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View Full Version : O/T - Dividing The Game Used Universe Forum Into Sections - Thoughts?

11-10-2009, 06:03 PM
I wanted to take a poll to see what people thought about dividing the forum into separate sports - GU Football, GU Baseball, GU Basketball, GU Hockey.

Thoughts and/or opinions anybody?

11-10-2009, 06:07 PM
I like it. Nothing against baseball bat collectors, or basketball collectors, but it is not my passion or interest. I would spend about 90% of my time in the football section.

11-10-2009, 06:13 PM
I like it. Nothing against baseball bat collectors, or basketball collectors, but it is not my passion or interest. I would spend about 90% of my time in the football section.

Agreed. It is not to divide the members, but the sports. If I want to know about baseball, then I can go over there, or hockey, I can go over there, or whatever.

Sometimes it is frustrating trying to navigate through all of the other stuff to find my threads of interest.

11-10-2009, 06:14 PM
I wouldn't mind having it streamlined so that I can find my interests faster.

11-10-2009, 06:15 PM
Would we also need separate auction item/classified/item WANTED sections for each sport?

11-10-2009, 06:16 PM
I Would Especially Like To Hear The Thoughts And Opinions Of The Mod's.

11-10-2009, 06:18 PM
Would we also need separate auction item/classified/item WANTED sections for each sport?

I never thought of that, but that could also help the overall easy of finding items in you respective fields.

I think that would be a great idea.

11-10-2009, 06:50 PM
I like it. Nothing against baseball bat collectors, or basketball collectors, but it is not my passion or interest. I would spend about 90% of my time in the football section.

Agree 110%.

Do you guys think there should also be just one section under GU Auctions for auction house comments/news/next upcoming auction/live auction 'what do you think about this item...?' type questions?

Dunno, just a thought. I know I lose myself in searching the Auctions forum for all threads corresponding to the current GFC, Lelands, Hunt, etc type auction. Because usually if one person has something they noticed "questionable" in the current xxx auction or 'what do you think about this item', there's a pretty good chance someone else has that same comment/question. Auctions last for 30 days mostly, so sometimes some threads get lost.

11-10-2009, 07:03 PM
Don't forget a "GU Other" for boxing, olympics, etc. Hockey could probably go in there too... :D :p

I wanted to take a poll to see what people thought about dividing the forum into separate sports - GU Football, GU Baseball, GU Basketball, GU Hockey.

Thoughts and/or opinions anybody?

11-10-2009, 07:13 PM
Don't forget a "GU Other" for boxing, olympics, etc. Hockey could probably go in there too... :D :p

Yes.....Should also add an "OFF TOPIC" category in there too. :D

11-10-2009, 07:48 PM
I would take it a step further,

GU Baseball:

I think it would be great to group collections. It would make networking easier!

11-10-2009, 10:49 PM
I'm going to play devil's advocate. I focus on baseball -- bats and jerseys -- but I enjoy reading posts about other sports. I've learned a great deal about football helmets, basketball jerseys and other things outside my expertise. I'm afraid if the board were divided by sports that I'd ignore the non-baseball categories (kind of like I do with the Vintage Memorabilia board; it's interesting, but I rarely click the link). The way it is now, if I see an intriguing thread, I'll click on it -- like an impulse buy at the cash register. Dividing by sport isn't a bad idea, and I can appreciate why people would like it. I'm just not sure I'd make the effort to "get out of my box."

11-10-2009, 10:53 PM
I'm going to play devil's advocate. I focus on baseball -- bats and jerseys -- but I enjoy reading posts about other sports. I've learned a great deal about football helmets, basketball jerseys and other things outside my expertise. I'm afraid if the board were divided by sports that I'd ignore the non-baseball categories (kind of like I do with the Vintage Memorabilia board; it's interesting, but I rarely click the link). The way it is now, if I see an intriguing thread, I'll click on it -- like an impulse buy at the cash register. Dividing by sport isn't a bad idea, and I can appreciate why people would like it. I'm just not sure I'd make the effort to "get out of my box."


11-11-2009, 12:40 AM
(Channeling a little George Wallace, there).

A great idea that's long overdue. I get tired of digging through 50 baseball threads to find the "Show me your NFL stuff" thread, or any NFL thread for that matter.

Football very definitely needs its own area.

11-11-2009, 12:44 AM
That would be great!

11-11-2009, 10:37 AM
I love the idea of sectioning things out! Do it!

Here's 2 other ideas:

A) An edit feature to posts. The time has come. No one likes to look stupid because we made a simple spelling mistake and now can't fix it.

B) A "Log me in forever" feature. I'm really tired of logging in every time. Even the "remember me" option expires at some point.

11-11-2009, 10:48 AM


11-11-2009, 11:10 AM
I wrote a post suggesting this possibility back in June:


Here's what I wrote:

Dear Chris C., et.al,
I was wondering if any changes to the current configuration of the forum are in the offing, or would be considered.

The forum has become so large and successful, that I believe a further segmentation of categories, namely by sport, may be useful.

Joe Bettinelli's old game-used equipment form, myhalloffame.com, offered separate categories for baseball, basketball and football (gameworn.net has cornered the market on hockey, so perhaps there's little need for that here). That seemed to work well.

Currently, the forum is dominated by posts addressing modern baseball (not that there's anything wrong with that). Those interested in football, for example, often turn to digging around for the popular "Show me your NFL stuff" thread, which is resuscitated for a few days, then drops off the radar.

So I guess I'm wondering about the feasibility or inclination you might have in redeveloping the structure of the forum to better differentiate between sports.

Looking forward to any thoughts you may have about this,


No mods followed up on the suggestion, though.

11-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Hopefully bringing this idea public will light spark a match and the mods will be more willing to get on here and express their opinions on the idea.

I would definitely like to hear what they have to say....

11-11-2009, 11:51 AM
...and yes AN EDIT OPTION!!!! I meant to put "spark a match" without the "light".


11-11-2009, 01:19 PM
A great idea that's long overdue. I get tired of digging through 50 baseball threads to find the "Show me your NFL stuff" thread, or any NFL thread for that matter.

Same can be said for hoops and pucks. I don't even check the monthly pickups anymore because it's mostly baseball. I realize this is a baseball board, but it would be nice to be able to stick to areas of interest.

You'll regret having an edit feature added. I've seen it before on other boards that didn't have nearly as many train wreck threads that this place has. Oh yeah, peeps will be editing their posts alright. :rolleyes:

11-11-2009, 01:38 PM
......I realize this is a baseball board, but it would be nice to be able to stick to areas of interest.

I don't think it is a 'baseball board' as much as it is more baseball collectors than other sports.

"Game Used Universe".....the Universe is much bigger than just baseball. No offense guys.

11-11-2009, 01:43 PM
I am one who likes GUU as it is. But I can understand why people would like to make some changes. I think many of use forget that this site is provide to us as a free service. Granted some of use do pay to be premium members, but that is a very small percentage. Financially I don't think it could be done. The money to create a improved site would be pretty substantial. I am guessing the money need to up keep a mass site as suggested would be another hurtle! This may lead to fewer people using the site, as all members would more then likely have to be paying members.

11-11-2009, 02:20 PM
I dont see any changes being made, but thats just me. I dont see an edit button being added anytime soon either. The reason for that is so people can be accountable for what they say. Hey, not my rule, but I agree with it.

Im not saying I would or wouldnt like to see any of the changes you guys bring up being made, but plenty of ideas have been brought up in the past with changes not being made...

11-11-2009, 08:03 PM
we could have a "F" bomb section that way both teams played hard could fit in, or we could have a they are coming to my house because i said bat things about them on the internet thread for Suicide.

11-11-2009, 09:28 PM
I think dividing up would be a great. That is how most sport card forums do it.... dividing the 4 sports up.

I think more people would post then.

11-11-2009, 10:13 PM
we could have a "F" bomb section that way both teams played hard could fit in, or we could have a they are coming to my house because i said bat things about them on the internet thread for Suicide.

WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, this is a problem that has began to drive many away from this forum. Please, keep from putting this kind of crap on my threads. It does absolutely no good for this topic.

11-11-2009, 11:03 PM
I am one who likes GUU as it is. But I can understand why people would like to make some changes. I think many of use forget that this site is provide to us as a free service. Granted some of use do pay to be premium members, but that is a very small percentage. Financially I don't think it could be done. The money to create a improved site would be pretty substantial. I am guessing the money need to up keep a mass site as suggested would be another hurtle! This may lead to fewer people using the site, as all members would more then likely have to be paying members.

Maybe the moderators could solicit some dealers and auctions to run banner ads which could pay for the upgrade.

11-11-2009, 11:20 PM
I agree with separating the forums and the following suggested ideas:

An EDIT function...

An OT forum...

And I would propose you get rid of the 'Autograph' Forum as it hardly ever gets any responses - I have posted in there a few times without getting ANY responses... reposted in the GU forum and got the info I needed...

MOVE the Autograph forum as a SEPARATE Section in each of the various Sport Forums... i.e.:

Baseball Forum

Game Used
MiscFootball Forum

Game Used
Miscetc, etc...

