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04-12-2009, 06:24 PM
Honestly, can members on here let me know if anybody has been paid by AMI since last summer? They still owe me 25k and it's 7 months this week. They won't respond to my lawyer and they went into default by not responding to the court within 20 days last Friday. That means they're not fighting that they owe me money and have to pay it-IF they have it. That's what I'm worried about. Is AMI going belly-up? Let me know if anybody is getting paid, because I know a ton of people they owe big money too. If anybody is consigning to AMI they're nuts!

04-12-2009, 07:05 PM
Maybe they'll send someone to your house unannounced with a check.
Sorry, couldn't resist...

04-12-2009, 07:19 PM
LOL. I'd take it-believe me.

04-12-2009, 07:39 PM
They are into me for 17k......... 7 months past due..... sent me a check for $182.00 towards total.....It is amazing that there is nothing that can be done to stop these rats. from operating. Im at the point now, that I will spend the 17k to put these people out of business. They dont return calls, and when you do get to them Keita is like talking to a wall, never has an answer, just says we will try to pay you.
Talked with her about 3 weeks ago and she informed me that they were out buying some collections and would get my money as soon as possible, they are using consigners money to run there business.
I will be contacting a Las Vegas lawyer this week and take the next step to put these people out of business. everybody who they owe money to should do the same and it wont take long for the complaints to pile up and that will be it for American Memorabilia.

04-12-2009, 07:48 PM
there is something that can be done. don't deal with them. if noone gave them nothing to sell, they wouldn't be around to rip people off. i have never delt with auction houses and never will. unless they are EXTREMELY reliable.

04-12-2009, 07:52 PM
call the vegas police. i would think they can do something?

04-12-2009, 07:53 PM
If they did not give me my money for 25K or 17K i would kill someone, i would at least go there and then threaten them in person.

04-12-2009, 07:57 PM
This was the first time I have ever sent anything to an auction house... and only did it on advice from a friend.......... who said he was good friends with
Victor....what a mistake.... luckily last week I made them send me back 25 game used pieces that were do for this months auction, got them all back except for a pair of signed Ortiz game used cleats that have just, somehow come up missing.

04-12-2009, 08:10 PM
Still owe me... 6 months... I made the mistake too...

I contact the Nevada Consumer Affairs division... as well as the State of Nevada Attorney General.

I havent heard anything... they dont owe me that much... but they still owe me.

Don't return my calls or emails anymore.

04-12-2009, 09:01 PM
I know about all of us guys not getting paid, but has ANYBODY been PAID in the last 10 months or so? ANYBODY?

04-12-2009, 09:30 PM
Just personal preference and reputation I suppose but at this point I would only consider consigning to Robert Edwards and Huggins and Scott. I have used Lelands in the past but was not pleased at all with my last experience with them. All of my dealings buying from Robert Edwards and Huggins and Scott have proven to be A plus the whole way around.

04-12-2009, 09:42 PM
---------------- i'm not a lawyer and nothing i say should be construed as legal advice -----------------

with so many people not having been paid large amounts for so long how have they not begun seizing assets?

you guys keep waiting and calling and emailing as if calling or emailing just one more time will make payments rain from the sky. get serious and get a lawyer. greg filed suit and they didn't even contest it. easy judgement. if they still fail to pay after the judgement, get orders forcing disclosure of assets and orders authorizing you to seize those assets. with the proper orders in hand, a bank would be forced to hand over the money to satisfy the debt. if someone's got your money, go get it! stop all this calling and emailing nonsense. you don't need to talk to victor or kieta in order to seize their bank accounts. the police will tell you it's a civil matter anyway and not up to them to resolve. the legal system has remedies for these things. use it.

their website currently says their consignment deadline for their next auction is may 1. if they're going around buying collections, then they have assets. squeeze whatever blood is left in the stone before that stone declares bankruptcy and leaves you all out in the cold.

by the way, here's a photo from AMI's "swimsuit issue". really, i'm not kidding. maybe that's where victor invested some of your money? anyway, seems the AMI girls are looking at some sort of treasure map. maybe X marks the spot where your payments are buried!

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5188/sillycip.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sillycip.jpg)


04-12-2009, 09:49 PM
Tranny Treasure Hunt

I smell a brand new reality series!

