Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

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  • spartakid
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 1281

    Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

    As the title says, I was just wondering if Hanley Ramirez has ever been linked to steriods, or if he has ever been the subject of such suspicion. Also, just as your own personal opinion, do you guys think he does/ever did use them, but has just not been caught yet? I know personally there are a few guys in the MLB that I would put money on used before, and have now stopped for fear of getting caught, and their numbers have suffered consequently. Although, Hanley's not really a big power hitter, which would lead me to believe he doesn't use them. Please let me know your opinions, thank you, Ricardo
    Ricardo Montoya

    ri.montoya at yahoo dot com
  • kingjammy24
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 3119

    Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

    not hanley but here's a comment canseco recently made on his twitter account!:

    "Of the 103 unnamed players on the list who tested positive for steroids in 2003, Manny Ramirez's name is most likely on the list, 90%."



    • nationals2k9
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 700

      Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

      Awesome thread guys!!! He's a SWEET pic to add to the credibility of it all...
      Attached Files


      • 33bird
        • Nov 2005
        • 1925

        Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

        I'm no Jose fan. I think he's a loser, BUT, he hasn't been wrong yet about the dudes using steroids. Most likely, he's right again, and we can add another "great" player-Manram-to the cheater list with Big Mac, Sosa, Afraud, Rafi, etc. Pretty sad.


        • 33bird
          • Nov 2005
          • 1925

          Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

          Oh, and let's not forget Clemens either, which he pegged correctly too.


          • spartakid
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 1281

            Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

            I was watching a show and the analysts pointed out that up intil now, Jose Canseco has not been disproved on any of the accusations that he's made. Many have actually come to pass. Of course his fall from grace is a joke and no one can really take him seriously, but many of the things he's said have been true. It wouldn't surprise me int eh least if Manny has or did juice. Any thoughts on HANLEY Ramirez though? Ricardo
            Ricardo Montoya

            ri.montoya at yahoo dot com


            • spartakid
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2008
              • 1281

              Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

              Haha, bird33 beat me to the punch. I was typing my long-winded reply, and I ended up saying the same thing that he did.
              Ricardo Montoya

              ri.montoya at yahoo dot com


              • spartakid
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 1281

                Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

                check that 33bird.
                Ricardo Montoya

                ri.montoya at yahoo dot com


                • nationals2k9
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 700

                  Re: Has Hanley Ramirez Ever Been Linked to Steriods?

                  from another discussion about the same..
                  I was at the “event”. Canseco was a mess, and I would not be surprised at all if he was drunk throughout the entire presentation.
                  He was asked whether he thought Manny took steroids, and his answer was that he personally didn’t know, but that he was sure because he had a trouble getting a contact, and this must have been because he took steroids and that this was going to come out.
                  Of course, he didn’t mention the economic factors at all, and he pretty much came up with the number off his head, so it’s not the most credible piece of information ever.

                  by Stop on Apr 6, 2009 7:14 PM PDT reply actions 0 recs

