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View Full Version : Posada's Refusal to Wear T-shirt

11-06-2009, 08:07 AM
First I must say I hate the Yankees. I particulary disliked Posada for an attitude over the years that kept people at arms length. The inside joke was to call him "Big Leaguer" when confronted with this attitude. But I must say I've become an instant fan and this is why.
During the celebration after this World Series I watched Posada refuse to put on the Modell's T-shirt that's become obligatory after every World Series finale and apparently de rigueur after any professional American sports championships win.
Whether its because he wasn't paid by Modell's or because he felt it cheapened the moment (I believe the latter) he impressed me greatly. Yes he did cave in a little to wear the Modell's hat.
Imagine Yogi jumping into the arms of Don Larsen and a guy with an armfull of t-shirts and caps joining them in that historic photo,forcing a cap on Yogi's head.
Yes,ridiculous to imagine. Even more so today. So my hats off to Jorge(Mets hat off course),not for winning the World Series but for bringing dignity to baseball.


larry bourget
11-06-2009, 10:34 AM
I think i saw him Autograph it and give it to a Disabled young fan in the Crowd. Maybe someone who benefits from his Foundation.

During a 2009 GAME in Detroit he gave his hat to Fan in the stands.

Jorge is O.K. in my book.


11-06-2009, 11:18 AM
First I must say I hate the Yankees. I particulary disliked Posada for an attitude over the years that kept people at arms length. The inside joke was to call him "Big Leaguer" when confronted with this attitude. But I must say I've become an instant fan and this is why.
During the celebration after this World Series I watched Posada refuse to put on the Modell's T-shirt that's become obligatory after every World Series finale and apparently de rigueur after any professional American sports championships win.
Whether its because he wasn't paid by Modell's or because he felt it cheapened the moment (I believe the latter) he impressed me greatly. Yes he did cave in a little to wear the Modell's hat.
Imagine Yogi jumping into the arms of Don Larsen and a guy with an armfull of t-shirts and caps joining them in that historic photo,forcing a cap on Yogi's head.
Yes,ridiculous to imagine. Even more so today. So my hats off to Jorge(Mets hat off course),not for winning the World Series but for bringing dignity to baseball.


I respect Posada immensely. From the photo, you can see his priority is his son. As you probably know, his son suffers from Craniosynostis and has had numerous surgeries to reshape his brain.

11-06-2009, 11:24 AM
I respect Posada immensely. From the photo, you can see his priority is his son. As you probably know, his son suffers from Craniosynostis and has had numerous surgeries to reshape his brain.

i meant reshape his skull so that the brain can grow normally.

11-06-2009, 02:27 PM
Was Posoda not at the ceremony today where the players were given keys to the city or did I just miss him?

11-06-2009, 02:47 PM
I'm not a Yankee fan, but considering he's the only one wearing the team jersey (and Yankee pinstripes) he looks the best in the pics. Most 'championship' T-shirts look pretty cheesy anyway, something ready for QVC or Target.

11-06-2009, 06:16 PM
Realsports on HBO did a story on Jorge earlier in the season about his kid.

He's a great father and husband. He's a pretty good ball player too...but he's certainly got a firm grasp on his priorities.


11-06-2009, 07:45 PM
i meant reshape his skull so that the brain can grow normally.


I wasn't aware of that.

Makes that picture even more heartwarning. Thanks for the info. Some things in life just matter more than others. What a feel good moment.


11-06-2009, 08:10 PM

I wasn't aware of that.

Makes that picture even more heartwarning. Thanks for the info. Some things in life just matter more than others. What a feel good moment.

I agree. Don't follow Jorge often; but the more I read the more I respect him. I wish his son the best...

11-07-2009, 10:47 AM
Posada was on the same float as Jeter.

11-07-2009, 10:49 AM
I would love to get a copy of the Phillies '09 World Series Champion t-shirt that I understand is donated to under-developed countries.

These t-shirts should be given out in the clubhouse not on the field. Just like no player should pull his jersey out after a game untill he's in the clubhouse.

11-07-2009, 11:02 AM
I would love to get a copy of the Phillies '09 World Series Champion t-shirt that I understand is donated to under-developed countries.

These t-shirts should be given out in the clubhouse not on the field. Just like no player should pull his jersey out after a game untill he's in the clubhouse.

Perhaps they sent these newspapers to the underdeveloped countries along w/ those t-shirts.


11-07-2009, 01:07 PM
Imagine Yogi jumping into the arms of Don Larsen and a guy with an armfull of t-shirts and caps joining them in that historic photo,forcing a cap on Yogi's head.

Maybe the importance of broadcast revenues has something to do with it - giving them the idea that they "own" the game - but, more than any t-shirt or cap manufacturer, the media has intruded far more seriously (and obnoxiously) into victory celebrations than I like to see...and I know that many of the players feel very strongly about it, but can really do nothing about it.

The sight of a World Series team just starting to jump around and dogpile on the field, already surrounded by people with cameras and microphones, trying to drag guys away to be interviewed, is disgusting to me. Maybe a few talking heads and cameramen need to be dogpiled, to make them keep their distance for awhile - but, then, I suppose there would be lawsuits.

Luis Gonzalez said, in an interview a few years ago, that the greatest regret of his entire Baseball career was letting himself be taken away from the 2001 W.S. victory celebration for a t.v. interview. I'd like to see more athletes simply refuse to go along with "the program". I think most fans would understand, even if the sportscasters and camera people get their feelings hurt.