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View Full Version : Does Anyone Collect NFL Coach-Worn Memoribilia?

05-19-2009, 09:45 PM
Hey guys, I just purchased a Tony Dungy worn jacket from the Colts Pro Shop website (currently awaiting it in the mail) and paid only $150 for it. I looked through every cold weather game in Getty Images during the years he coached the Colts and found only one game in which he wore that style of jacket. I figure it's very likely that he wore this exact jacket in this very game.

Now, what I want to know is how on earth they could price a jacket worn by a future hall of fame coach (in my opinion anyway) for $150? The least expensive game worn jersey on the site is $250. Now, I know that a jacket is not the same as a jersey but you know if there was a Vince Lombardi worn jacket or a Bill Walsh, I could see it going for 25-50 grand (just guestimating). I'm not saying that Dungy is as legendary as those guys but $150?

I'm not complaining though. It will come with a Colts COA.

Do you guys think this is the real deal and why do you think they can price it so low?

Anyone else collect Coach-Worn items?

05-19-2009, 11:09 PM
Hey guys, I just purchased a Tony Dungy worn jacket from the Colts Pro Shop website (currently awaiting it in the mail) and paid only $150 for it. I looked through every cold weather game in Getty Images during the years he coached the Colts and found only one game in which he wore that style of jacket. I figure it's very likely that he wore this exact jacket in this very game.

Now, what I want to know is how on earth they could price a jacket worn by a future hall of fame coach (in my opinion anyway) for $150? The least expensive game worn jersey on the site is $250. Now, I know that a jacket is not the same as a jersey but you know if there was a Vince Lombardi worn jacket or a Bill Walsh, I could see it going for 25-50 grand (just guestimating). I'm not saying that Dungy is as legendary as those guys but $150?

I'm not complaining though. It will come with a Colts COA.

Do you guys think this is the real deal and why do you think they can price it so low?

Anyone else collect Coach-Worn items?

Sounds like a great piece to me and at 150 a very nice affordable price with team COA. I think you're right in that Dungy is probably a HOF coach to boot. I, being a complete Jets junkie, have a few Jets non player items. My favorite being a 1993 one game throwback jacket worn by Jets trainer Bob Reese. Congrats on a cool pickup and happy collecting!

05-19-2009, 11:27 PM
Sounds like a great piece to me and at 150 a very nice affordable price with team COA. I think you're right in that Dungy is probably a HOF coach to boot. I, being a complete Jets junkie, have a few Jets non player items. My favorite being a 1993 one game throwback jacket worn by Jets trainer Bob Reese. Congrats on a cool pickup and happy collecting!

Thank you very much and I think that it can be cool to collect non player items, especially if your a fan of the coach or trainer.

In this instance I'd imagine a Team COA is about as legit as you can find, especially after finding a pictures of Dungy wearing that exact same style jacket (possibly the exact jacket I'm getting).

But with the $150 price tag, it almost seems far to good to be true, especially when they are selling game-used jerseys of low end players for $250.

$250 is still a great deal for a legit Colts Gamer, it just seems to me that charging $150 for a jacket worn by a future HOF coach is too good to be true.

05-20-2009, 07:17 PM

I have to laugh because a good friend of mine's dad coached in the NFL for a long while (not a head coach but an assistant). He and I went up to stay with them and go to a game. He gave us a ride to/from the stadium and on the way home he gave me his "game worn" cap....I still have it...

05-20-2009, 08:24 PM
Look at it this way, those jackets are warm! You can't buy those Sideline jackets unworn for $150. So even if it doesn't hold value, you got a nice warm coat at a good price :)

Sounds like a great unique item and considering his role in the history of the NFL, I'd be a proud owner as well. Congrats.

05-21-2009, 05:12 AM
Now, what I want to know is how on earth they could price a jacket worn by a future hall of fame coach (in my opinion anyway) for $150?

1 Superbowl trophy = HOF?

05-21-2009, 08:46 AM
1 Superbowl trophy = HOF?

In your opinion, how many Super Bowls does it take for a coach to get in? Unlike a coach ala Mike Tomlin who walked into a winning tradition with a SB team already in place - Dungy completely turned around a Tampa franchise that had an LA Clippers like history and the Colts weren't exactly known for consistently winning ways either. I think his resume is as good/better than any recent coach with the exception of Bilicheck. Happy collecting!

05-21-2009, 09:22 AM
In my opinion, that should not be the sole criteria, but it seems to be a coaching prerequisite. You can look at coaches with high winning percentages who turned several teams around that never got a trophy like Shotteheimer or one like Billick. Before and after the one Superbowl Dungy won he had the same MO as Marty, take a great team to the playoffs and lose with them often and early.

I'm not knocking Dungy, I do think he was a great coach, especially with buiding a defense. I guess I'm just putting the question out there, "What does it take to be a HOF coach?"

05-21-2009, 11:48 AM
I guess I'm just putting the question out there, "What does it take to be a HOF coach?"

Good question. Obviously Parcells and Belichick walk in backwards. I assume Holmgren gets in. Dungy probably goes for turning around two habitually bad franchises. I think Shotteheimer has done enough winning with different times to get strong consideration despite having not won or even been to a SB. Am I missing anyone? Andy Reid and Mike Shanahan perhaps? Is Tom Coughlin in the conversation?

05-21-2009, 01:04 PM
I had the Bronco game worn sideline wind breaker from a Dallas Cowboys Hall of Fame player (can't remember his name off the top of my head, but he wasn't as famous as Stauback or Dorsett) when he was a coach (not head coach) for Denver (boy that was a long sentence with many asides, huh?). It had his signed LOA and I got it for cheap. So maybe that kind of stuff isn't in big demand (one more aise for the road).

05-25-2009, 10:22 AM
I guess 150 looks like an even better deal now!

http://cgi.ebay.com/Indianapolis-Colts-Game-Use-Jacket-Coach-Tony-Dungy_W0QQitemZ370206296806QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_D efaultDomain_0?hash=item563203cae6&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7 C301%3A0%7C293%3A3%7C294%3A50

MiLe HigH
05-25-2009, 11:15 AM
After the "Meltdown" with the coaching staff in Denver I picked up 4 Bob Slowick's sideline Jackets and sweatshirts. They all have Slowick written on all the tags.