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View Full Version : Shout out to Tnttoys!

04-02-2009, 06:03 AM
While at work yesterday I get an email from Tnttoys (Nick). The subject of the email was like "Are you on this?" and contained a link to the Howard Johnson 1988 NLCS game bat in Hunts auction. I actually was not on it and didn't even know it was there.

Yesterday was the closing date of the auction so I quickly called Hunts to register and got in. Not that it mattered because Nick offer to help on it if I was not able to get a bidder id the last minute.

The ending of this story is that I won the bat last night and if it wasn't for Tnttoys it would have been a missed opportunity. As you all know my collection now focuses on Mets post season bats from any year so anytime one comes up it's a rare sighting.

Thank You Nick!

04-02-2009, 07:23 AM
There are many items in our collections that come from the thoughtfullness of other members in this Forum. David likewise has been kind to me in the past. And so it goes ,with thoughtfullness paid back to him. Anyone see an item you know a member is interested in, sent them a e-mail.
I am going(rain permitting) to the game at Citi friday. Anyone else? I wish we had GameUsedForum T-shirts so when were out we can recognize each other easily without fuss. Sort of like the Racoons,but without the Daniel Boone hat!

04-02-2009, 07:47 AM
what a great idea.....a game used forum t-shirt...........anyone in the shirt business that could do this??

04-02-2009, 08:03 AM
While at work yesterday I get an email from Tnttoys (Nick). The subject of the email was like "Are you on this?" and contained a link to the Howard Johnson 1988 NLCS game bat in Hunts auction. I actually was not on it and didn't even know it was there.

Yesterday was the closing date of the auction so I quickly called Hunts to register and got in. Not that it mattered because Nick offer to help on it if I was not able to get a bidder id the last minute.

The ending of this story is that I won the bat last night and if it wasn't for Tnttoys it would have been a missed opportunity. As you all know my collection now focuses on Mets post season bats from any year so anytime one comes up it's a rare sighting.

Thank You Nick!

That is another great story of the power of the Forum and the way good people take the time to help each other!!!

Congrats on the great pick-up!!!

04-02-2009, 08:45 AM
Always great to hear a story like that! Congrats on the pickup and congrats also to a thoughtful collector with the assist, we can always use more of that. Happy collecting.

04-02-2009, 11:10 AM
Thanks for the shout out... it was my pleasure.

To other forum members --
There are quite a few of us who have notified one another when we saw (or even had) things the other guy collects. I can't even begin to list them if I tried... it's nice to have such a specialized network... and yes, it was all made possible by this forum.


04-02-2009, 09:03 PM
what a great idea.....a game used forum t-shirt...........anyone in the shirt business that could do this??

I like the idea about the GUU shirts! There is a shirt printing company that is incredible ... they'll even take orders of less than 5 shirts! The place is just 8 miles from me and a for sure legit.

Anyone want to be in charge of this? I would but my health is a bit "rocky" right now. Be sure and get the Admin's permission before doing anything!

Here's a link to the grand opening last week:


Here's a link to the company:


Hint: Make 'em classy! GUU is a classey, elite bunch, with a reputation for perfection ... right!?

04-02-2009, 09:31 PM
Can we get the game used items or grails, we are searching for on the back of our shirts??? :D

04-03-2009, 10:24 PM
I would certainly be up to buying one of these.

04-04-2009, 04:15 PM
Nick gets the nod from yours truly, as well...a fan, collector and decent guy who is a pleasure to encounter in this hobby...and that's coming from a CUBS fan!;)

Dave M.
Chicago area