, brother of the groom, and the journalist Milly Cangiano, a friend of the bride. You know her? "He says while laughing with joy because everything was as she said months ago when the scandal exploded.
"First we are going to be married by a judge in Las Vegas, then we will have more time for the church wedding. We want to be together and married. This time I have been with Robert in United States has confirmed to me that was the right thing to move. It is quieter. We have seen several houses. I am selling my apartment in Puerto Rico. Joe Joe is going to school here and we will be more peaceful, which is what we want both, "said Maripily."