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View Full Version : NFL Jersey Database for Manufacturers???

11-22-2005, 06:03 PM

Thrilled to be here and I can already tell I'm going to enjoy and learn a lot from the experienced people on this board.

I have a somewhat daunting proposal.

I've been in the process of trying to set up a referrence guide of sorts for those looking to buy jerseys and get into collecting authentic jerseys. However, as some of you may know, the increase in counterfeit jerseys through different online venues has made educating those interested that may not have been "in the game" very long increasingly difficult.

My initial idea consisted of outlining the myriad of jersey manufacturers over the last 25-30 years...from Sand-Knit to Reebok...I tried to include as many as I could and, more specifically where they made their mark (IE Did they handle NFL authentics, NBA authentics, NHL, MLB or a combination).

***I also would eventually like to include pictures of the tagging of the different manufacturers as well ***

Well...this ultimately begged the question from some of the members of, "Could we get a list...of each NFL team and who manufactured there jerseys for that particular year?" This is something I've always had in the back of my mind but just never sat down and researched enough to actually make a list or database.

So...I am asking...if perhaps someone on this forum has that type of a list or knowledge that they could rattle off. I have some, but I can't say with 100% certainty what manufacturer the Arizona Cardinals Sported in 1996.

I figure with the different people on this board this is a long term project and tool that can be used to help educate others that might now just be learning the joys of the hobby.

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas or thoughts.


11-26-2005, 12:40 PM
A good deal of our deal of our resources regarding our research regarding the Denver Broncos' uniform history is posted online at our web site at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/jerseys.htm. With a site upgrade planned through 2006 in addition to upgraded Broncos information, we plan to also post a gereral tagging resource and photos of exeplars of other teams' uniforms (for now limited to the other original AFL teams).

P. Scoggin, ESC
Endzone Sports Charities

11-27-2005, 12:09 AM

I can supply accurate tagging information dating back to 1971 on Atlanta Falcons jerseys, and can supply accurate information on the Falcons' various styles, patches, and oddities dating back to their inception. I can probably assist in other areas as well, including the defunct World Football League (1974/75) and WLAF (1991/92) if those leagues are of interest.

Feel free to contact me at neet@erols.com.

Mark Hayne

11-27-2005, 01:04 AM
My Goals in suggesting this are very meager...I simply wanted to have a chart that listed year by year for each team who manufactured their jerseys...but tag pics and other neat facts would be more than welcome. I just think it would be a fantastic point of referrence for people - especially with the customizing/attribution that is going on now...you see Brett Favre Reebok authentics on ebay with a Super Bowl XXXI patch on them (Number one the Packers didn't wear Reebok jerseys and # 2 the Super Bowl participants didn't start wearing the commemorative patches until the following season for Super Bowl XXXII -Broncos vs. Packers).

Thanks so much to Endzzone Sports and G1X. I will let you know how things progress from here...I had visions of shuffling through team sets (cards) trying to spot logos for every single team/year. lol


01-29-2006, 10:24 PM
A good deal of our deal of our resources regarding our research regarding the Denver Broncos' uniform history is posted online at our web site at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/jerseys.htm. With a site upgrade planned through 2006 in addition to upgraded Broncos information, we plan to also post a gereral tagging resource and photos of exeplars of other teams' uniforms (for now limited to the other original AFL teams).

P. Scoggin, ESC
Endzone Sports Charities

Just a brief update on the links/resources previously mentioned as we've started the upgrade on our site this month:

The link to our home page (shown above) has changes and is now http://endzone.pscoggin.com/
A new feature of our site is the "Resources" portal which includes both a site map for our site as well as links to other useful related sited. It can be found at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/resource.htm
The Broncos' jersey tagging reference (can be viewed or downloaded in .pdf format) is at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/PDFs/tagging.pdf
The mentioned photo exemplars for other teams can be linked from an index at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/aflunis.htmBest regards