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View Full Version : Tom Brady Jersey - Historic Auctions

06-09-2006, 10:14 PM

I have asked Historic several times for additional information/provenance and better images of the jersey, to include the sleeves....neither request has been granted....thoughts on this jersey from anyone?

06-10-2006, 11:01 AM
I know James Brown from Historic Auctions is in Chicago for SportsFest this weekend so you may not receive a reply from him until he gets back to Florida on Monday.

06-14-2006, 07:14 AM
I don't know the dude from HA and cannot vouch for his authenticity or sources. Sounds like some on the board would be better character references. So I cannot comment on that.

About the jersey...aside from the fact that the Patriots do not charity auction or "give away" gamers (very well known fact), I would be like to know more about the year / size tag in the collar. It does not look right to me. Also, the shirt does not exhibit the type of game wear that you would typically find in a Brady gamer. Brady has been known to wear the same jersey for multiple seasons. I would really like to see solid provenence on a jersey of this calibur before parting with any coin.


06-18-2006, 02:11 PM
brady jerseys dont just "get out" i have been a big patriots fan and collector for some time now and i can tell you that of all the brady jerseys (game worn) i have seen offered though auction houses i have had my personal doubts about all of them. just be careful. you get what you pay for in this business

06-22-2006, 09:57 PM
Here is Historics respone to the Brady and Dillon game used jerseys in their auction...

Question & AnswerDate AnsweredQ: Hi Do you have any provenence regarding which game jersey was from or background on how it was acquired. The Patriots are notorious for NEVER letting go of game used material. Also some history on the Dillon jersey as well would be appreciated. Stephen
A by Whitney: The Brady jersey was sourced through a Jets equipment staff member which came to the team with the Mangini regime. The Dillon was aquired from the same source. 6/17/06

Does anyone remember when this Dillon jersey was being discussed here many months ago and it could not be photomatched whatsoever (Sleeves, Cut, Nameplate Placement, etc.) and subsquently determined to be a fake! It was on some game used website and now it reappears as being sourced from the Patriots...are you kidding me??? This hobby needs SOME MAJOR CHANGES!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

06-22-2006, 11:37 PM
***content Removed*** If You're Going To Call Something Into Question, You Must Provide Some Kind Of Proof.

06-23-2006, 07:31 AM
i got one thought: ITS 100% FAKE!

How can it be fake? It was source from someone the Patriots???;)