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08-13-2013, 11:39 AM
Here's where I respectfully disagree with you.

Not all collectors have the same requirements for a game used jersey as you do. Some don't care about the stats, patches, or game use. You assume you are speaking for most Urlacher game used collectors, but I don't see how that's possible.

The orange alternate showed plenty of game use despite being washed, the captain patch didn't exist until 2 years later, and many of Urlacher's GU weren't hemmed before 2007.

An auction is an auction, I don't think anyone got that jersey on the cheap. The price is a market price at the time of the auction, plain and simple. Are there factors that contribute to that, sure, but the hammer price is what it is.

I understand you prefer what you prefer, more power to you. Many collectors don't share the same preferences you do, that's the beauty of collecting.

There are many individual preferences amongst collectors, but more often than not I fall into this camp......In my opinion, the player either wore it in a game or he didn't.....Especially with QB's where there is little to no wear.

I am also of the belief that just about every modern day player is available to purchase if you set your mind and your wallet on it....It wasn't like that 20 years ago. It seems as though the greater the supply, the greater the volatility in prices.

Could anyone possibly guess how many Urlacher jerseys are out there?....Just a few Seasons ago, they had a bunch of them on the Walmart Website for sale didn't they?

08-13-2013, 12:49 PM
There are many individual preferences amongst collectors, but more often than not I fall into this camp......In my opinion, the player either wore it in a game or he didn't.....Especially with QB's where there is little to no wear.

I am also of the belief that just about every modern day player is available to purchase if you set your mind and your wallet on it....It wasn't like that 20 years ago. It seems as though the greater the supply, the greater the volatility in prices.

Could anyone possibly guess how many Urlacher jerseys are out there?....Just a few Seasons ago, they had a bunch of them on the Walmart Website for sale didn't they?

I'm sure there are a ton of Urlacher jerseys out there and I'm sure the team "gave away" many more game prepared Urlachers for charities and such!
For as long as JO had their contract with the Bears, every game had a new jersey that JO got unless it was something special and held back or was sent to NFL Auctions... If I count it right, that's a lot of jerseys floating out there!

Then again, this is also true for other players and not too many are floating around but you are right, If I offered $2,000 for a Tillman or $3,000 for a Cutler, I would have a few PM's in my Inbox by the weekend...

I also think JO set high prices on many of the jerseys since they sold like hot cakes! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the correct "market" price is to set it a bit out of reach and try to create an artificial shortage. Sell your Urlachers, Cutlers, Hesters and Forte's POR (Price on Request) style and offer discounts to good customers as needed...

I have heard multiple stories of asking price for an Urlacher being $8,500 but if you offer them $5,000 they would take it in a heart beat!

08-14-2013, 05:51 PM
There is nothing better than an Urlacher jersey with T.V numbers on the shoulders. How freaking rare!

08-15-2013, 06:19 AM
What your not saying in your all knowing statement of a ton of Urlacher jerseys being in the market place is that almost all of them are Fakes, Pro-Cuts, Issued and jerseys that can't be proven one way or another. Its not what you know, what you think you know only what you can prove so those are really the types of jersey's I want to buy and/or have to sell........LMFAO

You talk like JO had the Bears contract forever we are talking 3-4 year window here from like 2009-2011 and Game Used Authentic selling washed jerseys for a couple of years prior to JO. Since 2010 from what WE have seen and from Our ACTUAL conversations with JO and others close to Brian is that JO got around HALF @ best of his jersey's while the Bears/Brian kept the other half. With a jersey or two going to the card companies each year from JO.

You talk this big game about what the Bears do with this and what they do with that and when you talk about JO its always he said she said hearsay when you spew this contrived crap so why don't you tell us all what YOUR ACTUAL Experience in any of this is that makes you any kind of an expert other than in your "Forgotten Stumble Bums of the Past" such as how many transactions you have had with JO? or how many Urlacher jersey transactions have you been apart of? I mean between my brother in law & I we have 8-Urlacher's under our belts and 20+ JO transactions.

I mean seriously dude do you even have any connections in this business to be talking like your some kind of expert and have personal knowledge of inner workings of whose who or what's what? Its Laughable

Stop taking things personally and actually read what I wrote!

I started with "I'm sure" no where did I state I know exactly how many were released and X given to JO, then X given to someone else. What you buy and collect does not concern me! As long as it makes YOU happy, go for it!

Yes, we are talking about JO having the contract for about 4 years and even if we take your numbers and JO got half the jerseys that would make it about 30 jerseys, give or take a few since I included the pre-season games... For giggles let's make it 20! That's 20 jerseys with JO and Chicago Bears provenance. that's a lot of jerseys. No point in trying to make them rarer than they have to be. I'm sure if I wanted a real gamer with provenance i could find one! They are not THAT rare.

Don't worry about my transactions with JO. I have plenty of receipts from them and NFL Auctions to have an opinion. I don't know why you think I'm after an Urlacher jersey? I already stated that my family comes first and this years Urlacher jersey will be the family vacation to Dominical Republic. Let me make it simple for you. I am not looking to purchase an Urlacher jersey at all.

Can we stop insulting my collection?

08-15-2013, 06:22 AM
Forgot to add:

I wonder if good Palehose or bad Palehose will be replying!

This is sooo exiting! I'm off to microwave some popcorn.

08-15-2013, 12:18 PM
So 30 Urlacher jerseys is considered alot? Only 16 games a year with potentially a few more... Wow, okay so if you factor in say a sport like baseball and there are a dozen rizzo and castro jerseys for sale each year, 30 doesnt seem like so much. Lets look at guys like AP and Favre, even Ray Lewis. AP and Favre are notorious for wearing two jerseys per game for a good portion of the career, since they themselves are big collectors, including Lewis. If im not mistaken, dont AP jerseys sell upwards of 8k or even more depending on multiple factors... Ray Lewis gamers go for around 12k, so if you think 5-7k for an Urlacher is a bad price, i would guess again since your saying that there might be around 30 of these beauties in collectors hands over a 13yr career, which comes out just a little over 2 jerseys a year on average. Does that sound like a lot now? Still not rare? Just one mans opinion.

In response to being able to buy an Urlacher jersey at Walmart, you must be speaking about the random jersey that pops up when you do a google search of Brian Urlacher Game Used/Worn? Yeah it shows up for sale at fans edge, walmart,amazon and a few other places, just like forte and knox does as well. The seller has it listed for 8k i believe, and there are a pair of cleats for around 1200 as well. You cant just walk into walmart and pick out an Urlacher gamer, its not that easy and there not sitting on the rack for a discount. Be Well!

I've said this once and I'll say it again: "The market sets the price." An item is worth only as much as someone is willing to pay for that item at that time. I don't set the prices, I don't know why Ray Lewis is 12k and Urlacher is not. Maybe Urlacher needs to be accused of killing someone and that will set off skyrocketing prices for his memorabilia... Who know...

I actually never said what is and is not a good price for an Urlacher. If you're happy with what you paid, that's all that matters!

Enjoy your collection because you do have some sick jerseys that anyone would be proud of owning.

08-15-2013, 01:06 PM
J.O sports does not get an Urlacher jersey from every game (when they had the contract) I know for a fact they only got 3 jerseys in 2011, and 4 in 2010. Urlacher sometimes wheres the same jersey for more than 1 game. I have personally asked a friend about this situation and he told me Urlacher has no interest in keeping his own jerseys, in fact he sends some to Hospitals to be auctioned for kids with cancer, he sent a few to the hall of fame, and he gives maybe 3% to family and or friends/client rep.

So they are pretty rare. And forget it. I'll probably never get a nike hammered gamer unless its like what Pale hose said an issued, non patched, and non hit marked jersey posing as a real gamer. (if that be the case I have no interest at all) I 100% agree that if I'm buying a 54 shirt I want it to be hammered with use, and have that gold leader C. I also want it to be exact photo matched. A washed Urlacher would not do it for me. When people walk into my house that are average football fans. I want them to say holy shit that guy hit/played hard. I wouldn't waist my time on anything less of 54.

But Samets I agree with you, and totally understood your post. You were in no way trying to take a shot at pale hose. My conclusion is, someone with so many beautiful Urlacher jerseys, may get a bit defensive because he knows the true value of his jerseys, and what the market is on them and he doesn't want anyone to tell him different and even put it in the heads of those who may look to buy one in future. I would classify him as an expert 54 guy, and he just wants to set the bar straight that Urlacher jerseys (good ones at that) are a thing of beauty and should be able to tell a story all on its own just by looking at it.

Samets wasn't trying to take shots at you palehose. But I see both points, and for those who know anything about 54 shirts, we know which ones are worth more and which ones aren't with a penny on the dollar.

08-15-2013, 03:30 PM
Forgot to add:

I wonder if good Palehose or bad Palehose will be replying!

This is sooo exiting! I'm off to microwave some popcorn.

Someone say popcorn?

08-15-2013, 03:34 PM
What your not saying in your all knowing statement of a ton of Urlacher jerseys being in the market place is that almost all of them are Fakes, Pro-Cuts, Issued and jerseys that can't be proven one way or another. Its not what you know, what you think you know only what you can prove so those are really the types of jersey's I want to buy and/or have to sell........LMFAO

You talk like JO had the Bears contract forever we are talking 3-4 year window here from like 2009-2011 and Game Used Authentic selling washed jerseys for a couple of years prior to JO. Since 2010 from what WE have seen and from Our ACTUAL conversations with JO and others close to Brian is that JO got around HALF @ best of his jersey's while the Bears/Brian kept the other half. With a jersey or two going to the card companies each year from JO.
You talk this big game about what the Bears do with this and what they do with that and when you talk about JO its always he said she said hearsay when you spew this contrived crap so why don't you tell us all what YOUR ACTUAL Experience in any of this is that makes you any kind of an expert other than in your "Forgotten Stumble Bums of the Past" such as how many transactions you have had with JO? or how many Urlacher jersey transactions have you been apart of? I mean between my brother in law & I we have 8-Urlacher's under our belts and 20+ JO transactions.

I mean seriously dude do you even have any connections in this business to be talking like your some kind of expert and have personal knowledge of inner workings of whose who or what's what? Its Laughable

08-15-2013, 08:09 PM
Great post Anabolic, good stuff and thanks for the love... I have no doubt you will land that Grail piece at some point, everything shows up its just a waiting game... for the record Jo sold six urlacher from 2011, white eagles,white Denver,navy bca panthers,navy bca Vikings, navy saints. His 9/11 and international gamers sold via NFL. That makes 8. Just for historic purposes!!! LOL,jk... we can finally get this thread back on track and use it for meaningful and useful information. And for displaying our great pickups!!!