04-12-2009, 10:02 PM
Agreed. I learned months ago emails and calls did nothing when dealing with AMI. I'll let you guys know how things go now that they've defaulted. They're are still running auctions -so they got money- and are still bringing money in obviously too. The problem is, is that they're keeping it all for themselves. Sending a consignor a 150.00 check when they owe them 17k is an F'n joke.

04-12-2009, 10:05 PM
It seems like AMI's auction have been featuring less and less "quality" pieces. Probably as a result of there reputation, but that also means they're making less money. I hope everything works out for everyone.

04-12-2009, 10:13 PM
I agree with that too. I think their bad reputation with paying consignors is scaring consignors with GOOD stuff away from even trying AMI. I know anybody that reads all the posts about them on GUU won't mess with them, but I feel sorry for all those collectors that don't know about this site.

04-12-2009, 10:28 PM
Just personal preference and reputation I suppose but at this point I would only consider consigning to Robert Edwards and Huggins and Scott. I have used Lelands in the past but was not pleased at all with my last experience with them. All of my dealings buying from Robert Edwards and Huggins and Scott have proven to be A plus the whole way around.

Brett - These are horror stories hearing about 10K and 20K+ in consignor's checks not paid. I have one small auction house that paid me a partial payment and ripped me for about 3K and I wrote it off to my own stupidity.

I know REA is as reliable as they get.

This is probably a discussion for another thread, but since Brett brought up REA, I will share a story from this week. A friend of mine consigned a lot of items to Robert Edwards in the current auction and when we went through the items this week in the catalogue the ESTIMATE in the description seemed way low based on even the existing wholesale prices. My friend said the "ESTIMATE" was never discussed with him, but he had hoped it wouldn't hurt his final price received.

I know Hunt sometimes lists Estimates of Value too, but I am not a big fan of that from a sellers perspective---as a bidder I do like it, but would expect that there is a researched basis for the Estimate.

As far as Huggins & Scott, I agree with you on them. I am also a big fan of Lelands so maybe (offline) we can discuss what happened (maybe I can help.)

I also like the GUU Auction format and hope they continue to pump out great items, and everything I have heard is that Chris pays super fast.

For the high end items, the Auction House option is great, but I am still the biggest fan of eBay for the low-end items!

04-12-2009, 10:30 PM
I agree with that too. I think their bad reputation with paying consignors is scaring consignors with GOOD stuff away from even trying AMI. I know anybody that reads all the posts about them on GUU won't mess with them, but I feel sorry for all those collectors that don't know about this site.

There used to be a guy on here a few years back that was a big fan of AMI. He also consigned a lot to them.

I wonder if he reads this if he could Post.

04-12-2009, 11:27 PM
There used to be a guy on here a few years back that was a big fan of AMI. He also consigned a lot to them.

I wonder if he reads this if he could Post.


04-13-2009, 12:00 AM

I think he is talking about a gentleman out of New York who is not named Rocco.

treasurechest collectibles
04-13-2009, 12:44 AM
I sympathize as I have been in the shoes of someone who was not paid in a timely manner although albeit on a way way way smaller scale then 20+k BUT hasn't AMI had problems for a long long time? Why do people keep sending items to them? This isn't something that happened overnight right?

04-13-2009, 10:23 AM
They are into me for 17k......... 7 months past due..... sent me a check for $182.00 towards total.....It is amazing that there is nothing that can be done to stop these rats. from operating. Im at the point now, that I will spend the 17k to put these people out of business. They dont return calls, and when you do get to them Keita is like talking to a wall, never has an answer, just says we will try to pay you.
Talked with her about 3 weeks ago and she informed me that they were out buying some collections and would get my money as soon as possible, they are using consigners money to run there business.
I will be contacting a Las Vegas lawyer this week and take the next step to put these people out of business. everybody who they owe money to should do the same and it wont take long for the complaints to pile up and that will be it for American Memorabilia.

I am just shocked at this, that they openly admitted they are using other peoples money to keep thre business open.

04-13-2009, 05:57 PM
I've talked to a couple members via email and on the phone and the rumor is AMI is about to close up shop. That's on pretty good authority but I can't mention any names yet. Why oh why did I consign with those crooks. Idiot!

04-13-2009, 06:00 PM
Oh, and it's funny not one person has posted that they've been paid by AMI in the last year. I've had different members tell me that that they're owed these totals though: 60k, 30k, 25 k, 17k, and 11k. That's just the ones we know about. That's over 100K right there! Where's the money? Guarantee it's in Victor's pocket. He's a crook. How can we get him in jail?

