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View Full Version : Charles Manson double signed bank checks

12-16-2009, 05:32 AM
Did you guys see this lot of Charles Manson checks. Double signed, made out to him self for the amount of $1million, and dated Aug. 22 1969. Would someone be able to open a bank account in his name? I would never have any interest in owning these checks but definitely interesting.

12-16-2009, 08:38 AM
Were did that lot sell, ebay or a auction house.

12-16-2009, 11:57 AM
I think I remember an article that ebay banned all sales of murderer memorabilia. About 10 years ago I remember seeing one seller who kept posting John Wayne Gacy's clown paintings for a few K each...

12-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Those checks do not look that old. Did they really have monopoly themed checks in 1969?

12-16-2009, 12:26 PM
A couple of things on this one...

The checks look new, but Manson (even though in prison) has a bazillion nutty fans that will do just about anything for him. Including ordering a but-load of checks with his name (and probably their own bank account)...and send them to him to sign en masse in order to turn a profit.

The date is significant to a history buff, because Sharon Tate and Co. were killed in August of 1969.

On a side note, there is this dude who sets up at the STL 3 day shows and has a ton of this kind of stuff...Manson sigs, Gacy Paintings, Porn star memorabilia - you name it, he has it. He also has a bunch of Fleer checks, etc. too - but he says he makes a mint on the killer and porno items.

It's a shame that a dude like Manson has followers doing things like this. Still. Just sayin'

12-16-2009, 03:41 PM
I was thinking the same thing as Ziggy.

Lelands has had handwritten prison signed letters from Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz, etc. The Berkowitz letter told the guy to quit sending him gay pornograph, as he wasn't gay.

12-16-2009, 10:13 PM
I own a letter from Albert De Salvo to the warden where he was imprisoned complaining about how he is being treated. I bought it the same time Sebastian Junger's book came out about De Salvo "probably" not being the Boston Stranger.

12-17-2009, 12:12 AM
Is this a joke? I never realized Manson had so many millions. And what did he do with all that cash?

12-17-2009, 12:43 AM
Say thank you to Steve Koschal.

One of the masterminds behind autographalert.com.

12-17-2009, 12:47 AM
Say thank you to Steve Koschal.

One of the masterminds behind autographalert.com.

I'm confused by this. Is he the guy that got Manson to sign the checks?

12-17-2009, 01:55 AM
Were there more checks in the lot than what is pictured? The check number sequence looks scattered:

12-17-2009, 02:10 AM
The auction was for just the ten of them. Who ever had Manson signing these things probably had him sign a ton. The checks are from iconic memorabilia. I did not put a link because I think that they block people from this site. Here is the link but I don't think it will work.


12-17-2009, 10:14 AM
Say thank you to Steve Koschal.

One of the masterminds behind autographalert.com.

I personally would like to say "Thank you" to Steve Koschal and www.autographalert.com (http://www.autographalert.com/) for the fine job they do in exposing the garbage certain individuals and companies wish you did not see.

As for the Manson items, perhaps you should contact Todd Mueller for actual information, not speculation

12-17-2009, 01:19 PM
bad taste has no boundaries

12-17-2009, 01:50 PM
My comment was that Koschal was responsible for the Gacy paintings.

I should have quoted the comment by the previous poster.

As far as the Mansons, one dealer (Could have been Mueller) opened a bank account for him just to sign the checks. I'm sure I read this in the Serial Killer book I bought at B&N.

With the cult following Manson has, I wouldnt be surprised if these brought in a good amount of coin.

12-19-2009, 11:19 AM
Personally, I wouldn't pay 5 cents for every damned one of them.
Some would call that "bad business". I just call it "over the line".

12-19-2009, 10:55 PM
This stuff goes pretty far http://www.supernaught.com/store/index.php

12-21-2009, 10:37 AM
Say thank you to Steve Koschal.

One of the masterminds behind autographalert.com.

I assume that this is in reference to my mention of autographalert.com on other threads. I am not endorsing Koschal and from what I have heard about him he is no saint. His website has legitmate facts and pictures of the errors made by third party authenticators. Other sites such as Richard Simon Sports have similar information. If this information were false and they were making up stories and faking photos, where are the lawsuits? If you had a business and someone was publicly spreading vicious lies and falsehoods about your business that would deter people from patronizing your business easily accessible by current and potential customers of yours and the rest of the world, wouldn't you get a lawyer go to court, get an injunction to immediately stop the flow of the false information and seek large punitive damages to deter others from engaging in similar conduct towards you?

12-21-2009, 11:18 AM
Hhmm, let me guess.......

you're a lawyer?

12-21-2009, 06:24 PM
I assume that this is in reference to my mention of autographalert.com on other threads. I am not endorsing Koschal and from what I have heard about him he is no saint. His website has legitmate facts and pictures of the errors made by third party authenticators. Other sites such as Richard Simon Sports have similar information. If this information were false and they were making up stories and faking photos, where are the lawsuits? If you had a business and someone was publicly spreading vicious lies and falsehoods about your business that would deter people from patronizing your business easily accessible by current and potential customers of yours and the rest of the world, wouldn't you get a lawyer go to court, get an injunction to immediately stop the flow of the false information and seek large punitive damages to deter others from engaging in similar conduct towards you?

Nice reply on what you assumed, but it was not a correct assumption.