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View Full Version : grey flannel is a joke

06-20-2009, 02:46 PM
ill try to keep this brief. i won a lot in grey flannels latest round of bogus memorabilia. i bid on this item and emailed them to send me a copy of the psa/dna letter they stated came with the item. i did not get a copy of it until nearly 2 weeks after the auction ended. needless to say it wasn't a full psa/dna letter that i assumed it was. i informed them i was not happy with being mislead and was no longer interested in the item. i got no reply up until today when i got a letter from some law firm demanding payment in full and threatening me....i shoulda listened to all the bad things i read about GFC on this forum. i admit i shoulda never bid until i got the requested info from them. however i find this laughable. i already left nasty messages for both GFC and this law firm. they can both kiss my rear end...i will NEVER bid on their junk again....

06-20-2009, 02:58 PM
Can you give us any further details on the item and what the PSA/DNA letter stated? I would be curious to check their auction archive and see how the item was represented.

Good luck with this and let us know what happens!

06-20-2009, 03:11 PM
it was the ken griffey jr autographed game used bat. it was one of those loa's that are like 5 sentences long. and even states on it it is not a complete PSA/DNA letter of authenticity....i realized quickly why they waited so long to show me the loa....

06-20-2009, 03:12 PM
and as far as what happens...doesnt matter. i will not pay for this item. they can have whoever they want contact me...or threaten me. they will not see a dime from me....

06-20-2009, 03:53 PM
Was there a PSA/DNA number you could use on their website?

06-20-2009, 04:20 PM
Justinlim I understand you might be upset by something that you thought to be more or something of that nature.

But playing devils advocate here.

I am not sure how you feel Grey Flannel is responsible yet even calling them a joke on this one.

1) You bid on the item to begin with!!!
If you didn't want it why bid?
By there rules stated you bid on the item which makes you responsible to pay. Also they state no returns all items sold as is.
So you took a chance!!

2) You asked to see the letter after you won??

3) Now you don't want the item because it was not a full letter?
Well to be honest they never stated it was a full letter.
As you mentioned you "assumed" it was a full letter.

If I am correct I do believe a few auctions ago or it might of been another auction house I am not sure. That they will no longer be doing full letters and if you wanted a full letter you would have to pay an extra fee.

As far as the law firm that gets sent out no matter what when they don't recieve a payment in a certain time frame.
So it is not nesicarrily a personal threat to you, they send them to everyone who doesn't pay.
All companies if not most do that.

If you do not want to pay that is your choice, but yes they will have every right to pursue legal action against you and chances are will win, which in turn if you do not comply at that point they will garnish your wages till the amount is paid off.

So I do not follow why your mad for something your responsible for.

You didn't do your homework.
You assumed.
You made a bid even with the rules as stated. Which enters you into there agreement.

Am I missing something?

06-20-2009, 05:42 PM
why am i angry? you are joking right? i bid with three weeks left in the auction...and asked to see the LOA the same day....so it takes 5 weeks to send me a copy of it? they didnt want to send it because the description is misleading. so if you read an item is accompanied by a psa/dna letter what do you assume? that implies to me that it has been authenticated...in this case it was never even inspected by psa/dna....if thats not mis.leading then what is to you???

06-20-2009, 05:53 PM
why am i angry? you are joking right? i bid with three weeks left in the auction...and asked to see the LOA the same day....so it takes 5 weeks to send me a copy of it? they didnt want to send it because the description is misleading. so if you read an item is accompanied by a psa/dna letter what do you assume? that implies to me that it has been authenticated...in this case it was never even inspected by psa/dna....if thats not mis.leading then what is to you???
GFC has their store. I bought a Dodger jersey a few years back, then quite awhile after that, through talking to Dodger jersey experts I found out it was a bad jersey. They refunded my $$, HOWEVER, they banned me from bidding in their auctions. I get punished for them selling a bad jersey. Yes, I agree, GFC is a joke! They can stick it.

06-20-2009, 06:05 PM
I won a lot of two jerseys in GFC's last auction. After I received the jerseys in question I found out with help from a couple of forum members (Thanks kingjammy and TNTtoys) that one of them was actually just an autographed retail jersey. I sent GFC a cordial, detailed email indicating my issue with the jersey and they asked me to return it no questions asked and refunded me half of what I paid on the lot. This is the second time GFC has refunded me on a questionable jersey so I have to commend the way they handled my situations.

