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View Full Version : Brooks Robinson Live Interview-awesome!!

05-28-2009, 12:00 PM
Located an AMAZING 1974 live interview with Brooks Robinson, discussing all aspects of the game (including glove selection!).


Turn up the volume and enjoy!

Howard Wolf

05-28-2009, 12:18 PM

I will listen to it when I get the chance, but I recall reading awhile back in one of Brooks' autobiographies where he mentions giving one of his game used gloves to Dick Bosman. I followed up with a guy who knows Bosman fairly well and Bosman said he remembered getting one but had no idea what happened to it!

05-28-2009, 01:19 PM
Really interesting... he was pretty vague about equipment and stance... but in hearing him talk about fielding and concentration on the hitter was fascinating.

I've red old stories and heard about Ted Williams and his conversations and cerebral apporach to hitting... you can really tell from listening to Brooks how much he really devoted to the cerebral part of fielding... those 16 gold gloves were some god given talent, but you can tell how hard he worked and really thought about fielding his position, and really took pride in it.

Nice find

05-28-2009, 02:33 PM
In Brooks' book Third Base is My Home he talks alot about his gloves. He tells stories of trading bats and gloves with other players, always thought it was really cool.