04-13-2009, 10:50 PM
Correct me if iam wrong but if people that are owed by them are still sending items in that is just plain stupid. Would it not make sense to send 1 or 2 items and if you don't get paid that should be the OBVIOUS sign not to send them anymore stuff.

04-13-2009, 11:25 PM
Looks like there's a lot more people having similar issues regarding getting paid

Click on "American Memorabilia" in each entry to read the post...


04-14-2009, 12:20 PM
I had the same problem on a $7k jersey that I consigned with them in 2007. I had an aggreement with Victor that I would be paid within 60 days or they wouldn't get the jersey. On the 60th day I called an they tried to use the excuse that the bidder had not paid for the item. Well, I know for a fact that it had been paid for as Troy and Dave from Mears purchased it. I told Kieta that if I didn't have my payment by the end of the week that I would fly out there and deal with them face to face. I didn't quite say it as nice as that if you get my drift as there was some pretty harsh curse words mixed in and some angry yelling on top of that. I had a check in my hands three days later.

If I was owed that much money, I would be on the first plane out to Vegas and in their office.

04-14-2009, 12:30 PM
For that amount, you probably have to take them to court in Vegas. Retain an atty. etc.

04-14-2009, 12:39 PM
I've talked to a couple members via email and on the phone and the rumor is AMI is about to close up shop. That's on pretty good authority but I can't mention any names yet. Why oh why did I consign with those crooks. Idiot!

greg, if the race is on to get your money and you've already got your judgement, ask your attorney about a "writ of execution".


04-14-2009, 05:11 PM
Will do. Thanks.

04-14-2009, 07:58 PM
Short of flying out there, CALL THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL for the state of Nevada. Thats what I did several years ago with great results. The problem here is they might be headed for bankruptcy protection. I toyed with the idea of sending them a premium item earlier this year and got good advice not too by a senior member on this sight, although I don't think I was going to follow through and mail it anyway.

04-14-2009, 08:46 PM
I had the same problem on a $7k jersey that I consigned with them in 2007. I had an aggreement with Victor that I would be paid within 60 days or they wouldn't get the jersey. On the 60th day I called an they tried to use the excuse that the bidder had not paid for the item. Well, I know for a fact that it had been paid for as Troy and Dave from Mears purchased it. I told Kieta that if I didn't have my payment by the end of the week that I would fly out there and deal with them face to face. I didn't quite say it as nice as that if you get my drift as there was some pretty harsh curse words mixed in and some angry yelling on top of that. I had a check in my hands three days later.

If I was owed that much money, I would be on the first plane out to Vegas and in their office.

Funny story as I had a similar situation. They paid me half of a $6000 consignment in 2005. They told me the buyer was making payments. Since I lived around the corner from them, one day I dropped in and asked to see my item, and it wasn't there - Pretty funny. They accept payments but they sent the item to the buyer?

No one does this, right? Who would ship an item without receiving full payment? I finally received payment a few months later. A former member of their staff confirmed to me that this was a common excuse they used.

I consigned with them through 2006 and after an argument over a damaged item, which they made good on in the end, I decided not to conduct business with them anymore as I didn't wish to deal with the headaches anymore.

04-14-2009, 09:18 PM
I recieved my last check from them in June of last year. It took them over 6 months to pay my largest check of $5600. They told me it was taking so long because the buyer had not paid for the items yet. It was only when i demanded that they send back the un-paid items right away that they cut a check a few weeks later.

04-14-2009, 09:47 PM
If you can get me a copy of that cancelled check from AMI I would really love to have it to give to my lawyer. He needs one for our case. LMK. Thanks,

04-14-2009, 10:41 PM
fyi, many banks keep copies of deposited checks for a certain period of time after deposit. even if someone doesn't have the actual paper check anymore, they may still be able to get a copy of it from their bank or even via their online banking account.


04-14-2009, 11:13 PM
I recieved my last check from them in June of last year. It took them over 6 months to pay my largest check of $5600. They told me it was taking so long because the buyer had not paid for the items yet. It was only when i demanded that they send back the un-paid items right away that they cut a check a few weeks later.

Sounds like a pattern...

04-15-2009, 01:07 PM
there are many posts on this forum and another network54 forum of consigners having been fed the same old "bidder hasn't paid" line from kieta over the past year. of course, it made absolutely no sense given that AMI requires every bidder to submit a valid credit card so there's no way a bidder could not wind up paying. if they failed to submit payment within AMI's stipulated seven day timeframe, they'd just run the card. it's hard to imagine that AMI didn't have payment for every lot sold within 4 weeks after the auction closed. that even takes into account the time to clear checks. apparently, kieta didn't have the wherewithal to at least make her BS plausible. the fact that a few consigners were able to find out that their lots had in fact been paid for just confirms it all.


04-15-2009, 03:41 PM
Hello Gamecollectibles, Could you please email me at bakersj@insight.com ?? I would love to talk to you. I have a couple questions. Thank you for you time. nefootballguy

04-15-2009, 07:51 PM
NE football guy tried to contact you email keeps getting sent back
you can reach me at prosvr1@comcast.net
Thank You

04-15-2009, 08:31 PM
Guys great points made here but I'm suprised none of you have done business with GUU. In fact, there is little mention that GUU is a good altenative to other auction houses and memorabila brokers. Chris Cavalier has created a media that is truly changing the hobby and allowing the collector's voice to be heard. Why do most of you choose to do business with other auction houses? With the new store platform you can name your price? So you can't say other auction houses have historically performed better.

The harsh reality of the world is that this too is a business and needs your support. I personally have sold items through the auction and store platform and have been very pleased with results. Not to mention all of the items I have sold for free over the years. I want to make it clear that I am no way affilated with GUU, I just feel that we should support this site to ensure it continues to inform collectors and give us a voice.

If you have benifited from this platform why do you choose to ignore GUU as place to sell?

Chris please keep up the good work!



04-15-2009, 09:16 PM
Guys great points made here but I'm suprised none of you have done business with GUU. In fact, there is little mention that GUU is a good altenative to other auction houses and memorabila brokers. Chris Cavalier has created a media that is truly changing the hobby and allowing the collector's voice to be heard. Why do most of you choose to do business with other auction houses? With the new store platform you can name your price? So you can't say other auction houses have historically performed better.

The harsh reality of the world is that this too is a business and needs your support. I personally have sold items through the auction and store platform and have been very pleased with results. Not to mention all of the items I have sold for free over the years. I want to make it clear that I am no way affilated with GUU, I just feel that we should support this site to ensure it continues to inform collectors and give us a voice.

If you have benifited from this platform why do you choose to ignore GUU as place to sell?

Chris please keep up the good work!



Not to add insult to injury, but there are literally 100's of negative press items here on some of the Auction Houses mentioned here. My opinion is bad ethics goes across all lines of business from consigned inventory to Accounts Payable.

Nobody deserves to get treated like Bird33 and others have, but my advice to anyone who cares to listen is don't support these type of auction houses. There are enough good ones mentioned time and time again.

Todd brings up GUU as a top auction house (which I agree with), but keep in mind that some members on here consign baseball cards, sports art, and non-game used memorabilia which GUU doesn't seem to put in their auction which would be my guess as the main reason they aren't getting many consignment packages.

04-16-2009, 08:14 AM
Todd brings up GUU as a top auction house (which I agree with), but keep in mind that some members on here consign baseball cards, sports art, and non-game used memorabilia which GUU doesn't seem to put in their auction which would be my guess as the main reason they aren't getting many consignment packages.[/quote]

04-16-2009, 08:19 AM
Todd brings up GUU as a top auction house (which I agree with), but keep in mind that some members on here consign baseball cards, sports art, and non-game used memorabilia which GUU doesn't seem to put in their auction which would be my guess as the main reason they aren't getting many consignment packages.[/quote]

Hi Andrew:

That is exactly what I thought until consinged autographs and a trading card set i was very happy with the results. What's more, I was paid in under 30 days. Again, I truly feel we need to support this site to ensure it continues to change this industry. If you have recieved a ton of pleasure and knowlege from this place you should give back. It's a no brainer to me.



04-16-2009, 09:39 AM
Hi Andrew:

That is exactly what I thought until consinged autographs and a trading card set i was very happy with the results. What's more, I was paid in under 30 days. Again, I truly feel we need to support this site to ensure it continues to change this industry. If you have recieved a ton of pleasure and knowlege from this place you should give back. It's a no brainer to me.




04-16-2009, 10:26 AM

I apologize to Bird for taking this OT, but not sure what Todd is trying to say.

