PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

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  • Swoboda4
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 1621

    PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

    I recently acquired a G/U PSA Madlock Worth bat from ebay seller "wrltoo" (Rex Lorson-100% ebay feedback)(item# 3003 2063 9916) who informed me that he got it from John Taube. Bat came with a PSA-DNA letter signed by John.Bat specs are: WC 123 BM5 35 inches listed weight in letter 30.6 ounces swing weight sticker B-10. #5 sharpie on handle end. So far so good.

    Today I was going through active Madlock auction listings on ebay where seller "PC32" (Paul-100% ebay feedback) was selling a similar Madlock worth bat. But in his description he REFERENCED MY BAT saying the PSA letter was in error due to the low bat weight (30.6). He states his bat's swing weight is "also" C-1 . (But mine is B-10,not C-1). No PSA letter everything similar except swing weight and his claim of 34 ounces.

    Can someone clear this up. I know Madlock used bats of 31-33 ounces in 1970-72 and then 32- 35 oz in 1977-79. Also storage conditions can effect weight but what is the swing weight value to ounces? And who the heck is Paul saying basically another auction is in error? Bottom line is a swing weight of B-10 out of the ordinary for Madlock. Could John Taube have made a mistake in estimating a G/U bat that was too light for Madlock? I e-mailed both sellers and only got a response from my seller who stated that "PC32" e-mailed him after the auction and stated that PSA was wrong based on weight to length ratios.
    Any help would be appreciated.
  • Swoboda4
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 1621

    Re: PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

    What's important,and a constant, in considering a Madlock bat is that it be 35 inches in length. Both bats in question are. And the same model. And are off by one swing weight measurement.

    Swing weights explained :

    (Swingweight is expressed by a letter (A, B, C, D) and a number (0 to 10). Measurements range from A-0, the lightest, to G-10, the heaviest. A bat with a swingweight that measures D-5, for example, will feel heavier when swung than a bat with a swingweight that measures C-7, even though their actual weights may be identical.}

    So why a great difference in weight?
    I would say that a bat over 25 yrs old and was cracked/repaired should be under its original weight. The argument being 30.6 is too low for 35 inch bat. What do you think? Remember Dave Grob once wrote an article about a Larry Doby bat that was 35 inches long and weighed 29 1/2 ounces so these two size-weight ratio figures are not unheard of. Also Madlock used various weighted bats(check Madlock bat records for L/S re:weight) not strickly 34-36 ounces as indicated by seller PC32.

    Madlock L/S bat records w/respect to weight:
    1973-1974 35 inches length and 32 to 33 ounces
    1977-1979 35 inches length and 33,34 and 35 ounces. Couple this with a crack repair and 30.6 is possible current weight.


    • Swoboda4
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 1621

      Re: PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

      Does anybody know if Worth bats used by a MLB player ,were also available for sale to the general public?


      • earlywynnfan
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2005
        • 1271

        Re: PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

        I've always been under the understanding that "hand crafted" bats were for pros, and store models were not hand crafted.



        • Swoboda4
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 1621

          Re: PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

          I've since received 2 e-mails from PC32 stating that he never said my bat wasn't good even though he did. And he still hasn't changed his description on his current Madlock e-bay auction slaming JohnTaube and seller "wrltoo" (who happens to be "Whirl" from this Forum). PC32 then tried to explain the swing weight differential which was totally off base,not realizing my B-10 is only one measurement from his C-1. I've spent the last 24 hrs studying everything Madlock and his bat requests. I've consulted Mike Specht who informs me that a +2 differential at this point in time is not monumental and in 1987 Madlock had ordered 31 ounce bats-so a bat (cracked )measured at 30.6 in 2009 is more than acceptable.


          • whirl
            • Aug 2005
            • 61

            Re: PSA Madlock bat- Big Problem or O.K.?

            Well, since I am the guy who sold the bat, I want to chime in a bit. pc32 wrote me on 7/5 a week or two after the auction ended. He said: "Ever see PSA error? That c-1 stamp near the yellow was a minus 1 weight to length. there has never been a minus 4.4 weight/length MLB bat. Madlock used 35 inch bats and they were usually pretty heavy" I trust John Taube and his evaluations. I question the good faith of someone who waits until the auction is well over and then sends out a nastygram. If he thought there was a PSA mistake why wait until after the auction? Rex