Np man. I understand everything you've stated, and have been there myself. So I always try to put myself in the shoes of both people. Samets has some very valid and true points himself. I agree a jersey is only worth what someone is willing to pay. In this case a hammered photomatched Urlacher is a piece that ton of people would be willing to pay big dollars on (esp now that he's retired and played whole career as a Bear which is super iconic in its own)

As far as Ray Lewis jerseys selling for 12k (a 2 super bowl career has a lot to do with it, as well as 1st ballet HOFer, and open praiser of Christ) I feel all players who openly love God, and mix in a total 180 change in life they are willing to pay big bucks on the back story of his life alone. Urlacher doesn't really have that drama filled life that people love to root for. Yeah 52 was accused of murder, but he was "innocent" and never served time, so did he really do it? We will never know the truth. I know if I was in his shoes and I got accused of a crime I didn't commit I would be very upset. So its hard to say whether he did it or not. Lewis turned his whole career and life around and people respect that about him. He is one of the all time top 3 greatest leader of men in NFL of all time. That adds sex appeal all on its own. Urlacher is more of a Quiet blue collar get the job done and get out type of guy. Super likable player, but just doesn't have the drama attached to his name like Lewis has. And like I said before 2 super bowls helps big time esp if you have an Art patched Nike SB year/Last year jersey of his...Wow.

Man Nike is awesome imo. And whats up with Jays first series tonight? LOL dude was on his back like 3 straight snaps and a fumble... There Defense looks amazing though.

08-16-2013, 01:49 PM
Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
The Market Demand For This One,

08-16-2013, 02:08 PM
Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
The Market Demand For This One,

I'm sorry, what?

08-16-2013, 03:45 PM
Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
The Market Demand For This One,

I don't see it, have a link?

08-16-2013, 05:26 PM
I don't see it, have a link?


Its got 15 watchers and 26 offers so far, must not be meeting sellers demand

08-16-2013, 05:27 PM
The jersey has been on there since Jan 2012

08-16-2013, 05:33 PM
I think cowboys may have been referring to this one with the removed nameplate?


08-16-2013, 05:35 PM

Its got 15 watchers and 26 offers so far, must not be meeting sellers demand

That jersey has been posted on and off since 2012.

08-16-2013, 05:47 PM
yes finfan, u are correct
the one with out nameplate

08-16-2013, 08:29 PM
the one with the name plate is way over priced

08-30-2013, 11:32 PM
"The Turk" was hitting up Edwin Williams for his playbook just as Super Underachieving Turd J'Marcus Webb was getting flushed down the crapper. Both will probably be learning how to spell gym teacher next year.

Word is also out that the Bears are trying to dump former 2008 3rd round draft pick Earl Bennett thru trade and if no takers can be found will likely cut him to save 2-million. Missing 9-games with only 53 catches for 756 yards over the last 2-years doesn't cut the mustard either.

Earl Bennett,,, another soon to be "forgotten heros of the past".... godspeed

09-01-2013, 08:36 PM
Sorry to get your hopes up, i need to make a correction, it is not a Dwayne Bates former Northwestern Wildcats standout gamer on eBay, it is a Dwayne Joseph... I've personally never heard of him, but don't let that deter you from bidding, IM sure he was good in his own way, just another forgotten stumble bum/hero of the past. And its only at 11 dollars and some change right now.

will you gotta admit it is rare! as the auction states,, which should increase demand,,thus theoretically the market will set the price

09-04-2013, 09:17 AM
[quote=Palehose for Life;334055]Sorry to get your hopes up, i need to make a correction, it is not a Dwayne Bates former Northwestern Wildcats standout gamer on eBay, it is a Dwayne Joseph... I've personally never heard of him, but don't let that deter you from bidding, IM sure he was good in his own way, just another forgotten stumble bum/hero of the past. And its only at 11 dollars and some change right now.[/quote

Will all don't miss out on this great one,, perhaps a photomatch of the latest forgotten hero? up to winner to find but here's a start

09-04-2013, 10:36 AM
Since certain members can't respect other members opinion or their collections and resort to name calling, I have decided to add several members to the ignore list since at this point they have nothing positive to add in my opinion.

What a great feature!

09-04-2013, 01:41 PM
Man, every time I see this page has been added to I get excited...the I click on the link to see what someone added to their collection and I realize I was suckered in again. Its just another idiotic post that none of us want to read. Who cares what someone elses opinion is, if you like what you collect, great enjoy it. I could care less what someone else thought of my collection, CUZ ITS MY COLLECTION. as far as people saying what a value of a jersey is, is stupid. They are worth what they can be sold for. Heck I paid 1k for an earl bennet jersey...is it worth that HELL NO, but I wante bit. I also paid $1500 for a Ryne Sandberg jersey once I sold two mohths later for 3k...so is the value 1500 or 3000???

Guys, stop your ranting and start posting pics of stuff we want to see.

Mods, do a better job of monitoring this childish crap. Freeze the thread, or punish these yahoos for wasting the rest of our time.

09-04-2013, 02:04 PM
Man, every time I see this page has been added to I get excited...the I click on the link to see what someone added to their collection and I realize I was suckered in again. Its just another idiotic post that none of us want to read. Who cares what someone elses opinion is, if you like what you collect, great enjoy it. I could care less what someone else thought of my collection, CUZ ITS MY COLLECTION. as far as people saying what a value of a jersey is, is stupid. They are worth what they can be sold for. Heck I paid 1k for an earl bennet jersey...is it worth that HELL NO, but I wante bit. I also paid $1500 for a Ryne Sandberg jersey once I sold two mohths later for 3k...so is the value 1500 or 3000???

Guys, stop your ranting and start posting pics of stuff we want to see.

Mods, do a better job of monitoring this childish crap. Freeze the thread, or punish these yahoos for wasting the rest of our time.

AMEN!! This used to be my favorite thread, and hopefully it will be again.

09-04-2013, 05:29 PM
Anyone have three affordable/available Bears vs Vikings tickets for the 9/15 game at Soldier Field? Flying in for the game and hoping to get in at a better rate than StubHub is offering.


09-05-2013, 01:20 AM

09-05-2013, 08:58 AM
Anyone have three affordable/available Bears vs Vikings tickets for the 9/15 game at Soldier Field? Flying in for the game and hoping to get in at a better rate than StubHub is offering.


I've had good luck buying tickets off of eBay for the last 4-5 seasons.
All of my friends with season tickets always sell on StubHub since the prices are higher...

09-05-2013, 11:07 AM
Thanks Samets. If your buddies happen to find a few extras please let me know. Do you (or does anyone) know if the Bears sell any game used jerseys at Soldier Field?

09-05-2013, 01:25 PM
Thanks Samets. If your buddies happen to find a few extras please let me know. Do you (or does anyone) know if the Bears sell any game used jerseys at Soldier Field?

They do not, at least not up to the end of last season, but I doubt that has changed.

09-05-2013, 02:46 PM
Thanks Samets. If your buddies happen to find a few extras please let me know. Do you (or does anyone) know if the Bears sell any game used jerseys at Soldier Field?

I will check. Bears do not sell GU at the Pro Shop.

09-10-2013, 06:27 AM
I checked and all of my friends have sold off their un-needed seats.

09-10-2013, 08:07 PM
Thanks for checking but no worries I got lucky and found some seats this morning. Not great seats but I'll be in the building to see the Bears whip the Vikings. 1st row of Sec 319. Hopefully, there not too bad.

09-11-2013, 06:35 AM
I tend to buy seats between 433 to 442

I've sat in many spots including lower 100 seats and tend to enjoy the game better from the birds eye view. Although I did enjoy the food and the "facilities" in the United club section...

09-11-2013, 09:47 AM
I have season tickets in Section 430, but have sat all over the stadium as well. IMO there isn't a bad seat in the house.

09-11-2013, 10:43 PM
what is this Stub Hub? lets see that dwayne joseph jersey whoever won it!!

09-12-2013, 09:23 AM
I have season tickets in Section 430, but have sat all over the stadium as well. IMO there isn't a bad seat in the house.

Agreed! I can never bring myself to spend the money for the 50 yard tickets in the 100 level. I sat there for the Family Fest this year and it was pretty sweet!

09-12-2013, 09:53 AM
Got a pair of Craig Steltz cleats from Craig himself. Used in the OAK preseason game this year.....team has a lot of white cleats this year!



09-12-2013, 11:02 AM
what is this Stub Hub? lets see that dwayne joseph jersey whoever won it!!

Who is Duane Joseph?

09-12-2013, 11:30 AM
what is this Stub Hub? lets see that dwayne joseph jersey whoever won it!!

Why would anyone post the jersey, all you and palehose have done is make fun of it.

09-12-2013, 05:51 PM
Desi -

Nice addition to the collection...and nice to see memorabilia being showcased on this thread again!!

09-12-2013, 07:40 PM
Got a pair of Craig Steltz cleats from Craig himself. Used in the OAK preseason game this year.....team has a lot of white cleats this year!



Nice pick-up bud!

09-12-2013, 09:34 PM
I saw it.

Also a Nice addition!!

09-19-2013, 11:01 AM
Anybody interested in selling a lower end Monsters of the Midway throwback game used jersey? Not looking for a big name.

09-19-2013, 11:02 AM
Forgot to leave my email address for those who might want to sell the Monsters throwback.


09-21-2013, 12:31 AM
Truly a sick "WCF" collection. One day, I will add one to my collection.

09-21-2013, 12:47 AM
Absolute ridiculous set of Hester shirts. I guess Hester wont be selling his home anytime soon as one arse-clown posted months ago. this genius was basing this rumor to as why Hester shirt are as same value as a Johnny Knox shirt.
maybe he was trying to persuade people that Knox is truly deserving of his spot on "forgotten hero's (stumble bums) of da past"

09-21-2013, 01:41 AM
pale hose wtf I did not know thats how Johnny Knox career ended. Wow I went in with no warning at all on that video :eek:

Poor Johnny I loved that guy as a player. Are his gamers rare? I want one asap.

09-23-2013, 09:13 AM
pale hose wtf I did not know thats how Johnny Knox career ended. Wow I went in with no warning at all on that video :eek:

Poor Johnny I loved that guy as a player. Are his gamers rare? I want one asap.

Last one sold for a tad over $330

There's an overpriced one on eBay now but it's also been there for a very long time... It's always sad to see people overpay and then hope to recoup their investment later on...

09-24-2013, 12:29 AM
Last one sold for a tad over $330

There's an overpriced one on eBay now but it's also been there for a very long time... It's always sad to see people overpay and then hope to recoup their investment later on...

I think you took the last couple posts as serious when ,I think it was meant as sarcasm ..

09-24-2013, 05:53 AM
I think you took the last couple posts as serious when ,I think it was meant as sarcasm ..

You might be right! Who in their right mind would want a jersey of a non current player...

