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06-08-2009, 10:42 PM
I saw this on Google today and I can't stop laughing.......Can anyone add a funny caption to this picture?

Mine would be, "I lost in strip poker."

06-08-2009, 10:46 PM
I saw this on Google today and I can't stop laughing.......Can anyone add a funny caption to this picture?

Mine would be, "I lost in strip poker."

Pete could actually be Robin Williams father....look at those arms.

06-08-2009, 10:49 PM
I'd say he lost that bet.

06-08-2009, 11:28 PM
I didnt know Pete Rose was a Geico caveman.

06-09-2009, 12:58 AM
That's a photo that doesn't require a caption.

06-09-2009, 12:54 PM
You know why he's stripped down to his undies, right? He signed and inscribed everything else he was wearing and sold it as game used.:rolleyes:

Dave M.
Chicago area

06-09-2009, 01:15 PM
"Uniform? I don't need no stinking uniform!"

06-09-2009, 01:43 PM
....you might remember me from the hit movie "Dumb and Dumber".......

06-09-2009, 01:45 PM
" I bet you've never seen wood this big before"

06-09-2009, 02:49 PM

Good morning to you too, Mr. Spielberg ....

Prepared? Oh, yes!!!!! I'm prepared--wardrobe? Didn't need wardrobe, I do my own stylin'.

Act?? Pshhhht! Of couse, I can act! Didja see how good I pretended I didn't bet on baseball?

The rings? Oh, I overheard your sekatary say in the hall something about this being a circus so I impervised and brought my own two rings--whuh? Oh, I shoulda brought three rings? My bad.

Hair? Styled 'at too. If yer doin' a ice kinda sports show, I can be Dororthy Hammil--

Yuh-yuh. At's right ... Incredible Hulk. I got duh nose. DA NOSE, SON!!

Yer smilin'. (pause) Sure, sure ... ye'ah, I can smile. 'Ook at dat, Ernest Borgine all the way!

Overall face? Ummm, well .... ah I can double fer that Golden Girlie, ahhhh, BEEEE Arthur. Yeah, that's it I can be BEEEEEEEE Arthur, she's hot---

Uh, whu'? Oh. ........... RIP.

Why no clothes? Wull yah, pssssht. Robin Williams. I could be his illiterate son in a mov---

Whatcha mean, illegitimate? NO SIR, THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! I CAN READ! That's just another lie that Bart spread about me.

These skivies? Yeaah, cool, huh? Wanna touch 'em? Purdie soft but free... but if ya don' like 'em. I have a reliable source that can get me A-rod's jock--

Bats? Oh .... uhhhhh ... are ya casting fer Bat Man? No? Oh, ya wanna buy 'em. I can inskribe 'em fer yer kiddies. "I BET ON BASEBALL!" $5000 grand each--

Door? Oh yeah, I can do a door---oh, escort me out. Sure, is he gonna take me to the studio? "I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille." See, that's me doin' Glo---


Uhhhhhh, Mizz. Sekratary? Where's the casting office? YUP, Mr. Spielberg himseff said I should be castrated, so where do I go??? Bet ya didn't think I could get the job, huh? Come on, just a little bet??

06-09-2009, 04:16 PM
When the ladies saw him in those drawers, I bet they were hoping that he could "Pete and re-Pete"

06-09-2009, 04:19 PM
When the ladies saw him in those drawers, I bet they were hoping that he could "Pete and re-Pete"

Not the ladies I know! :eek: