Whats the rule?

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  • BergerKing22784
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2007
    • 492

    Whats the rule?

    So first off I pride myself in being a young adult who to this point has not got himself in debt like a lot of fellow people my age.

    That being said when I bid on items or spend money on game used items I give myself a budget and once all my max bids have reached my budget I stop bidding and know once its all said and done I will have only spent X amount of dollars...

    I was bidding on a game used bat on ebay and it had 5 hours left and I was outbid. I wrote that money off as money no longer spent so I went out to the mall and got a few other things with that money. I come back to see I have "won an ebay auction" I was confused to what I had won i checked the email and it was the bat I had thought I was outbid on..

    My question is it still a legally binding contract when that happens? I am going to pay for it but my concern with this is companies shill bidding on their items to see what someones max bid was and retracting it.. Or what if its was a very high dollar item I was bidding on. In this case it wasnt but lets say I am bidding on something that is a very very big purchase for me and this happens and I go another route and the money is not there?

    Whats the rule guys?
  • Mark17
    Senior Member
    • May 2006
    • 379

    Re: Whats the rule?

    I don't know what their policy is. You should definitely contact ebay about this. Your point about potential shill bidding mischief would be my first concern. My second would be why the high bidder retracted their bid (did they have concerns about the item after bidding.)

    If you contact ebay I'd like to see you post their reply. I agree with you 100%, once I am outbid on an item and plan to bid no higher, it's over and done with in my mind.



      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 803

      Re: Whats the rule?

      I know it does say when you bid and are not winning that you could still be the winning bidder if a bid is canceled or retracted. You have to be careful of this when you bid because it can and has happened many times where someone with no bids is winning and the seller cancels their bid because of the risk they may not bid. There could be shill bidding going on and if that is the concern I would contact ebay. In my opinion you have an obligation to fullfill up to the dollar amount you were willing to bid. It is not convenient but it is what it is. Shill bidding may have taken place but if it can be proven I guess is another thing. I have had this happen a few times but fortunately I have been happy with the fact I was the winner. Check with ebay but I think you are obligated to pay unless ebay proves shill bidding took place.


      • David
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2024
        • 1433

        Re: Whats the rule?

        Wait until the auction end.

        This doesn't happen often and I can't recall this happening to me.

        Ordinarily if bids are removed it happens soon after, not days after.

        What did you win it for? If you got it for exactly your max bid (shiller feeling things out?), I wouldn't be happy. If you won it for below your max bid, then the seller or eBay may have removed the bidder.


        • earlywynnfan
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2005
          • 1271

          Re: Whats the rule?

          Did you check ON EBAY under your won section to see if you actually won it? If it just came through your email, it might be a phishing scam.



          • otismalibu
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2005
            • 1650

            Re: Whats the rule?

            My rule is never bid early.


            • BergerKing22784
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2007
              • 492

              Re: Whats the rule?

              I won it for the opening bid which was my max bid. It was a player I collect and the price was right so its not the big of a deal to me. My major concern is just what happens if its a high dollar item and I assumed I no longer won. I know I bid on tickets to sporting events/concerts all the time to get great deals and sometimes some of my bids are in many hundreds so I dont wanna get outbid on some tickets and go bid on others win those and later find out I won tickets to the same game because other bids were canceled or retracted.


              • Jags Fan Dan
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2007
                • 1638

                Re: Whats the rule?

                It may also be that someone with zero or begative feedback was the next bidder and the seller cancelled the bid. It used to be you could go into the bid history and see exactly who did what and why they did it. But no longer, as eBay has to "protect" everybody's identity and activity, which is a different discussion for a different time.

                The situation stinks, though. I would definitely investigate whose bid got cancelled and why, and have they bid on this seller's items and had bids cancelled or retracted before (i.e. is there a pattern?).