09-24-2013, 11:49 AM
Bears fans anyone eyeing that awesome peanut on NFL auctions? I kind of want it but don't want to bid against any serious bear fans on here. I'd rather see one of you guys take it (being you are die hards) and it will be going to a better home

09-24-2013, 01:00 PM
Bears fans anyone eyeing that awesome peanut on NFL auctions? I kind of want it but don't want to bid against any serious bear fans on here. I'd rather see one of you guys take it (being you are die hards) and it will be going to a better home

It's on my radar :D

09-24-2013, 01:12 PM
It's not game used so it won't be coming here...

10-01-2013, 06:25 PM




Not sure this worked but I figured I would try to post pictures for once,Ive had these for awhile. Here is 2 heavy used gamers one a Knox 100yd receiving game with a TD and one is Tillmans from last years Veterans Day game.

10-04-2013, 11:27 AM
Okay, so I went back and deleted about 3 pages worth of posts. While I did leave one post that was consistent with the purpose of the thread, I pretty much deleted all the rest of the posts as they were primarily banter and personal attacks.

Please note that the deletions were done as "soft" deletes, meaning the posts can still be viewed by the administrators if needed. While it is embarrassing that I even need to say this, this forum is not intended for people to post childish, personal attacks toward one another. In case you have any doubts, you can confirm it through the forum rules listed here:


While I understand the internet is a big place and other sites that allow people to posts, forums and otherwise, may allow for personal attacks, comments, etc, that is NOT allowed here on the Game Used Universe forum. If that is the type of environment you are seeking, please feel free to go elsewhere where that might be allowed. This forum is intended to be educational to its members and is intended to do so in a positive environment, free of childish comments.

As such, this thread will remain open. However, if any additional comments like the ones deleted are made in the future, the thread will be locked and administrative action will be taken against the posters.

Thanks in advance for your future compliance with the forum rules.


10-04-2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks for cleaning this up Chris....this thread was hard to read in more than one way!

10-04-2013, 12:37 PM




Not sure this worked but I figured I would try to post pictures for once,Ive had these for awhile. Here is 2 heavy used gamers one a Knox 100yd receiving game with a TD and one is Tillmans from last years Veterans Day game.

Very Nice!

I have a similar Knox that I need to photograph and add to my site... Sadly, I have fallen behind photographing my additions and adding them to my site...

10-20-2013, 09:02 AM
Hey everybody,

Unfortunately i have too quit my chicago bears collection, i will focus my collecting too the other half of my collection, the Amsterdam Admirals.

Ive added a picture from the items i got.

- Mark Anderson Rookie year home jersey...game-used
- Brian iwuh International series away jersey..game used
- Dom DeCicco international series away jersey...game used
- Corey Graham game used pants and handtowel still attached (pro bowl year)
- Corey Graham practice jersey
- Jamar williams signed cleat... game used
- 2012 nike vapor jet game gloves...not game used

Besides that i got 2 authentic chicago bears helmets (commercially bought) .. not game used!

Collecting items from the bears is too hard and expensive for me too continue, me being from the Netherlands, europe.

if anybody is interested in a jersey, or the whole lot? shoot me a message or mail me at vormgever-1@hotmail.com

10-20-2013, 06:24 PM
Hester takes it TO THE HOUSE!!! (#19), Congratulations, Devin!!

Dave Miedema

10-22-2013, 11:57 PM
Very nice Hester!

10-23-2013, 12:27 AM
Sick Hester jersey and collection!

10-23-2013, 04:40 AM
"Pale hose for Life", incredible collection and super addition with that latest jersey. Thanks for sharing.


Go Pack! NC State 1981 graduate

10-23-2013, 10:35 AM
Wow...that Hester collection is solid! I particularly like the HOF patched jersey. I see Hester has went to a shorter cut of jersey?

10-23-2013, 10:51 AM
Man, there are some awesome collections out there.
Amazing job you guys have done with some player specific collections.
Hester, Urlacher.

I am new to this and I am not looking to start a huge NFL collection, just a small bears one.

If anybody is interested in parting with a jersey please let me know.
Preferably a navy or monster one.

Thank you

10-23-2013, 12:52 PM
Truly an AWESOME addition to your collection...CONGRATS!!!

10-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Ron, your Bears collection is just to sick! IMO that Hester trumps everything else you have. Your bar is set pretty high too. Probably one of the top modern day Bears gamers out in the collecting community with such a signifigant value. Luv the fact that its a return gamer thats gonna run him into the HOF one day. CONGRATS Man..!!

10-25-2013, 05:36 PM
Ok I read this thread every time something new is posted and I don't want to get scorned but just have to ask a few questions. I know DJNOS and have recently exchanged a few emails with palehose and get along with both but I don't understand the big Devin Hester hype. You guys compare him to Deion but you have to realize Deion played defense the whole game, to me Hester is like a kicker and punter good at one thing. He's a special teams player, tried receiving and was terrible at that. How many special teams players, kickers(technically 3), and punters are in the HOF? Jason Hanson has way more points then Devin Hester can even count to. I don't get how his jerseys are selling for more than everyday offensive and defensive starters. The kicker with the most points in NFL history or the kicker with the most game winning field goals, playoff field goals aren't in the hall, to me Hester is a glorified kicker. Hester also has 23 fumbles, I know this will get the Bears fans blood pressure going and want to start a big debate but I just wanted to ask some questions and understand better. I just wanted to understand the big hype. If you have 10 great special teams blockers you have the kicker to beat. Just wanted to throw that out there because I'm tired of seeing him compared to Deion and when it comes to Deion in the COMPLETE game of football there is no comparison. Just an opinion don't unleash the dogs!! haha

10-25-2013, 06:02 PM
But those Hester's are beautiful jerseys, the Peppers is amazing!!

10-26-2013, 12:14 AM
[quote=Palehose for Life;338244]In honor of the "Windy City Flyer" tying the NFL All-Time TD Return Record in Washington this past Sunday & 4 Historical Purposes I thought I would post this 9/30/07 @ Detroit Hester "Grail" that I just picked-up from Mickeymbz.

Pale.. I congratulate you on your long sought after piece of history. Let me first say that although I am far from being a Bears collector or NFL collector, this jersey was one piece I always treasured up there with any of my Laker stuff. Since posting this shirt some 2 years ago I've received countless offers... some high some very low. Not once while reading these emails did I ever believe I would ever part with this thing. But as time went on you reached out to me and explained what this piece would mean to your collection,, this coming at a time when Hester was taking an all time beating from being washed up to that "red headed step child". The buying of memorabilia based on value or highs and lows, like the stock market, was never my thing.. when I buy a piece it is never my intentions to ever flip it for dollars..or buy cuz its down in value. That's actually a terrible approach the neophyte hobbyist has taken today. As our relationship developed I felt that this thing needed to be where it is truly appreciated and loved. Of course you didn't buy this thing at value and I would be lying if I said you didn't spend an over the top amount for a modern era special teams player. Of course what you paid had a lot to do with the sale..but that wasn't completely it. When I was convinced that you took the same approach, seriousness and passion that I take when it comes to our collection,,the momentum definitely started swaying your favor. The approach you take to collecting , I feel, is seriously lacking in the hobby today... and you are a collector who is a "fan" first. It was hard for me to pack that thing and part with it but it makes me feel better its in a true collector's collection. Great pickup .. perseverance and footwork paid off.

10-26-2013, 12:33 AM
I am not usually the one to pick sides, but in this comparison it truly is apples to oranges. Lets just think simple football....

Devin Hester's returns are ALL special teams...ball is kicked to him and the one goal for a kicking team is to stop him from scoring...point blank.

Sanders - Like Ron stated more than 1/2 are from the defensive side of the ball. When you intercept on defense the offense is not "prepared" to become the defense and stop you. Heck sometimes it is you intercept the ball with no one between you and the goal...easy pick 6.

I realize this is stating the simple stupid, but in my opinion it shows why Hester is a better "returner" than Sanders.

Ron - Once again great pick up...truly one of the most awesome present BEARS game used jerseys on the market. Hope to land a Hester myself one day.

10-26-2013, 10:48 AM
I understand a little more Ron, agree with most what you say and to the Sanders/Hester comparison. I don't disagree Hester is a better return man but let's think of this logically. I'll use UFC fighters Jon Jones just got done fighting one round and then fights a fresh man, then two rounds another fresh man, do you see where this is going who has the upper hand. Playing CB in the NFL is a physically demanding job Deion could of covered a guy for 3 fly routes then go back and take a return. Hester has some Gatorade, walks the sidelines, and then a return you have to factor in all that as well. Think of the years where Devin wasn't much of a return man, when he was a receiver and exerted energy in between returns but not even every down. My biggest reason on thinking Hester didn't make it as a receiver because of his mental capacity for the playbook all the Bears fans and I know the lack of education and "smarts" isn't Devin's strong suit. Ron, thanks for the email and I will let you know about that. If you can find any of the jerseys we have talked about I would be very interested. Does any Bears fans have contacts with Kahlil Bell??

10-26-2013, 12:28 PM
I don't personally agree with the Hester/Sanders comparison or think its fair to either player. Sanders was a great all around player while Hester has excelled to be the best ever in special teams returns.

The HOF selection committee has also done a terrible job with less glamorous positions getting into the HOF. Every position has had players of greatness & who have transcended the game just because you are a punter, kicker, tight end, defensive back or a punt/kick returner shouldn't diminish your ability to receive enshrinement into the Hall.

Is the problem with the caliber of the player and his position or with the selection process & media who judge off of 2 minute sports highlights & don't get the opportunity to see players play entire games cause of the city they live in.

I agree, the comparison isn't apples to apples, too many differences with what they've been asked to do as player.

As for the HOF, the selection process doesn't work by media judging from 2 minute highlights, much more involved than that. I think more special teams players deserve consideration, but it doesn't work out that way.

There are currently 280 members of the HOF, which includes coaches and contributors, not a whole lot when you think about how many players have played and for how long the game has been around. Not many feel that special teasers changed the game of football, but perhaps a player like Hester will change their minds. Many think that Ray Guy is deserving, but when taking a loot at his stats, he wasn't even the best punter of his time.

10-28-2013, 06:58 AM
AMI has Walter Payton's game worn helmet used his entire career and it comes with a Walter Payton Foundation Letter of authenticity...

They already have a bid at $10,000 any guesses what this bad boy will bring?

I also have to wonder how WPF picked the auction house? I bet it would be better off with Ken who would at least pimp the heck out of it and get them top dollar!

10-28-2013, 04:18 PM
I'm going to say $30k... With the proper publicity, I would say $40k...

11-07-2013, 11:07 PM
I had no idea Payton used one helmet his entire career.

Thought I'd ask you guys, the bear experts...does that helmet look like the real deal? If so that's a def Holy Grail. How did the seller choose that auction house?

