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07-11-2009, 08:08 PM
I had the privilege of seeing Stan Musial today and getting his signature on a 1958 game bat. Below are a photo of Stan signing the bat and a shot of today's signature (bottom) compared with Stan's autograph on 11/22/06 (top). As you can see, Stan's signature has changed quite a bit the past couple of years. Stan is very frail these days. I have a feeling when he is introduced during the opening ceremonies at Tuesday's All-Star Game, it will be an emotional moment on par with Ted Williams' appearance at the '99 game.



07-11-2009, 08:20 PM

Very cool, was this a private signing. I remember meeting Stan many many years ago when players were still doing free signings like I think 84 o4 85. Anyway, a real gentleman and I cannot wait to see the applause for a real class act and one of the greatest players who ever lived.

07-11-2009, 09:31 PM
I got Stan's auto back in 1990 or '91 in Cinci and I have to say he is truly one of the nicest I've ever met. I got Johnny Mize, another great one and some others, but those two were class acts all the way! Stan is one of the most underappreciated players to ever play the game!!!

07-11-2009, 10:10 PM
Was this a private signing?

No, it was a public signing. Many great players from the past are signing this weekend in St. Louis. While some are appearing multiple days, Stan signed this morning only. It could be his last public autograph show appearance. I know his rep has been saying for a while that each show could be his last because he's too frail to travel. This week is special because of the All-Star Game, but now that he's made this appearance, I think Stan may actually retire from the show circuit. I'm sure he will still sign items via mail order through his company, Stan The Man Inc.

07-12-2009, 12:34 AM
stan musial is a class act.. i sent a 3 by 5 index card to his home in the 80's... he not only signed the card he sent a colour card with his pic and all time stats signed also.... these new multi millionaires could learn from the masters... id rather have stan the man autograph than anything "manny" or any of the burners have touched...

07-12-2009, 12:52 AM
Thats an awesome bat! I had a similar experience with Stan in December when he signed my 1960 gamer. He signed it and asked if that was good enough, and asked me how I was doing. I hope he gets the treatment Williams did in 1999 at the All Star game, because he truely deserves it. He is everything that is good about the game.

07-12-2009, 06:58 AM
Three or four years ago, I had a chance to get a model bat signed with Stan. A class guy and legend.

07-12-2009, 01:10 PM
Stan Musial is one of the classiest men ever to put on a sports uniform. Even Cubs fans have to tip their cap to this gentleman. What Ernie Banks is to Cubs rooters, Stan the Man is to Cardinals supporters.:) :)

Dave M.
Chicago area

07-13-2009, 10:50 AM
I got Stan's autograph at a show in Arlington several years ago. He came in on a scooter playing "Take me out to the Ball Game" on a harmonica. The first ball that he autographed he them tossed up in the air for the guy to catch instead of just handing it back really surprising all of us, I'll never forget the the look of surprise on the guys face. One more vote for his being a player with real class.

07-13-2009, 11:38 AM
It's funny.

I got FREE autographs from two legends of the game (Feller and Musial) at different times in the past 10 years...and they were just awesome to encounter and chat with. He saw my last name on my name tag - and asked me about it. HE KNEW MY GRANDFATHER...how's that? Told me a specific story that proved he wasn't just making something up. We talked for over 20 minutes at a little table at a show in Gates Mills, OH. (My family is from the Cleveland area)

I met Stan when the Tri-Star show was in STL (maybe 2001?)...harmonica in tow - he signed for people who were not even paid guests before being led into a room with a ceiling high stack of memorabilia to sign. At the time, I thought he looked old, but Jeff is right...this may be one of his last public appearances.

The funny part is the comparison with players today. The fan interaction for most is minimal - and you wonder if they ever really understand how valuable the fans are to them. If the press is bad enough, things can turn quickly. Ask Albert Belle, Kyle Coughlan and Milton Bradley....