Todd - What are you trying to say?

Is the GUU Auction platform now going to expand into all types of sports items beyond the game used?

It is one thing saying "sure, we will take those items" and another to actively market them in the right publications and mailing lists so consignors are getting comparable $$$$ vs. the other Auction Houses that regularly attract bidders for the baseball cards, sports art, signed memorabilia, vintage memorabilia, etc.

04-16-2009, 01:59 PM
I see pyramid schemes falling down all over society these days.

Bernie Madoff, a local businessman who took his life a few weeks ago here in town because his 30+ year scheme just was discovered and maybe an auction house with a similar pattern?

Money is tight in the world, and pyramids are finally falling because people attempting to get their money out are finding no more investors to pay the pyramid so they are finally falling.

It is so simple how it works - If you keep getting new investors to put money in, you last forever, but when money gets tight then investors want their investments back but there is no new money coming in to pay them.

Pretty scary concept and pretty scary to think how long so many big money investors got away with it!

04-16-2009, 02:09 PM
Hopefully, your lawyer did his job which was to sue the company (AMI) and Victor and Kieta individually. If you have a default judgment against multiple defendants then have your lawyer execute a writ or levy against their personal property (homes, bank accounts, cars etc.) as well as AMI's property.

Getting a post-judgment writ or levy also allows you to get a collection agency to work on your behalf.

If they file for bankrcuptcy, well, like I said before, that's a different animal all together.

Good luck.

04-16-2009, 02:24 PM
Bernie Madoff, a local businessman who took his life a few weeks ago here in town because his 30+ year scheme just was discovered and maybe an auction house with a similar pattern?

Madoff is still alive sitting in jail.

04-16-2009, 03:51 PM
Bernie Madoff, a local businessman who took his life a few weeks ago here in town because his 30+ year scheme just was discovered and maybe an auction house with a similar pattern?


Just a small correction....Bernard Madoff did not take his own life.....he is very much alive....incarcerated and awaiting sentencing set for June.



04-16-2009, 03:52 PM
Madoff is still alive sitting in jail.


I should have read to the end of the thread before posting the same thing!:o

04-16-2009, 04:01 PM
Hopefully, your lawyer did his job which was to sue the company (AMI) and Victor and Kieta individually. If you have a default judgment against multiple defendants then have your lawyer execute a writ or levy against their personal property (homes, bank accounts, cars etc.) as well as AMI's property.

Getting a post-judgment writ or levy also allows you to get a collection agency to work on your behalf.

If they file for bankrcuptcy, well, like I said before, that's a different animal all together.

Good luck.


To date, you've been very gracious and humble by offering great advice, and not plugging yourself for clients.

If a member here wanted to use your services, does this fall under your practice? (i.e.-Could you help the members here in their plight to receive the goals mentioned above?) And...would you be able to sue for your costs if you were to be retained, and offer up a "contingency payment" for your fees upon receipt of any judgements paid to anyone who ultimately retains you for help in these matters?

Just a thought...

04-17-2009, 11:21 AM
If he can file against Victor and Kieta personally he would at least force them to pay or file bankruptcy personally as well if AMI does indeed file bankruptcy.

04-17-2009, 02:25 PM
The offer is very sweet but it wouldn't be right to take money from anyone here, and again, I'm just offering my advice and opinion on any particular item herein, I'm not representing anyone, including GUU.

The problem here is that I can only present people in California, most of these auction houses are elsewhere. If you read your consignment contract (and for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would consign anything without one) the "forum" or place where you can bring an action is typically stated, as well as the applicable law.

For example, I have a friend, a very, very good friend, who had a dispute with a certain auction house (which will remain anonymous) which resides in Wisconsin. In order to resolve it, he has to retain a local lawyer, go to Wisconsin, etc. That's a lot of money. The contract was drafted by the auction house for that purpose.

If you're in the same jurisdiction as the auction house, that's easlier. Again, it's my recommendation that you keep things simple, sue in small claims for each item rather than let a big bill accumulate and then hire a lawyer and sue in Superior Court.

Getting a "judgment" against an auction house and it's individual members is tough, but, once that is done, collecting is easlier, if there's money there. In California, you file a series of post-judgment motions with the Calfornia Sheriff's department and they go around trying to collect on items (real property, bank accounts, etc.), or you can hire a collection agency which will do a series of searches for assets, but, usually they'll ask for as much as 50% of what's found. But, again, you can tack that on to the cost of litigation. All costs incurred by the plaintiff are reimbursable.

One other issue, if you're thinking of bringing the police into the mix, or reporting the auction house to some kind of authority (Better Business Bureau), keep in mind thatyou can be sued for "extortion" or "slander," or "filing a false police report." Make sure everything is documented and don't make assertions if you can't prove them, such as "I heard other people are having problems with this auction house" Again, criminal matters are much different than civil, and once you get the police involved, the investigation goes where the police want it to go...which means you may also be investigated.

I've been lucky, I've had only one real problem and that was with Mastro and Doug Allen. I stopped consigning and buying things from AMI a long time ago.

I'm just a sports fan and I collect for my son, who is 8 years old, this is just a hobby for me. My experiences with GUU, Hunt, Robert Edward, Lelands, Mears, Greyflannel, Heritage, Sotheby, and Dan the Laker expert, have been wonderful and I have no regrets.

04-18-2009, 02:38 AM
Rumors are afloat that the AMI situation will be making the major press in the near future.

04-18-2009, 10:48 AM

how would it be hard to get a judgement against them when they are not denying that they owe you the money?

for many people you can log into there account son ami's website and it says that they owe you the money?

or did you just mean getting a judgement against the owner kieta personally as well?

04-18-2009, 11:26 AM
Here's the thing: they still got money coming in. They are still running their monthly auctions. I think it's gonna be first come first serve. That's why I'm all over this with a lawyer. Of course, I'm right here next to Vegas so it's easier for me than most you guys. AMI finally responded to the court order and the judge granted my default against them yesterday. I'll keep you posted.

04-18-2009, 11:50 AM
Good luck, Greg. I hope you put them out of business. A company like that does not deserve to be in business.

04-18-2009, 02:50 PM
i take it you did not file in small claims, like some who are owd money from ami will have to if it is less than $5k.

did they even show up for the court date?

04-18-2009, 09:27 PM
Bird: You're not in the clear yet. If they defaulted, you still have to have a hearing to "prove-up" your claim, then there's a final Judgment, but, again, the Judgment applies only to those named in the lawsuit, not to anyone else, at least that's how it's done in California

Also, there may be other lawsuits and claimaints on a plethora of other issues which AMI is involved, your suit may just be one of many. Your lawyer should do a search to see if anything other lawsuits have been filed against AMI in the local courts. In cases like these, it's not unusual to find both unsecured and secured creditors coming forward making claims on the same monies.

Error earlier post: delete "easlier" insert "easier,' where's my secretary when I need her.

04-18-2009, 09:38 PM
Yea, understand. But, at least there's a little hope now.

04-20-2009, 11:56 AM
Does anyone know under what circumstances the FBI gets involved in investigating internet sports auctions? Are they concerned solely with allegations of shill bidding and fraudulant claims about the items at auction? Or is AMI's alleged inability or unwillingness to pay its consignors outside their current range of interests?

04-20-2009, 12:11 PM
If he can file against Victor and Kieta personally he would at least force them to pay or file bankruptcy personally as well if AMI does indeed file bankruptcy.

He did not do business with Victor or Kieta but with AMI , they are buffered by the Corporate veil of AMI

04-20-2009, 12:22 PM
He did not do business with Victor or Kieta but with AMI , they are buffered by the Corporate veil of AMI

There are causes of action to pierce the corporate veil. I believe fraud, while tough to prove, is one of them. Lawyers would know better than I.

04-20-2009, 12:35 PM
There are causes of action to pierce the corporate veil. I believe fraud, while tough to prove, is one of them. Lawyers would know better than I.

You are going to have a hard time proving fraud as this is a poorly managed company with bad business practices , running a business into the ground is not necessarily fraud.

It is going to be very tough to prove fraud and cost you lot sof money as well

04-20-2009, 02:35 PM
Don't know if it directly relates, but I had some work done at my house, and it was botched. I sued the company and the owner. He shut the company down shortly after, but since I had his name on my suit, I was still allowed to go after him for damages.


04-20-2009, 05:27 PM
Here's some additional ink AMI received:



Glad I ceased doing business with them many years ago.

Howard Wolf

04-20-2009, 08:13 PM
Generally speaking, the purpose of a corporate entity is to shield the individuals involved from personal liability. Whether it's a public corporation or a private S corporation, the hallmark of the corporation is that the officiers, such as the president, cfo, etc, aren't personally liable for the debts of the corporation.

Partnership, on the other, don't have this immunity and the general partners are liable for the indebtness of the partnerships.

LLC's, (limited liability company) function like a corporation and shield the general partners from liability, but, unlike corporation, they don't pay taxes, only the partners, not the LLC, are taxed. It appears to me that a couple of the auction houses were set up that way.

Notwithstanding the above, officers in a corporation will be held liable if the corporation is not in "good standing." For example, if they don't pay their corporate taxes. A quick review of the auction house in question with the State Departmernt of Corporation records, can determine if the corporation is not in "good standing." There are other methods to determine whether or not a corporation or a LLC is not in good standing, but the list is too long and boring.

If the LLC or corporation is determined by a judge to be not in "good standing" then the corporation (or LLC) has been "pierced" and the individuals are then personally liable.

Do your homework boys, or get a good lawyer, there's work to be done. :p

04-21-2009, 04:37 PM
ok ok, I am not a lawyer. But in my line of work I am supposed to know something about ethics, and it seems to me that business people who regularly steal from their suppliers / consignors ought to be subject to civil and criminal penalites. Even if a company has fallen into debt and is using the cash from new sales to pay old debts, the officers of that company can't be excused for misleading their suppliers and not paying them.

04-21-2009, 06:13 PM
UNLESS AMI gets everybody paid off, I think they'll investigate their financial records, etc. and find, pretty simply, that they were thiefs. If it's basically a PONZI scheme, which is the way it's looking, then they'll serve time. I've seen if before, and we'll see it again.

04-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Wow, they're even getting trashed on the yellow pages website...

http://yellowpages.aol.com/business/nv/north-las-vegas/american-memorabilia-inc/0-200844407/?query=Auction+Houses&fromSearch=%26%26sPage%3D1%26nt%3DSG4%26query%3DAu ction+Houses%26area%3DMesquite%2C+NV

http://o.aolcdn.com/yp/statics/img270309/yellowpages/rating1.gif SKoschal - 05/07/2008
No stars here! I have first hand knowledge of this company, they still own me money from 2004. Over the years they have been advised of non genuine items in their sales and they do not respond. Compliants have been made to the BBB. Use extreme caution daling with this firm, many complaints from consignors still not paid after 4 months.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 reviews

04-21-2009, 06:37 PM
Wow, they're even getting trashed on the yellow pages website...

http://yellowpages.aol.com/business/nv/north-las-vegas/american-memorabilia-inc/0-200844407/?query=Auction+Houses&fromSearch=%26%26sPage%3D1%26nt%3DSG4%26query%3DAu ction+Houses%26area%3DMesquite%2C+NV

http://o.aolcdn.com/yp/statics/img270309/yellowpages/rating1.gif SKoschal - 05/07/2008
No stars here! I have first hand knowledge of this company, they still own me money from 2004. Over the years they have been advised of non genuine items in their sales and they do not respond. Compliants have been made to the BBB. Use extreme caution daling with this firm, many complaints from consignors still not paid after 4 months.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 reviews

Steven Koschal has been bashing them for quite a while, when he takes the time off from bashing PSA.


04-27-2009, 02:29 PM
I have tried calling all their numbers several times over a couple of hours today and got the message stating they are on the other line or helping another customer. That's a great way to conduct business when they have a major auction that closes in two days. What a joke.

04-27-2009, 04:10 PM
I believe they are afraid to answer the phone because it is probably someone they owe money to.

04-28-2009, 01:23 PM
I have tried calling all their numbers several times over a couple of hours today and got the message stating they are on the other line or helping another customer. That's a great way to conduct business when they have a major auction that closes in two days. What a joke.

Same thing again today. Wow. I'd be pretty pissed if I had something consigned in this auction and no one was taking calls to accept bids since the auction ends the 30th. It's not like the consignors will get paid anyway though. I'm just wondering how they are still in business operating like this? At this rate I'd say they are on their way out.

04-28-2009, 01:37 PM
I'm glad they don't have anything I want in the current auction, because I'd be tempted to bid, and the way things seem right now, I can see them taking payments, shutting off the lights, and taking a trip to another country. (Notice I said nothing about mailing out the paid-for items!)


05-01-2009, 03:59 AM
Has the fat lady finally sung on AMI, the site is down!