Opinions? Thx

11-08-2013, 07:15 AM
I had no idea Payton used one helmet his entire career.

Thought I'd ask you guys, the bear experts...does that helmet look like the real deal? If so that's a def Holy Grail. How did the seller choose that auction house?

Opinions? Thx

Sure as heck it's beat to hell with use...

Final hammer is $67,280.00

Congrats to it's new owner!

11-08-2013, 08:56 AM
Sure as heck it's beat to hell with use...

Final hammer is $67,280.00

Congrats to it's new owner!

I'm pretty certain that's a new record for a game used helmet....Congrats to AMI, and the winning bidder. And the Walter Payton Foundation gets a nice check as well!!

11-08-2013, 03:11 PM
Sure as heck it's beat to hell with use...

Final hammer is $67,280.00

Congrats to it's new owner!

That belongs on public display in the HOF!
That might be the greatest game-used piece I've ever seen.

11-08-2013, 04:00 PM
That belongs on public display in the HOF!
That might be the greatest game-used piece I've ever seen.

Deep down, I hope the Bears organization bought it and will display it proudly in Halas Hall with other notable Bears memorabilia like the fedora they have on display:

11-09-2013, 11:13 AM
Walter Payton def a Horse! he's fosho aint know stumblebum!

11-09-2013, 09:35 PM
$67k. Is that before or after the commish? I think ami's 20%? so it coulsd be $80. Either way reasonable for paytons ONLY helmet. Although I was watching NFL network which had a closeup of his helmet and looked like and additional small hole near the ear hole on the right side which wasn't in the picture. I def could be wrong.

Final price?

11-10-2013, 09:34 PM
AMI owes me $7K (same run around as everyone else) and if we add up what other members are owed, I am sure that number approached $100K at least. I feel it is travesty to have their name associated with the Walter Payton foundation and plan on calling the foundation to advisee them about the integrity of the company they chose to sell this treasure....


11-10-2013, 09:41 PM
I also encourage others who are owed money to contact the foundation as well and advise them who they are dealing with and the damage they have done to people. Perhaps we can get this picked up by print as well. I plan on contacting O'Keefe at the Daily News....


11-11-2013, 02:24 PM
Whaaat? This is insane. I've have a couple very collectible items. Just about hall of fame worthy that they have contacted me about cosigning.
Perhaps others should come out with what they are owed to at least protect others.

Also with any experiences with shilling or questionable activity.

11-11-2013, 02:51 PM
Either way reasonable for paytons ONLY helmet. Although I was watching NFL network which had a closeup of his helmet and looked like and additional small hole near the ear hole on the right side which wasn't in the picture. I def could be wrong.

Final price?

According to another game used site's member (who I believe is still on this site as well), this isn't Payton's only helmet. Here is his post: "I wanted to relay a discussion I had with the equipment assistant for the Chicago Bears during Paytons career and into the 90's. His main job was helmet maintenance. I will say right here that he is the most knowledgeable helmet guy I have ever known personally, and an absolute expert on the Bears helmets. I am not questioning the Payton family here just relaying what I believe are facts.

He says that this helmet would be from late in his career due to the front bumper style. The original claim was that this helmet was worn his entire career. He says that is BS. He knows of at least 3 others that exist, including the one in the HOF, and there were more than that. That again is to not say that this helmet is not a game worn helmet of Paytons.

The biggest flag according to him is the magic marker "34" written in the webbing of the helmet (photo attached). He says they NEVER did that. The equipment manager had specific instructions. He told me why but I'll not get into that here. He says the way that he was instructed to mark the player number on the helmet was, they use a piece of red tape with the player number written on it and underlined. He described the tape as duct tape like. This was always place on the helmet shell so not to be in contact with the players head.

If anyone has photo matched this helmet I would be interested in hearing from you."

Regardless, it is an amazing piece of history!!!

11-11-2013, 03:37 PM
He says that this helmet would be from late in his career due to the front bumper style. The original claim was that this helmet was worn his entire career. He says that is BS. He knows of at least 3 others that exist, including the one in the HOF, and there were more than that. That again is to not say that this helmet is not a game worn helmet of Paytons.

The biggest flag according to him is the magic marker "34" written in the webbing of the helmet (photo attached). He says they NEVER did that. The equipment manager had specific instructions. He told me why but I'll not get into that here. He says the way that he was instructed to mark the player number on the helmet was, they use a piece of red tape with the player number written on it and underlined. He described the tape as duct tape like. This was always place on the helmet shell so not to be in contact with the players head. ...

I wish people would post the knowledge gained from people in the know but then again, that information could be used to make fakes...

11-11-2013, 03:48 PM
I wish people would post the knowledge gained from people in the know but then again, that information could be used to make fakes... Exactly why he doesn't...

11-12-2013, 02:32 PM
So where does everyone get their Bears jerseys from now? Im newer to the GU hobby, been collecting Cubs game used for the last few years.

I know the Bears used to have a deal with JO Sports, but looks like that ended over a year ago. Is there anyone else that has a deal with the Bears?

I've been looking all year and the only thing I've seen come up is the current Cutler gamer on NFL auctions.

Thanks for any help.

11-12-2013, 03:57 PM
Sadly NFL Auctions is the primary way to get the gamers from the Bears.
Last year, Hunt Auctions sold a few as well.

11-12-2013, 06:11 PM
Slightly OT, but Im not having any luck......are any Meriweather Bears jersey's still floating around?

11-13-2013, 07:25 AM
Keep an eye out on the bay, that would be the best venue to find one...

11-13-2013, 10:46 AM
been nothing but a lotta OVERpriced trash on eBay as of late... there is a throwback there that someone obviously got hosed on by the JO prices from the day,, and his hope is to net 40% above that... in reality prob worth 40% below or more than JO price,,, unless its a good solid A star..good luck

11-14-2013, 11:40 AM
Hope everyone has been saving!

Tis the time to spend your hard earned pennies!

I'm sure these will not go cheap and I'll certainly will be helping others spend the most as I plan to do some serious spending this holiday season!

11-16-2013, 11:02 AM
Yes I also seen this Jersey on eBay and was considering taking a run at it but noticed the lack of use it had for a urlacher gamer... you would think you would see atleast a scratch of some kind but who am I to say. Even if it was washed you would see puckering and scrapes and snags of sorts.... don't think you can list this as used though but lets see what the jury thinks. Can you post pics pale? I'm glad I didn't drop 1k on this but I did notice the seller and decided to pass.

11-18-2013, 11:24 AM
Hopefully with all of the last 50 pages or so behind, I wanted to get back on track of making this an informative Bears thread...

I recently acquired a 1994 Donnell Woolford 75th anniversary patched home jersey and wanted to do some digging since a similar shirt sold through Legendary Auctions on 5/31/2012 (http://www.legendaryauctions.com/LotDetail.aspx?inventoryid=124985). I Googled Donnell Woolford and all pictures of him from 1994 in home jersey style match the one Legendary sold. The main identifier is the Champion logo on the sleeve. Legendary's jersey has in in front of the sleeve number and the jersey I have has it above the numbers.

I went through some of my archives and discovered that Donnell only wore the logo in front of numbers style shirt in 1 game for sure (10/9/1994) and possibly the 10/2/1994 game. The reason I say possibly is that I can't find a video or a picture from the Buffalo Bills game.

The rest of the home games (4) with navy jerseys are style matched to what I have with the Champion logo above the numbers:

11-18-2013, 11:28 AM
The games above are:
11-13-1994 vs Miami Dolphins
11-20-1994 vs Detroit Lions
12-18-1994 vs Los Angeles Rams
12-24-1994 vs New England Patriots

So with this information in hand, it's odd to me that the Legendary's shirt shows so much use when it's possibly been only worn in 1 or 2 games.
Legendary's shirt could not have been used in 1993 since the tag is dated 1994 and 1993 had heart pressed numbers and I didn't see him wearing a patched jersey during the 1995 season...

It is possible that the jersey was worn in 1995 and the patch is re-attached though...

Just my observations...

11-22-2013, 01:07 PM
Awesome jersey! Congrats!

11-26-2013, 03:42 AM
Here ya go Dave.....Tillman cleats from this season vs either Lions or Packers.

11-26-2013, 09:41 AM
Nice pick up. Those are some sweet shoes.
Is it because of the picture or does he have small feet?

11-26-2013, 12:59 PM
Sweet tillman cleats man. Hate he got hurt and didnt have a full season's chance of equipment to potentially leak out.

11-26-2013, 04:18 PM
Sweet tillman cleats man. Hate he got hurt and didnt have a full season's chance of equipment to potentially leak out.

Hey Weasel49er, where have you been hiding? Was trying to hit you through PMs a whike ago.

11-26-2013, 09:16 PM
Here ya go Dave.....Tillman cleats from this season vs either Lions or Packers.

Those are great, nice pickup !!

11-26-2013, 10:55 PM
Here ya go Dave.....Tillman cleats from this season vs either Lions or Packers.

Good post, Nick...anything used or worn by Peanut is all aces to me.

Dave M.

12-01-2013, 03:26 PM
Hello Bears collectors, I am looking for a little help in Grey Flannel auctions

I have been looking at the Bears Dick Gordon gamer on Grey Flannel and cannot find a jersey from that time period or in the few photos I could find of the player with only two stripes on the sleeve. Any Bears fans have insight on if either year is wrong and jersey is legit from a different year or if some Bears jerseys had only two sleeve stripes? Thanks for any help!

12-02-2013, 05:05 PM
Hello Bears collectors, I am looking for a little help in Grey Flannel auctions

I have been looking at the Bears Dick Gordon gamer on Grey Flannel and cannot find a jersey from that time period or in the few photos I could find of the player with only two stripes on the sleeve. Any Bears fans have insight on if either year is wrong and jersey is legit from a different year or if some Bears jerseys had only two sleeve stripes? Thanks for any help!

This was also listed and sold in Grey Flannel's summer auction, link below

This was really the only photo I could find was on ebay, no way to verify if taken in 1971 for sure.

Mears has had several 1971 Bears jerseys, link below, you can see the differences.

If you do a google search of 1971 Bears jerseys, there are several on Mears, none look like the Dick Gordon.

12-02-2013, 09:48 PM
Hello Bears collectors, I am looking for a little help in Grey Flannel auctions

I have been looking at the Bears Dick Gordon gamer on Grey Flannel and cannot find a jersey from that time period or in the few photos I could find of the player with only two stripes on the sleeve. Any Bears fans have insight on if either year is wrong and jersey is legit from a different year or if some Bears jerseys had only two sleeve stripes? Thanks for any help!


I'll have to dig around to see about the sleeve stripes, but that block numbered style was the road jersey for 1971. Many were tearaways. All that I've seen (half-dozen or so) were Wilson (no King O'Shea). I'll try to come up with more, but GFC might well be OK on this one.

Dave Miedema

12-04-2013, 02:58 PM
Hey all..can you experts give me your opinion on this sweet marty carter... looks good too me:


12-05-2013, 03:31 PM
There's no hype to me… I'm a Giants fan, saw a Cruz gamer come up in a public auction, placed a bid on it and everything just went nuts from there… I'm just as confused as you!!! :confused:
I mean, I thought the purpose of an auction is that people are supposed to bid, right?!?!

100% agree

12-06-2013, 10:55 AM
Martellus Bennett - AKA the black unicorn (1 td game vs Redskins)

12-06-2013, 11:02 AM
Nice pick up!
Great looking jersey. He must not have been tackled much. There are not to many stains on that white jersey.

12-06-2013, 11:04 AM
Charles "Peanut" Tillman - Not game worn, but the authentic signed from NFL auctions.

12-09-2013, 07:11 AM
Martellus Bennett - AKA the black unicorn (1 td game vs Redskins)

Awesome! Congrats!

12-17-2013, 01:26 PM
While watching Ditkas retirement ceremony, the framed jersey caught my eye...

To me, it looks like a King O'Shea tag on the jersey! Has anyone seen a better/cleaner shot of it?

This is the best I could find:

12-17-2013, 03:23 PM
While watching Ditkas retirement ceremony, the framed jersey caught my eye...

To me, it looks like a King O'Shea tag on the jersey! Has anyone seen a better/cleaner shot of it?

This is the best I could find:

Samets, I think you may be on to something...:) :)

Dave Miedema

12-17-2013, 03:54 PM
An authentic Bears jersey worn by Mark Bradley in Super Bowl XLI. The jersey was acquired, along with other personal items, from an Illinois Warehousemen’s Lien auction which contained personal items that belonged to Mark Bradley.


12-18-2013, 06:56 AM
An authentic Bears jersey worn by Mark Bradley in Super Bowl XLI. The jersey was acquired, along with other personal items, from an Illinois Warehousemen’s Lien auction which contained personal items that belonged to Mark Bradley.



Contact me through my site. I have concerns about this jersey.

12-18-2013, 07:48 AM

Contact me through my site. I have concerns about this jersey.

I sent you a PM

12-18-2013, 08:08 AM

Contact me through my site. I have concerns about this jersey.

Samets - What are your concerns? I don't mind if you post them on the forum for all to read.


12-18-2013, 09:21 AM
Here's a picture of Bradley wearing a different cut jersey:

12-18-2013, 11:04 AM
Here's a picture of Bradley wearing a different cut jersey:

To begin, as I often do, I'll post an item (s) that I purchased before I actually receive it. Why do I do this? Members of this forum are pretty savvy and they may information on an item I didn't know or just have an opinion or two on one of my item (s). I always appreciate the input and weight all of the opinions based on their merit. Contrary to some other members, I do not take offense but welcome the input.

This jersey proves my point - that's a terrific scan - one that I did not have. It's hard to argue with an actual photo. I would like to add that, according to the Seller, the jersey was in lot of other items that were offered in a public lien auction. Other items included his personal items and sports related items such as his Bears issued pants, spikes, warm-up suit etc. Why would a player keep an non-authentic item in his collection?

Once I receive the jersey, I'll compare it to the scan you provided as well as the scan on your website and go from there.

Thanx again,


PS - Your photo looks like it was taken on media day - and not game day. I'll dig around and see if I can find any other close-up shots of the jerseys that were worn on gameday

12-18-2013, 11:35 AM
"I always appreciate the input and weight all of the opinions based on their merit. Contrary to some other members, I do not take offense but welcome the input."

Well said, man.

12-18-2013, 11:53 AM
I saw this jersey on eBay as well as a few other items as you mentioned. I didn't bother digging into to deep and bidding, I just didn't have the time.

Here are a couple images that may or may not help your case!

At least you know the jersey you have wasn't worn on media day!

12-18-2013, 01:07 PM

PS - Your photo looks like it was taken on media day - and not game day. I'll dig around and see if I can find any other close-up shots of the jerseys that were worn on gameday

According to Darrell McClover who's Super Bowl jersey I have, he was issued just one jersey that was used for the press day as well as the game.

12-19-2013, 05:15 PM
Hey Guys - to begin, thanx for all of the input. I appreciate that you guys got involved. After I read the threads and exchanged emails with Samets, I was sure my jersey was not worn in the Super Bowl.

I received the jersey today and I decided to review the scans again. I blew them up and as I looked at them, in the shot that looks like it was taken on media day, there is a clear seam that connects the shoulder and the body of the jersey. In the gameday shot, when I blow that scan up, I can't see the seam - where did it go? Next, look at the white portion of the scan - Now, look at the scan of my jersey. The white area allows us to see the seem connecting the gusset section of the jersey.

Also, the players in the foreground and next to Bradley have the same cut jersey as mine rather than a jersey with a seam separating the shoulder from the body of the jersey.

I think its an authentic Super Bowl jersey but your opinions are welcome


12-19-2013, 06:53 PM
I took the game day photo and took some of the contrast out of it. You can see the mesh insert sewn into the body of the jersey. The side panels are spandix. I took another scan of my jersey to make it easier to see the mesh insert.

On the media day photo - can't see any spandex inserts at all.


12-19-2013, 07:19 PM
The Super Bowl Game Day and Media Day jerseys are not the same. Your jersey looks to be of the same cut as the Game day jersey in my opinion.

12-19-2013, 07:51 PM
I agree with MichaelofSF. Does the jersey show any signs of game wear anywhere.

12-19-2013, 08:32 PM
We've been exchanging e-mail outside of the forum and I do agree that there appears to be 2 different jerseys pictured.

12-21-2013, 08:09 AM

I found a couple of photos of your jersey. If you get a chance, can you shoot me a email?


12-21-2013, 08:24 AM

I found a couple of photos of your jersey. If you get a chance, can you shoot me a email?


e-mail sent.

12-21-2013, 03:23 PM
Just picked up this Muhsin Muhammad jersey with Bears and JO COA from Sept 30 v Lions. Moose had 5 catches and a TD. Nice addition for my MSU alumni collection

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg.html)

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg.html)

12-21-2013, 03:45 PM
Just picked up this Muhsin Muhammad jersey with Bears and JO COA from Sept 30 v Lions. Moose had 5 catches and a TD. Nice addition for my MSU alumni collection

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg.html)

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg.html)

Awesome Muhsin!

If you decide to move any of the Bears Muhsin jerseys, let me know!

12-21-2013, 08:45 PM
+1. ill post a piece for all of you tomorrow I promise. its not a J-WEBB though so don't get your hopes up! PS a Stephen paea is a 300-400 piece.

Believe it when I see it, nothing wrong with a J-Webb, if that's what you collect.

What does the Paea jersey have to do with anything?

12-22-2013, 11:37 AM
Just picked up this Muhsin Muhammad jersey with Bears and JO COA from Sept 30 v Lions. Moose had 5 catches and a TD. Nice addition for my MSU alumni collection

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad8_zps69434db7.jpg.html)

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/muhammad7_zpsb277f362.jpg.html)

Nice pickup, I almost forgot he was a captain.

12-22-2013, 04:26 PM
thanks! Been looking for a Captain's patch jersey for awhile, this one just came out of nowhere.

12-22-2013, 05:33 PM
Nice pick up perlman..thanks for getting this thread back on track.

12-22-2013, 06:20 PM
Nice Moose Perlman,
Mine has been posted from way back, but with tonights game and all I thought I'd re-up and try to get a little lucky mojo goin on.

http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af27/BearDown3454/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/102_3306.jpg (http://s990.photobucket.com/user/BearDown3454/media/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/102_3306.jpg.html)

http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af27/BearDown3454/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/a409416e.jpg (http://s990.photobucket.com/user/BearDown3454/media/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/a409416e.jpg.html)

http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af27/BearDown3454/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/102_3304.jpg (http://s990.photobucket.com/user/BearDown3454/media/Game%20Used%20Bears%20Jerseys/Muhammad/102_3304.jpg.html)

Lets go Bears, 38-24 over the eagles tonight. BearDown

12-22-2013, 07:07 PM
Love the inscription! I know many in Chicago thought Moose was a bust, but I think he was one of he best Spartans alum that made it to the NFL

12-22-2013, 07:09 PM
This is my other Moose
http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/IMAG0164.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/IMAG0164.jpg.html)

http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/perlman9/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/IMAG0165.jpg (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/perlman9/media/MSU%20Alumni%20Football%20Game%20Worn%20Jersey%20C Ollection/IMAG0165.jpg.html)

12-22-2013, 07:30 PM
Nice, didnt realize you had two, I always rooted for him. I live in Charlotte so i was fortunate enough to see him several times. He was just as excited to see and sign his Bears jersey for me. Very cool reaction. I know its been a good topic as to "would you get your jersey signed or not", but for me i love seeing the reaction of the players. Its always been pretty cool to see them light up and get excited.

12-22-2013, 07:35 PM
Awesome story, I also have 2 of his Panthers. Always seemed like a class act.

12-23-2013, 09:48 PM
What I believe is a Mike Brown rookie jersey although I haven't been able to find a photo match yet. The jersey has tons of hit marks and team repairs which are consistent with other Bears jerseys I have with repairs.



12-24-2013, 09:07 PM
Man I love that brown jersey. If u ever want to move it to a new home please keep me in mind. Thanks for sharing.

12-26-2013, 04:08 PM
Did someone mention on this thread a few weeks ago that the Bradley Super Bowl jersey someone posted wasn't game worn? I remember reading it but don't remember when it was posted. Anyway, I just saw the jersey on Ebay for 1300 and was wondering if it's good?


12-26-2013, 05:40 PM
Did someone mention on this thread a few weeks ago that the Bradley Super Bowl jersey someone posted wasn't game worn? I remember reading it but don't remember when it was posted. Anyway, I just saw the jersey on Ebay for 1300 and was wondering if it's good?


Take it for what it's worth, but I went back and fourth with Mark Bradley on Twitter. He said that he was given 2 Super Bowl jerseys and he still owns one. The other was given to a benefit auction. He felt that the jersey in question was not his.

12-26-2013, 07:04 PM
Let me be the first to start this thread off right with one major grail piece in my collection. I'm sure there will be more to follow. Sorry for the delay, Enjoy!!!

12-26-2013, 07:20 PM

12-26-2013, 08:03 PM
Lets keep this Line Backer theme going a multi game worn Briggs 09' bca captains jersey...

12-26-2013, 08:08 PM
Soon to be arriving any day now...

08-20-2014, 08:19 PM
Is this one any good. Ends 8/28 ami.com

08-21-2014, 06:58 PM
Could this be a match?



09-20-2014, 08:05 PM
Any idea why the Peppers throwback is the only one with the Reebok tagging on the front left bottom?

09-29-2014, 11:27 PM
Football fumbled by Walter Payton in 1986 at Atlanta, recovered by Tony Casillas.

09-30-2014, 08:15 AM
BVC - Nice football, did you get it from Tony Casillas?

09-30-2014, 10:32 AM
BVC - Nice football, did you get it from Tony Casillas?

Thanks. No, got it from Paragon. Knowing that players sometimes lie about game-used items, I never felt comfortable buying them unless they were photo-matched or had better provenance - this was my first.

09-30-2014, 05:32 PM
Football fumbled by Walter Payton in 1986 at Atlanta, recovered by Tony Casillas.

Congrats! It's an awesome pickup!

10-04-2014, 12:09 AM
Anyone have something game used or practice used of Henry Melton for sale gloves,pants,or jersey please let me know email is king_miah25@yahoo.com thanks.

10-08-2014, 11:22 AM
Does anyone have any of the new Nike jerseys(2012-pres) they are looking to get rid of? No preference on player or number, just looking for something to wear on gameday. E-mail me at welterdan@hotmail.com THanks!

10-08-2014, 11:27 AM
Does anyone have any of the new Nike jerseys(2012-pres) they are looking to get rid of? The player or number doesn't matter, just looking for something to wear on gamedays. E-mail me at welterdan@hotmail.com

10-10-2014, 01:52 PM
In my short time as Administrator, I've recieved multiple email complaints or comments regarding posts in this thread. Let's clean this thread up please. I went back almost a year and deleted well over 100 posts. These posts were either off topic, offensive, a direct insult to another member or simply belong in another section. This thread has some great followers and terrific activity, thank you for that and I encourage your continued participation. However, please make sure it stays on topic, which should be, sharing photos and descriptions of your Chicago Bears stuff. If you are looking for an item, we have an Items Wanted section. If you are selling an item, we have a collector to collector section. If you want to troll fellow members, we don't have a section for you. Sound fair? Now, let's see some Bears stuff...

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at gameuseduniverseforum@gmail.com

Doug Reiser

10-10-2014, 09:07 PM
In my short time as Administrator, I've recieved multiple email complaints or comments regarding posts in this thread. Let's clean this thread up please. I went back almost a year and deleted well over 100 posts. These posts were either off topic, offensive, a direct insult to another member or simply belong in another section. This thread has some great followers and terrific activity, thank you for that and I encourage your continued participation. However, please make sure it stays on topic, which should be, sharing photos and descriptions of your Chicago Bears stuff. If you are looking for an item, we have an Items Wanted section. If you are selling an item, we have a collector to collector section. If you want to troll fellow members, we don't have a section for you. Sound fair? Now, let's see some Bears stuff...

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at gameuseduniverseforum@gmail.com

Doug Reiser

A BIG +1

Dave M.

10-11-2014, 07:43 AM
In my short time as Administrator, I've recieved multiple email complaints or comments regarding posts in this thread. Let's clean this thread up please. I went back almost a year and deleted well over 100 posts. These posts were either off topic, offensive, a direct insult to another member or simply belong in another section. This thread has some great followers and terrific activity, thank you for that and I encourage your continued participation. However, please make sure it stays on topic, which should be, sharing photos and descriptions of your Chicago Bears stuff. If you are looking for an item, we have an Items Wanted section. If you are selling an item, we have a collector to collector section. If you want to troll fellow members, we don't have a section for you. Sound fair? Now, let's see some Bears stuff...

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at gameuseduniverseforum@gmail.com

Doug Reiser

Can I get a "Hell yeah!"
(As a cheesehead, I do enjoy reviewing this Bears thread).

10-13-2014, 02:15 PM
To get this thread back on the right path!

The Chicago Bears chose Harris as the 9th pick in the first round of the 1979 NFL Draft. Harris played for the Bears from 1979 to 1984 and again from 1986 to 1988. Harris sat out the entire 1985 season due to a contract dispute with the Bears, and missed being part of one of the most dominating Super Bowl teams of all time. Harris returned in 1986, but a hamstring injury and the contract dispute still lingered over his tenure with the Bears, he signed a free agent contract with the Philadelphia Eagles in the off-season in 1989. He played two years with the Eagles before retiring.

In 1985 Mike Singletary, Todd Bell, and Al Harris were negotiating new contracts. Mike Singletary was given a new one, but Michael McCaskey wouldn't pay Harris and Bell what that were worth so their holdouts lasted all year. They both missed out on the Superbowl, but signed and played the following year.

This jersey dates back to the 1983 and 1984 seasons. There are over a dozen repairs and some are holding others...

Bears jerseys with outstanding use from the 1980's hardly come up for sale so I'm very lucky to have snapped this one up!


10-13-2014, 02:57 PM
To get this thread back on the right path!

The Chicago Bears chose Harris as the 9th pick in the first round of the 1979 NFL Draft. Harris played for the Bears from 1979 to 1984 and again from 1986 to 1988. Harris sat out the entire 1985 season due to a contract dispute with the Bears, and missed being part of one of the most dominating Super Bowl teams of all time. Harris returned in 1986, but a hamstring injury and the contract dispute still lingered over his tenure with the Bears, he signed a free agent contract with the Philadelphia Eagles in the off-season in 1989. He played two years with the Eagles before retiring.

In 1985 Mike Singletary, Todd Bell, and Al Harris were negotiating new contracts. Mike Singletary was given a new one, but Michael McCaskey wouldn't pay Harris and Bell what that were worth so their holdouts lasted all year. They both missed out on the Superbowl, but signed and played the following year.

This jersey dates back to the 1983 and 1984 seasons. There are over a dozen repairs and some are holding others...

Bears jerseys with outstanding use from the 1980's hardly come up for sale so I'm very lucky to have snapped this one up!


Wow, this is an awesome piece! Mind if I ask if you scored this from an auction or private collector?

10-13-2014, 02:59 PM
Never mind! Found it!

10-14-2014, 06:04 AM
Wow, this is an awesome piece! Mind if I ask if you scored this from an auction or private collector?

Thanks! I love this jersey.

11-10-2014, 01:02 PM
Legendary is selling Nathan Vasher's 2006 Chicago Bears jersey and pants from "Comeback of the Year" game... The jersey comes with paperwork from JO Sports which usually means the jersey is is game worn and not washed...

I pulled a pic of the game and it appears that Nathan Vasher had a hell of a grass stain on his right shoulder which is missing from the auction jersey.

Legendary was contacted on November 3rd and as of the writing of this post, the description has not been updated... They were asked if the jersey was washed and if so to disclose that or update the description stating that the jersey doesn't match the pictures from that game...

Crickets... Buyer beware...

12-09-2014, 09:23 AM
Here's what every true Bears fan would definitely call a holy grail! This jersey was donned by Calvin Thomas, the 2nd running back of the Chicago Bears from 1982 through 1988. Jersey was worn in 2nd half of the 1985 as well as the full 1986 season. It shows multiple repairs throughout as well as the paint transfers from the Houston Oilers, Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers.

Based on the available pictures from the Super Bowl Shuffle, Thomas (saxophone) appears to be wearing this jersey!

12-10-2014, 03:12 PM
Here's what every true Bears fan would definitely call a holy grail! This jersey was donned by Calvin Thomas, the 2nd running back of the Chicago Bears from 1982 through 1988. Jersey was worn in 2nd half of the 1985 as well as the full 1986 season. It shows multiple repairs throughout as well as the paint transfers from the Houston Oilers, Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers.

Based on the available pictures from the Super Bowl Shuffle, Thomas (saxophone) appears to be wearing this jersey!

Incredibly AWESOME! The Bears at their best in most of our lifetimes.

Dave Miedema

12-11-2014, 07:02 AM
Thanks Dave!

I'm stocked to be its custodian.

12-11-2014, 08:25 PM
Incredibly AWESOME! The Bears at their best in most of our lifetimes.

Dave Miedema


If you have the time, could you please send me an email? I have an opportunity to buy perhaps a once in a lifetime jersey for myself and I would like to ask you a few questions about it. Thanks!



12-11-2014, 11:12 PM
Added a few to the collection...

Orange Alex Brown
Orange Ogunleye (with Captains patch)
Orange Tommie Harris

These orange alternates, a flippin AWESOME!!!

Also added a
Blue Anthony Adams

Special shout out to Nic for the Adams and Ron for the 3 alternates.

Now I need to find the Tommie Harris throwback that sold on ebay a month ago, so I can have all 4 of his styles.

12-12-2014, 05:12 AM
Congrats on your new additions.

12-12-2014, 08:42 AM
Now to just get some better seating :)

I am trying to decide between picking up like 8 pairs of Soldier Field seats (assorted colors) and make it true stadium seating, or getting 4 theater style recliners.

12-20-2014, 10:52 AM
Sweet Greg Olsen Orange throwback used for multiple years.


12-20-2014, 09:22 PM
where these coming from? these too:


12-20-2014, 10:09 PM
urzaworld - these are coming from a collection of 17 jerseys that recently sold at auction. I bought 3 from the winner of the auction lot....Alex Brown, Ogunleye and Tommie Harris...they are all AWESOME!!! I got to see these 17 jerseys in person, and they are really sick jerseys. Most show tons of use, some with rips. All unwashed and some even still stink...yes I smelled them.

Id suggest grabbing one, as you wont be disappointed.

Good luck!!

12-20-2014, 10:14 PM
urzaworld - these are coming from a collection of 17 jerseys that recently sold at auction. I bought 3 from the winner of the auction lot....Alex Brown, Ogunleye and Tommie Harris...they are all AWESOME!!! I got to see these 17 jerseys in person, and they are really sick jerseys. Most show tons of use, some with rips. All unwashed and some even still stink...yes I smelled them.

Id suggest grabbing one, as you wont be disappointed.

Good luck!!

just contacted seller. I'm going to see them in person tomorrow!

12-20-2014, 10:54 PM
urzaworld - these are coming from a collection of 17 jerseys that recently sold at auction. I bought 3 from the winner of the auction lot....Alex Brown, Ogunleye and Tommie Harris...they are all AWESOME!!! I got to see these 17 jerseys in person, and they are really sick jerseys. Most show tons of use, some with rips. All unwashed and some even still stink...yes I smelled them.

Id suggest grabbing one, as you wont be disappointed.

Good luck!!

Is the seller a member of this site?

12-22-2014, 10:01 AM
Is the seller a member of this site?

Yes, the seller is a member here. Let us know what you pick-up and welcome to Bears game used world!

Don't forget to show us what's in your collection now!

01-04-2015, 04:09 PM
Added a 2010 Tommie Harris throwback...now have all 4 styles of his...hope you enjoy..

Thanks to Scott and Ron for making this happen.

