View Full Version : Burn your Cubbies memorabilia!

03-17-2009, 04:22 PM
I like the Cubs...so please no nasty emails.


http://us.bc.yahoo.com/b?P=5b807028-1339-11de-bc57-d33afcb8dea9&T=19bq6n3oe%2fX%3d1237324793%2fE%3d2022775853%2fR% 3dncnwsloc%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d8.1%2fW%3d0%2fY%3dPARTNER _US%2fF%3d545716783%2fH%3dYWx0c3BpZD0iOTY3MjgzMTU0 IiBzZXJ2ZUlkPSI1YjgwNzAyOC0xMzM5LTExZGUtYmM1Ny1kMz NhZmNiOGRlYTkiIHNpdGVJZD0iMTA4NDU1MSIgdFN0bXA9IjEy MzczMjQ3OTM2ODk1MTUiIHRhcmdldD0iX3RvcCIg%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3dF20D8862&U=13unqs8nm%2fN%3dgeQIAGKIDW0-%2fC%3d600075654.600079425.400692485.400692485%2fD %3dLREC%2fB%3d1720961119228017939%2fV%3d2
Dedicated Chicago Cubs fans will try to throw off a century of bad karma by holding the funeral at the beginning of the season this year.

03-17-2009, 06:50 PM
Its not going to do any good. They tried breaking the curse with the foul ball that Bartman interfered with in 2003. Now this. All this is doing is adding more attention, to the fact that, the Cubs Still Suck.

03-17-2009, 06:59 PM
If they want to burn something, they should start with Wrigley Field.;)

03-17-2009, 07:38 PM
Start with the opening day line up card, and continue burning until everything is gone.

03-18-2009, 06:19 AM
I found this tidbit very interesting:

`The cremation of the cursed memorabilia will not take place that day, but will be done at the crematorium at Bohemian Cemetery in Chicago, where the ashes will be stored in a Chicago Cubs urn.`

I'm just waiting to see some of the more valuable stuff turn up on future eBay, or AMI auctions. It's probably not being 'cremated that day' because someone needs to sift through the donations and heist what is valuable. I can already see it now.

Is anyone planning on going?

TriplexXxSports likes eggs over easy & his bacon crispy