Just my .02

- Chris

11-11-2009, 11:33 PM
Maybe the moderators could solicit some dealers and auctions to run banner ads which could pay for the upgrade.

The problem with this is, what happens if we question one of these dealer/sponsers items. Would the Mods then need to edit the post? Wouldn't they need to protect there intrest?

11-13-2009, 02:16 PM
Now that the auction has ended and the mods can get back to the 'norm', I would like to hear them chime in on this.


11-13-2009, 04:08 PM
I wanted to take a poll to see what people thought about dividing the forum into separate sports - GU Football, GU Baseball, GU Basketball, GU Hockey.

Thoughts and/or opinions anybody?

If you want another forum outside of sports collecting, start up your own forum and pay the $$.

11-13-2009, 04:16 PM
Where did TripleX say anything about wanting "another forum outside of sports collecting"?

I must've missed that part.

11-13-2009, 09:24 PM
If you want another forum outside of sports collecting, start up your own forum and pay the $$.

Maybe you should start on page 1 instead of skipping to page 4.

11-13-2009, 09:27 PM
If you want another forum outside of sports collecting, start up your own forum and pay the $$.

I agree with separating the forums and the following suggested ideas:

An EDIT function...

An OT forum...

And I would propose you get rid of the 'Autograph' Forum as it hardly ever gets any responses - I have posted in there a few times without getting ANY responses... reposted in the GU forum and got the info I needed...

MOVE the Autograph forum as a SEPARATE Section in each of the various Sport Forums... i.e.:

Baseball Forum
Game Used
MiscFootball Forum
Game Used
Miscetc, etc...

Just my .02

- Chris


11-13-2009, 10:55 PM
That would be awesome! I am totally for it because I am not interested in baseball collecting, and no offense to the baseball guys, I've seen more baseball bats in the past year than I care to see in my life time.

11-13-2009, 11:54 PM
TripleX -

Glad you liked my thought pattern...

Most sites have things laid out where they are broken down that way by category, sub category, etc...

- Chris

12-12-2009, 09:07 AM
Maybe if we put 2 threads side by side we might get a response....

12-12-2009, 02:58 PM
heres something we could do. when the next auction comes around do not give them any input on the threads they provide. that is the basis of their entire auction plan. You would think a site that get free auction advice on authenticity from the users of the forum would be more responsive to the problems on the forum. This isnt a game used site for people to share info any more it is a auction company. How many guys got auction catalogs after the auction? You would think a auction house trying to get their feet wet would be more proactive in trying to do things the right way.

12-12-2009, 05:50 PM
The main thing that upsets me about this is that no moderators responded to this thread. A simple no this isn't possible would suffice. Heck a we'll look into would be nice. If they can divide different sections (i.e. items wanted, auction items, ect) then why can't baseball, football, basketball, and hockey be divided. Just a thought!

12-12-2009, 07:52 PM
Why do the MODS need to respond? The site is offered for free, just enjoy it as it is! It was this way for over six years, and is fine as it is! If you don't like it create yourselves your own new site!!!

12-12-2009, 08:25 PM
Why do the MODS need to respond? The site is offered for free, just enjoy it as it is! It was this way for over six years, and is fine as it is! If you don't like it create yourselves your own new site!!!

Since you are a baseball collector you probably have no problem with the way this forum is run. 75% of this forum is baseball. The rest is Football, Basketball, and Hockey. I enjoy being part of the GUU forum and would not like a new one because I like everyone on this forum. I bet if it was reversed, and 75% was football you would want the change. According to the poll, many are for the change. I would just like a moderator to respond, so we know they hear us.

12-13-2009, 05:57 AM
Since you are a baseball collector you probably have no problem with the way this forum is run. 75% of this forum is baseball. The rest is Football, Basketball, and Hockey. I enjoy being part of the GUU forum and would not like a new one because I like everyone on this forum. I bet if it was reversed, and 75% was football you would want the change. According to the poll, many are for the change. I would just like a moderator to respond, so we know they hear us.

They hear you. They heard you when all of you guys have asked about the classifieds, etc etc. Didnt get a response for that one did ya?

You guys need to realize that threads like dividing this forum and the classifieds section is considered "extras" on this site and Im pretty sure they dont care about that stuff. Why do you think they never respond to any of you guys about anything? Only responses you get is when you ask questions about an auction item during the annual GUU auction. Sad really.

You guys are wasting your time with this "extra" talk. Theres a reason why I really dont comment nowadays. This site isnt what it used to be. Its just not fun anymore....and thats really too bad!