01-05-2015, 07:19 AM

I've been looking to round out my Bennett set for a while...

01-05-2015, 09:12 AM
Thanks...Keep looking the white one will pop up some day!!

I never planned on having all 4 Tommie Harris, but when I landed the alternate from Ron I knew I had to get the throwback..luckily Scott was willing to deal :)

01-05-2015, 09:59 AM
They are out there... I had to let one go when the price got out of hand...

Besides, something better always comes up and I HAVE to have it...

01-06-2015, 08:37 AM
Ron - I doubt Tommie has all four either!!!

The sad thing about the Briggs jerseys, are the pics don't even do them justice. After getting to see you collection in person...it is AMAZING how much use the majority of your jerseys show...incredible!! Truly some of the best of the best.

Side note...I now realize I need to add a Briggs & Urlacher to my collection...need to get a second job :)

01-07-2015, 01:58 AM

I've been looking to round out my Bennett set for a while...

Hello samet, can you post your Martellus Bennett set? thanks

01-07-2015, 06:47 AM
...I now realize I need to add a Briggs & Urlacher to my collection...need to get a second job :)

Take your time looking for the Urlacher! I've been offered at least half a dozen that were either washed or overpriced. It took me about a year to find the one that easily photomatched and came out of Urlachers personal stash.

You'll have no problem finding a Briggs. There's a decent one on AMI now. I would suggest waiting since the prices are likely to come down after he retires.

Just my thoughts...

Good Luck!

01-07-2015, 09:24 AM
I will definitely take my time on an Urlacher, as I think prices will continue to come down on his stuff. I was looking at that Briggs in AMI..it is a nice jersey.

01-07-2015, 12:02 PM
Take your time looking for the Urlacher! I've been offered at least half a dozen that were either washed or overpriced. It took me about a year to find the one that easily photomatched and came out of Urlachers personal stash.

You'll have no problem finding a Briggs. There's a decent one on AMI now. I would suggest waiting since the prices are likely to come down after he retires.

Just my thoughts...

Good Luck!

Hello, is your Martellus Bennett set somewhere on this thread or site I could not find it, I would appreciate it if you can post it.

01-07-2015, 12:08 PM
I don't have a Martellus Bennett set. I never said that I did.

Speaking of showing stuff, when are you going to post your collection?

01-07-2015, 12:20 PM
I think urz is confusing the Bennetts....Samets has 3 EARL BENNETTS (home, alt & TB)

01-07-2015, 12:34 PM
I think urz is confusing the Bennetts....Samets has 3 EARL BENNETTS (home, alt & TB)

oops sorry my bad.. I thought they were Martellus not Earl. I'm just a beginner not like you guys. I have 2 jerseys but they aren't anything special. I got them at bargain price. A home Chester Taylor and Bernard Berrian. I'm hoping some day to have pick ups like you guys. A Urlacher and Briggs are pipe dreams right now. lol

01-07-2015, 01:09 PM
Heck - a NICE Urlacher is a pipe dream for me as well right now :) One day it will be a reality...but that is the fun of this hobby, you don't know what will turn up any given day!!

01-07-2015, 01:15 PM

You should still post them! I have 2 Bernard Berrian jerseys in my collection.

Will be 3 if I see a home one!

01-07-2015, 01:15 PM
I fortified my OL recently with a HOFer to be and a rising star. Orlando Pace orange alternate used in 2009 (and apparently used by John Tait from 2005 - 2008) and Kyle Long white away used in 2014 against the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons. Thanks to all the parties that helped bring this together.

01-07-2015, 01:53 PM

You should still post them! I have 2 Bernard Berrian jerseys in my collection.

Will be 3 if I see a home one!

will do! i'm Vegas for the tech show. When I get home I will.

01-07-2015, 02:20 PM
I fortified my OL recently with a HOFer to be and a rising star. Orlando Pace orange alternate used in 2009 (and apparently used by John Tait from 2005 - 2008) and Kyle Long white away used in 2014 against the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons. Thanks to all the parties that helped bring this together.


Those are seriously awesome pick-ups!!!

Hopefully Pace makes it into HOF! & Long appears to be on the right path to be a Bears legend!

01-07-2015, 04:55 PM
Tychra and BIGSTIG... Those are some serious FANTASTIC snags! Way to go! That seller on Ebay had a motherlode of one-of-a-kind Alt Bears nuggets. Those orange Alts are amazing. Thanks for posting!

01-08-2015, 10:05 AM
Great stuff guys! Does anyone have a Grossman jersey they would part with, or know someone who is selling?

01-08-2015, 12:45 PM
Great stuff guys! Does anyone have a Grossman jersey they would part with, or know someone who is selling?

I wish!

I've been trying to find a Sexy-Rexy jersey for at least a year and a Muhsin Muhammad one as well... At least I know where a small stash of Moose jerseys is...

01-08-2015, 01:23 PM
This is the only Grossman that I own...

It's not game used but a very rare style!

01-08-2015, 02:03 PM
Dang, i thought I was his only fan left!! lol. I've been wanting one for a while. :D

01-08-2015, 07:33 PM
This is the only Grossman that I own...

It's not game used but a very rare style!

Sam, that is an incredible piece of Bear's history!

01-09-2015, 06:55 AM
Sam, that is an incredible piece of Bear's history!


01-10-2015, 10:42 AM
This is the only Grossman that I own...

It's not game used but a very rare style!
Sammy, How could you rate Grossman as far as "greats" in QBs the Bears have had last 10-15 yrs?

01-11-2015, 02:48 AM
Sammy, How could you rate Grossman as far as "greats" in QBs the Bears have had last 10-15 yrs?

i meant "where' would you rate him as a great QB... Myself, I think he would have to be in the top 3 since he did lead that team to the Super Bowl.

01-11-2015, 03:27 PM
i meant "where' would you rate him as a great QB... Myself, I think he would have to be in the top 3 since he did lead that team to the Super Bowl.

I wouldn't really say that Grossman "led" the Bears to the SB, they didn't make it because of Grossman, that's for sure. The Bears made it to the SB because of the defense, not the offense or Grossman.

01-11-2015, 10:26 PM
I wouldn't really say that Grossman "led" the Bears to the SB, they didn't make it because of Grossman, that's for sure. The Bears made it to the SB because of the defense, not the offense or Grossman.

All and All still a beautiful jersey. If you ever want to move that grail let me know Sammy.

01-12-2015, 07:15 AM
Sammy, How could you rate Grossman as far as "greats" in QBs the Bears have had last 10-15 yrs?

As far as Chicago QB's go, he's a top 3 quarterback. With that said, this means we have had some terrible quarterbacks in the last... who am I kidding, FOREVER!

The top 3 QB's in Chicago in the last 30 years:

Jim McMahon
1,492 Completions | 2,573 Attempts
58.0 Completion Percentage
18,148 Yards Passing
100 Touchdown Passes | 90 Interceptions

Rex Grossman
521 Completions | 971 Attempts
54.2 Completion Percentage
6,164 Yards Passing
33 Touchdown Passes | 35 Interceptions

Jay Cutler
1628 Completions | 2651 Attempts
32.2 Completion Percentage
18,725 Yards Passing
129 Touchdown Passes | 93 Interceptions

01-12-2015, 09:05 PM
Looks like I made a calculation mistake...

Jay's completion percentage should be 60.1

01-14-2015, 11:32 AM
Here's an eBay special that made me go "Ha?"

At first it looks like a nice game used/ready jersey but then:

It's tagged 2002
Has a patch that was only worn during home games in 2001
Curtis Conway played for the Chicago Bears from 1993 to 1999

This Conway is a No Way...

01-18-2015, 09:53 PM
Sammy your thoughts on this appreciated


01-19-2015, 06:55 AM
It's overpriced.

01-19-2015, 12:18 PM
It's overpriced.

Really?? 175.00 overpriced for a gamer? I was asking your thoughts on authenticity of jersey as a game used item, not the value. An authentic cost 125.00, you would think 50.00 more for a game used item isn't overpriced.
Thanks all the same

01-19-2015, 03:39 PM

You asked for my thoughts on this item. I gave you my thoughts.

01-20-2015, 04:06 AM

You asked for my thoughts on this item. I gave you my thoughts.

Sammy, I apologize if I seem out of line. I thought that you, being the veteran in the hobby, would shed some light on the particulars of the jersey said. Mainly being physical specifics of the shirt. But as I ramble through old posts of this vast thread, I've noticed that for you price consciousness comes first in factor deciding decisions. Again apologies, its not rocket science and being so new the hobby I've no right to"step on toes" on how one fellow defines his collection opposed to another.

01-20-2015, 06:48 AM
... I've noticed that for you price consciousness comes first in factor deciding decisions. ...


You are correct. I, like many on this forum have to juggle student loans, mortgages, car payments and daycare expenses.

I am very price conscious! I also do my homework and pay a fair price.

Here's an example:

You can go to eBay and search for an Urlacher game used jersey and you will find this gem (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chicago-Bears-Brian-Urlacher-Reebok-Game-Used-Autographed-Jersey-Item-424113-/231217372861?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35d5a11ebd) for $7,999.95 or do some digging and find this gem (http://www.ebay.com/itm/2005-Brian-Urlacher-Chicago-Bears-NFL-Authentic-Game-Jersey-Auto-GFC-ESA-COA-/261229763887?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cd281dd2f) for $6,375.00 Both jerseys seem nice and show some game use and someone could assume that this is the going rate for an Urlacher... What if I told you that I know a guy that is selling a rock solid provenance Urlacher jersey with amazing use for 1/2 the price of these two?

Let's move on! Still waiting to see your jerseys!

01-20-2015, 08:43 PM
I don't think Lincoln wore this in a game. I haven't been able to find a photo of him wearing a jersey that didn't have cuffed sleeves.

Sammy your thoughts on this appreciated


01-20-2015, 09:30 PM

I see your getting acquainted with the resident expert around here welcome!

In your GU journey just remember that all jersey's and swag aren't the same with star power, rarity, stats, usage and PM's being some of the bigger determining factors in values.

You can probably find a Lacher under 5K if you looked long & hard enough for around 3,500-4,500 as there are some 1st - 4th year captain patch jersey's that float around once in awhile if you know where to look and if your really searching for a deal with price your biggest factor look for one without a captains patch if all you care to do is have a representative example.

There are plenty of choices out there depending on whatever you budget is, your goals and what direction you look to take things but just remember that whatever problems you have with an item when you add it to your collection you will incur 2X if you sell or trade down the road as your collection progresses at which time you will receive many "fair" offers I'm sure!

