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View Full Version : O/T Jorge Posada

07-22-2009, 11:40 AM
OK, so I just watched the HBO Real Sports update with Jorge and his family for the second time.

Good God, what an awesome person Jorge is. I was brought to tears several times - if you have not heard about what his little boy endured as a baby/toddler...you should really check it out.

We have a local guy in Pujols who is a HUGE philanthropist - and it makes me very happy that in a world where professional sports players are constantly making negative headlines - there are a few out there who do what they can to make the world a better place.

Just wanted to say that I am now officially a Jorge Posada fan, and I now understand the fascination with him as a player - and as a person.


07-22-2009, 11:46 AM
Please post a time if you see that the program running again! I'd like to catch that.

I have always liked him ... even if he was a Yankee! :) I actually have more photos of him than of the "big stars" on the team over the years. I liked his quitet ways of just doing his job and doing it well. So glad to find out that he is also a great guy. Humble is hard to fake ... and he never gave off any impressions over the years that it wasn't real.

07-22-2009, 11:50 AM
Dave I agree a 100% and is why he has always been my favorite current Yankee every since he came up in 1995.
He may not be the fastest or the most power but he is definitely one of, if not thee hardest working of the Yankees. He grinds it out everytime. He has an old school mentality of baseball, which I love about him.

His heavy Pinetar bats, urinating on his hands (even though it's gross lol). IMO he is even more of a team captain than Jeter is and have heard from players on the team they felt that way too.

And that fact he is a nice guy off the field and always promoting his charity here in NYC trying to help others as well as his own son.

07-22-2009, 12:53 PM
one of the most memorable baseball moments was when his son came out during the All Star Game introductions
