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View Full Version : Bud Selig - MLB vs. MLB Player's Assoc.

02-13-2009, 06:06 PM
After reading through numerous threads about where to place blame for the steroids era in baseball, I feel that a majority ultimately hold the players responsible for their own actions. However, it seems that next in the pecking order by a wide margin is the Commish, Bud Selig. While I personally don’t care for Bud, the editorials I read and a lot of the editorial reporting by baseball analysts seem to hold Don Fehr and the Player’s Assoc. as ultimately having a much greater impact than Selig and the owners. The thought is that the Union has the upper hand. Case in point is that the current drug testing policy and penalties for violation would not have been accepted by the MLBPA without the pressure from Congress. I honestly don’t know much about the process between MLB and MLBPA, collective bargaining agreements, etc. Can anyone sight some of the things that Selig could’ve done to have more control over the MLBPA or change the current state of baseball, especially the situation dealing with PED’s. Thanks for your responses.