Peace & Happy Hunting

Ron, thanks for the input. Frankly I'm not quite in the Urlacher league yet! Perhaps someday :D ! But i'm more than willing to accept any advice/help I can get. I basically have a bunch of authentic pro-cuts and just recently acquired a few game worn jerseys. I think my previous post may have been taken the wrong way, as I do understand every collector has they're own nuances-which is perfectly fine. My last post was seeking what you guys thought on the physical traits of that jersey not value. Comparative to that Lincoln to a Urclacher is night and day, I get the just of the message that was conveyed but an 5-8k jersey opposed to a 175.00 Lincoln? If you can give me some guidance of what your thoughts on the Lincoln is it would be much appreciated.

01-21-2015, 01:15 AM
I dont think the Lincoln was worn in a game. Team issued at best.

01-21-2015, 02:21 AM
Hey All!
I'm a collector from Holland, europe. Ive been collecting Amsterdam Admirals and Chicago bears items for a couple years now. I have gotten the opportunity to buy one of my holy grail items! So after some sleepless nights ;), i decided to sell Some of my Chicago bears items. The items i'm selling are:

- Dom DeCicco international game Away Jersey (with patch and good wear on the Jersey) 250,-
- Mark Anderson rookie year home game used Jersey 250,-
- Riddel revolution authentic helmet, with Idonije style facemask (straight from Riddel shop) 200,-
- Nike vapor jet 2.0 game gloves (Unworn) 50,-
- Corey Graham practice Jersey and game used pants with hand towel attached 125,-
- Jamar Williams game used game cleat (one!) signed en full of mud and grass, 45,-

The jerseys and gamepants come with certification papers.
If somebody is interested in buying something? Send me a message, wanna buy the whole lot? we can negotiate a price. I have pictures of every item.

01-21-2015, 02:34 AM
Please send pics of the Anderson rookie to me.


01-22-2015, 07:03 PM

If the Anderson is still for sale, would love to see some pics.

Thanks - Nick

01-28-2015, 06:06 PM
A couple gems on eBay today. The Payne is nice but whoever got the Orange alt got the treasure!



02-08-2015, 12:10 AM

02-12-2015, 09:29 PM
Pale, simply jaw dropping! can you hit me up with an email and let me know if you can let a non-statistical Peanut go in your endless supply of sic Sh*t?? thanks man, you are da man


02-17-2015, 09:44 AM
Sick jerseys. The alt orange ones are my favorite

02-24-2015, 05:35 PM
The orange alternates are great looking jerseys, seems like Pale and Nick are the only ones posting any jerseys lately. Harvey and BU54CB, you two have had to pick up something lately, if either of you have any from the games in my signature please let me know.

03-03-2015, 08:26 AM
Here's an interesting jersey that I have added recently to my collection. It's a jersey made for Stuart Rindy who only played 3 games for the Chicago Bears. But these were not your regular games and he was not your regular Bear! Stuart and players like him were called "scabs" and "spare Bears" He was part of the squad that replaced the regular players during the 1987 NFL strike.

This jersey is an early example of the customizing that would spread throughout the league such as elastic sides and cuffed sleeves...


03-04-2015, 10:19 AM
Here's another beauty recently added to my collection.

It's a late 1950's through at least 1963 away jersey of Rick Casares.
We all know how hard it is to photomatch a jersey and this one was a breeze of a photomatch!
I have it photomatched to the 9/15/1963 Green Bay Packers at City Stadium game as well as a Lions game from an unknown date. I'm still looking for other pictures of the away games from late 50's through 1964 so there should be more photomatches...

Jersey exhibits several team repairs notably the numbers were re-sewn several times by the team and that can be easily seen in the Green Bay game.

1963 is also the year the Bears went 11-1-2 and won the NFL Championship!


03-04-2015, 09:55 PM
Nice stuff, really like the Casares

03-05-2015, 07:23 AM
Nice stuff, really like the Casares

Thank you! It's a beauty!

03-05-2015, 05:46 PM
Here's another beauty recently added to my collection.

It's a late 1950's through at least 1963 away jersey of Rick Casares.
We all know how hard it is to photomatch a jersey and this one was a breeze of a photomatch!
I have it photomatched to the 9/15/1963 Green Bay Packers at City Stadium game as well as a Lions game from an unknown date. I'm still looking for other pictures of the away games from late 50's through 1964 so there should be more photomatches...

Jersey exhibits several team repairs notably the numbers were re-sewn several times by the team and that can be easily seen in the Green Bay game.

1963 is also the year the Bears went 11-1-2 and won the NFL Championship!

'MAGNIFICENT old Bears gamer! Good job in winning this gem.

Dave Miedema

03-06-2015, 01:47 PM

Thanks! I was surprised where the final price ended up.

Feels like I won the lottery. I have some more cool stuff coming in so stay tuned... I'll be posting a few things that were tucked away in a private collection for too long...

03-09-2015, 11:20 AM
2001 Jerry Azumah
This is a one year only style jersey featuring a Champion style jock tag.


03-09-2015, 05:42 PM
I like that helmet tag that is unique to 2001 Reebok gamers (the few teams that still ordered from Adidas didn't have an equivalent. I would be remiss to not mention, however, that more than a few 2001s were also used in 2002, meaning the same tail tag, but the newer version of the NFL neck logo. This one's pure 2001...it's a winner.

Dave Miedema

03-10-2015, 02:28 PM
Thanks Dave!

03-11-2015, 10:01 AM
Here's one of my grails that I have chased ever since I started collecting game used jerseys.
There are a few team issued but not game used 1994 throwbacks around but I wanted an honest game used one.

I came close to buying what appeared to be a game used Butler but the photomatch was not there.
There are rumors of these game used throwbacks floating around in private collections but up until last week, I have never seen one.

Tory Epps was a defensive tackle that played for the Bears from 1993 through 1994 seasons before being traded to New Orleans.

The jersey exibits game use. These jerseys were only worn during 3 games in 1994.


03-11-2015, 03:02 PM
Here's one of my grails that I have chased ever since I started collecting game used jerseys.
There are a few team issued but not game used 1994 throwbacks around but I wanted an honest game used one.

I came close to buying what appeared to be a game used Butler but the photomatch was not there.
There are rumors of these game used throwbacks floating around in private collections but up until last week, I have never seen one.

Tory Epps was a defensive tackle that played for the Bears from 1993 through 1994 seasons before being traded to New Orleans.

The jersey exibits game use. These jerseys were only worn during 3 games in 1994.



03-12-2015, 07:04 AM
The jersey shows game use and has been washed.

Thanks for looking!

03-12-2015, 10:53 AM
I have only found a few pictures from those 3 games so photomatching anything short of a star player is tough. I did request the 3 games on DVD but am not holding my breath for a photomatch since the quality of the recording will be marginal at best. I also have the 1994/95 season yearbook coming, in case there's a picture of him in there.

In person the jersey does show usage and discoloration on white fabric. It has been washed at least a few times.

So where do we stand?
Is there a concrete photomatch, No. I will not give up and with time I'm sure I will find a picture of someone else with him in it.
Do I feel comfortable adding this as a game used 1994 throwback jersey to my collection, Yes.

The only picture of him in this jersey that I can find is from the Team Photo:

03-12-2015, 11:06 AM
I had a '94 Blue Bills throwback in my collection for a while. It was the only Bills blue throwback I'd seen that was legit on the market. I had one from the white throwback game as well, but it was obvious it had not been used as it wasn't even plated.
Anyway, years of looking for an exact photo match came and went and although I could never find a picture of this lineman I (and the person I traded it too) considered it to be game worn. How could it not be? This jersey (keep in mind I can only speak to the Bills Champion jerseys, not the Bears) was only wore in 1 game during the 94 season. There was never a replica reproduction version made, and these were not made for public purchase during the 1994 season either.
So, maybe there was a gamer and an extra for each player made. Thats two at most per player. Its not like the 49ers in that it was wore for multiple games. The Bills wore their throwback blue once, against the Broncos. It was by no means hammered, but it showed use to be sure.
For me, and everyone I had ever shown the jersey to, no one had a problem with considering it game worn and the offers I got more than reflected that.
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck. In some instances thats all we have, and if thats not good enough... then sadly maybe a once in a lifetime collection piece would get away.. and thats ok if its not up to that persons standards and if it is, well than its a great score and add to a collection.

FWIW, awesome looking jersey and if I was a Bears collector I'd be jealous for sure!!!

03-12-2015, 01:28 PM
I saqw this one, which, was really cool... but the lister says is wasnt actually game worn..


And IVE never seen this before... a custom 94 throwback? I wish they made these for the Bills just so I could wear such a rare style!!!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHICAGO-BEARS-94-AUTHENTIC-THROWBACK-JERSEY-KEVIN-BUTLER-BRAND-NEW-NEVER-WORN/400877154377?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%2 6asc%3D28774%26meid%3D248a53a5f64744da91a1d1e8598e 52c3%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D271 796516141

03-12-2015, 05:23 PM
One of the main differences between gamers and issued ones I have seen appears to be the placement of the chest numbers and the size of the jerseys.

About a year ago there was a guy that had all of the stars from that team. They were all authentic models.

From what I understand, Chicago Bears sold authentic and game issued jerseys directly to the public.

03-12-2015, 08:17 PM
I hear you the orange alts they have fast become my favorites out of the 4-styles as well.

Those jerseys IMO just pop when your looking at them its almost like they are on fire!

Attached is #88 Desmond Clark worn 2005-2009 and DC put up some nice stats in the 2006 game vs SF with 2 TD's.

The HA orange alt lot turned out to be a treasure trove with almost all of the jerseys worn anywhere from 1-5 years apiece, and many having nice wear and/or stats.

Anyone lucky enough to have scored a jersey out of this lot for their collection did well 4 themselves as with many of the players this was their only orange alt jersey worn during their time with the Bears.

I'm scratching my head on this one a bit, I don't see a photo match and not really seeing game use on the jersey. Is there evidence of wear or a photo match indicating use?

03-19-2015, 04:28 AM
This post will be the 15th since we last saw an actual photo of a Bears GU item on this thread. All but a few of the posts have been trash talking, insults, and the like.

Can we PLEASE give up on the bickering and go back to posting game-used/issued Bears items?

Dave Miedema

03-19-2015, 12:54 PM
good god...
head to wood.
Its like watching garbage tv.
You dont wanna watch, but cant help it because of all the "wow, did he/she really just say that?"
I always wonder if they see how bad they look or how stupid they sound when they watch their own show... because I'm sure they have too watch themselves..

Its sad this has turned into my garbage tv thread and the great jerseys and great info have all come secondary to this particluar shows star

To keep my post on topic:

There's a Payne on eBay if anyone is looking for a cheap Bears jersey...
(It's not mine)

03-19-2015, 09:05 PM
Much better! Thanks to the posters.

Dave M.

03-23-2015, 05:50 AM
Let's keep this thread on topic.

Here's one of the recent pick-ups... David Terrell home jersey: