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View Full Version : Opinions on these possible photomatches Please

05-27-2009, 07:45 PM
So, I've been searching and searching for photomatches for my Chris Snee items and I think I finally found a couple. I was hoping that I could get some opinions on what people think of them since most people have waaaay more experience at this than I do!

These pictures w/the circles and stuff may not be perfectly done the first time I upload them, but if you need any more pictures or details to help you in your determinations, please let me know!

2005-2006 Home Jersey


I'll hopefully have pictures up of a pair of cleats that I think I photomatched later tonight.

Hopefully I'll hear some positive responses! :)


05-27-2009, 08:34 PM
Ok, so IMO, I don't think these are quite as conclusive for an absolute photomatch, but I know that Chris only wore this style of cleats for one game in his career and it's this particular game. Plus, by looking at other pictures from this game, you can see that other players have blue and red paint all over their uniforms from the logos on the field, so it also adds more evidence to these being an exact photomatch.

So, I'd say that these are more of a style match, but since he only wore these one game ever, plus there are some things that look like a photomatch, I'm confident that these are the exact cleats that I have.


Anybody have any opinions on either of the photomatches???

Any & all comments are welcome. Thanks a lot!


05-27-2009, 10:07 PM
Play with the pictures a little in photoshop... its much easier to make the comparison...

I have added some red circles to show what might be a match from the cleat photos... problem is that your cleat has more wear between the two white lines (probably from more use after the pic was taken)... and in one case an autograph actually hurts... it looks like he autographed them right on some distinguishing marks...

I'd say pretty damn close... if not there already

05-27-2009, 10:16 PM
shoremen44 - Thanks a lot for the comments. I've got Photoshop and I'm good with it to make original things, but not all that great with being able to zoom in on an existing photograph and then "clear it up". Do you have any suggestions of things that you do?

I didn't even notice all of those small marks that you did and I've got the actual cleats right in front of me. haha

What did you think about the jersey? Look like a good match?

Thanks again!


05-28-2009, 08:45 AM
Play with the pictures a little in photoshop... its much easier to make the comparison...

I have added some red circles to show what might be a match from the cleat photos... problem is that your cleat has more wear between the two white lines (probably from more use after the pic was taken)... and in one case an autograph actually hurts... it looks like he autographed them right on some distinguishing marks...

I'd say pretty damn close... if not there already

Cleats in the game pic looks to have grey Velcro straps on top and actual cleats have black......

05-28-2009, 08:59 AM
Cleats in the game pic looks to have grey Velcro straps on top and actual cleats have black......

I'm pretty sure that the material on the straps is that shimmery synthetic material and is in fact black but has a glare that look gray. I think you're still good on your match.

05-28-2009, 09:19 AM
Not to be a buzzkill, but to me a photomatch is unquestionable. The items look great, as do the photos, but I'm not sure the comparison is exact enough for it to be a photomatch. There are several areas that look consistent, and perhaps you'd have a match with higher resolution versions of the in-action photos. Just my personal take.

05-28-2009, 09:51 AM
jetefan - I think that I agree with justinwc80 on that one, but I'm not positive. I'll have to look through more pictures of the game and see if I can determine that it's definitely black in the game. The material on the cleats that I have is a synthetic material that could give off a shine, but I'll have to look at more game photos.

sportscentury - Not a buzzkill at all, that's why I posted these. I do agree that the cleats aren't likely to be considered a true photomatch by everybody on here. Like I said in my other post, I think that they're more of a style match w/some marks and things that certainly look consistant, but I agree that a "true" photomatch isn't likely with these pictures. But, since i know that chris only wore this style once in his career, I'm pretty sure these are the ones.

Do you feel the same way about the jersey too? The jersey I'm much more convinced on than that cleats, but also not 100% positive (which is why I posted here for opinions). I think that I'll need to post a more close-up picture of the NFL shield on my jersey too... i think that will help. I'll try to do that when i get home tonight sometime.

Thanks a lot for the responses!! Anybody else?


05-28-2009, 10:41 AM
I actually use powerpoint to place pictures into one document - resize and overlap them... then I copy and paste them into microsoft paint and save as a jpeg...

as far as the jersey goes (and really all photomatching) try and take pictures at the same angle as in the photo... makes things easier.

I put togther one of your jersey shots and the picture... again I think the match is pretty good... you noticed most of the things I did... I dont see the little things you are pointing out on the shield... but it seems to me it is a little left of center and the photo looks like it is as well

again... nicely done

05-28-2009, 02:09 PM
Brian - I think both items are real. They look great. I just don't see some of the things that Bert and you see. I very well could be wrong. In fact, I bet if you took a poll, most GUUers would say it's a photomatch. The reason I am so picky is because I have seen a few items that folks agreed were photomatched turn out to be different items than those shown in the in-action shots. I think you should feel confident about these great items. The photographic support is very good. I just have a very conservative definition/approach when it comes to photomatching (Barry or Jason at MeiGray can jump in here and tell you how annoyingly picky I am!).

05-28-2009, 03:12 PM
Bert - Thanks a lot for the suggestions on how to improve my photomatching skills. I'll try to take a closer picture of the shield tonight if I get a chance.

sportscentury - I thank you for being so picky, that's what I'm hoping for. I've been reading posts on here for like 8+ months (well before I signed up) and there is always a great debate on what is a "true" photomatch. I was trying to see if everybody thinks this is a photomatch or just a style match. I'm confident that these are both real items since they come with Giants LOAs and I've talked to Chris about them previously. So, it's not the authenticity that I'm concerned with, it's the actual photomatch of when/where these items were used.

Incidentially... If in fact these are both true photomatches...

The cleats are from Chris' rookie season and were used in the last game of that year because he came down with an infection in one of his glands in his throat and didn't play the last 5 games of that year (2004). These cleats also still have a lot of turf (the rubber granuals) in the treads of them, which is cool (at least to me).

The commemorative patch on the blue jerseys was only used for like 3 or 4 games (I'd have to double check exactly how many). The photo that I posted is from the Giants playoff game (and also last game of the season) against the Panthers in January of 2006 (or the end of the 2005 season). So that would be his last jersey of the season.

Also, the area that I've circled on the right shoulder with the team repair underneath the "6" appears to already be repaired in the game picture. This would leave me to believe that this jersey was used in at least one other game of the season, which would be great. I've been unable to find any other pictures from other games that match up with there being a tear or any of the loose stitches on the jersey, but I'm still looking.

Anyway, that was a long post, but I just thought that I'd throw out there what I've found and what I'm thinking. I didn't want to give out any more information in the first post because I just wanted to see what the opinions were out there by just using the cirlces and no explanations, etc.

Thanks again to those of you who have commented so far!! Anybody else or other opinions??
