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03-04-2009, 03:16 PM
Dear BMH,

I was wondering if you could tell me if you had bat records for Jerry Goff? In particular I was wondering if he ever ordered P89 model bats with just his last name in block letters?

If not, did a Single A minor league player named Timothy Goff ever have this model of bat ordered for him with his name in block letters?

Sorry, I don't have any length or weight specs on the bat but just wondered if you had records for these players. Just trying to figure out which of these players might have used a bat I just picked up.


03-11-2009, 01:34 PM
BMH, can you please provide any insight on this players bat orders? The bat is 34' in length.


03-14-2009, 12:04 PM
Jerry Goff never ordered the P89.

I don't have Tim Goff ordering the P89 either.

A Mike Goff did order the P89.

03-16-2009, 12:30 PM
BMH, I appreciate your help with my question.

Best, Dewey