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View Full Version : McAuliffe?

06-13-2009, 02:31 PM
I have spent the last hour reading old posts and the section on McAuliffe jerseys. I used to think I was semi-smart, but maybe not so much anymore. Is the conclusion that McAuliffe jerseys that do not have a blue border could be either a) a "retail" order made by a guy on the street or b) it could be one that was issued to a MLB team? No way of knowing for sure.

Also, all blue bordered jerseys are likely the real deal?


lon lewis
06-13-2009, 10:32 PM
Matt, Regarding your first queston, you have to define which years that you were talking about as the bordered tags weren't in full use (or the primary tag) until 1975. If you're talking about 1975+ jerseys then the lack of a bordered tag could signify an "aftermarket" or "retail" jersey but it could also be a tagging anomaly. However, "anomalies" seem to occur ( for some strange reason) most often on the "star" players of the Red Sox, A's and to a lesser degree, the Angels.

Secondly, the fact that a jersey has the blue bordered tag does not automatically mean that it's the "real deal" ( your term) as jerseys ordered by the "public" prior to 1980 contained the blue bordered tags.

06-14-2009, 08:14 AM
Thank you.