Now some say they shouldn't have had the jersey in the auction in the first place, which is true looking back on this particular jersey, but they did and it was part of the lot I bid on so I'm just glad things worked out the way they did.

justinlim24, I can understand your frustration so I wish you the best of luck and hope there is a reasonable resolution to your situation.

06-20-2009, 06:17 PM
why am i angry? you are joking right? i bid with three weeks left in the auction...and asked to see the LOA the same day....so it takes 5 weeks to send me a copy of it? they didnt want to send it because the description is misleading. so if you read an item is accompanied by a psa/dna letter what do you assume? that implies to me that it has been authenticated...in this case it was never even inspected by psa/dna....if thats not mis.leading then what is to you???


You need to understand something, suave1477 asked at the end of his opinionated post "Am I missing something?"

Common sense was the first thing that came to my mind. He didn't even read the fact that you mentioned you bid on it, then asked for the letter which came two weeks after you won the item.

He also apparently has no idea on how to approach these auction items which require a bid by each and every person who wants to bid on it again after it goes into the "after hours" trading.....therefore it makes much more sense to bid on the item early, as close to after the auction starts as possible, so as more people bid on it, you can then make your mind up a lot easier if you want to bid on it later, or if it has already passed a point you feel is too much for it.

But like he seems to be prone to do, it's much easier for him to side with the position opposite the collector, and like in this instance, stand up for a schlockhouse like Grey Flannel, and spew out his version of the legalities of you placing a bid early on, then asking for some descripted back-up on the item, NEVER receiving it, then winning it (probably because everyone else who dug into it never received what they wanted either, so they passed). Yes, you may have made a small mistake by bidding at apoint too late in the early bidding, but you have absolute right to be pissed. What happened to you here was deceitful, IMO.

The C & D letter Sarahsdad was referring to had NOTHING to do with me placing a bid on an item in their auction. It was about getting me to shut up with my comments about their questionable items, the way they run their business, their business practices, Richard Russek himself, etc. It is completely unrelated to you, what has happened here, and the reasons you are now angry. I wish you luck in getting it resolved.

My two cents of advice to you is this: If you really feel you don't want to pay for it, simply tell them to keep it and relist it for you in their very next auction. That will keep you out of legal trouble since you did place a bid on it. Take care, and good luck with this nasty situation......one that continues to shopw the collecting community of the character and class of Grey Flannel, and how they choose to treat their clients who make the mistake of doing business with them......IMO.

06-20-2009, 06:54 PM
To the moderators,

O.K., I see you have removed the two posts, the first one by Sarahsdad that got me angry because he keeps coming at me with his "skirt" comments, and my subsequent responce.

I understand, and (of course) respect your actions.

But now, I am asking that you revolk his posting privilages with a stern warning to knock off his personal attacks towards me. He hasn't the spine to confront me as a man......he has to do it his little girl way......by making attacks via his postings on whatever thread he deems is yet another opportunity to take a stab at me.

Please email me and let me know if my request will be honored......or by all means feel free to post it here. I have nothing to hide from my fellow members.

Thank you,


06-20-2009, 06:56 PM
clarification........."temporarily revolk" his posting privilages.

I believe even spineless forum members who have issues deserve another chance.

06-20-2009, 07:02 PM

You need to understand something, suave1477 asked at the end of his opinionated post "Am I missing something?"

Common sense was the first thing that came to my mind. He didn't even read the fact that you mentioned you bid on it, then asked for the letter which came two weeks after you won the item.

He also apparently has no idea on how to approach these auction items which require a bid by each and every person who wants to bid on it again after it goes into the "after hours" trading.....therefore it makes much more sense to bid on the item early, as close to after the auction starts as possible, so as more people bid on it, you can then make your mind up a lot easier if you want to bid on it later, or if it has already passed a point you feel is too much for it.

But like he seems to be prone to do, it's much easier for him to side with the position opposite the collector, and like in this instance, stand up for a schlockhouse like Grey Flannel, and spew out his version of the legalities of you placing a bid early on, then asking for some descripted back-up on the item, NEVER receiving it, then winning it (probably because everyone else who dug into it never received what they wanted either, so they passed). Yes, you may have made a small mistake by bidding at apoint too late in the early bidding, but you have absolute right to be pissed. What happened to you here was deceitful, IMO.


06-20-2009, 07:31 PM
To the moderators,

O.K., I see you have removed the two posts, the first one by Sarahsdad that got me angry because he keeps coming at me with his "skirt" comments, and my subsequent responce.

I understand, and (of course) respect your actions.

But now, I am asking that you revolk his posting privilages with a stern warning to knock off his personal attacks towards me. He hasn't the spine to confront me as a man......he has to do it his little girl way......by making attacks via his postings on whatever thread he deems is yet another opportunity to take a stab at me.

Please email me and let me know if my request will be honored......or by all means feel free to post it here. I have nothing to hide from my fellow members.

Thank you,


The personal attacks are growing old....really fast. I'm sure I'm not the only bystander that sees it. It's extremely childish.

06-20-2009, 07:31 PM
why am i angry? you are joking right? i bid with three weeks left in the auction...and asked to see the LOA the same day....so it takes 5 weeks to send me a copy of it? they didnt want to send it because the description is misleading. so if you read an item is accompanied by a psa/dna letter what do you assume? that implies to me that it has been authenticated...in this case it was never even inspected by psa/dna....if thats not mis.leading then what is to you???

First of all I would like to point out half what you just posted you failed to mention in your OP.
So I was going based on your original post.

You did not mention you asked for the letter 3 weeks previous to auction ending.
You did not mention it took 5 weeks for you to actually get the letter.
and even though it did take a while for you to get it which you probably are right that they may have rushed to get one even though they didn't have one!!! But that doesn't mean they didn't.

So again my comment was based on your original post.

06-20-2009, 07:37 PM

You need to understand something, suave1477 asked at the end of his opinionated post "Am I missing something?"

Common sense was the first thing that came to my mind. He didn't even read the fact that you mentioned you bid on it, then asked for the letter which came two weeks after you won the item.

He also apparently has no idea on how to approach these auction items which require a bid by each and every person who wants to bid on it again after it goes into the "after hours" trading.....therefore it makes much more sense to bid on the item early, as close to after the auction starts as possible, so as more people bid on it, you can then make your mind up a lot easier if you want to bid on it later, or if it has already passed a point you feel is too much for it.

But like he seems to be prone to do, it's much easier for him to side with the position opposite the collector, and like in this instance, stand up for a schlockhouse like Grey Flannel, and spew out his version of the legalities of you placing a bid early on, then asking for some descripted back-up on the item, NEVER receiving it, then winning it (probably because everyone else who dug into it never received what they wanted either, so they passed). Yes, you may have made a small mistake by bidding at apoint too late in the early bidding, but you have absolute right to be pissed. What happened to you here was deceitful, IMO.

The C & D letter Sarahsdad was referring to had NOTHING to do with me placing a bid on an item in their auction. It was about getting me to shut up with my comments about their questionable items, the way they run their business, their business practices, Richard Russek himself, etc. It is completely unrelated to you, what has happened here, and the reasons you are now angry. I wish you luck in getting it resolved.

My two cents of advice to you is this: If you really feel you don't want to pay for it, simply tell them to keep it and relist it for you in their very next auction. That will keep you out of legal trouble since you did place a bid on it. Take care, and good luck with this nasty situation......one that continues to shopw the collecting community of the character and class of Grey Flannel, and how they choose to treat their clients who make the mistake of doing business with them......IMO.

Ok your response was lengthy so I will admit you lost me after a while.

I am not sure if you were referring to me lacking common sense???

You said I did not read that he bid on it??? I did not read that it came 2 weeks later???
Did you even read my response or were you typing blindly??
I brought up both cases in my initial response.

I did not side with anyone, i made my comment based on the original persons post and explained to him by bidding is a form of an agreement on a contract. So yes there are legalities to doing such things.

as for the +1 comment I am not sure if that is the other members way of agreeing with the lashing out, but if either one read the original post you would understand where I was coming from.

06-20-2009, 09:22 PM
Ok your response was lengthy so I will admit you lost me after a while.

I am not sure if you were referring to me lacking common sense???

You said I did not read that he bid on it??? I did not read that it came 2 weeks later???
Did you even read my response or were you typing blindly??
I brought up both cases in my initial response.

I did not side with anyone, i made my comment based on the original persons post and explained to him by bidding is a form of an agreement on a contract. So yes there are legalities to doing such things.

as for the +1 comment I am not sure if that is the other members way of agreeing with the lashing out, but if either one read the original post you would understand where I was coming from.

I saw where you were coming from. Is Grey Flannel a joke? Could be. Should they have sent the scan of the LOA sooner? Sure! But the fact is, the bid was placed knowing the rules. Why not wait until the letter has been read before placing the bid? THAT is common sense, IMO.

+1 for Suave, the bidder needs to take some responsibility here.


06-20-2009, 09:35 PM
I saw where you were coming from. Is Grey Flannel a joke? Could be. Should they have sent the scan of the LOA sooner? Sure! But the fact is, the bid was placed knowing the rules. Why not wait until the letter has been read before placing the bid? THAT is common sense, IMO.

+1 for Suave, the bidder needs to take some responsibility here.


I was in a similar situation with an auction house a number of years back. The auction house that I dealt with has had a somewhat spotty reputation over the past few years but be that as it may, I readily admit, I did not do my due diligence and made a mistake. I placed a bid based on the auction description of an LOA and subsequently found the LOA was not what it was reported to be with some discrepencies. I had placed a bid which then put me into a binding contract with the auction house as clearly stated in their rules. The bottom line is, do your homework and be as completely sure and positive about what you are bidding on prior to placing a bid. I learned from that lesson and at the end of the day I blame auction houses who do a lousy job writing descriptions and don't do their own homework putting suspect items into auctions but it falls back on the bidder to be absolutely certain regarding the bid before placing it. The rules are the rules and once you bid, you are often out of luck and out of options not to pay for the item.

In that regard, you cannot blame the auction house or auction houses as if they did not have some measure in place regarding the winning bid being a binding contract, how often would they be left holding the bag due to buyers remorse. Now if they are purposely being deceitful or misleading that is another story entirely but bottom line, don't bid until you have every possible document, fact, etc. completed on your part.

I personally search each auction as soon as I know they are going live. I will not even consider a bid in the auction unless I can see all of the documents, LOA's, etc. and then attempt to photo match, check with industry sources etc. and make sure I am completely comfortable with the item prior to placing a bid. That is just me but I have not had a problem in a number of years because of this personal approach.

06-20-2009, 09:57 PM
Earlywynn and Mr. Miracle THANK YOU!!

06-20-2009, 10:08 PM
I obtained an item from the most recent GF auction. Upon close inspection of the piece I had questions regarding the authentication and missing paperwork. My polite and cordial inquiries were never answered. I was very disappointed the company did not take the time to communicate with me.

06-20-2009, 10:10 PM
I was in a similar situation with an auction house a number of years back. The auction house that I dealt with has had a somewhat spotty reputation over the past few years but be that as it may, I readily admit, I did not do my due diligence and made a mistake. I placed a bid based on the auction description of an LOA and subsequently found the LOA was not what it was reported to be with some discrepencies. I had placed a bid which then put me into a binding contract with the auction house as clearly stated in their rules. The bottom line is, do your homework and be as completely sure and positive about what you are bidding on prior to placing a bid. I learned from that lesson and at the end of the day I blame auction houses who do a lousy job writing descriptions and don't do their own homework putting suspect items into auctions but it falls back on the bidder to be absolutely certain regarding the bid before placing it. The rules are the rules and once you bid, you are often out of luck and out of options not to pay for the item.

In that regard, you cannot blame the auction house or auction houses as if they did not have some measure in place regarding the winning bid being a binding contract, how often would they be left holding the bag due to buyers remorse. Now if they are purposely being deceitful or misleading that is another story entirely but bottom line, don't bid until you have every possible document, fact, etc. completed on your part.

I personally search each auction as soon as I know they are going live. I will not even consider a bid in the auction unless I can see all of the documents, LOA's, etc. and then attempt to photo match, check with industry sources etc. and make sure I am completely comfortable with the item prior to placing a bid. That is just me but I have not had a problem in a number of years because of this personal approach.


Agreed, as any reasonable collector should.

I think the fact here that upset the poster of this topic is that it is apparent that Grey Flannel only does what benefits Grey Flannel. They certainly could have sent an image of the PSA/DNA letter as requested by the active bidder in their auction.

They chose not to. At least until it didn't matter any more (the auction had been closed for two weeks).

Anyone of you think they just may have "overlooked" it, or just "not got around to it" because they had a live auction going on....? You are entitled to your opinion.

I stated mine just three paragraphs prior. They run their business the way to want to.....

06-20-2009, 10:15 PM
I am not saying necessarily that Grey Flannel is on my personal list here, but what continually baffles me is if one does a search of various auction houses on this forum, you will find any number of threads regarding all the major houses, Grey Flannel, Lelands, REA, Huggins and Scott, Mastro/Legendary, Heritage, Historic, Hunt, Vintage Authentics AMI and I am probably missing a couple of others. My point being, I personally have an internal list of houses that I will never, ever bid with. I don't care if I just inherited Bill Gates fortune and being a Ripken collector a specific house on that list acquired the entire Ripken baseball collection, based on historical issues that a number of forum members have had with that house and others sources, friends, acquaintences etc. have told me, I would not bid with that house.

There are several extremely reputable auction houses out there that I do business with and will continue to do business with. There are several others that I would not do business with under any circumstances. Again, not saying GF is or is not on that personal list but if you do some homework on this forum, I believe that virtually any auction house will have numerous threads that the potential bidder can make up his or her own mind as to whether or not they are reputable and whether their customer services is solid enough to do business with.

06-20-2009, 10:16 PM
I obtained an item from the most recent GF auction. Upon close inspection of the piece I had questions regarding the authentication and missing paperwork. My polite and cordial inquiries were never answered. I was very disappointed the company did not take the time to communicate with me.

So I ask you forum members........what should this poor soul do?

Escalate his questioning? That would only get him shut down as to being able to ever bid on their autions again.

Should he just man up and pay the bill, as suave1477 would tell you?

Where do we draw the line?

Fight the good fight, nyjetsfan......if you think you got something that was (possibly, mistakenly) misrepresented, and aren't getting a response when asking about it...........what would be the reasonable conclusion?


Good luck in your battle.

06-20-2009, 10:27 PM
So I ask you forum members........what should this poor soul do?

Escalate his questioning? That would only get him shut down as to being able to ever bid on their autions again.

Should he just man up and pay the bill, as suave1477 would tell you?

Where do we draw the line?

Fight the good fight, nyjetsfan......if you think you got something that was (possibly, mistakenly) misrepresented, and aren't getting a response when asking about it...........what would be the reasonable conclusion?

Depending on how important this is to the buyer/bidder, I would escalate this. My point being, it is kind of like going to a restaurant/retail establishment etc. and having horrible service being extremely disappointed whatever. You are not going to go back unless they go a long way toward solving your problem. In my case with my auction house, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well there was never going to be a second chance, I made sure of that. I don't go back and won't go back.

The other point or question here perhaps is whether or not the LOA or lack of LOA wording etc. somehow invalidates the item won? I am not sure if this was ever really discussed in terms of how the LOA or lack of thorough LOA somehow invalidates the item won in terms of authenticity. Perhaps it is more a matter of principle not sure and maybe the bidder can shed more light on the specifics of that matter.

Good luck in your battle.


06-20-2009, 10:28 PM
So I ask you forum members........what should this poor soul do?

Escalate his questioning? That would only get him shut down as to being able to ever bid on their autions again.

Should he just man up and pay the bill, as suave1477 would tell you?

Where do we draw the line?

Fight the good fight, nyjetsfan......if you think you got something that was (possibly, mistakenly) misrepresented, and aren't getting a response when asking about it...........what would be the reasonable conclusion?


Good luck in your battle.

Depending on how important this is to the buyer/bidder, I would escalate this. My point being, it is kind of like going to a restaurant/retail establishment etc. and having horrible service being extremely disappointed whatever. You are not going to go back unless they go a long way toward solving your problem. In my case with my auction house, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well there was never going to be a second chance, I made sure of that. I don't go back and won't go back.

The other point or question here perhaps is whether or not the LOA or lack of LOA wording etc. somehow invalidates the item won? I am not sure if this was ever really discussed in terms of how the LOA or lack of thorough LOA somehow invalidates the item won in terms of authenticity. Perhaps it is more a matter of principle not sure and maybe the bidder can shed more light on the specifics of that matter.

06-20-2009, 10:47 PM
I take complete responsibilty for bidding. Yes I jumped the gun, and should have waited....however had I waited to recieve the LOA prior to bidding, I would have never got to bid because the auction would have long been over.....It sux though because i love this bat, bit U refuse to pay for an item which was falsely represented. It plainly says "Accompanied by a LOA from PSA/DNA and another from JSA"....Heck they never even sent me the JSA letter....who knows if that even exists....They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

06-20-2009, 10:51 PM
So I ask you forum members........what should this poor soul do?

Escalate his questioning? That would only get him shut down as to being able to ever bid on their autions again.

Should he just man up and pay the bill, as suave1477 would tell you?

Where do we draw the line?

Fight the good fight, nyjetsfan......if you think you got something that was (possibly, mistakenly) misrepresented, and aren't getting a response when asking about it...........what would be the reasonable conclusion?


Good luck in your battle.

For me it's not a battle. I knew what I was getting, I simply had a couple questions and some missing paper work. I would have appreciated a reply to one of my inquiries. It's always nice when a company treats customers with a little dignity and concern. I think there have been enough posts regarding their recent auction and subsequent actions to formulate a pretty good overall assessment. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads on the forum and happy collecting to all.

06-21-2009, 09:10 AM
If an auction house/dealer knowingly sells 1 bad item they have lost my trust. When an auction house has sold 1000's of bad items they're a joke. Buyer beware. R

06-21-2009, 11:13 AM
Here's a question. Just because the item does not have a full LOA does that make said item not legit? I feel that LOAs are not the end all be all for authenticity. We see the value of Lou Lampson LOAs these days. If an item I am interested shows all the appropriate game worn/used characteristics then I am ok with that. I collect mostly hockey where usually the wear speaks for itself and a lot of hockey collectors are not rabid for LOAs as it seems a considerable number of collectors on here are.

06-21-2009, 11:49 AM
Should he just man up and pay the bill, as suave1477 would tell you?

Good luck in your battle.

First before I answer this comment.

What is the actual argument here? Are you comfortable with the item? Because is the only reason you want to return the item because it didn't come with the full PSA/DNA LOA?

Now to answer that comment!!
I am glad suicide knows me so well (sarcasm). No actually I would tell you do what you want. But if you choose to go suicides route and just not pay yes there will be legal issues and you will be taking the chance of wage garnishments. Suicides plan is a great one.
I would also say if you feel that unhappy with the item, yes try to fight it and do what you must to return it. But I wouldn't go the route of just not paying and leaving it at that.
I don't know if it is a concern of yours but if you do not pay and it does go the legal route it does get noted on your credit score.

06-21-2009, 01:10 PM
But if you choose to go suicides route and just not pay yes there will be legal issues and you will be taking the chance of wage garnishments.

This is beyond nuts. Jason, do you ever stop and actually think before you post this stuff?

06-21-2009, 01:37 PM
If an auction house/dealer knowingly sells 1 bad item they have lost my trust. When an auction house has sold 1000's of bad items they're a joke. Buyer beware. R

Well said. Grey Flannel falls under the latter.

06-21-2009, 04:10 PM
I take complete responsibilty for bidding. Yes I jumped the gun, and should have waited....however had I waited to recieve the LOA prior to bidding, I would have never got to bid because the auction would have long been over.....It sux though because i love this bat, bit U refuse to pay for an item which was falsely represented. It plainly says "Accompanied by a LOA from PSA/DNA and another from JSA"....Heck they never even sent me the JSA letter....who knows if that even exists....They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

See highlighted above.....

That, folks, is the problem. Even though any reasonable person knows he jumped the gun and bid, therefore had taken on the responsibilty of having to pay for the misrepresented bat (IMO), it's a shame that an honest reasonable question to obtain something that was described as "comes with" with the item.....was ignored. My take on it? I'm sure one of the fine employees who bows at Russek's feet took a look at who the high bidder was, realized it was the dude asking the question, so then just proceeded to follow along with the company's customer service philosophy......which was to ignore the bidder's request.

Now, if he presses it? Just another locked out bidder.

Waht a wonderful customer service policy.

06-21-2009, 04:14 PM
Here's a question. Just because the item does not have a full LOA does that make said item not legit? I feel that LOAs are not the end all be all for authenticity. We see the value of Lou Lampson LOAs these days. If an item I am interested shows all the appropriate game worn/used characteristics then I am ok with that. I collect mostly hockey where usually the wear speaks for itself and a lot of hockey collectors are not rabid for LOAs as it seems a considerable number of collectors on here are.

Fair enough.

But when you do find an item you are interested in bidding on, wouldn't you say it's a reasonable expectation to receive a response from the selling entity if you took the time to ask a legit question on an item while it was in the open auction? I don't feel that's too much to ask.

06-21-2009, 04:18 PM
First before I answer this comment.

What is the actual argument here? Are you comfortable with the item? Because is the only reason you want to return the item because it didn't come with the full PSA/DNA LOA?

Now to answer that comment!!
I am glad suicide knows me so well (sarcasm). No actually I would tell you do what you want. But if you choose to go suicides route and just not pay yes there will be legal issues and you will be taking the chance of wage garnishments. Suicides plan is a great one.
I would also say if you feel that unhappy with the item, yes try to fight it and do what you must to return it. But I wouldn't go the route of just not paying and leaving it at that.
I don't know if it is a concern of yours but if you do not pay and it does go the legal route it does get noted on your credit score.


Please show me where I ever said "Do not pay for it"?

What I suggested was to tell them to keep the item and relist it in their very next auction (meaning, if you are going to take that :I will NOT pay for it" route, at least take a stab at making some sort of a proper resolution to the situation.....because NOT paying for it is not the answer).

I understand there are legal ramifications for not paying for an item bid on in an auction. I would never give such silly advice.

06-21-2009, 04:19 PM
This is beyond nuts. Jason, do you ever stop and actually think before you post this stuff?


06-21-2009, 04:34 PM
This is beyond nuts. Jason, do you ever stop and actually think before you post this stuff?

Sportscentury why? Isn't it similar to what Suicide said to me?

Actually Sportscentury I asked you several times if something I said bothers you or something I have done, you can email me directly. Care to take me up on the offer or just keep taking shots at me here and not be man enough to talk about it or back up anything you say that refers to me.

06-21-2009, 04:44 PM

Suicide, same goes for you if you care to chat you can email me directly suave1477@yahoo.com

06-21-2009, 05:20 PM
Suicide, same goes for you if you care to chat you can email me directly suave1477@yahoo.com

Thank you for the kind gesture suave.......email send.

Nothing would make me happier than to clear the air.

06-21-2009, 10:39 PM
Sportscentury why? Isn't it similar to what Suicide said to me?

Actually Sportscentury I asked you several times if something I said bothers you or something I have done, you can email me directly. Care to take me up on the offer or just keep taking shots at me here and not be man enough to talk about it or back up anything you say that refers to me.

Jason, thank you, but I wasted enough time on your private emails years ago when you offered me the fake ARod Texas jersey. Not interested in your private email games. I get tired of reading your complete B.S. posts, filled with bad information. Please run now and cry to the moderators to have them remove my posts, as you did with my post from yesterday. Talk about a cowardly move. And you question my manhood? What a joke.

06-21-2009, 11:04 PM
GFC has their store. I bought a Dodger jersey a few years back, then quite awhile after that, through talking to Dodger jersey experts I found out it was a bad jersey. They refunded my $$, HOWEVER, they banned me from bidding in their auctions. I get punished for them selling a bad jersey. Yes, I agree, GFC is a joke! They can stick it.

Marichal27, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Same thing happened to me. I purchased two "JD Drew" jerseys that GFC quoted in the description as game used and attached was a Majestic Authentic wash/wear tag with the professional 0062, affixed. When received, the jerseys had the 6200 tag. I explained I wanted to return both jerseys and be reimbursed for the return shipping. Their response was to ship back and they would refund me my money. They only refunded my original purchase. When I pursued my return shipping, Rich Russek's response was "loose my email".

No apologies, no courtesy, just crude theives. Prior to this lot they also screwed up several other purchases. Bidders Beware!!!

06-22-2009, 08:56 AM
Jason, thank you, but I wasted enough time on your private emails years ago when you offered me the fake ARod Texas jersey. Not interested in your private email games. I get tired of reading your complete B.S. posts, filled with bad information. Please run now and cry to the moderators to have them remove my posts, as you did with my post from yesterday. Talk about a cowardly move. And you question my manhood? What a joke.

I offered you a fake AROD Jersey???? Well I highly doubt that and you must have me confused with someone else. I did a couple of years ago have availability to an AROD Jersey. I'll be honest I do not remember offering it to you. If I did, if we are speaking of the same jersey I am thinking. I can assure you it was real. But I again I think you have me confused with someone else. But your correct you are not interested in private email games you rather play games here out in public that is very mature lol lol.
What's even funnier is I think you ran and cried to the moderators to remove ths posts, because I find it oddly strange how after I posxted something, my comment and your comment was removed. What did the truth hurt?
You seem to be a coward that can't handle your problems like a man.

Your holding a grudge against me from years ago, about something I do not even remember. Talk about running crying. My little cousin who is 9 years old holds grudges. lol lol.

Sportscentury when you decide to become a man and email me directly my door is always open for conversation suave1477@yahoo.com