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10-10-2009, 09:27 PM
I know there are a few die hards on here. I count myself as a diehard rangers fan, but you know where they are at right now. Probably at the house just like i am. Do you guys root for another team when yours gets beat out. I need to pick a team but im dang sure not going to get on the yankees/redsox bandwagon. I think im going to go for the phillies. I hate west coast baseball because the games start at nine so the dodgers/angels are our of the question

10-10-2009, 09:35 PM
Born in New York lived most of my life in Seattle. I have only had to chose between the Yanks and the Mariners a few times in big situations. Since Seattle is long gone this season I am rooting for the Yankees.

Football, Seahawks then Cardinals.

I don't follow any other team sports......


10-10-2009, 09:48 PM
My Red Sox are 2/3 off the cliff, so I see Dodgers/Yanks in the WS and since the Yankees are seemingly invincible right now I think they will take it all.

I will definitely watch, but there will be no rooting.

Just for the Pats going forward. Not real inspiring there either.......

10-10-2009, 09:52 PM
My team (the Nationals) was eliminated in early September so I look for some history with a possibility of NYY vs. the Dodgers as that will be exciting.

All the side stories, like Manny Ramirez facing the Yankees again in Post Season and then of course Torre and all the BS he left behind when exiting NYC.

10-10-2009, 10:11 PM
Yankees vs. Dodgers in WS, Yankees in 6.

10-10-2009, 10:48 PM
Phillies-Yankees...... Yankees in 5

10-10-2009, 11:08 PM
I start rooting for the underdog or whoever is playing the Yankees:D

10-10-2009, 11:53 PM
I start rooting for the underdog or whoever is playing the Yankees:D

Yes, I'm a Yankee hater. As a Mets fan, I rather see the Phillies win again, than the Yankees winning this year. I cannot stand that team.

10-11-2009, 12:15 AM
You can root for and you can root against. In a game, you only have to like one more than the other.

10-11-2009, 01:11 AM
I start rooting for the underdog or whoever is playing the Yankees:D

Ditto, they're called the Evil Empire for a reason ;)

10-11-2009, 07:38 AM
I'm a Dodgers fan, so I'm hoping they'll get their first WS title since 1988. I'm also a National League fan and will usually go for whoever is representing the National League if the Dodgers aren't in contention.

Except for the Giants and Phillies. I don't have to worry about the Giants this season, but the Phillies will be on my radar.

Kind Regards,



10-11-2009, 08:59 AM
The Mets were out of it long time ago but here's my rooting strategy

LAD - because of what StL did to the Mets in 2006

COL - because the Phillies are Mets are rivals

LAA - because they have a better chance of beating the Yankees

MN - Need I explain?

10-11-2009, 12:02 PM
Since the Astros were eliminated somewhere around April, I got to focus on my co-favorite team, Tampa Bay, this year. That didn't work out either, so.........go Dodgers!

10-11-2009, 12:26 PM
Being as my team is the Royals ... its good to have a couple options.

My adopted NL team is Astros, didnt work too well this season. So, I've been a little lost.

Twins, love Mauer.

Usually pick a small market team to root for, last year I was going with the Rays. Been too busy to really follow anyone this year.

10-11-2009, 01:30 PM
I don't really have to worry about it this year, because I am a HUGE Dodger fan......and they will be the last team standing after Torre deliverd some painful revenge to Steinbrenner as the Dodgers beat the Yankees 4-2 in the World Series.

I mean.......Pujols, Carpenter, Wainright, and Co. were nothing more than a footnote on the way to glory.....the Dodgers had the best record in the National League the entire year, and in all of baseball for most of year. If they didn't give any of you non-believers some serious proof against the La Russa family, then you just aren't paying attention. You don't think that was a fluke, do you? This team is for real.....let the dynasty begin in LOS ANGELES. There will be NO reuppense in New York!

GO DODGERS!!! http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/evil.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/hyper.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/thumbgrin.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/473d976c.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/roll.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/numberone.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/tongue4.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/popcorn.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/hotdog.gif

10-11-2009, 04:03 PM
I don't really have to worry about it this year, because I am a HUGE Dodger fan......and they will be the last team standing after Torre deliverd some painful revenge to Steinbrenner as the Dodgers beat the Yankees 4-2 in the World Series.

I mean.......Pujols, Carpenter, Wainright, and Co. were nothing more than a footnote on the way to glory.....the Dodgers had the best record in the National League the entire year, and in all of baseball for most of year. If they didn't give any of you non-believers some serious proof against the La Russa family, then you just aren't paying attention. You don't think that was a fluke, do you? This team is for real.....let the dynasty begin in LOS ANGELES. There will be NO reuppense in New York!

GO DODGERS!!! http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/evil.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/hyper.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/thumbgrin.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/473d976c.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/roll.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/numberone.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/tongue4.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/popcorn.gif http://www.barbandgreg.com/images/Emoticons/hotdog.gif
I just want to see Thome get that ring. Sure,Manny could use another one. :D

10-12-2009, 06:29 PM
Yes, I'm a Yankee hater. As a Mets fan, I rather see the Phillies win again, than the Yankees winning this year. I cannot stand that team.

Yankees verses Phillies would certain be a Mets fan nightmare series.

I'd root for the Yankees because I 'm more sensitive to the Mets/Phillies rivalry.

Rob L
10-12-2009, 06:33 PM
I'm an Angels homer so it's always for them. When they have been eliminated in the past, I have always rooted for Boston to continue steamrolling thru. I will normally root for the AL team in the WS.

10-12-2009, 06:38 PM
I always root for the team playing against the Yankee$. As there will be no small-market teams left in the competition (assuming the Phillies take down the Rockies), I find the Angels to be the most appealing team still standing.