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View Full Version : Yankee Stadium Info

05-04-2009, 09:14 AM
There was an article in the NYDaily News, I believe, back in late March saying that a deal with the city was reached and that stuff would begin to be taken out in early April. Here we are in early May and zippo! Has anyone heard anything??

Thanks fellas.

05-04-2009, 10:08 AM
As I am not allowed to go into any real detail about it. I will say this that article was not accurate.

05-04-2009, 10:10 AM
Suave, who do work for, as you seem to be "in the know?"

05-04-2009, 10:12 AM
A qoute from Austin Powers

"I work for Number 2" lol lol:D

I have a reliable source and was asked not to go into any detail about it.

I hate to give a vague refernce, just making the member who asked the question a tiny bit of insight.

05-04-2009, 10:18 AM
Groovy Baby; yeah!

05-04-2009, 10:37 AM
- That's what I pretty much figured Suave! Thx!

05-04-2009, 11:23 AM
You can sign up at Steiner to be notified when the stuff becomes available.

05-04-2009, 11:52 AM
http://site2.wikianswers.com/templates/images/qbar_q.gif?v=44945Where can you buy seats that will be removed from Yankee Stadium at the end of the season?

In: Baseball Memorabilia (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/FAQ/1917-32) [Edit categories (javascript:RecategorizeCats('Where can you buy seats that will be removed from Yankee Stadium at the end of the season');)]
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New York City Department of Parks & Recreation

New York City owns Yankees Stadium, and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation is currently negotiating rights to sell the seats, and other Yankee Stadium memorabilia. It has been reported that the New York Yankees turned down an offer by the city to buy the rights.

The seats are estimated to be sold at a price of $500. each. I will up date this page as soon as the city releases information on any deals. Back in 1973 during the renovation the seat could be bought for as low as $7.50 and made available at Korvettes department store. See Related Links below to see the advertising offer.

05-04-2009, 01:11 PM
I was talking to a person at steiner and said they should let people pick what seats they want. And i guess thats what they are thinking about. I hope thats what happenes because i want the same seat i sat in for the final game.

05-05-2009, 06:31 AM
suave1477, with all do respect...no need to work for number 2 when you can work for #1. this is the 3rd stadium that has been done...cleveland, orange bowl and now yankee stadium. i couldn't resist :D

take care

05-07-2009, 01:21 PM
Has anyone heard when an announcement on the seats may be made?

05-11-2009, 01:30 PM
Has anyone heard when an announcement on the seats may be made?

I just an email from Brett at Steiner and it looks like a deal will be announced tomorrow.....

05-11-2009, 02:59 PM
Seats are $1570 a pair.

05-11-2009, 08:27 PM
I just picked up an awesome sign from the stadium for myself, I am also thinking about getting a brick or maybe even a garbage can, lol.

05-13-2009, 09:46 AM
-Anyone getting anything? I picked up a "Be Alert Foul Balls" sign and am looking for more but not sure what yet....

05-13-2009, 10:01 AM
Ill wait for the prices to drop.

05-13-2009, 01:39 PM
Ill wait for the prices to drop.

-You sure they'll drop? It seems like they are selling through the items very quickly!

05-13-2009, 01:53 PM
Anyone see this auction on steiners.


You can just buy one from steiners for $250.

05-13-2009, 04:06 PM
-You sure they'll drop? It seems like they are selling through the items very quickly!

Here is a quick way to check.

Look at MLB Auctions and the Mets are still trying to move tons of items.

There are so many things at Yankees Stadium I am sure not all of it will be sold in the first week.

When the Mets first listed stuff, people were buying it all up like crazy and paying astronomical prices for it after a couple of weeks. The Mets are practically begging you to buy something.

05-13-2009, 04:08 PM
Anyone see this auction on steiners.


You can just buy one from steiners for $250.

Thats a perfect example of what I am talking about.

Give it roughly about a month or so from now and the novelty will wear off.