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View Full Version : Weird bat damage

04-20-2009, 01:21 PM
Over the weekend, I picked up a nice collection of DBacks bats from a team source, and among them was a 2007 Conor Jackson Marucci with an unbelievable amount of use, and a big patch, nearly 3" long, where it looks like the black stain has been taken right off the bat. Have any of you guys seen something like this, and what do you imagine could cause it? I've never seen anything like it.


04-20-2009, 02:11 PM
I notice on colored Marruci bats that the paint tends to come off the barrel from repeated ball contact, Marucci's dont hold the paint very well like LVS and other brands.

I have a couple Manny Ramirez Marucci black bats and the paint has come of in several areas on the barrel, I also seen a black Jose Reyes bat on ebay that had a lot of paint missing on the barrel.


04-20-2009, 02:37 PM
Thanks, Bobby. I don't have a lot of Maruccis in my collection, so have never seen this. It looks just like somebody took a big swipe on the barrel of the bat with a solvent-covered rag! As much use as this bat has, I'm absolutely amazed that it's not cracked.